Quest #1: The Sandstone Secret (Inactive)

Game Master Diaz Ex Machina

Maps & Pictures

Subtier: 1-2

Challenge Points 15 (6 players):
5-player adjustment AND 1 level bump

Single Action (◆)
Double Action (◆◆)
Triple Action (◆◆◆)
Free Action (◇)
Reaction (↺)

Please enter the following information

Player Name: [Your Name Here]
Character Name: [CHARNAME]
Organized Play #: [XXXXX]
Character #: [X]
Faction: [Your Faction Here]
Day Job Check: [Your Skill Check Here]

One spot is reserved for @NotEspi. Will start the Quest on Monday, May 9, 2022, or as soon as the table gets filled with six PCs, whichever comes first.

Player Name: AidanReed
Character Name: Decaine
Organized Play #: 2407794
Character #: 001
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Day Job Check: Academia Lore +3

Glad to be on board!

Horizon Hunters

Player Name: Arthog
Character Name: Neera Shin
Organized Play #: 2406402
Character #: 2003
Faction: Horizon Hunter
Day Job Check: Tanning Lore +3

Envoy's Alliance

Character Name: Briney the Younger
Class and Level: Investigator (Science) / Inventor (Weapon) 3
Organized Play #: 2366390
Character #: 2010
Faction: Envoy's Alliance


Player Name: Mr Tea/Nick
Character Name: Pasqualek (level 1 Oracle)
Organized Play #: 2396874
Character #: 2006
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Day Job Check: Dragon Lore +4


Player Name: Mr Tea/Nick
Character Name: Rafe Thoresby (level 2 Fighter)
Organized Play #: 2396874
Character #: 2010
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Check: PFS Lore +8

I'm happy to play either, whichever fits into the group best.

Briney wrote:

Character Name: Briney the Younger

Class and Level: Investigator (Science) / Inventor (Weapon) 3
Organized Play #: 2366390
Character #: 2010
Faction: Envoy's Alliance

Forgot to say this is Tier 1-2. IIRC you can play the lower tier if the APL falls into it, though.

Envoy's Alliance

Player Name: Frozen Frost
Character Name: Delta Variant
Organized Play #: 2403787
Character #: 2018
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Day Job Check: Warfare +3

If this quest is repeatable, I would like to join if there is still a spot available.

Delta Variant wrote:
[...] I would like to join if there is still a spot available.

Right now we have:

  • AidanReed;
  • ffoucart;
  • rainzax;
  • Mr Tea;
  • Rozen Frost (you).

Still a spot left.

Verdant Wheel

Player Name: NotEspi
Character Name: Channary
Organized Play #: 179284-2003
Character #: 179284-2003
Faction: Verdant Wheel

Sorry for late check-in. Yesterday was busy.

Channary wrote:
Sorry for late check-in. Yesterday was busy.

No worries, the last spot was saved for you.

Recruitment now closed.

I will soon start the Quest, just need to make the last preparations.

In the meantime please fill out the slides with your information.

Vigilant Seal

Okay, done.

This will be my first time playing PBP here on the Paizo forums, so feel free to inform me of any weird things I might do ;]

Verdant Wheel

@Mr Tea:

Swashbuckler 1
Druid 1
Investigator 3
Cleric 2
Oracle 1
13 Challenge Points

Meaning either of your proposed characters keep us in low tier


Discussion and Gameplay threads up.

Please take your time to introduce your character while we wait for Mr Tea to choose his.

Verdant Wheel

GM Diaz wrote:
Waiting for @Mr Tea to join, then I'll make the Quest progress.

Tea looks to be involved in 8 other campaigns (and not dotted in here) - might be worth bumping him a PM?

rainzax wrote:
Tea looks to be involved in 8 other campaigns (and not dotted in here) - might be worth bumping him a PM?

Good idea, thank you.

Vigilant Seal

I'm here.

I'm going with Pasq.

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