Gestalt Carrion Crown

Game Master bigrig107

Roll20 link
Harrowstone first floor map
Shadowbrook Map

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Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 34/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

Park calls Birdie back to his shoulder. "Something that she saw scared her. Let's take our time and stay alert."

Following Mila.

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