Aspis Agent

Mr Tea's page

Organized Play Member. 97 posts (2,897 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


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We have enough glyphs for 2 Hero Points each.

GM Tiger wrote:
I'm traveling today and tomorrow. I have a 4-hour layover in Hong Kong but please expect delays.

Everything OK?

Hi! I will post as Kirana once I've filled her character sheet out on the website (she's been solely on Discord up until now).

She's a Water Kineticist with the Blessed One archetype and the Time Traveller background, but she is only level 3. She was a Priestess of Aroden before she moved in time.

I do have one glyph to hand out - I'm not quite to my second.

Just one glyph from me.

I shall get Caitlin updated to 5th (just finished Iolite Squad Alpha scenario) shortly.

I've joined in with the second character option crew.

Chero Kronock

Kron comes across as a charming risk-taker, which he is, but he is also a little bit sneaky and always on the look out for a way to make his own life better and easier. He’d dearly love the town to expand as this would give him a bigger chance of wealth and interesting and weird things to own – things that he’s only seen in books up until this point. As such, he’s been promoting the idea of a school or university in town. He is starting to realise that becoming a politician will help him do it all.

He has ventured out into the woods before – he did grow up here after all – but he has never ventured to the more mysterious and threatening locations nearby. He has recently been doing some work for Kawaka at the Cloud Paper House.

Male Tengu Rogue

Ancestry: Skyborn Tengu
Background: Northridge Scholar
Heirloom: Supplies for an alarm snare, 10 sp, and two lesser ghost charges.
Home: He lives just to the east of the Abandoned Estates (W26) as the shrine of Desna is inside.
Religion/Shrine: Desna/Abandoned buildings

I acknowledge the "Horror & Consent" and the "About the Family" sidebars.

Partial pathbuilder build

➤ Make one Complete Character (including full onsite Alias), 1st level (to 12th eventually) using the provided Backgrounds (in PG p11-13; or see below)

I've created Hwang Velionar.

Velionar is a half elf, a descendent of the elven community from the Silvermist Lodges.

Never the most gifted scholar, Velionar was always enthusiastic at learning, always wanting to find new things, especially when they are weird. Velionar is fast and witty. He never looks like he lacks confidence, and it is very rare that he does.

He is a believer in the old adage ‘jack of all trades, master of none, is often times better than master of one.’ In fact, the one thing he is really good at is getting in to places he shouldn’t really be. It’s a skill that his mother taught him at a young age and a hang over from her adventuring days.

Now that he is an adult, he wants to be a politician. He loves progress and believes that the town can be so much more than it is.

Pathbuilder with possibe future build.

I've taken Dragon Spit at 1st, will take the Sorcerer dedication (Draconic bloodline) at 2nd then possibly take Multitalented at 9th for Barbarian (Dragon instinct) and Dragon Prince at 11th with Ancestral Paragon. He will have an underworld dragon ancestor somewhere.

➤ Read the “Willowshore Gazetteer” (in PG p15-16; or see below)


➤ Choose an Heirloom, or create you own worth about 10.00gp of similar parameter

Supplies for an alarm snare, 10 sp, and two lesser ghost charges. A gift from his mother, given just in case he got into a difficult situation.

➤ Choose your Home on the Map (at or nearby one of the 30 different named locations)

He lives just to the east of the Abandoned Estates (W26) as the shrine of Desna is inside.

➤ Choose a Religion your character identifies with, and describe where it’s temple or shrine is.

Velionar venerates both Desna and Calistria. He visits both the Thrice-Blessed Inn and the abandoned estates.

Finally, please acknowledge the “Horror and Consent” and “About Your Family” sidebars (page 5 and 14 respectively of the Player’s Guide).

Duly acknowledged. I have no issues with any of this.

Player Name: MrTea/Nick Tiplady
Character Name: Telua (#2396874-2014)
Faction: Verdant Wheel
Downtime Use: Sailing Lore
Notes I need to Know: First level Druid, 6xp. Leshy familiar. Originally a Summoner but rebuilt as a Druid.

I'm a little late to this thread, but I'll be adding a submission as this AP&GM combo sounds good. I'm likely to create a druid or an oracle.

Would you like another PC?

I'm here! I got back from my holidays about 9 and a half hours ago. I'll get Bastian up and running today.

I'm here, although I'm on holiday and will be slow until the 5th of September.

1) Character name: Bastian Sunbright
2) PFS#-Character#: 2396874-2008
3) Character Class & Level: Redeemer Champion 7
4) Faction: Radiant Oath

The dice hate us already!

I played FFX all the way to the end, despite it taking far too long. This really isn't like it. This type of quest works well at the PC levels in the adventure - it wouldn't if they were already 10-13th.

Is this about the Attack of Opportunity?

I'm here!

I have only had one view on bringing a level four, so I'm guessing I should go lower level.

I'll sort out the character sheet today and post in gameplay.

I'm still waiting for some opinions, if that's possible.

I have a question. I have a character that I would like to play but he is a 4th level champion (Runescarred Redeemer). If I play him, the scenario will become tier 3-4 and the level 1 characters will get level bumps.

I don't want to make life too tricky for the lower level characters unless everyone is (actually) happy with this.

If you would prefer to stay lower tier, I won't be offended and I will instead bring either a 3rd level fighter (assuming the bounty he just started has finished) or a 2nd level Magus.

Mylos waits by the front door.

My character choice may not happen for a little while. Hope that's ok. I have a glyph too. I only have one character who has played 99-01/2 and it's unlikely he will be in this.

I would like to go on the waiting list please.

I would also like to throw a hat into the ring with my new Saloon Singer/Thaumaturge or a 3rd level Fighter-Bard

phaeton_nz wrote:

Still waiting for PreFix and Chupko to report in for 1-Q1 The Sandstone Secret.

In case they don't show, does anyone else wish to join? This is a High Tier run.

Callistos, my 3rd level Fighter (Bard dedication) would happily join. He just finished grim tidings.

I'd be happy with a replacement GM.

My character is new and I need to pick a profile picture. Then I'll post with her!


Player Name: Mr Tea/Nick
Character Name: Pasqualek (level 1 Oracle)
Organized Play #: 2396874
Character #: 2006
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Day Job Check: Dragon Lore +4


Player Name: Mr Tea/Nick
Character Name: Rafe Thoresby (level 2 Fighter)
Organized Play #: 2396874
Character #: 2010
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Check: PFS Lore +8

I'm happy to play either, whichever fits into the group best.

I'm happy to play cleric or rogue, but I might make one with the beginner box.

Firstly, thanks for having me and secondly, I'll set Mylos up as an alias later tonight!

Some stats to go with the short background.

Mylos Knaven:

Sorcerer 2

Perception +4;

Skills Acrobatics +2, Athletics +5, Deception +8, Diplomacy +8, Intimidation +8, Lore: Boneyard +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +6, Thievery +6

Str 12 +1, Dex 14 +2, Con 12 +1, Int 12 +1, Wis 10 +0, Cha 18 +4

AC 16, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6
HP 22
Speed 25 feet

Bon Mot

Divine Known Spells DC 18, attack +8

1st Burning Hands, Heal, Ray of Enfeeblement, Harm (Sig) (4 slots);

Cantrips Divine Lance, Shield, Prestidigitation, Light, Chill Touch

Focus Spells (1 points) Undeath's Blessing
Additional Feats Blessed Blood, Diehard, Intimidating Glare, Skill Training
Additional Specials Bloodline (Undead), Skill Training (Athletics), Surprise Attack

My idea was to play a petty criminal from Last Wall who was exposed to the Whispering Tyrant's necromantic onslaught whilst waiting to be judged.. He died and found himself waking up in a pile of bodies. Somewhat changed, he has fled the Eye of Dread and ended up on Kortos, in Otari. He wants to become a hero, redeeming himself in his own eyes.

Mechanically, Mylos Knaven is an Undead bloodline Sorcerer with the Returned background.

I'm really interested in this. I know you don't want guns/gunslingers, but how do you feel about rare backgrounds or ancestries?

Hi, sorry I'm late to post. I will get a character up and running shortly!

Callistos is currently busy in Qadira, so I'm bringing my other newly 2nd level fighter, Rafe, instead. Just levelling him up!

Ehlanna is busy so I'll bring along another character.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tyranius wrote:

Now opening recruitment for Scenario #1-12 Burden of Envy (Tier 1-4) Written by our own wonderful VA Lysle!

Swindler, rogue, and occasional Pathfinder ally Guaril Karela has approached the Society with an opportunity that Valais Durant, the leader of the Society's Radiant Oath faction, can't refuse. Guaril has been charging refugees to sneak them out of Xin Edasseril, a city ruled by the Runelord of Envy, and now it looks like Guaril won't be able to fulfill his contracts. Society agents are charged with sneaking into the dangerous city and sneaking out with a handful of its citizens before their absence is noticed so that the Radiant Oath can help them find new lives beyond their current ruler's tyrannical reach.

Sign-up Link

This is probably the best scenario I've played. I'd definitely recommend!

GM Tiger wrote:

Recruitment is open for:

Pathfinder Society Quest #7: A Curious Claim

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 3–6 (subtiers 3–4 and 5–6).

Money is power in the land of Druma and those who know how best to manipulate the economics of the land have the most of both. The PCs are sent to Druma to investigate a missing ship and the particulars of an insurance claim related to its disappearance, though both ravenous undead and agents of one of the Pathfinder Society's fiercest rival organizations seek to keep them from the truth behind the ship's sad end.

Written by: Dennis Muldoon

Signup Link

Start Date: 27 December 2021 or 48h after we get a legal table (4 players), whichever comes first. My inkling is that lots of people have played this so filling it will be a bit difficult, but we can try.

I can/will join this if there is still space when I finish 3x01 with you and apply a level from reporting Hellknight Hill to the character.

Ms. Bloodrive wrote:

Hey everyone :D

I'm currently looking for a game to try my lv1 wizard or create brand new magus, also at the moment I only have my phone so posting speed won't be best one x.x maybe twice per day or so...

I'll be recruiting in the next few days.

GM Tarthrin wrote:
Ms. Bloodrive wrote:

Hey everyone :D

I'm currently looking for a game to try my lv1 wizard or create brand new magus, also at the moment I only have my phone so posting speed won't be best one x.x maybe twice per day or so...

I'm planning to start recruitment for Q6, Archaeology in Aspenthar probably next week and then start as soon as we have six. I just need a little more time to prepare. I can save you a spot?

I'm interested! I'll be looking out for this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I bought it. Already had a couple of the bits but it was still good value. I'll now be running the beginner box in the near future.

If it hasn't finished tomorrow, I'll come with a new character.

What happened to the boards this weekend?!?

GM Tiger wrote:
It's Thanksgiving in the USA so there's probably time :)

That's true. Posting on most of the games has slowed. I can never quite remember which day it is.

I will hopefully have a character here soon! The Sandstone Secret hasn't quite finished. Caitlin will be here if it does in a day or so, otherwise I'll create someone new.

Can't say I'm not disappointed but enjoy the game, those who got in.

The current version of my first character idea, Azlan Silmani, Barbarian fits #2 on the list.

My two character ideas at present are
1 - a Geniekin Barbarian (Wizard dedication) who was persuaded to join a cult by a charismatic leader, this character thought they were going to be shaped into a mighty wizard. They were actually an experimental subject. After the transformation, they fled but never gave up on the wizard dream. (Mostly mapped out to 11th level)

2- A disgraced politician, looking for redemption and a second chance at making the big decisions. This idea is not mechanically statted as yet, but is almost certainly a rogue as a base class.

I'm very interested in this and would love to play! Would you like a completely fleshed-out character, with complete background and stats? Or would you like to leave a bit of space for the PCs being a team already?

Cassimon Dohl wrote:

Looking for another level 1 adventure.

Still learning the PF2 ropes as a player

I think I'm going to run a couple of bounties (2,7) and quests (10 or 13). I'll post recruitment for them early next week.

I'm also considering running 1x11 Flames of Rebellion now I've finished it and buying & running 1x12 Burden of Envy when I do finish it as a player.

I've finished most of my game day games as a player and I'm feeling more confident to run them.

If all goes well, I'll run The Slithering at some point too.

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