Lizardfolk Stalker

Tintoretto's page

78 posts. Alias of Philo Pharynx.


AC 21, HP 46, Perception +1

About Tintoretto

PS: 6
DX: 7
CN: 12
MS: 12
IN: 13
CH: 15
SN: 12

THAC Melee -1
Bite attack 19
Rhac Ranged -1
AC 24
MHAC Mental Invis +2
MHAC Telepathy 0
MHAC Empathy +1
MHAC Telekinesis +2
MHAC TK Hand +1
MD 11
Use Artifacts +1
Perception +1
Stealth -1
Remain Unseen +1
Speed 5
Robot Recognition 12

ID mental power 6
Photographic memory 4
Sense mental powers 6
literate, can ride, hold breath 5 min
Building skill (Peace Brigade)

Bitr attack 1d6+14, heal half if fleshy target
Mental Invisibility - 27m radius.
Telepathy - 100m range, 5km with willing telepath, 5km scan range for minds
Empathy - 25m range?
Thought Imitation - Replay mental power experienced in last 24 hours - use same poer and roll
Telekinesis - Range 35m PS 15, no fine manipulation
Telekinetic Hand - Range 30m DX 14, PS 5

Bulletproof Vest
Utility Cart
Building tools
Solar Power Cell
Slate and Chalk
Plastalloy brick (d8 TK weapon)
Revolver (2d8 weapon) 12 rounds
3 weeks rations
Plastic Tarp
95 domars