Park Song |

"Good thinking. And everyone be ready to strike if it appears again in range!"

Milovic Draznoi |

Mila nods tensely. She has no idea how to fight something that they can't see like this and is torn between trying to heal their injured versus readying to attack. Park and Rajuna's ideas to wait til they can see it seem born of experience, so she nods grimly, nocks an arrow, and... waits.
5-ft step, ready to attack the spider if she sees it. If it appears adjacent to her, she can still shoot it without provoking thanks to Point Blank Master.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Cover may apply depending on where the spider appears relative to Mila
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

GM of the Crown |

As Zhandar's mist unfurls across the ground around you, the group waits in the cold air of the Ustalav night for the spider to reappear. A few seconds pass, then a minute. Soon it's been a few minutes, and the spider with an elf face has not shown back up.
The mist spell dissipates finally, dropping down into the ground slowly over the last bit of its duration. You exit the 'protection' of the mist expecting to be jumped by the spider immediately after, but it doesn't come.
You are alone in the marsh, the only sound being the whispering of the wind through the trees and the reeds.
Unfortunately, you also find Aleece, her broken and battered body lying half-submerged in the bog a few yards past the spider's 'nest'. She had obviously died hours ago, almost certainly from the spider's venom.

Park Song |

Park keeps his dagger ready and watches as the mist slowly clears. The spider was more dangerous than anything he wanted to face at the moment.... "Let's bring the body back. They should be allowed to conduct whatever sort of rites they believe in. Small consolation, but at least they'll know."
I assume I need to make more Fort rolls, and actually make the saves?
Fort save?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Rajuna |

Raj quickly collects the victims’ good, all the while keeping a sharp eye out for the spider. He wraps the girl in his burnoose and gathers her up. ”Let’s go quick.”
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Park Song |

2nd Fort save DC 18?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Milovic Draznoi |

Mila has trouble believing the threat is truly gone, but the seconds dragon and on and on with no further attack and there's only so long you can keep tension on a bowstring. Finally she sighs, and they go about a more thorough search.
The half-elf can't help a small gasp at the sight of the woman they were sent to rescue. "Oh no. Oh... her poor sisters...."
She swallows thickly, brushes at her eyes with her shirtsleeve. She cannot help but think of Ivgeny... another doomed, stupid rescue mission...
After Raj has bundled the poor woman's body into his cloak, she looks around at the others. "Can we give her sisters a little somethin', for the cost of burial if nothin' else? --actually, hang on, I've got enough gold to spare. I'll see to that."
Mila re-nocks a arrow. "Right, let's get outta this damn swamp and back to 'em, even if we got bad news. That damn spider thing shows up again, 'm shootin' it right in its creepy face."

Rajuna |

Going with a Ready action, Mila? I like it! Carrying this body, I'm going to be an easy target... unless the spider is far-sighted and bites the corpse instead. :P I can dream!
I haven't done the math but I'm certain carrying Aleece puts me at least into the medium load category so I'm losing my WIS bonus to AC and my DEX bonus tops out at +3. After this, I'm buying Muleback Cords.
Raj struggles finding a way to carry the body by himself, but he'd rather everyone else have a chance to defend themselves when... well, can a spider start or stop playing 'possum'? "I don't mind helping out with the funeral, burial, or what have you."

Zhandar |

Zhandar shakes her head. "That could easily have been one of us, if we had not been wise enough to remain in a group. Of course we will help them. Isn't that right, Fingers?" The monkey screeches and shakes his head. "Fingers can hold a shovel," she suggests, teasing the little creature."We should also warn them that the creature may still be active, and help them post watches on the rest of the way to Lepistadt. It harms us none, and will help them greatly."

Rajuna |

Rajuna trudges along cautiously, watching his steps over the boggy ground while lugging a body. "For group safety - more theirs than ours - we might want to join our wagon to their caravan tonight. Or try to get everyone rolling to Lepidstadt. We could get there by midnight, I think. Staying anywhere near that spider's hunting ground is asking for trouble."

GM of the Crown |

Heading back to Kaleb with Aleece’s body takes a little bit longer than the trip into the bog in the first place, but the spider does not make another appearance. Seems like you’ve done enough damage to drive it off!
Kaleb and the other performers are obviously distraught to hear of Aleece’s fate, but at the very least they are grateful to have closure. ”Was hoping you would find her just dozing somewhere under a tree all peaceful, but I suppose that’s asking for too much around these parts.” he says glumly, frowning. ”Well, as promised. One magical dagger.” he nods, presenting the dagger to the closest member and letting them take it. ”Got it as payment for a private show in some backwater town farther south, lady who gave it to us said it is real good against those strange shapeshifting types.” Kaleb identifies it as a +1 humanoid (shapeshifter) bane dagger.
”Listen, we uh, don’t usually take in strangers and outsiders…but on special occasions we like to make exceptions. Would you like to join up with our posse for the remainder of the trip to Lepistadt? Shouldn’t be for more than a few hours at our pace, and sticking together in groups out in these marshes is always better than not, in my humble opinion.”

Rajuna |

Loot list updated
Raj hesitates… bothered by accepting ‘payment’ when they failed to bring the girl back alive. After a moment, he takes the dagger with a nod of thanks and puts it away (not claiming it, just moving this forward). ”I think traveling together is a good idea. And if we have to stop for any reason, no one goes alone anywhere. Do you need help with… Aleece’s arrangements?” It was the most delicate way the thief could think to ask about what they planned to do with the girl’s body.

Milovic Draznoi |

"Seems a good idea, Mister Kaleb," Mila says, her usual good spirit subdued. "I'd feel better if you had us to see you safe to town. 'm so sorry for Aleece. I'd like to put in some coins to see she's buried proper, whether in Lepidstadt or... or by the road, whatever you folk feel is best."

Zhandar |

Zhandar's mood is subdued and somber. She returns to her normal size before they reach the circle of wagons, and instinctively keeps her head bowed out of respect (or fear). However, anyone watching her carefully might note that she is constantly scanning the area and the people nearby to see if she detects any potential trouble. She does her best to avoid the animals, though the monkey riding on her shoulder (and occasionally on her head between her horns) is conspicuous.

Park Song |

Park accepts the somber tone but brightens up when they mention traveling together.
"I agree, this area seems dangerous. We'd be happy to join with your caravan. Do you happen to have any musicians in your troupe? I'm a Bard so of course always interested in new music, and stories."
Park would want the dagger unless someone else disagrees?

Rajuna |

@Park, no objections from me... but keep the blade close. I have a feeling it is Chekhov's Pistol. Also, if you need extra oomph with it, I could slide it into my Scabbard of Vigor to temporarily boost it to +2 thru +4. Just something to bear in mind if we get into a real 'situation'.

Park Song |

I agree. It's pretty specific, but this isn't an escape room....

Rajuna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Or IS it?! Buh buh buh BUMMM.
: Checks the 'Welcome to Lepidstadt' website : Yep, says right here "Lepidstadt says 'hello' to 2000 tourists a year and says 'goodbye' to 4. Will you be one of them?"

Zhandar |

Fortunately Zhandar doesn't count as a shapeshifter, even when skinshaping, so you won't be tempted to use the dagger on her!

GM of the Crown |

Do you need help with… Aleece’s arrangements?
I'd like to put in some coins to see she's buried proper, whether in Lepidstadt or... or by the road, whatever you folk feel is best.
The ringleader shakes his head somewhat uncomfortably before motioning to two of the other members of the troupe (a nearly 7 foot tall woman with a beard down to her waist and an 8 foot tall shockingly Ulfen man with large muscles) who move over to take Aleece's body from you and move away with it.
"Ah, no thank you. I appreciate the thought but we have a tradition as it were, all of us burn on pyres after...expiration. Death is something we're all familiar with, as the mutants and freaks our troupe is made of are all aware of how often it visits us. Your concern is much valued, however."
We'd be happy to join with your caravan. Do you happen to have any musicians in your troupe?
Kaleb claps his hands together, elated, seemingly forgetting the dark topic he was discussing only seconds ago. Strange folk, these.
"Delightful! I'll have the troupe finish up our...business...here, and then we'll be on the way immediately. We do not have any bards or the like, but we always appreciate a good song! Perhaps this calls for a small campfire song session?" he says, performing a small little jig in front of the group and making his way towards the center of the wagon circle.
Park Song |

Park joins Kaleb in his celebration. He knows that Rajuna seems to have some distrust of the man. But he seems sincere. "A campfire song session sounds like fun. But later, once we're safe."