Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Done... both.
Do we get money/gear too?

rando1000 |

okay, that's 3.
Do we get money/gear too?
Dammit, yeah I forgot to address that. You may purchase up to 2000 credits in equipment in addition to what you have. Keep in mind you can requisition basic equipment for specific missions, but if there's something you want on hand specifically, feel free to buy it, up to Level 6. Run anything nonstandard by me, please (modifications, etc) and remember "magic" items need to be skinned as either technology or (with a good explanation as to how you got it) psionic.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Lt. Vassally-Simmons was dumbfounded.
Did you mean Janessa Williams?

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

I'm assuming 2-person teams, if that's too much security personnel... My apologies.

rando1000 |

rando1000 wrote:Lt. Vassally-Simmons was dumbfounded.Did you mean Janessa Williams?
No, this is directed at Vassally Simmons. It's part of her character history, meant to invoke another scene involving her.

rando1000 |

I'm assuming 2-person teams, if that's too much security personnel... My apologies.
It's fine. Not that those teams would have been on duty. Currently unless there's a specific reason, the ship has been running on two combat duty personnel: in the current scene, that's you and Canny Resolve. However, if you want to institute a "rule of two" from now on, you certainly may.
The personnel under your control, all of whom can perform either security or gunnery functions, are:
Canny Resolve - your direct underling, second highest ranking in your department
Warrant Officer Sapna Patel - Highest ranking non-commissioned crewman on your team
Chief Petty Officer Richard Phan - Second non-comm crewman on your team
Crewman Ravibakshi - Your newest and least experienced recruit
Crewman Owen Carter
Crewman Jane Fuller
Crewman Hugh Newman
One other as yet unnamed crewman
Additionally, in times of need, crewmen not performing other duties in their own department can be called upon to perform security duties.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius wrote:I'm assuming 2-person teams, if that's too much security personnel... My apologies.It's fine. Not that those teams would have been on duty. Currently unless there's a specific reason, the ship has been running on two combat duty personnel: in the current scene, that's you and Canny Resolve. However, if you want to institute a "rule of two" from now on, you certainly may.
The personnel under your control, all of whom can perform either security or gunnery functions, are:
Canny Resolve - your direct underling, second highest ranking in your department
Warrant Officer Sapna Patel - Highest ranking non-commissioned crewman on your team
Chief Petty Officer Richard Phan - Second non-comm crewman on your team
Crewman Ravibakshi - Your newest and least experienced recruit
Crewman Owen Carter
Crewman Jane Fuller
Crewman Hugh Newman
One other as yet unnamed crewmanAdditionally, in times of need, crewmen not performing other duties in their own department can be called upon to perform security duties.
Sounds good. I didn't want to assume anyone specific was in duty, to I called team names. Then I realized... oops, maybe too much.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Would there be surveillance footage? Public areas, hallways, lifts?
I just don't want to "assume" there isn't. And, fine out later that we could have.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Battle Stations... is announced throughout the ship?

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius wrote:Would there be surveillance footage? Public areas, hallways, lifts?I'll give it to you. It makes sense there would be, though there are likely "dark" areas (places the sensors can't see).
I'm just asking about hallways, elevators, public areas. Understandable that some areas are not covered or are uncoverable.
How about standard door entry (credentials) card, chip, facial rec. Whatever is used.

rando1000 |

How about standard door entry (credentials) card, chip, facial rec. Whatever is used.
Not normally needed unless a door is locked. Most of the officers don't bother to lock their own doors in the afternoon while they're awake; there's rarely a reason to.

Uret Jet |

While it won't apply here, I used the funds from Taylor's level up to give him the Inner Gyros augmentation. His piloting skill for stunts is nuts.

rando1000 |

While it won't apply here, I used the funds from Taylor's level up to give him the Inner Gyros augmentation. His piloting skill for stunts is nuts.
Nice. I'll have to make sure to give him some opportunities to use it then.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Do we just pay for the difference in armor cost, or sell back at half then purchase?
Also, light armors are acceptable on ship? Currently carbon skin. I neglected to purchase better armor. After the fight (or scenario), I suppose.

rando1000 |

Also, light armors are acceptable on ship? Currently carbon skin. I neglected to purchase better armor. After the fight (or scenario), I suppose.
Yeah, you could wear a light armor, especially as head of security, as long as it's affixed with your department colors and rank insignia.
Anything very bulky that would be awkward walking around tight spaces I'm going to say shouldn't be worn onboard, except in extreme circumstances.
Most of the crew will wear their uniforms only while onboard, which given still count as Stationwear/Business (decent protection if you're not planning on getting into combat often).

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

They fire off a shot, though it likely goes wide.
Rudo hit with a 14, there's a chance!

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

They do 1d20+7 damage? Eeeek!

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

At this point, I'm hoping this is a dream sequence!
Maybe I should have used a Resolve Point?!

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

It's vs EAC if that matters.

rando1000 |

At this point, I'm hoping this is a dream sequence!
Maybe I should have used a Resolve Point?!
You can use a Resolve to heal Stamina, now that you have a few minutes to rest. 1 heals ALL Stamina damage (but no HP; the Doctor will have to handle the that).

Uret Jet |

I'm getting mixed up mentally on where we all are. Give us a breakdown of our positoning?

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

I may have started that confusion in mistakenly thinking the doctor was on the bridge when Rudo arrived, apologies. I must have misread something.
Uncanny Resolve is closer near Engineering, not on the bridge.
I believe Young was always on the Bridge.
Rudo left the Bridge and came back, currently on the bridge.
Yusil is also on the bridge, GM slightly retcon'd with this...
The door to the bridge just ahead, the doctor is able to report her finding to the Captain directly.

rando1000 |

I'm getting mixed up mentally on where we all are. Give us a breakdown of our positoning?
Sorry. So when we switched to Yusil, she was leaving medical with a team headed for the bridge in response to a medical call. She then walked through the Upper Entry (right outside the bridge) where she felt the psychic energy. At that point she and the team entered the bridge to assist the injured (Rudo and Janessa).
Sorry we're sort of flying through this one. Which is great because it's kind of a mini-adventure, but I can understand it being hard to follow.
So anyway, now you and your team are on the bridge. Currently in-scene are Captain Cooper, Taylor (who was just considering taking a shuttle out when the injured barged in), Oscar Hansen (helm), Ensign Nate Wanjiku (sciences), Lt. Clausius (injured) and Lt. Williams (injured).

rando1000 |

Just FYI, seems like we may have lost our Engineer, Arkady Vassally-Simmons, either temporarily or (I hope not, as the player was a long-time member of this group) permanently. JonGarrett's last post was August 18th, and his last post on this campaign was August 15th. He did not respond to my PM.
In any case, Jon if you see this you're welcome back any time. I'll keep Vassally-Simmons alive in the background.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Feel better, work through it...

rando1000 |

We never specifically covered it with rolls, etc, but Dr Yusil and the medical team would have treated anyone injured. The adventure's winding down now and you can assume all wounds will be completely healed before the next one starts.

Dr. Yusil |

It's amusing how by virtue of having innate psionics, Yusil is seen as the resident expert despite not having specialized in that field. I suppose there's a handful of things one can learn in a Dokkaran medical university, but nothing's universal across species.

rando1000 |

Yeah, because human psions are a really insubstantial portion of the population, having an on-board psionics expert on a mostly human vessel is probably seen as a bit of an extravagance by OSF command. They probably have experts that they transport to scenes as needed; in fact, I imagine they'll be sending one as soon as next adventure to talk to the girl.

rando1000 |

That pretty much concludes this little mini-adventure.
The next adventure is more a series of related stories involving the exploration of the newly discovered planet orbinting Ross-154. They will take up a good bit of gametime and you'll have some flexibility as to which of your characters you'd like to put into what situations. A little more guided sandbox than actual cohesive story.
As always, you can continue to post in character while I prepare the initial post of the next phase.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

So there's this guy Rudolf Clausius <<< Link who is the physicist that devised the second law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy.
That's a little tie-in to being a Vanguard (messing with physics).
Also, The Saint Clausius >>> alternate reality Santa Claus. Why he's concerned with children, makes comments about being everywhere at once (as a physics Vanguard thing) and has Profession - Toymaker.
I know it's silly stuff... just sharing!
I only ask that you don't forever think of Rudo as having Cornelius Planet of the Apes facial hair!

rando1000 |

So there's this guy...
Also, The Saint Clausius >>> alternate reality Santa Claus. Why he's concerned with children, makes comments about being everywhere at once (as a physics Vanguard thing) and has Profession - Toymaker.I know it's silly stuff... just sharing!
Nice insight into the character, thanks man! hope you're enjoying playing him.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius wrote:Nice insight into the character, thanks man! hope you're enjoying playing him.So there's this guy...
Also, The Saint Clausius >>> alternate reality Santa Claus. Why he's concerned with children, makes comments about being everywhere at once (as a physics Vanguard thing) and has Profession - Toymaker.I know it's silly stuff... just sharing!
Thanks! I am very much... check the edit about facial hair!

rando1000 |

The rest of the trip to Ross 154 will take 14.5 days. Feel free to note some downtime activities your characters participate in when off-duty during that time, and you'll receive 1 D20 reroll at any point during the next Adventure.
Alternately, if there's some specific Downtime activity in RAW you'd rather apply, let me know.

rando1000 |

This adventure, Adventure 4, is a little different than the others. It's kind of a sandbox. As such, you have some freedom to explore your characters and the lands of a new world. Assume all of your characters and most of the NPCs you've encountered are present on the world, splitting their time between covering duties and doing things like hiking, swimming, and gathering together for parties and events.
A morning duty board will be available after the first evening that will allow your characters to volunteer for individual missions.

rando1000 |

See discussion page for more information
Sandbox Daily Mission Board how-to
Here's how I envision this. You choose one mission of those presented. Whichever mission gets the most votes will be the one I run (NPCs will do the others off-camera). If no mission has more player votes than any other, I'll determine at random.
Once the mission is determined, pick which of your characters you want to go on that mission. I'll add NPCs as appropriate.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

That's easy, secure the perimeter.
Perimeter Patrol.

Uret Jet |

Sure, I'll vote towards a perimeter patrol.

Rudo "the Saint" Clausius |

Definitely Rudo, tip of the spear!
I do need to upgrade armor, though.