Shifting Sands

Game Master Stiehle

Mummy's Mask Pathfinder (1e) Adventure Path

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Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Soumral detects no magic in the area of the golem, nor in the part of the newly discovered room - as far as her magic can reach at any rate.

Are you headed up the passage to detect magic in the rest of the room as well?

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Francis studies the golem once it activates. Using the message he speaks quietly to the team, "Don't enter that room. I think that the golem is guarding something in there. Possibly to keep thieves out. Try closing the door."

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none
Francis Thrannel wrote:
Francis studies the golem once it activates. Using the message he speaks quietly to the team, "Don't enter that room. I think that the golem is guarding something in there. Possibly to keep thieves out. Try closing the door."

Devin flicks a glance at Francis, pauses to visibly think it over for a second, and then shrugs as if to say "Well, you're standing beside it, not me...". Then he closes the door...

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Soumral backs away so the door can be closed.

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

"I think we are going to have to deal with this monstrosity. We can move to protect the weaker among us first if we wish, or just hold off until there is nothing else to do. But we all know that the fate that Pharasma decrees is bound to happen." Nevitash says as he examines the bone creature in front of him and wonders what foul magic put the bones together.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

”Fate and the light of Ra will prevail if battle cannot be avoided.”

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Having Devin and Soumral looking for traps and detecting magic better than he can, Elliander stands close by the golem. He has his mace and shield ready, should the golem start to attack them, be he is reluctant to start swinging if it remains dormant.

If Francis insists on examining the golem, Elliander will help him, using what knowledge he has about such constructs.
Knowledge(Arcana): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19 help identifying any weaknesses

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Closing the door again doesn't appear to have any immediate effect - the bone golem continues to stand ominously in the cross-passage, not moving at all. Elliander knows that adamantine - and specifically bludgeoning - weapons would be effective against this particular golem. He also knows that golems are generally immune to magic - and that sometimes spells have unique effects on different types of golems, though he isn't sure about the details of this particular kind.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Francis stands by the golem, waiting for it to do something.... collapse? But nothing happens. "Well, I guess open it back up. We can all go up that way and enter the room? If it follows and attacks maybe keeping it down hill from our group can give us some advantage...."

He moves by being careful not to touch the thing and climbs up the slope.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

[b]"Patience friend, no one is going in that room yet...". Devin re-opens the door and spams his sift cantrip (30' range, searches a 10X10 area at a time) to search the room without entering...

@GM West, I propose to go with 1 roll for the whole room, rather than roll 7 or so and have to decide which one covers what area, if you would rather do it the other way, let me know...

Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 5 = 25
7 ranks+3 trained +5 eyes of the eagle+2 dimdweller +2 tears to wine +2 heroism +2 Heightened Awareness-5 sift

@ Party, do we have any adamantine bludgeoning weapons? Could we try to CDG this thing while it's inactive?

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

I lack adamantine and bludgeoning. We could try and attack it before it attacks us, but I would be surprised if it just stood there and took it.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Fireday, the 18th day of Desnus, 4714 AR
Weather is clear and a little hot (about 95 degrees) with very little wind.
One hour before sunset


Devin notices three things in the room. Two other secret doors - one on the west wall, and another on the south wall about ten feet away from the one they just opened - as well as the fact that one of the sarcophagi has been tampered with. The others are all quite sealed and look like they have been for centuries, but one of them (marked with a red X on the map) was opened some time after it was sealed closed - though the half-orc can't tell how long ago that might have been.


Map of Dark Depository

Map/Guide of Tephu


PC Health & Adventure Notes:

Francis 53/53 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Nevitash 71/71 [See Invisibility for 35 minutes; Magic Vestments (+1 enhancement bonus to armor) for 6.5 hours; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Elliander 63/63 [Armor Crystal - DR 1, has absorbed 1 (of 10) damage this day; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Dancing Lights for 7 minutes]

Amenhep 58/58 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Devin 59/59 [Barkskin for 220 minutes; Heroism for 120 minutes; Heightened Awareness (+2 to Perception) for 35 minutes; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Soumral 51/51 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

Devin closes the secret door again, and reports what he found with sift. Then he continues "I suspect Francis is right - if any of us go into one of these rooms, the golem will come to life and attack. I see three strategies. Strategy one: play for time. I open each of the secret doors beside the face, one after another, and explore beyond them with my cantrips. Depending on what is found, we decide what to do next. Strategy two: aggression. We will need to defeat the golem sooner or later, so let's set ourselves up for tactical advantage, buff up and smash the thing. This may or may not be practical; I have no idea how tough that thing is. Strategy Three: trickery. We all gather up here, and I use another brick wall illusion to screen the golem off. Then we head through the door up here and close it behind us. The problems here are twofold. It may not work, I have no idea if my previous illusion worked, or did we simply not meet the triggering conditions for the golem to act. Also, even if it does work, we will sooner or later have to come back, and I don't have unlimited illusion capacity. Votes, arguments, or any other ideas?"

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

"Not to be too judgmental, but I strongly dislike that this golem uses the bones of the dead. We should see them placed for final rest." Nevitash says as he examines the undead.

I am going to use my Studied Target on it. It is not an attack, so I do not think it will provoke it. I just look at it funny. If I think this would be construed as an attack I will refrain from doing it. Since it has non-combat bonuses associated with it, I do not think it counts as an attack, but who knows.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Nevitash, it's no problem to use Studied Target on the bone golem to gain bonuses if combat erupts. Using this ability is NOT an attack, IMO.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

Ok, we have 1 vote for fight the golem (Nev), 1 abstain (although leaning towards play for time. Anybody else want to chime in?

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Soumral is pretty much locked out in terms of doing anything to the golem. Constructs aren't really one of her specialties either. Her suggestions are therefore weak sauce.

"Well... I can drop it in a pit while the rest of you go to work on it. A few problems there: First, that also puts it out of reach of most weapons that we have on hand. Second, we can't do much to harm it anyway. While it's in a pit we're safe, probably, but it just lets us bide our time to no purpose. Third, the pit isn't forever so we're eventually no better off."

"I can also use a spell that will lend speed to your actions and reflexes (Haste). But as things stand, you'd just be not hurting it at a more rapid rate."

"Frankly, I'm stumped."

There used to be an adamantine flail around, but I've no idea what happened to it.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

"My spiritual weapon spell might hurt it, but I can't be sure.... Anyway, the priests of Nethys must have a way to get by safely. Maybe wearing a mask of Nethys, or holy symbol? There must be some way to shut it down without destroying it or it would already be destroyed."

Might be best to buff and attack now before we face whatever else is in here. With Elliander having the only adamantine weapon I'd say we need to protect and buff him the most. Note: The DR probably won't disable all damage. Just the weaker ones, like mine!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

If it helps the decision-making here, you realize that you are in a library where you must spend time poring over the various tomes and books over several hours. It's early evening up top, so if you plan to do your research now, you'll probably be up most of the night.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

If we need to be here for several hours, I think we need to clear the place of hostiles, so, that tips my vote to fight. Do we have a consensus? Devin, Nev, ?Francis?. We need votes from Amenhep, Elliander and Sourmal.

I have put letters on the map - D is Devin, E is Elliander, and so forth - to propose an attack formation to start the fight. All our melee types should have flanking bonus and be able to attack... If I start us off with a round of bard song (move action) and a spear thrust (standard), that's everyone at +3 to hit and damage (+1 morale flagbearer and +2 competence inspire courage...

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Soumral consents to a fight. Maybe we can even win.

Not much for Soumral to do directly, but she can use her Reveal Weakness school power to knock -3 of its AC each turn. I suppose more hits will help compensate for the reduced damage. She'll cast Haste on everyone immediately before combat commences.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

So it's looking like a fight. I'll bot folks as needed, but will send a PM to Amenhep and Elliander. ONE person can get in a free shot before it reacts, I'll tell you that straight out just to get the proverbial ball rolling. It'd be a big help if you all roll your own initiative and let me know your intentions for Round 1 - knowing that the golem might be moving faster than you (except for that first punch.) Thanks!

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

I believe Soumral already has Mage Armor up and running, but if not she will cast it as soon as there's an agreement to take out the golem.

She will cast Haste on everyone right before the first strike against the golem.

Her first action after combat begins will be to use Reveal Weakness to lower the golem's AC by 3.

Reveal Weakness (Su):
When you activate this school power as a standard action, you select a foe within 30 feet. That creature takes a penalty to its AC and on saving throws equal to 1/2 your caster level (minimum –1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence bonus.

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Nice roll! I'll also handwave that you all find out you can cast as many buffs ahead of the combat as you'd like, so long as the bone golem isn't targeted or suffers in any way (like from a Bane spell, for instance.) So let me know your buffs, and the order in which you cast them prior to the commencement of the combat so I can determine the number of rounds remaining on those short-lived buffs like Haste and such.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

Still here, I’m alright with a fight.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

I'd say whomever has the adamantine flail gets the free shot... I am assuming it can't be a Coup de Grace.

Init: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 4 = 16
+3 dex +4 Improved Init

Devin will start performing when Sourmal casts haste (ie just before the first strike), giving everyone a +3/+3 as discussed above. Then he will strike with his longspear on his turn in the init...

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Francis will get his armor and shield back before starting the fight. He won't be front line but who knows what the reach of the creature may be? Casting Bull's Strength on Elliander, (+4 enhancement bonus to Strength) and Prayer right before the battle starts. Prayer gives a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. It also gives a -1 to the enemy, but I doubt the creature will be affected.

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Elliander would have preferred to just sneak past this guardian, hoping they can trick it or find another way out later. He can sense that his normally belligerent sword even hesitates, and it does not complain to him about selecting to use the mace instead. Then again, they are rested now, so if they have to face the golem, better now then later when they might be hurt from other dangers awaiting them.
He nods to the rest.
”OK, if we decide to do it, I’m ready to face it in melee, but any help preparing me first, would be welcome.”

Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Correct, no coup-de-grace is possible. The thing 'seems' alert and ready, it's simply not taking any aggressive action at the moment.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Maybe the flail goes to Elliander or Nev? I could take it too, but without being able to smite this thing my effectivenss is more limited.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

Elliander's mace is adamantine, so if there is a adamantine flail as well, perhaps Nev to take advantage of his studied target?

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

"I do not believe my ability to align your weapon will aid here, but if we are going to attack I do have one spell that I wish to put on myself first." Nevitash says.

I would like to cast Divine Favor the round before we jump it if we are agreed on that course of action.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Fireday, the 18th day of Desnus, 4714 AR
Weather is clear and a little hot (about 95 degrees) with very little wind.
One hour before sunset


The group slowly surrounds the motionless golem, which stands there either unconcerned or unknowing - or perhaps both - about the imminent violence about to be done to it...

Initiative Order:
Soumral - 23 (Using Reveal Weakness in Round 1)
Devin - 16
Elliander - 15
Nevitash - 12
Amenhep - 8
Francis - 8

Nevitash - Studied Target ability, Divine Favor spell
Party - Haste spell (cast by Soumral)
Soumral - Mage Armor spell, Reveal Weakness ability
Devin - Bard song (+3/+3 to attack/damage rolls)
Elliander - Bull's Strength spell (cast by Francis)

I'm not seeing an adamantium flail, though as mentioned Elliander does have an adamantium heavy mace. I think Reveal Weakness is the only offensive buff I'm seeing, which would trigger the golem (assuming you're correct in that taking offensive action against it will trigger retaliation - overall, a fair assumption), but Soumral posted she is casting that after combat starts, so no problem there. Whoever is making the first attack (Elliander, I think - with the adamantium mace?) go ahead and give me a roll for the 'surprise round' and we'll get this party started! Let me know if I'm missing anything up there - including buffs or initiative rolls.

Map of Dark Depository

Map/Guide of Tephu


PC Health & Adventure Notes:

Francis 53/53 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Nevitash 71/71 [See Invisibility for 35 minutes; Magic Vestments (+1 enhancement bonus to armor) for 6.5 hours; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Elliander 63/63 [Armor Crystal - DR 1, has absorbed 1 (of 10) damage this day; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Dancing Lights for 7 minutes]

Amenhep 58/58 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Devin 59/59 [Barkskin for 220 minutes; Heroism for 120 minutes; Heightened Awareness (+2 to Perception) for 35 minutes; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Soumral 51/51 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes]

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

I move to the south tunnel to provide a flank for those north of the construct. Everyone should check and see if they are happy with their location.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

Devin's position updated. Sourmal and Francis in particular should update theirs; I doubt either of them want to be in melee range to start this...

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Updated position to put Soumral behind as many people as possible.

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Does Devin’s song apply to us all or only him?

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none
Elliander Celandi wrote:
Does Devin’s song apply to us all or only him?

Applies to all friendlies within 30'

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

When they are all set up and ready to go, Elliander gives the golem his best swing with the mace.

Surprise Round Combat:

Adamantium Heavy Mace: Attack Roll: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 31 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song. Target is flatfooted)
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 11 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Fireday, the 18th day of Desnus, 4714 AR
Weather is clear and a little hot (about 95 degrees) with very little wind.
One hour before sunset


Positioning himself more or less 'behind' the golem so it doesn't see the blow coming, Elliander swings the heavy mace into the creature (Damage = 11), shattering a few of its bones - which unfortunately doesn't account for its gigantic mass. Still, it apparently felt the attack, as it spins around to defend itself with remarkable speed, surprising the adventurers surrounding it - though Soumral is just able to beat it to the punch, and it seems to falter for a bit - as though fighting against a force unseen (Golem is at -3 to AC and saves for one round!)

Despite its seemingly lethargy, it brings its wrath down upon Elliander - who has proven to be the only one able to harm it thus far. The massively thick arms smash into the duskblade, and the alligator skull dips down to take a bite out of his shoulder! (25 damage)

Bone Golem's Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Golem's Slam Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Bite Damage: 2d6 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2) + 4 - 1 = 10

Golem's Slam Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Bite Damage: 2d6 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 - 1 = 5

Golem's Bite Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Bite Damage: 1d8 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 - 1 = 10

Entire party is up! Soumral, you can post your action for the top of Round 2 as well! Please double check the Combat Notes below - I think I've got all the buffs accounted for (as well as correct duration), but I'd like more eyes on it to make sure I didn't miss anything. Elliander, I didn't miss your DR this time! Thanks!

Combat Map

Map/Guide of Tephu


Initiative/HP Tracker & Combat Notes:

Soumral 51/51 [Mage Armor (+4 to AC) for 7 hours; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 6 rounds]

Bone Golem 11 damage taken [Reveal Weakness (-3 to AC/Saves) for 1 round]

Devin 59/59 [Barkskin for 220 minutes; Heroism for 120 minutes; Heightened Awareness (+2 to Perception) for 35 minutes; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 7 rounds]

Elliander 38/63 [Armor Crystal - DR 1, has absorbed 3 (of 10) damage this day; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Dancing Lights for 7 minutes; Bull's Strength (+4 enhancement bonus to Strength - results in +2 to attack/damage rolls and STR-based checks) for 7 minutes; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 7 rounds]

Nevitash 71/71 [See Invisibility for 35 minutes; Magic Vestments (+1 enhancement bonus to armor) for 6.5 hours; Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Studied Target (+1 to attack/damage rolls, some skill checks) vs Bone Golem; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Divine Favor (+2 luck bonus to attack/damage rolls) for 10 rounds; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 7 rounds]

Amenhep 58/58 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 7 rounds]

Francis 53/53 [Tears to Wine (+2 to INT- and WIS-based skill checks) for 35 minutes; Message for 35 minutes; Inspire Courage Bardsong (+3 morale bonus to attack/damage rolls and saves vs charm/fear effects) until song ends; Hasted (Increased movement, +1 to attack rolls & AC, extra attack with full round attack action) for 7 rounds]

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Round 2

Soumral continues to follow her plan, employing subtle arcane manipulations to weaken the golem.

Using Reveal Weakness again, standard action. -3 AC and saves for the golem.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

As the golem explodes into movement, Devin attacks with his longspear...

Maintain performance and Full attack

To Hit A: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 27 vs -3 AC
5 bab +1 enhancement + 2 Morale (heroism) +2 competence (inspire courage) +2 flanking +1 haste
damage A: 1d8 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 + 2 = 8
+1 enhancement + 2 Morale (heroism) +2 competence (inspire courage)

To Hit B (haste attack): 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 28 vs -3 AC
damage B: 1d8 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Though hit hard back, Elliander is pushed magically by Soumral’s Haste-spell and he continues to swing the mace, taking bits of bones out of the golem.

Round 2 Combat:

Full Attack
Adamantium Heavy Mace: Attack 1 Roll: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 33 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song.)
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 16 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))

Adamantium Heavy Mace: Attack 2 Roll: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song.) Haste
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))

Adamantium Heavy Mace: Attack 3 Roll: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song.)
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Round 2 Combat part2:

Two possible crits:
Adamantium Heavy Mace: crit2 Roll: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 34 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song.)

Adamantium Heavy Mace: crit3 Roll: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 (+2 Flanking, Bull’s Strength, Song.)

2 x confirmed crits:
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 (Arcane Strike, Bull’s Strength, Song))
Total damage: 16 + 17+13 + 17+11 = 74 dmg ?

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

Deeply concerned by the use of mortal remains, Nevitash calls upon his inner powers to destroy the construct made of bone. He then says, "We will see you put properly to rest."

Bane rd 1 vs constructs. Full attack. I rolled my sneak attack separate. I think I can sneak attack it, but just in case I have it to the side. With the Focused Target feat my Studied Target is +2 to hit and +3 Damage against the golem.

Greataxe+IC+Flank+DF+Bane+Haste+Studied Target-PA: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 2 = 31

Greataxe Damage+Bane+DF+IC+Studied Target+PA: 1d12 + 2d6 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (6) + (3, 6) + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 36

Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Greataxe+IC+Flank+DF+Bane+Haste+Studied Target-PA: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 2 = 32

Greataxe Damage+Bane+DF+IC+Studied Target+PA: 1d12 + 2d6 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (12) + (3, 2) + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 38

Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 6

So if the Sneak attack does work I hit AC 36 for 42 damage and then AC 32 for 44 damage before DR is applied.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

Amenhep raises his spear and light pours forth from his holy symbol, "Ra above, may your light fill us with courage and strength."

Activating power of faith, giving a redundant +1 morale bonus to attack and damage, but also a +1 morale bonus to AC! Power of faith is a standard action to activate, so not much else I can do on my turn.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Francis was going to cast Prayer as the battle started. Same post as where I cast Bull's Strength on Elliander. Does that count as this round?

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

I meant to address that Francis, and then must have forgot. The spell Prayer targets the enemy, so it would have spoiled the first attack and started combat at that point. So you can cast Prayer as your Round 1 action, if you'd like.

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

We’ve dealt the golem a lot of damage. Can we see if it still stands when it’s Francis’ turn?

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

If it is still up I will cast Prayer. I moved myself back though as I am mostly useless in melee against it.

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