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If you split the room up it will go faster (likely just one minute as you each cross the floor in a row), but if there is a trap, it won't necessarily be Tere who finds it...

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"How does everyone want to split this up? Unless there's a clock I don't know about, we can afford to take the time and be thorough. That's what we did on my last mission...though we were all pretty sick of camel by the end of it. I think our best chance is if Bella casts guidance on Two Blades and Shen, and the three of us search carefully."
That's three +15 Perception checks vs. traps.

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Well, if Bella spams guidance, that would get one of your +14s to +15. so 2x+15 and one +14. If you each did two columns that would be just over a minute. Assumeing you go with that approach, who is going for the left two, the middle two and the right two columns for their searching? And are you all T10ing?

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Shen shakes her head.
”This place is cruel! Let us be quick and not waste time!“
She turns to the left corridor and moves in.
She checks for traps.
perception a couple of times as I don’t like take 10 : 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 311d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 321d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

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Bella puts her hand over her mouth to muffle a giggle as she looks at Tere.
"A clock? A camel? Oh, don't tell me you've heard that joke about the Osirion camel keeper and how he told the time to passerbys."
She waves her hand dismissively to stop herself from giggling.
"Anyway... Yes. I am more than happy to cast guidance on T.B. and Shen as they search."

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The elf shakes his head seriously. "No, the camels were the pack animals from the expedition that killed the Pathfinders who found the tomb before us. After we killed the other expedition, we butchered the camels and ate them while we explored the tomb." He grimaces. "I've eaten worse, but not often."

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Two blades and Tere split the room in half and start to search...
One of the statues was standing on a flagstone that has an slightly different seal around the outside, as if it has been replaced in the past.

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Shen investigates the different seal.
knowledge without modifier: 1d20 ⇒ 11
• Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int + 1 Trait)
• Knowledge (Engineering) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Knowledge (Planes) +15: (6 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int )
• Knowledge (History) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Knowledge (Local) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Knowledge (Nature) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Knowledge (Nobility) +10: (1 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Knowledge (Religion) +12: (3 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)
• Linguistics +15: (6 Rank, + 3 Class, + 6 Int)

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Shen detects no magic, its just a physical sea. Two-blades sticks a knife in and gently prises up the stone.
Beneath it is a small hollow with an old black velvet bag. There is an odd stone within it, and a handful of platinum coins.
Also below the bag there is a small switch.

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The stone is magical. And it has a moderate abjuration aura on it.

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That healed me to full.
Thank you for the healing assist. Looks like I will have to replace my hammer. {sigh} I don't like those things.
Since the others can search and identify better, Hadanka will place himself on guard for any threats that try to interrupt.

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Anyone else wanting to cast detect magic can also open Shen's spoiler above
Shen -
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 2 damage (1 damage to rapier)
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged;

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Saying a few words, the butterfly shaped birthmark glowed on Two Blades hand. Looking over the stone, he noted something different. "Looks like it is magical, but I have not clue what it is." he said, handing it to Shen. His magical use was more knowing what items to take.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

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"Oooo. What did you find, Shen?"
Bella ogles the small stone.
"I'll give it a go with detect magic."
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
"Huh. Interesting. Never seen anything like it."

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Shen tries to identify the item.
spellcraft : 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20

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The stone is my no means a standard magical item. From an examination of it's aura it is almost as if it is part of something larger. Some type of key maybe?

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Bella suddenly feels a thump in her rear end.
"Youch! Hey? What the...?"She spins around to see who prodded her, but there is nobody behind her.
"Huh. That was weird."
She glances about, confused.
"Yeah, T.B. Hopefully that switch will open the gate."

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Two-blades expectations are upheld. With a rusty groan, the portcullis to the west rises slowly into the ceiling. Looking down the corridor you feel a distinct chill in the air.

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”Are we ready? Cold coming from the room? In my experience, that typically means there will be undead afoot,” Pau announces as the group prepares to enter.

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What is the plan for the corridor? Taking-10 for every square on a search for traps? Which will really slow things down, but ... well.. give you a chance if there are traps. Or assuming the gate was protection enough and go at a more normal pace? If you are taking the slow approach, who is doing the trap-checking?

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Two Blades said a quick spell and the mace lit up the area. "You want to join me in scouting out the area?" he asked Tere before going a short distance ahead, to scout out the area.
I was thinking of just using the Thieves Rogues normal ability (Perception, evasion, etc) to speed things up.

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In the end of discover that the slowness of checking for traps is not too bad, as both Pau and Hádanka have to squeeze their enlarged form into the narrow passageway.
Neither Two Blades nor Tere find any traps in the passage.
The air in this chamber is deathly cold, turning breath into visible plumes of steam. In one corner of the chamber stands a tall statue made of black ice, fashioned to look like a skeleton wearing heavy robes, wielding a scythe. The rest of the chamber contains a number of niches, each one of which contains a bier made of the same black ice. Ancient, ice covered bodies rest on some of these short platforms.
The floor itself is covered in a thin layer of ice (and is thus slippery).
Status, Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor
Shen -
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 2 damage (1 damage to rapier)
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged;

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Shen also has a mage armor spell up from her wand.
She detects magic in the room.

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Shen is currently right at the very back (see map) of the group. From where she is you can't detect magic other than that of the group. To detect magic in the room Shen will have to climb over the larger characters, and get to the front. Or the party could move into the room itself...
Status: Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 2 damage (1 damage to rapier)
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged;
Again, if you move into the room, please mark the trail you take.

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Bella moves slowly with the group, stays low, and keeps a watchful eye for any danger. She pulls T.B. back before he enters the chill chamber.
"Wait, T.B.! Before we go much further, I'd like to give myself, and you, a tap from my protection from evil wand. Would anyone else like a tap?"

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Bella taps Two-blades protecting him from evil effects.
As two blades moves closer to the statue, the intense cold... intensifies.
cold damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
He finds himself shivering badly and steps back quickly.
Just far enough back to avoid taking further damage.
A sound of cracking ice is heard as the ice over some of the figures to the south starts to crack.
Initiative: time!
bodies: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Anyone equaling or beating a 15 may act.
Status: Initiative; Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 6 damage (1 damage to rapier); protection from evil.
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged;
Icy Skeletons (init 15)
Please let me know if anyone else is taking a tap of the wand along with your initiative roll, from Bella's post above, she was offering it to everyone before Two-blades went into the room.

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Bella then taps herself with the wand, and anyone else needing some protection, before placing the wand back in her pack.
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
I'm hoping to tap everyone with the wand that wants a tap before T.B. steps into the room & combat is initiated.

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Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Fahd volunteers to receive the wand charge of PFE. He then delays, wanting to see if anyone else can move forward with him.
GM, in my enlarged state, can I move through the tunnel to get in front of the party?

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Pau can't get past others while squeezing, he takes up the whole width. Rules for squeezing are here. Given their superior initiative modifier, the baddies go before Pau.
Status: Initiative; Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 6 damage (1 damage to rapier); protection from evil.
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Icy Skeletons (init 15)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged; protection from evil
Belladonna - protection from evil.
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Please again, if you beat their init, put any lines you use for movement in the room. Also indicate if you are taking the PrE spell. For this encounter, feel free to update your AC with PfE, as you don't need to be a paladin to detect the evil vibes coming from these things.
Remember that Protection from evil is a deflection bonus, so won't stack with a ring of protection.

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"Ouch, that was cold, and it looks like we have company!" Two Blades said before saying a quick prayer. He then skirted around the area of cold and tried to thump the foe before it got a chance to move.
+1(+3?) Undead bane Adamantine Lt. mace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 141d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 53d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4) = 82d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
Not sure if it is undead but if so, then Sneak attack AC 16 for 25, Hit AC 14 for 13 if not undead. One use of Agile Feet (ignore all difficult terrain for one round) and yes, I have a feeling I will need PtE. Thank you Belladona!

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"I'm good on weapons. If anyone needs a spare, I have, ... an alchemical silver light mace, ..."
I missed this before. If you have plenty, I wouldn't mind this for a backup weapon.
initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 looks like I'm waiting a while.

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They are indeed undead.
Two blades takes a quick swing, but even prone, his mace slides off the things thick armor. The rogue shivvers, it is not just the statue that radiates cold, this skeleton does as well.
Status: Initiative; Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Icy Skeletons (init 15)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged; protection from evil
Belladonna - protection from evil.
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 6 damage (1 damage to rapier); protection from evil.
Please again, if you beat their init, put any lines you use for movement in the room. Also indicate if you are taking the PrE spell. For this encounter, feel free to update your AC with PfE, as you don't need to be a paladin to detect the evil vibes coming from these things.
Remember that Protection from evil is a deflection bonus, so won't stack with a ring of protection.
Also, anyone starting their turn adjacent to one of the skeletons will take cold damage. If you are in this situation, please roll a fort save as your first dice, it'll help determine how you handle the cold.

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A creature can squeeze past a creature while moving but it can’t end its movement in an occupied square.
Pau can squeeze past us if his movement allows it.
Do we need to make acrobatics checks if we move at only half speed? Also, who is prone? Two-Blades or a creature?

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The creatures on the biers are prone at the moment, their ice covering has just broken away. So I figure they must be prone. Acrobatics checks for normal movement are not required. The whole floor does count as difficult terrain through. So 5' steps are not possible. If you were to run or charge you would need to make an acrobatics check to keep your feet.

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A crack resounds through the room as the ice covering three of the bodies cracks open and the skeletons within emerge. Quickly gaining their feet they converge on the lonely form of Two Blades.
Unfortunately only the close skeleton has time to actually strike at him..
attack v AC23: 1d20 ⇒ 11 hit
damage: 1d8 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 5 + (6) = 19
The supernatural cold of the weapon just adds to the pain that juts through two-blades.
On the plus side, Two blades can take an AOO on the red one as it stood up.
On the minus side, there are three fort saves that Two blades also has to make against the intense cold from the three figures.
Status: Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor; all terrain is difficult.
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged; protection from evil
Belladonna - protection from evil.
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Two Blades - 25 damage (1 damage to rapier); protection from evil.
Icy Skeletons

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As the waves of cold washed over Two Blades, he quickly figured that it was not a good place for him to be as he got back to the safety of the group. "I hope someone has a fireball ready!" he hollered.
Fort save 1: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16
Fort save 2: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 1 = 11
Fort save 3: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 1 = 28
AOO red: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 141d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 72d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 113d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) = 9
Figures, max damage and I would have liked the nat 20 for my attack. Withdraw action for the first space and move back to the others. Agile feet if needed.

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Two-blades agile feet are more than helpful in getting away from the press of skeletons.
damage, to be halved: 1d6 ⇒ 4
damage, to be halved: 1d6 ⇒ 2
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Status: Acrobatics checks are at -5 due to slippery floor; all terrain is difficult.
Tere (dagger on 1hp. broken, -2 to hit & damage)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry); enlarged; protection from evil
Belladonna - protection from evil.
Shen - mage armor (1 hour from entry, more or less)
Hádanka -(hammer destroyed) - enlarged.
Icy Skeletons
Two Blades - 32 damage (1 damage to rapier); protection from evil.

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”Can we lure them back to us? In that narrow corridor, they will swarm us,” Pau calls out from the back.