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Once the search is complete, the elf offers his healing wand to someone who can use it more consistently.
2 charges used, curing: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 2) + 2 = 11

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"Oh, dear. What did those blobs do to you guys? Your eyes are all sunken in and you're all pale as a ghost!"
Belladonna uses her companions' wands to get them all fixed up.
She then tries to discern if the oozes may have left any lingering detrimental effects.
"I've heard of things doing such terrible damage that magical healing usually doesn't work."
Heal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

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Hadanka holds up his wand for someone to use on him.
wand CLW chg 1: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
wand CLW chg 2: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Damn! I had hoped it would be in one of them. We might as well go on through to the next room.
I really don't care we only have 2 choices. {shrug} Just pick one.

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The team hunts high and low. They spends charges from wands and at least feel a little bit better. Belladonna checks everyone's wounds, but they are primarily mental rather than physical. Time should heal them all.
It would appear the only way to more treasure or discoveries is to continue down the passage south...
Shen - ; mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Pau - 2 int damage; mage armor (1 hour from entry);
Tere 11 damage. (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Belladonna -
Hádanka - (hammer destroyed) - rage used 6;
Two Blades 7 damage; (1 damage to rapier);

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Map updated
Parts of this chamber have fallen into ruin, as rock and broken pieces of masonry have collapsed the ceiling in places. On the north side of the room, untouched by the debris, is a short dais, atop which rests an iron chest. A pale golden light emanates from the ceiling above, illuminating the room.

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perception(Traps): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
Reroll +1: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 1 = 31
Two Blades flew into the room to start checking the area around the dias for any traps.
Using my reroll. Guessing that Fly is still working for another 2-3 minutes.

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Given you went down the well, and then had a battle, then did a thorough search of the room, and had some healing up as well... it is likely that the fly will be all but over by now. I'll give you a minute left on it
Two blades carefully approaches the dias, looking for trouble. He is just about to step onto it when he notices.... a very, very thin crack around the dias, as it it is perhaps not fully sitting on the stone floor. He suspects there is some weighting mechanism that activates when the dias is stood upon.

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Bella anxiously bites her lip and taps and wiggles her fingers together as if working on a delicate puzzle as she watches Two Blades work on the trap.
"Ohh. Do be careful, T.B."

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Two blades sets about trying to jam the mechanism. He thinks he's almost done it when he suddenly trips forward. Only the intervention of Tere, pulling him back in the nick of time stops... who knows what.
Technically DD is a secret check. In this case the aid-another was timely. Let me know if you want to try again and I'll roll for you and let you know the results..

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"Let me have a go at it, Two Blades. That was too close."
Tere takes out his own set of lockpicks and assorted tools, and goes to work.
Tere has +19 on his DD check to remove traps.

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rolls for who knows what, but assuming TB auto aiding for a bonus of +21: 3d20 ⇒ (3, 10, 11) = 24
Tere *thinks* he has the dias all secured now.

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The elf rocks back on his haunches from where he's been working, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. "I think that did it. If you have any rope, one of us can spot for the other."

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"Did you figure out how the trap works? Maybe there's a way to counteract it. Is there a lever or control mechanism anywhere?"

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"I think I have it jammed in place, but I'm not sure. Can one of you check for magic, and then I'll try stepping onto the dais?"

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"I'm on it, Tere."
Bella moves into the room and gets against the wall between Tere and Hádanka. She points her fingers towards the dais and chest and scans the area for magical auras.
"Let's figure out a way to open the chest without stepping on the platform. I would prefer to conserve my spells, but, I could cast fly on one of you again."
"If it's some kind of weight mechanism, we should open the chest and see what's inside. We could try to guess the weight of the contents then get some chunks of those broken statue creatures or bones from the undead and put them inside at the same time we remove the contents. If we need to remove the contents."

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There is a magical aura around the dias, rather than the chest in its middle.
And to be clear, nobody has actually stood on the dias yet.

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"Belle, can you tell what the aura is from?"
Since Shen is dealing with matters domestic, is it OK if we bot her Spellcraft check?

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know(arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Bella tries, but the intensity of the aura is too much for her to to able to identify trivial things such as school.
i.e. spell level must be 6 or over

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I read through the detect magic spell and don't see anything about it having to be a 6th level spell or higher. My caster level is 6th, if that's what you mean.

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Identifying auras has a DC of 15+spell level, so a roll of 20 would only identify 5th level spells or below.

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Identifying auras has a DC of 15+spell level, so a roll of 20 would only identify 5th level spells or below.
Ah! I get it now. Thanks!

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It's under know(arcana) rather than spellcraft. 1st edition has some odd distinctions between the two. I have to keep looking them up to remember which is which.

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It's under know(arcana) rather than spellcraft. 1st edition has some odd distinctions between the two. I have to keep looking them up to remember which is which.
Likewise. They definitely got better at organizing over the years....

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Hádanka can see no good reason why a rope shouldn't remove the chest from the dias. All these casters coming up with complex solutions for trivial problems. Straightforward thinking is all that is required!
Shen - ; mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Pau - 2 int damage; mage armor (1 hour from entry);
Tere 11 damage. (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Belladonna -
Hádanka - (hammer destroyed) - rage used 6;
Two Blades 7 damage; (1 damage to rapier);

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"How good are you with a lasso, Hádanka?"
Bella asks with a playful smile.
"I used to rope horses on my farm when I was a young lady. Let's see who can lasso that chest first, shall we?"
She says with a wink as she gets her rope from her pack. She moves to the other side of the room to face Hádanka with the chest on the dais between them. She loops the rope and ties a knot to create a lasso.
"Ready whenever you are."

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Anyone who wants to try and lasso the chest, just make a DC10 dex check. Feel free to retry if you fail.
If you want to try and haul the chest off the dias, that is a little harder, DC20 STR check. Again, feel free to retry if you fail.

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Bella twirls the rope over her head until the loop of the lasso forms an almost perfect circle. She tosses it at the chest.
Lasso: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
"Aww. I guess I'm a bit rusty."
She says with a frown as she reels the rope in.

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"Good shot, Pau. Tug the chest just a little to get a feel of its weight. Don't pull it all the way off the platform yet, though. Lets go get some chunks of broken statue and put them on the platform at the same time we remove the chest."

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Pau holds on to his rope, waiting for his team to maneuver how they feel best. He gives a gentle tug, to see if it was particularly heavy.

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"Hold on, guys. Are you sure you want to take the chest off the platform that has a weighting mechanism trap on it?"

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"I don't know if that's what it is. I'm still waiting to hear if Shen could analyze the magic on the dais."

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Hadanka gives Pau a nod Good cast. He doesn't wait. He grabs the rope and hauls the chest.
strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
But the floor is slippery under his feet and he makes little progress.

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Shen arcana: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
Shen identifies the really strong aura as being an evocation.

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"I'm going to get out of this room first, then."
Bella says after hearing the platform radiates strong evocation magic, fearing she may be incinerated. She coils up her rope and moves back into the cavern hallway.
We only have a few days left, we should try to finish up this room and the mirror room ASAP. This means more posting, or, having the GM quick-time things. Haven't heard from T.B. or Shen in a week.

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I'm reluctant to quick time something that might kill you. Especially in a time bound scenario.
Nobody has got close to the chest yet, so tying a rope to the lid would be difficult. You do have the chest lassoed through, and while Hadanka couldn't pull it off in his first attempt he is free to try again (and again, and again...).

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"Let's retreat out of the room and pull from there, just in case it blows up."
Once everyone is clear of the room, Tere tries to pull the chest off the dais.
STR check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
The chest is unmoved by the elf's efforts.

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Someone with a high strength should just Take 20 to pull the rope and others can Aid.
With everyone in the hallway for safety, Bella grabs a section of rope and helps pull the chest off the platform.