[AP] Iron Gods by GM Rutseg

Game Master Balacertar


Current map
Treasure sheet
Old treasure sheet

Iron Gods Player's Guide
Torch's Gazetteer - Torch's map - Numeria's map

* Learn more about Unity
✔️ Locate Casandalee's neurocam and AI core devices
✔️ Reunite with Baine and Meyanda
* Find allies to depose the rule of the Technic League
✔️ Fight the Dominion of the Black

201 to 207 of 207 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | next > last >>

F Half-elf Craftsperson

Last Level: April 20, 2024

Coming up tonight — are some half-elves *too* perfect? Rhor at 11:

+1 smug-gler
+6 hp
+1 feat: Gr. Spell Penetration

+moar spells

+7 skillz, mad:
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Planes)
+2 Fly

+2 skillz, normal:
+1 Know (Engineering)
+1 Know (History)

1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33 Spellcraft vs DC 21
Scribing lvl 6 spell - 360 gp

1d20 + 21 ⇒ (15) + 21 = 36 Spellcraft vs DC 21
Scribing lvl 6 spell - 360 gp

Rhoreen Calliope wrote:

..3697.0 gp to spend

.-2000.0 gp loan to the town sous chef
..1697.0 gp to spend (Yambul owes 2k)

..1697.0 gp to spend (Yambul owes 2k)

-..360.0 scribing
-..360.0 scribing
-..360.0 scribing
....617.0 gp to spend

Human (Kellid) He/Him

+11HP (6 class +1 favored +3 con +1 toughness) (total 125)
+1 BAB (CMD/CMB) (11/6/1)
+1 feat: Point Blank Shot
+9 skills (6 class +1 human +2 background†): Acrobatics, Bluff x2, Craft Jewelry†, Diplomacy, Intimidate x2, Profession cook†, Survival)

Swift Tracker (Ex): At 11th level, a slayer can move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. When moving at up to twice his normal speed while tracking, he takes only a –10 penalty instead of the normal –20.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elf Huntress 11

Elfeven Levelf:

Level 11 Ranger

+6 HP

+1 BAB

+1 Level 3 Spell

Feat- Manyshot

Adventuring Skills(9)
+1 Disable Device
+1 Knowledge(Arcana)
+1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering)
+1 Knowledge(Nature)
+1 Perception
+1 Stealth
+1 Survival
+2 Swim

Background Skills(2)
+1 Knowledge(Geography)
+1 Linguistics(Mi-Go)

+1 Hero Point

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 9/11 | Active Status: --

Ruha's 11th:
+1 level of Qinggong Sensei Monk
HP +7 (5 base +1 con +1 FCB)
+1 BAB
Skills: Acrobatics, Engineering, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth
Background Skills: Mystery Lore, Linguistics (aklo)
Class Features: New Qinggong ki power is the dragon breath spell (reflavored as a wide area energy weapon manifesting from the future).
Feat: Robot's Bane, which gives some neat combat bonuses vs. robots.

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

RatUpgrade ^11:

Skills - 9/lvl, +2 Background
Know Eng
Disable Dev
Craft Alchemy †
Herbalist †
Know Arcana
Slieght of Hand
Use Magic Devcie
Fly +2

Force Bomb

Other Features
Poison Immunity

Fort +1
Ref +1
4th Lvl Spell +2
Hits +5

Amateur Investigator

air walk, greater invisibility

Male Ratfolk (Ysoki) Pedigree, Laser Specialist Lvl 10 / Lvl 1 (Alchemist / Thief)

On travel for the next two days, bot as necessary.

Female Kasatha Monk 11 | AC 33 T 25 FF 27 | CMD 34 | HP 73/73 | F +10 R +12 W +15 (+2 vs ench)(+2 vs robots); Immune disease | Init +3 | Perc +19 | Advice 12/17 SF 10/11 Ki 9/11 | Active Status: --

As a heads up, I'll be traveling from this Friday through to Christmas. Some portions of the trip will be internet free, so I'll keep up now and again, but otherwise feel free to bot me (searching for traps most likely with a +31).

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