rando1000 |

My Primary Character is Arkady, human mechanic with a penchant for heavy weaponry. Somewhere between a skill monkey and heavy hitter.
For secondary, I'm still processing. I know we need something a little more diplomatic, but I'm not sure which classes are good for that in Starfinder. Suggestions?
Hassans secondary is built pretty well for that, though it wouldn't hurt to have a backup. A second scientist after Lt. Williams would be good as well. While an Engineer is good on many missions, sciences are probably good on more. Someone who's a physicist or chemist, maybe. Just some ideas, not mandatory.

Uret Jet |

I think within the hive it's mostly pheromonal communication, though as a biohacker you might be able to replicate it.
Would probably requite a specific genetic modification for something of that level, something I cna't quite picture getting unless she was very dedicated to being able to interact with the hive species on an equal level.

Uret Jet |

Depending on if they gamed online or not, they might be more familiar with a thousand voices talking at once than you'd think!
Well, in that case then, what other languages would be 'common' enough in the setting to be of use, Rando?

rando1000 |

Even though Rudo is a Gravity Dweller, I think I want him a little taller and lean. So maybe one parent was from Earth and he's from there.
I don't really have any high gravity colonies so far, but I'm sure there could be a mining installation or something similar on such a planet.
And suggestion for Oren, a Featherlight world would be great.
Europa only has about 13% of Earth's gravity. Humanity would have certainly colonized that.
Keep in mind there IS artificial gravity, but not everywhere, so it is quite possible to still have this scenario.

Uret Jet |

"2194 – McMurdo colony, owned by the Terran VoidCorp organization, founded on Barnard's Star b, a super-Earth ice planet, 5.96 ly from Earth.
We actually do have one, if you consider "super earth's" to be really high gravity that is.

rando1000 |

Well, in that case then, what other languages would be 'common' enough in the setting to be of use, Rando?
The primary language I didn't really have a name for, but it would be some sort of Earth pidgin language that grew into a fully fleshed out means of communication. Let's call it Terran. It's got syntax similar to English or Chinese, simplified phonetics more like Spanish, and probably bits of French, Arabic, and a couple others thrown in.

rando1000 |

We actually do have one, if you consider "super earth's" to be really high gravity that is.
McMurdo itself probably straddles the line, but I don't plan to run it as such. Though perhaps it is in the middle enough that the population is starting to go that route. That would be a fun place to grow up, basically like growing up on Hoth.

Uret Jet |

Figured that might be about the case.
Hmm... I'll toss in D'naki as a language. If you figure out a third alien species (We have the Dakkar and the K'drunn[Not yet added to the lore timeline]), I'll add them to her known languages.

rando1000 |

Figured that might be about the case.
Hmm... I'll toss in D'naki as a language. If you figure out a third alien species (We have the Dakkar and the K'drunn[Not yet added to the lore timeline]), I'll add them to her known languages.
Had you guys determined the K'drunn were from the same world as the Dakkar?

Uret Jet |

Pretty sure he wanted them to be a space-roaming species, but I'd defer to him.
Finished buying equipment. Took a personal upgrade for intelligence, and stocked up on some other various gear. Bought 8 more healing serums since they were cheap.
What are the changes of this non-magical setting towards "Drow Magic"? Is it more like "Dokkar Psionics"? What use does the detect magic spell have exactly?

rando1000 |

What are the changes of this non-magical setting towards "Drow Magic"? Is it more like "Dokkar Psionics"? What use does the detect magic spell have exactly?
Yes, you will have the same abilities you normally would, except they're now mental in nature.
Detect Psionics (renamed) will function similarly to Detect Magic (same statistics). I'll probably allow it to detect creatures with psionic abilities in addition to active psionic effects, and items (which will be rare). It might give you an inkling of the type of psionics as well.

rando1000 |

FYI everyone, I've updated the Campaign Info to contain information about when each of your Primary characters joined the Guangzhou crew (based on your Service Records). The Secondaries will mostly be recent additions, since they're ranked as Ensigns.
Also added First Contact with the Samsarans, the first non-Earth culture to sign the Orion Concord.

rando1000 |

Yeah, I’m thinking the K’drunn are space nomads in the Orion Cluster. Maybe they were contacted just after the Samsarans joined the Concord but fully joined after the D’naki were discovered.
Okay, that works. I can see a treaty with so different a species taking a while to hammer out.

rando1000 |

Campaign Setting: Added the K'drunn first contact, the Voomian first contact (sort if like Greedo from Star Wars merged with Ysoki), and defined the original signatories of the Orion Concord.
Also linked the above document on the Campaign Info page.

rando1000 |

Thinking of going live on this this weekend. I have a 1st adventure ready, but it kind of jumps right into the action. Would you prefer to do a prologue first, so your characters can interact with each other and some of the crew in RP, or go straight into the adventure?

Uret Jet |

A bit of a prologue sounds fun to me, personally, but getting into the action could be good too. A change of pace if you would.

rando1000 |

I appreciate figuring how the mechanics work with our builds... either a simple assignment or training exercise. Or something in between.
So we'll have both starship combat and ground combat in the first adventure, as well as system exploration and some downtime (based on some stuff in the Galaxy Exploration Manual). plenty of rules crunchiness to get us into the swing.

Hassan Ahmed |

Hassan Ahmed wrote:I appreciate figuring how the mechanics work with our builds... either a simple assignment or training exercise. Or something in between.So we'll have both starship combat and ground combat in the first adventure, as well as system exploration and some downtime (based on some stuff in the Galaxy Exploration Manual). plenty of rules crunchiness to get us into the swing.

Dr. Yusil |

Try your best to disassociate yourselves from what the paizo forums limits me to using, towards how she actually looks.
I've not yet made a profile for Taylor Young, depends I think on how much he'll come into play.

rando1000 |

Try your best to disassociate yourselves from what the paizo forums limits me to using, towards how she actually looks.
I've not yet made a profile for Taylor Young, depends I think on how much he'll come into play.
Probably mostly during starship combat. He'll appear in the first adventure, but not every one. You can post him with your main avatar if you want; just note his name on each post.
And yeah, I wish they'd let us upload our own avatars. One of the things I liked about my old free forum.

rando1000 |

Is the event, "at ease" as in call people by their first names or still military formal or rank & last name.
You can certainly be less formal here. Though most are still in uniform, some are not, and no one seems to have an issue with it.

Dr. Yusil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Random thoughts that Don't necessarily need to have any impact; The Dokkaran never independently developed Drift-travel. Instead they developed something they referred to as the "Bifröst", or the "Elf Gates" as humans have sometimes called them. Until the gate network suddenly collapsed a millennia before, they maintained a loose empire. No Dokkaran colonies have yet been encountered by the Orion Concord, now have any of the gates been successfully reactivated.
I blended lore from pathfinder/starfinder with Norse mythology here. This was more for fun then anything, I love worldbuilding.

rando1000 |

Uret Jet |

Problem #2 with these forums; I was actually going to make Taylor a profile, but wouldn't you know it, someone already has that name taken.

Uret Jet |

But what if he were to earn a promotion? He might not remain an ensign forever afterall. With Yusil it's easy, she'll always be a doctor.

Uret Jet |

That seems to work as a solution, thank you.

Uret Jet |

Gave Taylor some stats. Operatives are kinda nuts with their skills. He ends up with a +14 to his piloting, and some bonus to a few stunts he could try pulling during starship combat.

rando1000 |

I'm enjoying how well the role playing is coming together in the prologue. Could I get opinions on how many more days before I move into the first adventure proper? I don't want to cut anyone off but I also don't want to linger in the prologue longer than it's fun to do so.

Oren "Tanta" Knightgale |

If any Players have character(s) they want known to mine... either having crossed paths just recently or a ways back, feel free.

rando1000 |

I am, alas, gonna be slow. Got a cold and a shoulder injury all at once, it is less than fun.
No rush. I'll leave the prologue open for a few more days. I'll aim for the weekend to start the adventure.