Vigan |
Each skill must have 1 point and no skill can have more than 8 points initially.
Helps to read the instructions, derp.
I think I'll also forgo all human traits and just rely on my bonus tool manipulation from Vine stock and telepathy. This gives an extra physical mutation, as I understand.
1d100 ⇒ 60 Nocturnal (D)
Hmm, that's kind of cool actually but I can't have more than 1 physical defect, and already have Double Pain, right?
1d100 ⇒ 89 Vocal Imitation
DM, I'd like to begin play with a mount if possible. What would be the cost for a horse?

Vigan |
Ok, riding stagon, not horse. Found it.
Bow,long 35
24arrows 5
Dagger 6
Studded 25
backpack 5
boots 10
compass 6
lantern 4
oil 3
map 5
matchsticks 8
paper,quill&ink 2
rope 2
saddle 15
scissors 3
sextant 12
shovel 5
spyglass 10
stagon,riding 100
tool(crosscut saw) 10
waterskin 1
total spent 272
remaining pocket change 28
...and I believe I am all set. Profile for full details.
Cryptic Alliance PM coming soon.

Zera |

Just as a note, I haven't fully equipped my character, but will try to do that later today or tomorrow. I have armor and a bow, and the stuff I rolled for, but you know, need a melee weapon and other normal stuff and knicknacks. :) Sorry for slowness.

Zera |

Three availability questions:
Is a bulletproof vest available? That's tech level IV, but I would like to buy it.
Also, a Tech Level IV Toolset, if possible. Here is a d20 roll to see the cost and bonus of one that I can buy, if applicable:
Toolkit cost/bonus: 1d20 ⇒ 4
That would be a +1 Toolkit at 250 Domar cost (but if there are multiple available, let me know if any are higher bonus/more costly).
And, hey, let's go for broke. Is a Taser available? If so, that could be super useful. Looks like that is 1200 Domars, but I have that much left, so I could afford it if there is one to be found.

Tintoretto |

On the trip, Tintoretto will attempt to subtly practice his skills at detecting and identifying the mental powers of his new teammates. I suspect he won't get anything from Vigan.
How much would a plastic tarp or small tent cost? With the cart, I'm already off the ground, but protection from the elements would be nice.

Vigan |
Forgive my rules ignorance, first time with GW...
Repair artifact: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Can you explain why the skill bonus is added to the d20 here, and what the 19 means? I was under the impression the skill rolls were:
"If d20+DR <= Score, success."
So for example, if this was an 'Easy' DR 0 skill challenge for repair, we would look at:
13+0 <= 6
This statement is false, so the skill check isn't a success.
Am I totally misunderstanding this? Sorry.

Insnare |

Yeah, so attribute checks are done like you would do them in AD&D, so it is your attribute or lower is considered a success. If your PS is 18 and you roll a 15 you succeed. I do this because the higher your attribute is the more likely you should succeed.
For me, for skill checks I am going to use your standard 3e of D&D roll because I don't have to think about it too much. Roll your d20+ whatever your skill bonus is and then if it hits the Target number you succeed.

Vigan |
Okay, so just to make sure I get it now, in the old system:
d20+DR <= Score
If my skill score was 5 and DR 0, I would have a 25% chance of success.
If we change the equation to newer style:
d20+Score >= DR
To get the same 25% chance of success, the 'Easy' DR 0 would need to be increased to 10. Then,
Challenging 15
Tough 20
Nearly impossible 25
Is this right? Thanks.

![]() |
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Hello Friends
I have unfortunately had a health crisis come up and find myself needing to step away from the boards for a time while I work on getting better.
I am really sorry for all the games I play and more so for the ones that I run. I do not know how long it will be before I come back onto the boards, but I hope it is not too long.
Please take care of your selves and I wish you all health and wellness.

Vigan |
DM, I might try out my levitation mutation here. But I was wondering, is there any way to estimate how many I could capture with the effect of 13 (+1)? I know thats a certain amount of kg by the rulebook, just wondering if my character would be able to gauge how many of the creatures I could pick up. Thanks.

Zera |

FYI, I am on Christmas break December 16-January 2. I might get on somewhere in there, but the likelihood is not high. I will have zillions of relatives here taking up all my availability. Apologies. Please bot me or have me lapse into a coma or whatever for the duration, and I'll check back in in a couple of weeks.

P'Reena |

What is happening to me: I am asking for a pass for the next few days. On Tuesday, my father-in-law collapsed and went into heart failure. They revived him and took him to the ICU where he has been since. Yesterday evening, he was talking and sitting up and asking for water when we left visiting hours. We no sooner got home when they called to tell us that he had coded again (this is the fourth time in as many days). He is currently in cascading organ failure. We have him on dialysis to try to clear his kidneys and jump-start his metabolism, but right now, the only thing keeping him alive is the ventilator and the pacemaker they put in. I don't know how long this will go on, but I ask if I fall behind, you be understanding.

P'Reena |
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Just a heads-up: my wife is having a hip replacement Friday, so for the next six weeks, she is going to be in recovery mode and I will be handling the house. If I'm late with posts, please be forgiving.