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Aid another perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Pau moves beside Two Blades and tries to help notice anything out of sorts.

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@Two Blades: you have Fast Stealth. You should be doing stealth checks while searching.

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The smell within the room is appalling - Pau and Two Blades have a hard time holding down their lunch..
Fort saves for Pau and Two Blades
Around the well, Two-blades notices there are some... slimy patches of ground that seems to gently undulate.

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"Elementals don't have to breathe, and we do. That could, ah, be a problem." The elf peers more closely at the odd patches of ground around the well.
Perception check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check, if applicable: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

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Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
K:Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Two Blades eyes lit on the moving forms on the ground. "We got a problem." he said as he started to describe what he saw.
Worse save, any vulnerabilities, special attacks, special defenses.
Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

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Tere has no idea what the things on the ground are. Maybe just harmless algae? There are three of them though.
Two-blades has heard of these things though. They look like grey oozes, but.... changed. Grey oozes he knows can digest things that touch them, including ... weapons.
These ones... these look altered, and likely have additional, strange, powers.
Both Pau and Tere hold there lunches, just.
DC is 16 for anyone else wanting to go in
The slimes don't seem to be moving at the moment.

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"What are we going to do? We need to protect you guys from attacking directly. Maybe we go pure ranged? And block the access to many of us?"
kn dungeoneering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

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"Poke it with a stick. See what happens."
Bella says with a shrug.

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”I don’t fancy punching these things if they are going to eat my fists, you know. Anyone have acid or alchemist’s fire or anything like that? Could be the way to go…”

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Shen has heard of oozes whose collective cells have formed what might almost be a rudimentary intelligence... of sorts. Who are able to assault the minds of their foes, as well as digest their bodies. She has a bad feeling that these oozes may fall into that category. She also suspects that they may be immune to extremes of heat and cold.

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@GM: With a Knowledge (dungeoneering) result of 24, what are the results of Two Blades' questions in the order he presented (Worst save, any vulnerabilities, special attacks, special defenses.)?
How high is the ceiling in this room?
Bella moves to the threshold of the room, scrunching her nose to avoid the stench, and peers up at the ceiling.
I could cast fly on one of you sneaky types. Try to fly quietly over the oozy things, out of their reach, and down into the well. Then search in the well for that stone."
She puts a finger to her chin and thinks for a moment before continuing.
"If that stone is down there, we should take it back to the mirror room and deal with that area first before coming back here. I think those oozes will leave us alone if we don't disturb them."

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I've already provided the information that Two-blades knows. However if you really want worst saves, he suspects they would have a poor will save. Likewise, they are oozes, and not going to be able to dodge things very easily.
The ceiling is between ten and fifteen feet high.

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Sounds like you shamans will need the thunder of the gods to fight them. I will try arrows. Many, many arrows. He backs up and prepares his bow.
If it corrodes weapons, it probably isn't affected by acid. Resistant to cold and heat. So electricity, sonic, force, or negative energy damage. Or you could try to do high enough damage to go beyond the heat and cold resistance.

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"He's right. If they don't move quickly, we can use archery to whittle them down when they chase us. If they don't chase us, we'll just take them down from range." Tere sheathes his sword and readies his own bow.

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Bella spins around and holds up her hand.
"No! Wait, Hádanka and Tere. Those oozy things are totally ignoring us. I'm sure they know we're here, but, they haven't made any hostile actions towards us. Let me cast fly on T.B., Tere, or Pau. Or even Shen, who can make herself or one of the others invisible. Since we know those things can dissolve weapons, whoever we send should be armed with their bow, just in case."
She glances around at her companions.
"I'm willing to give it a go myself if Shen is willing to cast invisibility or another good defensive spell on me. If not, I have sanctuary and some others. Anyway, I think it's a good idea to consider."

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Shen nods.
“Of course I can aid! But the invisibility only holds for a little more than half a minute. “
She casts summon monster 3 to bring a Dretch near the target.
She then casts haste first on the group and then vanish on Bella when she’s ready.

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Do you speak Abyssal? If not, you are aware the Dretch is likely to go straight into the attack, and not wait around idly. If you can speak to it, then you can provide whatever orders you want...

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No Abyssal, then first vanish, then summon monster and in the round the Dretch appears HASTE! I cannot access the map at the moment so if someone can position us correctly that would be great.

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Hold on, Shen. Moving to discussion thread.

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The spellcasters load up on TBITD who scoots invisibly and almost silently over the oozes and down the well...
How does Two Blades see when down the well as a matter of interest?
He starts to search... Perception check please, and do you go into the waterliquid at the bottom?

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With an affectionate pat on his back and a kiss on his cheek, Bella wishes Two Blades the best of luck as she casts her spells on the heroic rogue.
"May Desna watch over you. Please be careful, T.B."
She scoots back down the hallway and motions to Hádanka.
"Get at the end of the hall to the cavern and ready to plug any of those oozes with arrows, just in case."
Resist energy (acid), 60 minutes.
Fly, 6 minutes.
Guidance, 10 rnds.

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I can cast light on my own, but will take the offer of the darkvision.
Scanning the area, Two Blades checked to see what he can find down in the well.
If needed, cast Detect magic.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

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Flying down the well, Two-blades revels in his keen eyesight piercing the darkness. He mumbles a quick cantrip, hoping the slimes above can't hear his prayers echoing up the well-shaft.
The narrow wellshaft. My goodness, if an ooze were to slurp over the top... And the smell, Gods but the worst of Absalom's sewers couldn't be as bad as this.
Still, he focuses, and there, somewhere beneath the still surface of the water... or whatever that liquid is... lies an item of power. But he'll need to get wet to reclaim it.

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Bella places her hands on her face in worry.
"Ohhh. I hope T.B. is alright."
Standing at the far end of the hallway, she tries to peer past Hádanka and into the room, watching for any movement from the oozes.
Noticing no movement or hearing any cries of help from Two Blades, she sighs in relief, but still keeps a watchful eye on the chamber.

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The disgusting waters are about as deep as TBITD is high. He quickly grasps hold of.... a wand... and flies out and back to the group. The oozes seem to care not a whiff for his presence, sitting happily next to the well, existing.

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Bella is pleased to see Two Blades make it back with no problems. She pinches her nose shut when she gets a good whiff of the drenched rogue.
"Phew! You stink."
She cocks an eyebrow at the wand in his hand.
"A wand? That's all that was down there? Are you sure you didn't see a magical stone?"
She glances towards the oozes resting by the well.
"Oh dear. I hope the stone isn't inside one of those oozes. Actually, maybe the stone isn't even in here at all. There are still other areas to check. Well, I'll try to identify the wand's properties. I'm sure Shen can do a better job at it, though."
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

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While the smell of the room, and Two-Blades is disgusting, there is at least another way out of there.
And given it is only 30' away, you could easily make it, holding your breath.

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Bella was able to identify the wand if it had a spell of 4th level or lower in it.

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Nice! I always forget searing light is a CRB spell.
"This is an interesting wand. One can focus divine power like a ray of the sun to project a blast of light to harm creatures."
Bella slides the wand into her belt in an easily accessible spot.
"If anyone doesn't mind, I'll hang onto this."

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”So are we going to scurry through the room, holding our breath as best as possible? We still need the other stone,” Pau grumbles.

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Tere ponders the situation. "Ah, when we were in the caryatid column room, could any of you detect the stone when it was under the floor? The stone might still be in here."

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Those things must be hiding it from us. Everyone stand back and let's start shooting. Hadanka draws his bow, yet is waiting for everyone to start volley fire together.
Was he gone long enough that the Haste has run out or is there still some left? I will make my attacks based on still having some Haste up.
When all are ready...
bow att: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 1 = 10, if hits, cold-iron arrow dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
haste bow att: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 1 = 10, if hits, haste cold-iron arrow dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Are you s#!tting me! Two 1's in the same round?

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Tere takes a short step diagonally, drawing and loosing an arrow in one smooth motion.
Arrow to blue: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Arrow damage, if applicable; add +1 if this is considered a surprise round: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

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Haste won't still be active. Time to fly there. Search. Detect magic, concentration, going into the water, coming out with the wand, searching some more incase the stone was hidden, returning to the group, spellcrafting, discussing plans...
As the Oozes are not doing anything.. yet... I'll let you all get a full round of actions in before they act. Remember if you are in the room, you will need to make a fort save. And if not... you likely have someone providing cover for the oozes.

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Pau wasn’t sure if it would do any damage, but he pulled a shuriken and threw it at the closest ooze.
Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Damage 1d2 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Shen uses her wand of magic missile to send two bolts into the ooze!
cl 3 mm, 19 charges: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5

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Seeing that the group was getting ready to attack, Two Blades moved higher into the ceiling and started launching arrows.
arrow green: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 131d6 ⇒ 1
Heading up until I have about 2-3 of room above me.