Protectors of Golarion (Wrath of the Righteous AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: Sword of Valor
Wherein an army marches, a relic is rediscovered, and a victory claimed.
Date: Wealday, 17th of Rova (IX) 4713
Time of Day: Morning
Season: Late Summer
Weather: 22° F (-6° C), Grey Skies

4713 Calendar

General Purpose Maps:
The Worldwound

Mythic Trials Until Next Tier: 1

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Greetings, fellow role-players, and welcome to my humble recruitment thread for a game ongoing. As you might guess, one of my players has unfortunately had to bow out, and now I seek once more a brave and righteous warrior to join in the fight against the demons of the Worldwound.

My current players are as follows:

Elliot the Red Heron, Emberkin Aasimar Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter), who has the Riftwarden Apprentice trait.
Merixia, Hellspwan Tiefling Cleric of Ragathiel, who has the Touched by Divinity trait.
Thesius Monteblanc, Half-Elf Bard (Archeologist), who has the Chance Encounter trait.
Verene Tanaquil, Human Diviner, who also has the Riftwarden Orphan trait.

For thematic reasons, we're looking for a character who worships Iomedae, as none of our current crew do, and our previous PC did.

Character Creation:

Level: 3 - No mythic ranks yet, the players haven't gotten there.
Attributes: 25-point buy
Races/Ancestries: Core are all accepted, of course, as are planestouched. Others need more explanation as to why they're up fighting the Worldwound - a vanara, for instance, is going to be a really hard sell, but a changeling will be significantly less difficult.
Alignment: Really just looking for good here. Lawful Good worshippers of Iomedae get some significant favor, as I mentioned above.
Classes: Paizo only. Unchained is optional for rogues, monks, and barbarians, but mandatory for summoners. Paladins and clerics of good deities are especially thematic.
Money: 3000 gp, as is standard. Don't spend more than a fourth of it on any one item.
Hit Points: Take max at first level, and half+1 at every subsequent level.
Traits: Two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. Do note that if you share any of the above traits, you'll want to check to see what that means in the Player's Guide, because they do have provisions for that sort of thing.
Skills: I do use the Background Skills rule from Unchained.
Formatting on Character Sheets: Please ensure that your stats are easily available to me. If I cannot find something, I’ll let you know, but if I do, I’d like you to change it so that I can more easily find it - that is, don’t just point it out to me.
Backstories: Okay, I admit it, I’m a sucker for longer and more detailed backstories. That said, I cannot afford to read a dozen-odd novels in detail for your submissions. If you want, you can write a longer, more detailed backstory, so long as you give me a summary that’s at most ten paragraphs long. That said, your character is in Kenabres, about three days after the demons attacked. Tell me where they were when it happened and how they survived. Since then, they've been on demon and cultist-haunted streets, and I'd like you to share how they've been surviving there - have they been shepherding other survivors? On the edge of starvation? Lose any family? Natives to Mendev and Kenabres are slightly favored.


As implied by my statements above, Mythic Rules will be in effect. I’m going into these mostly blind, but I don’t want to adjust the encounters to non-mythic standards, because I fear I’ll mess it up even more than I otherwise will.
Redemption, as described in both the Player’s Guide and Champions of Purity, may or may not be in effect. I don’t always like systems to define how characters change, but given the emphasis on redemption in the AP, I am firmly considering it.
Level ups will be done by milestone (in a similar way to mythic tiers, I guess). Tracking XP is a chore, and combat is less quick and easy in PbP.

Recruitment will end on the 13th of January 2022 at 12 PM GMT -5. I reserve the right to reduce that, if I get a lot of attention, however - I won't go shorter than a week from today, though.

Any questions are welcome.

Would absolutely be interested. Would probably submit a half-orc paladin of Iomedae. Will get to work on a character for you to peruse.

Grand Lodge

Interested - would submit a half-elven paladin of Yuelral. A Mindsword whose human father worshipped Iomedae and has come to Kenabres at the urging of his church, and to pay homage to his father who recently passed away.

You know, I didn't realize that Yuelral could have paladins. Today I learned that she's a NG goddess, not CG! The more you know.

Grand Lodge

Worldwound GM wrote:
You know, I didn't realize that Yuelral could have paladins. Today I learned that she's a NG goddess, not CG! The more you know.


and if you want, I can look up the Paladin's Code for Yuelral.
Took me quite a while to find it initially.

Yeah, I kind of wanted this character to be like a nexus for all good things of diversity and tolerance, like Yuelral is, particularly for elves who can be kind of aloof.

Speaking of which, is the Riftwarden still alive or did he die or he was replaced?

(Kriznox Haab here)

This is the draft of my half-orc paladin submission. (In my profile) Only 1st level here, and under construction, but it shows the general idea I'm going for..

I've had an Iomedean Gunslinger occupying space in my head for a while now, would you be open to a gunslinger? If so I can work something up in the next day or so, likely going Child of the Crusade.

Evindyll: I found it over on Archives of Nethys. It did seem a bit neat, definitely.

Khuvaan: I'll take a deeper look on the morning my time, but my first impression is "looks fine."

Zen Gypsy: I'm not sure how well-optimized Mythic rules are for gunslingers (or anything else published after Mythic Adventures), but I won't be offering too much firearms in loot, so it'll probably be on your character to figure out how to build/enchant their weapons. That said, it would need an explanation as to how firearms got so far from Alkenstar, but that's not too out there.

Interested - I have in my head a battle oracle of Iomedae who got her powers 3 days ago during the attack. I'll work on a character and backstory.

Silver Crusade

I've submitted this character multiple times for WotR so I'll post the link to him as he currently exists. It was for a gestalt game so I'd edit out the Oracle to leave the Paladin.
If you're interested in him I can adjust him accordingly to fit in with your campaign.
In quick summary he is a Paladin of Iomedae from Cheliax, one of the remaining few from an old family who still follows the 'old ways' with the adjustment of now worshiping the Inheritor instead of Aroden. He blames the Worldwound for the death of Aroden and has sworn an Oath of Vengeance against it. He would have been in Mendev to join the Crusade and spent the following days assisting survivors and fighting back the best he could. His philosophy from his upbringing is a paraphrased from the TV show Babylon 5:
"And how have we chosen to honor Aroden? What is there left for the world if all of Creation falls around us? There is nothing! No hope, no dream, no future, no life. If we are a dying people then let us die with honor by helping the others as no one else can. You cannot see the battle for what it is; we are fighting to save one another. We must realize we are not alone - we rise and fall together. And some of us must be sacrificed if all are to be saved. Because if we fail in this then none of us will be saved and all we know and love will only be a memory."

Arrius Voralius Constantine

Grand Lodge

Worldwound GM wrote:

Evindyll: I found it over on Archives of Nethys. It did seem a bit neat, definitely.

Khuvaan: I'll take a deeper look on the morning my time, but my first impression is "looks fine."

Zen Gypsy: I'm not sure how well-optimized Mythic rules are for gunslingers (or anything else published after Mythic Adventures), but I won't be offering too much firearms in loot, so it'll probably be on your character to figure out how to build/enchant their weapons. That said, it would need an explanation as to how firearms got so far from Alkenstar, but that's not too out there.

Would be happy to go with the Stolen Fury AP Trait also: we could use it as a gateway for how Evin developed his telekinetic gifts. Champion is a perfect Mythic Path for a Paladin too.

Definitely interested. Thinking of a Sylph Unchained Rogue. More into sneaky and skills than TWF stabby type! Avoiding a fight is frequently better than trying to win it, also gives a much better chance of survival! Chance Encounter for Trickster of course. I see that Thesius Monteblanc already has that one but I would have no problem working that part of the story into my history.

Also, worshiper of Iomedae is no problem, but I'll probably choose neutral good instead of Lawful.

Do you want a full character sheet to review? Or the 8-10 paragraphs of character history? I'll try to get something put up tomorrow.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Interested, considering a dwarven monk who worships Iomedae (will explain in backstory when I finish it). Hope to post a build in a few days.

Shadow Dragon: Sounds fair to me. I can't exactly judge the mechanics, but a whole lot of Chelish families who worshipped Iomedae moved to Mendev in the past century, and it'd not be unreasonable for any new worshippers to come over direct from Cheliax.

Evindyll: That would work for me!

AGM Lemming: I'd prefer at least the bare-bones of a character sheet, but the backstory's more important.

DeathQuaker Looking forwards to it!

Liberty's Edge

Throwing my hat in with an Aasimar Paladin. Unoriginal but effective. Details in the profile.

Seems you have more than your fair share of more than respectable applicants, and since I'm already playing in a few other games, I'll step aside and withdraw from consideration for this one.

Have fun!

Sorry to see you go, Khuvaan, and thanks for your interest!

Oh man... so many paladins already, but I so want to apply with one too... I'm going to do it.

I'll be submitting a dex-based paladin of Iomedae (hopefully this afternoon).

Hi everyone!

I would like to throw my hat in the ring with an improbable hero - Reknar, a no-nonsense ex-army sergeant who has been through a lot, and with a lot of room to grow.

I envision for him a past filled with violence and resentment between him and his adoptive father (he was after all an half-orc raised by two humans), and sadness from his adoptive mother at living a life without love. When the situation at home got extreme, he lost control while defending his mother, and that is why he was sent to prison, and then conscripted as an option to reduce his sentence. He never really managed to raise much higher than a sergeant rank, since he always talked too openly against his superiors. So all the time he was knee deep in the mud with the other soldiers.

There would be a lot to tell about his experiences there, but that would something he would keep very close to his heart, and only share in snippets as the game progresses ;)

He left the military after a particularly harsh mission, when his commanding officer made one too many mistakes and got most of his platoon killed in the process. With him left also one who had become a good friend and advisor - Lucian, the Wizard - he was the one who always pressured him into facing his demons once and for all, eventually convincing the reluctant half-orc to return to his mother, and perhaps some redemption..?

Redemptions is not so easily achieved however... After returning home he found it empty and in shambles - he heard his mother had died a few months back, victim of an acute pneumonia. So the chances to make amends after the brutal murder of his father were gone, as were most chances of understanding his own past and orcish heritage... His mother had only ever told me he survived great danger, and was delivered to her by angels. He always dismissed it of course.

One of the things he has learned from Lucian in recent years is a strong arm and a nice blade will usually not be enough to win you a scuffle on their own - you need to use your brain. And if you manage to have a handful of people you can trust with you, then you have got a real chance to succeed. Life has not been easy for Reknar, which has left him quite rugged and callous. But those who care to look a bit deeper however, are many times surprised at the lengths he will go to stand by the ones he believes in.

When he decided to travel to Mendev, Lucian laughed - "You have finally decided to embrace the Good in your heart my friend?" - a jest they had shared for years, and to which the wizard always returned to, after seeing Reknar thrown himself in danger so many times to help his fellow companions in the Badger company.

"Whatever Lucian, don't get started with that again..." - Reknar grumbled in return - "If I hadn't saved those grunts, who would have?" - he shrugged - "Anyway, I hear they pay you well if you are willing to fight in this Crusade of them so... Why the heck not? Either I become a Holy Paladin, or at the very least I can try to come back filthy rich!" - they shared a laugh.

"Then you should have this no?" - Lucian removed the well worn necklace from his neck, and placed it on Reknar's. It was an old, iron representation of a Longsword over a Sun, which had belonged to her...

"Lucian..." - the half orc raised his eyebrows.

"Take it Reknar, she would want you to have it" - his friend insisted.

"I would rather she would still be alive"

"So would I my friend, so would I..."


The way I see Reknar's story in such an epic game, would be one of redemption and improvement of oneself. For now he barely cares about those around him, and his attitude is mercenary like. A disillusioned soldier, troubled by mistakes of his past... But in the future, who knows? Surrounded by the right people? Maybe discovering again what it is to trust someone, and to believe in something? That can change a man....

Mechanically he is a melee oriented Bard - he should be good in a scuffle with high Str and decent AC, but also with a few surprises if he needs to be in front. Even more so as he delves into the Guardian Path. I also have some crazy ideas for his future (Dragon Disciple? Why not? :D) but those can be left open ended. I am taking no Archetypes, so will keep all the Bard goodness of the class. Inspire Courage will be roleplayed as orders/suggestions kindly offered/barked by the half-orc sergeant to his companions :D Knowledge skills will be mostly stuff he might remember from his time in the military, or stuff he might have read here and there (yep, he is no brute :P).

I know Reknar is not your average Iomedae worshipper. Heck, he is not even particularly religious. But he had very strong ties to one who died defending him and her faith, even if he never understood why. Even if he might never admit it, nothing would make him more at peace than getting answers, understanding what it was that moved her. If in the process, he comes across a group of like minded individuals with whom he feels he belongs, then Reknar can become a very different person.


His basic crunch would be something like:

Reknar Heldergast
Male half-orc bard 2/ranger 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 28 (3 HD; 2d8+1d10+8)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, sacred tattoo[APG]
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk bardiche +6 (1d10+5/19-20) or
. . mwk cold iron morningstar +6 (1d8+4)
Ranged sling +4 (1d4+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with masterwork bardiche)
Special Attacks bardic performance 8 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 13], inspire courage +1), favored enemy (evil outsiders +2), mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6)
Bard Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . 1st (3/day)—cure light wounds, feather fall, saving finale[APG] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, message, open/close (DC 12), scrivener's chant
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Arcane Strike, Power Attack
Traits exposed to awfulness, fate's favored
Skills Bluff +6, Climb +4, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +2, Linguistics +6, Perception +6, Perform (oratory) +8, Profession (soldier) +4, Survival +6, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Orc
SQ bardic knowledge +1, orc blood, track +1, versatile performance (oratory), wild empathy +3
Combat Gear wand of shield (50 charges); Other Gear mwk lamellar (leather) armor[UC], heavy wooden shield, mwk bardiche[APG], mwk cold iron morningstar, sling, cloak of resistance +1, bedroll, blanket[APG], coffee, mwangi (per cup) (20), fine wine (per bottle), grappling hook, masterwork backpack[APG], silk rope (50 ft.), trail rations (6), waterskin
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 8 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. evil outsiders foes.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +8 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

CS for AGM Lemming, Sylph Un-Rogue. Legacy of a Knight and Priestess of Iomedae. She's a believer that went her own way. And no, Susan is not her real name.

This will be GiantHalfling's submission (although, I'm still switching her over from a previous build). I wanted to do something to distinguish her from the other paladins so I multiclassed monk, which I think will make a lot of sense once I write up her background. She is definitely an Iomedaean, with strong connections to Kenebres and the crusades (being the child of crusaders).

One thing I've noticed though- without being able to spend 1,000g on one item (for something like a cloak of resistance or bracers of armor), I'm going to end up with a bunch of unspent money. Any suggestions?

Oh, sorry about the money thing. I've never been sure about the whole "how much should a higher-level PC be allowed to spend on one item" thing... I'll try to put more thought into it tomorrow my time.

Silver Crusade

Worldwound GM wrote:
Shadow Dragon: Sounds fair to me. I can't exactly judge the mechanics, but a whole lot of Chelish families who worshipped Iomedae moved to Mendev in the past century, and it'd not be unreasonable for any new worshippers to come over direct from Cheliax.

I've updated his level and base mechanics, all that's missing is the additional equipment beyond the starting amount.

A Wand of Cure Light Wounds, if allowed, would definitely be part of his expanded item list.

Silver Crusade

Azira Tal-Shirin wrote:

This will be GiantHalfling's submission (although, I'm still switching her over from a previous build). I wanted to do something to distinguish her from the other paladins so I multiclassed monk, which I think will make a lot of sense once I write up her background. She is definitely an Iomedaean, with strong connections to Kenebres and the crusades (being the child of crusaders).

One thing I've noticed though- without being able to spend 1,000g on one item (for something like a cloak of resistance or bracers of armor), I'm going to end up with a bunch of unspent money. Any suggestions?

I would recommend potions, scrolls, and, if allowed, definitely a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Also make sure you have special materials such as Cold Iron weapons/ammunition handy for the demons we're bound to face. Alchemical items are also a good idea.

Liberty's Edge

had not noticed the limit per item. Adjusted my equipment.

Here is my submission. For ease here is his

Imrik was raised by his father Mathen, a common soldier, in the town of Kenebras. His mother was lost in a raid by the demons while he was young enough that he had no real memory of her. His father was often sent on patrols but the church of Iomedae watched over him while his father was away and he grew up strong in the faith of Iomedae.

When he came of age, Imrik began to act out and got into several fights while his father was away. The priest who watched over the kids learning and working in the church were patient with him and seemed unsurprised by the fact that Imrik seemed to have more inner turmoil then most of the other young men being trained by the church. When his father returned, Imrik was taken by his father into one of the upper floors where the high priests and leaders of the church met. There a woman waited for them that Imrik had seen passing through the church at times, but had never interacted with.

His father told him to sit down as the woman looked on with sympathy and his father said, ”Imrik, a long time ago, many generations ago, a member of your mom’s family met Terendelev.” Imrik nodded as his father paused and wondered how the massive Silver Dragon that was a protector of the realm was important to his family line. After a moment his father continued, ”The two became very close and a child was born. Terendelev raised the child far away from these lands. In time Terendelev came to Kenebras and some of her great, great, great grandchildren followed. Such time had passed that they were all but indistinguishable from humans by that time. But apparently, in some generations the blood of Terendelev would rise once more. Your mom’s grandfather was one such, and now it seems you might have that as well. Your mom, well she might have seen it sooner. But Terendelev was paying attention to you and said that your troubles are because of this.” Imrik’s father motioned to the woman who smiled at him.

Imrik looked at the woman and his father and said, ”She doesn’t look like a dragon.”

Terendelev chuckled and said,”The halls are not well built for my true form. And so I refrain from taking it while here to ease the possible damage to the cathedral. But what your father is telling you is true. The blood of a Silver Dragon flows through your veins. And the blood of angel, from your father’s side.”

Mathen nodded and said, ”It is so far back that it is but a rumor in our family. But our blood has been here fighting for a long time and at some point Celestial blood was introduced to our line. I have never noticed anything, but in you these combined bloods seem to inspire…difficult…emotions. It is important that you learn to control it and learn to control the other gifts that might come with the two bloodlines.”

Imrik frowned and a fire seemed to burn in him making it hard to consider what all this meant. He had known something had changed in him recently, but the idea that it was because he was not truly human had never occurred to him. So he asked, ”So am I going to sprout feathered or leather wings? Or…or… claws and fangs?” he asked. His father blinked as if that had not fully occurred to him and he looked over at Terendelev.

Terendelev’s brows furrowed slightly and she said, ”I am not sure, Imrik. It really depends on how much you tap into your combined heritage. Over the centuries, I have seen a few that could grow claws or teeth, but no one has gained more of the heritage to that in your line. I have heard of others who have similar heritages and do gain scales that can guard them or wings. But those are people who delve deeply into the heritage. It might be possible for you to gain similar abilities, but you would need to pursue it. It would not just happen one morning.”

Imrik looked away for a bit as he considered what she had to say. After a time he looked back at his father and Terendelev. ”I feel…an inner fire inside. Controlling it can be…distracting. I have felt it for a while now. I am not sure how to control it.”
Imrik’s father replied, ”Turn to Iomedae and her faith, son. It will take time, but if you focus on her and what she calls you to do. You will tame the inner fire.” Terendelev nodded and after a short time later the two left.

Imrik’s father remained in town for several more weeks as he arranged for his son to train with the Paladins and Warpriests of Iomedae. Imrik learned to trust in the Code of Iomedae and the Celestial blood within him to hold back when he wished to lash out with the fury of his inner dragon. He grew strong and skilled with a blade and armor, but his faith in Iomedae and his Celestial blood never provided him with the faith based powers of those who trained around him. Instead, he learned to hone the rage in his blood to fight alongside the church.

When Kenebras was assaulted, and his many times over great-grandmother was slain, Imrik was forced with every other person who could fight to preserve what they could of Kenebras. Since then Imrik has gained a greater understanding and learned to use his Celestial blood to further harm the evil that has infested Kenebras.

The character sheet is under the Profile and is mostly complete. I did not do all the equipment incase you change your mind on how much gp can be spent on an item, and I figured that could be finalized later if I am lucky enough to be selected.

Alrighty, looking up what I've found thus far... I can't find anything saying how much cash should be spent on a single item, so: Disregard my statement above about equipment and GP limits. That said, do keep in mind that there's a bit of a mess in Kenabres at the moment, so a single big purchase might not serve you as well as less expensive but more adaptable ones.

Sorry for the confusion.

Other than that, I'll try to get some feedback together for the new submissions soon.

Just a note to say I know the group already has a Bard, but Archaeologist’s Luck and Inspire Courage are fully compatible ;)

Indeed they are. It's definitely a distinctive enough difference.

Garen: I don't think I have much to say. It looks good to me, with the minor thing about what happened to him in Kenabres in the days following the Armasse attack.

Shadow Dragon: I see no reason why there wouldn't be a Wand of Cure Light Wounds available to purchase before Keneabres fell. There's even an excuse to lose some charges, if you want to keep some gold spare.


Susan: Question: Why does she have a spell book? I mean, it's not exclusive to those who can use it, but she can't use it yet, so far as I can tell. Other than that, it looks fine to me.

Azira: A very distinctive build, definitely. Only thing is that musetouched are usually CG, and I think it's probably worth mentioning how/why she focused on justice rather than freedom in her backstory.

Imrik: Ah, a bloodrager. Intriguing, and with a tie to Terendelev. I like it! Mechanics look good, too. It's an interesting backstory, as well - I do like a redemption arc, inasmuch as he looks to be somewhat bitter and might become more idealistic.

Liberty's Edge

@GM: forgot that. Will tweak the background.

Liberty's Edge

Background updated with what was going on the day of the attack and since.

Background and Attitude:

Though born to human parents, Garen is built like a tall dwarf. He is only five foot seven inches but his broad shoulders and fire red hair make him stand out in any crowd. He grew up as any child would with his share of name calling particularly for his unusually bright hair color. However, he had a couple of good friends and the breadth of his shoulders kept most incidents from escalating.

Garen's celestial touched heritage was recognized early on. He was groomed to join the faith and at an early age he chose to pursue the family business. Garen's father was a priest of Iomedae and his mother was an oracle both pledged to aid the crusade. Garen, however, was more inclined to the martial pursuits. He trained hard and was on the verge of becoming a warpriest. During his vigil he had a vision of Sir Roland knighting him. Sir Roland was the master paladin of the Iomedae citadel. The next morning he departed the vigil but passed on the priesthood and went to pledge as a squire to the garrison of paladins.

He thought warpriest training was difficult, paladin training seemed near impossible. With grit and determination, along with a healthy dose of encouragement from his mother and father, he made it. Midway through his training he joined a cadre of paladins responding to an attack on a group of refugees attempting to flee old Sarkoris. The paladins arrived too late and what they found horrified Garen. The demons had partially eaten some, gutted others and merely left them for dead. The maiming and wanton slaughter made him sick. This scene stuck with him throughout the rest of his training so that when he took his oaths to become a full-fledged paladin he also took an oath of vengeance to better strike fear into the hearts of evil.

After having seen real evil, he found it easy to extend mercy to those with minor infractions of the law. Often he merely acted as an arbiter between disagreeing parties. On some occasions he truly ran into evil men or monsters of some sort and worked valiantly to dispatch them.

Many of the friars, lower brothers at the citadel, had taken to brewing. It provided drink for those in the citadel as well as a revenue stream to support them. Garen would spend his limited off time learning the trade. They always seemed to enjoy his friendly banter and lighthearted spirit. Even today, he prefers to settle a dispute over a fresh brew and discussion than resorting to the sword. Sadly, the sword seemed to be needed far too often.

The day of the demon attack Garen was with the friars fetching hops at the dock. When the attack started he directed the friars to board one of the boats and get to safety. Then he moved into the city via the sally port in the dock tower. By the time he made it to the edge of the warehouse district the streets were overrun. He spent the next several hours assisting Julania Nalti and her soldiers in defending the warehouse area and its workers. In the following days, Garen and some from the warehouse district have been moving from building to building making guerilla style attacks on those groups of the enemy that do not appear to be too large. Meanwhile, he and those with him work to draw enemies away from a stash house of civilians who have been rescued from the chaos.

My char would be a Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) /Paladin Hybrid, have a big chip on his shoulder concerning a certain Lilitu, be stolen Fury, and backstab the Demons when the heroes attack the grey garrison, aiming to partially redeem himself (starting at lawfull neutral) and take Paladin levels there.

An attempt at Redemption:

I was bound. Beaten, not yet tortutred but this would come soon.

Why hello there Said, no, or thought my soon to be doom.
Still so sullen? You should not be, I was frankly impressed by your savagery, for one of your experience to cleave a Schir in twain is notable. But, how has Lord Gorum rewarded your valor? Left you to die in a Lilitus gentle embrace? But you do not have to die my dear, your ferocity can find so many more worthwhile masters.

Lilitu? Thats what took me down? Well, falling to such a mighty foe should get me into Gorums halls in Elysium at

The sack was removed from my eyes.
Before me stood a demon, female, attractive, horned and eyeless.
A actual Lilitu.
F&$~ me I thought.

Arent you rather forward with such invitations? Said her mocking voice in my head.
Right, strong telepaths, corrupters, capable of turning people into...
Yes guess who is definitly not going to Gorums halls, thats right, you are. came her mocking laughter, both spoken and in my head.

If you wanted to turn me into a husk you would have already done so, so you want something else. I thought, still gagged.

Now, what a polite question, She said as she caressed my face what do I want, other then some despair, drawn out suffering, demon Lord status, riches and fame? There is a small matter, you see, someone She said as her caressing hand tore into my cheek Did cleave one of my pet Schirs in 2, which, if that Schir had more oozelike traits apart from his intelligence could have resulted in 2 pet schirs but actually didnt. Sad!
This does of course mean that my position for "pet that cleaves people in 2" is suddenly open. All you have to do is to further proof your cleaving skills, and you will not spend the rest of your prolongated existence as one of my husks.

I accept was my mental answer.
Of course you do, and of course you will try to betray me, and if it is amusing I may even let you live. She undid my bonds.
Thinking how sweet it would be to bloodrage and sink your claws into my flawless skin? she spoke. Try She thought.

I did nothing.
Unusually circumspect for a Bloodrager, arent you?
Its called being realistic I answered.
Ragnar the realistic eh? It does have a certain alliterative appeal to it.

Let us see then how realistic you truely are then , she said as she handed me my Cold Iron Great Axe, and then turned her back to remove my armor from a chest.
I could have struck her, she would kill me of course, but I could strike, wound her, impede her and perhaps save many lives by this!
I did not.

Her chuckle echoed into my mind.
Congratulations, your odds of becoming a husk have greatly decreased, your Lord in Iron does not approve of those who fail to battle his foes. No Valhalla for you, oh realistic one.
But now, for the cleaving contest.

She led me outside of the makeshift prison, into an abbatoir that looked like a bad parody of an arena. Jeering Demons and Cultists surrounded me as the Lilitu led my armored form inside.
And here comes our candidate for the newly opened position of cleaving pet, having literally opened the positioned himself, Ragnar the Realistic here has a pretty good claim on it! Now, who here would deny this? Oh!
Dont bargain with demons! Said a voice from under a Demon puddle.
Ahhh, we have an alternative candidate! Into the arena you go, Iomedean Paladin whose name I dont know and whose face or sex even his or her mother would not recognice
A battered, bruised, tarnished and wounded Iomedaen stood before me. I was feeling healthy did
of course I healed you, I do have a clear favorite for the post after all. her voice in my head again.
Start cleaving mortals! Did the Lilitu say as she threw a Schir bitten Halberd at the Paladin.

Your name I asked.
Iomedae, light of the sword... The Paladin answered, kneeling.
Unfortunately for you, I, Ragnar will be your end.
I charged.
I struck.
My foe made no attempt of defense.
My foe rested in pieces.
My name is Ceridwen did the head say as it fell to the ground.

I did not dare to think I am sorry, as the Lilitu appeared beside me and lifted my arm to the jeering of Cultist and Demon alike.

When I slept, another voice came, hard, but just.
Your Lord in Iron has forsaken you. I have not. Yet. Take on Ceridwens mantle, at the right time, and find redemption. Stay as you are and find damnation and death.
If you are who I think you are you need to remove this conversation from my memory after we are finished, or the Lilitu will know. Also, when?
Good. Was all I got as an answer.


Originally a mercenary, Ragnar is on the pragmatic side of things and may struggle quite a bit with a Paladin role. He is a teamplayer, knows what his role in combat is, is used to cooperating with people from pretty diverse background and can, on account of being Kellid himself, be an in when it comes to recruiting Kellids.
He is quite diplomatic, realistic and fairly non-judgemental, on account of knowing full well how easy it is to fall.

This is my submission. Belende Svalk, or "Bell" as she prefers to go by. A human battle oracle of Iomedae. A few days ago she was a simple young woman wondering about the path in life she would take. The demon attack made that decision for her. A desperate prayer to Iomedae saw the goddess grant the young woman "visions". Imparting years of training and magical ability in an instant, though at the cost of Bells sight. Her once shining, emerald green eyes forever clouded over.

The 3 days since have been a desperate struggle of survival. Doing battle with demons, meeting and getting separated with fellow survivors, all while struggling to see past 6 paces.

I went with the child of the crusades trait, but her backstory and class could easily go with Touched by Divinity if that was preferred. Stat block and full backstory in the profile.

What the heck has happened to Reknar for the past days, since the attack?:

’Armasse...’ - Reknar pondered, looking around with a smile. As much as he might want to deny it, there was something about all the martial activity around that somehow got him... Excited? Looking forward to... Something?

He did not know exactly what or why, but looking at all those men and women around him, Armed and armored - the sense of comraderie and readiness about them, the plans being enacted between different units. Infantry, archers, forward scouts - all to a common goal. It made him smile, in spite of himself - ”Damn, I missed this...” - he admitted in a whisper while moving around the plaza.

The sight of the Iomedaen Clerics brought back memories, some warm, but most of them just painful - then there she was, right across the plaza, an elf with silver hair and eyes. Staring at him from that distance? Naaaaah, couldn’t be. In the blink of an eye she was gone again, and Reknar stood there staring at nothing, his hand playing absently with the Sword and Sun symbol dangling around his neck, without him even realizing.

’Bah! Nothing that a big glass of whisky cannot solve. Staring around like an idiot’ - he scolded himself, putting the pendant back inside his leather armor, and moving off toward the merchant stalls, looking for something strong to drink.

It was after his second whisky shot that all hell broke loose - the first thing he really noticed was the massive silver dragon soaring high, then banking hard to meet head on against... What was that?! A demon?

He had no time to dwell on it, as many other demonic creatures began spewing from the cracks on the ground, and attacking all in their path. Barely able to keep his footing, it was the sight of a man being disemboweled not very far from him that snapped Reknar out from the stupor and into action. He could hear the beating of the dragon’s wings and the growls of the massive daemon, but above it all he heard the beating of his own heart, thumping in his ears as he traced a bee line toward the monster who had just killed that man, and who was now going for them man’s family, all cowering in a corner.

He saw the small girl’s green eyes staring right at him, as his morningstar came crashing hard at the demon’s back, as hard as he could - ”Get the hell out of here!” - he roared at the mother and children. He immediately felt his attack did nothing against the horrid creature, but still it turned around to face him. Fear almost overwhelmed the grizzled veteran but he stood fast - ”Come on then, there is more meat on my bones. Why don’t you come and get met?”

The creature laughed, or at least he thought it was laughing - a gurgling, disgusting sound that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up - then, casually, it sent Reknar flying within a brutal backhand as if he was nothing, and returned to tearing the family apart. His back almost broken, he could do nothing but stare in horror.

”I am not gonna die here, not like this” - he growled to himself, trying to stand up, but only being able to turn around to stare directly up. The last thing he saw was the fall of the mighty Dragon, even as the remains of the cathedral itself toppled over him, turning his world into nothing more than blackness.


Reknar was fortunate enough to survive under a massive slab which prevented him from being crushed by the debris - the bad news: a swarm of rats had also survived under that same slab... Suffice it to say, he lost the little finger on his left foot, and was about to lose the toe on his right, had he not awaken in time and by chance. He fought teeth and nail to stay alive against the swarm - if there was one thing he could do was survive. He got out from under that slab bleeding and bruised from many cuts, but also with three large rats on his belt - they would become his meals until he could find something better.

Over the next three days, he managed to stay alive by remaining mostly hidden - he learned not all soldiers can be considered allies. He came across pillagers, looters, and despaired, crazed people. He had to stay out of sight from some, and others... Well... Others had to be put down...

As always is the case, he found solace with simple people - not soldiers, not fighters, just... People. At first sight, he had approached them hesitantly, unable to trust anyone but needing to find something, someone, anyone that would explain him what the hell had just happened... But then he saw her, the girl with the green eyes. They were bloodshot and swollen from crying, but he recognized her - ”You are alive” - she also recognized him and cried. He felt ashamed for not having been able to save her family. He felt like crying also, but did not. He just sat there with her.

With this group, he scavenged and tried to find a way to a safer place inside the city - not all made it alive. Some were just too wounded. Others got taken away by... Things in the night. But Reknar and the girl survived. If there was one thing he could do, was survive.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Here's my WIP build; I have not added gear yet, nor calculated out specific attacks. Comments/suggestions welcome.

Ektor the Living Blade:

LG Dwarf Monk (Unchained) 3
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 (+11 to notice unusual stonework)

AC 15 T15 FF13 (Dex +2, Wis +3) (loses Wis if immobilized/helpless)
CMD 21 (23 vs grapple, 25 vs bull rush and trip when on ground)
hp 23 (3d10+3)
Fort +4 (Base +3 + 1 Con); Ref +5 (Base +3 +2 Dex), evasion; Will +4 (Base +1 +3 Wis); +2 vs poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Monk AC Bonus: The monk adds Wis to his AC modifier and CMD; this is not lost if flat-footed or vs touch attacks, but is lost if immobilized or helpless. It does not apply if wearing armor or if the monk is encumbered.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Hardy: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

BAB +3; CMB +6 (+8 grapple)
Speed: 30 feet; base speed of 20 ft is never lowered by encumbrance/armor

Flurry of Blows (Ex) At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what’s already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects). At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects.

Stunning Fist (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This condition replaces stunning the target for 1 round, and a successful saving throw still negates the effect. At 4th level, the monk can choose to make the target fatigued. At 8th level, he can make the target sickened for 1 minute. At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds. At 16th level, he can permanently blind or deafen the target. At 20th level, he can paralyze the target for 1d6+1 rounds. The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. These effects do not stack with themselves (a creature fatigued by Stunning Fist cannot become exhausted if hit by Stunning Fist again), but additional hits do increase the duration.

Unarmed Strike 1d6 damage Unarmed Strike (Ex): At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks can be with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk can apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes. A monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, although he can choose to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty on his attack roll. He can make this choice while grappling as well. A monk’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Ki Pool (Su) – 5 pts (see below): At 3rd level, a monk gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a monk’s ki pool is equal to 1/2 his monk level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike. At 3rd level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 7th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 10th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 16th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action, a monk can make one additional unarmed strike at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack. This bonus attack stacks with all bonus attacks gained from flurry of blows, as well as those from haste and similar effects. A monk gains additional powers that consume points from his ki pool as he gains levels.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

Iron Within (Racial Ability): Dwarves with this racial trait gain 1 ki point. If the dwarf gains ki points from a different source, this ki point is added to that pool. In addition to any other ways in which the dwarf can use ki, the dwarf can expend the ki point as a swift action to either gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round or increase her base speed by 20 feet for 1 round. The bonus ki point does not allow the dwarf to make a ki strike unless she has another ability that allows her to do so, such as the ki pool from the monk class. Like other ki points, this ki point is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation. This replaces defensive training and hatred. Source: Heroes from the Fringe pg. 4

Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a monk gains a 10 ft enhancement bonus to his land speed. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Str 16, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
(25 point buy, dwarf +2 Con, Wis, -2 Cha)

Improved Unarmed Strike (Monk L1): Count as armed when attacking unarmed and can make AOOs.
Stunning Fist (Monk L1; see also attack section): You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier [14]), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can't take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.
Scorpion Style (Monk bonus L1): To use this feat, you must make a single unarmed attack as a standard action. If this unarmed attack hits, you deal damage normally, and the target's base land speed is reduced to 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier [14]).
Improved Grapple (L1): Gain a +2 to CMB and CMDs regarding grapple and grapple attempts do not provoke an AOO.
Boar Style: You can deal bludgeoning damage or slashing damage with your unarmed strikes—changing damage type is a free action. While using this style, once per round when you hit a single foe with two or more unarmed strikes, you can tear flesh. When you do, you deal 2d6 extra points of damage with the attack. (Source: Ultimate Combat p 90).

Exposed to Awfulness (campaign): When you were a child, you were nearly slain by a demon that managed to make its way through the wardstones into the lands beyond. The demon was slain before it could kill you, but you lingered at death’s door in a coma for weeks before waking. Ever since then, you’ve been unusually hale and hearty, as if your body had endured its brush with awfulness by becoming supernaturally fit. But still, the scars (whether physical or purely mental) of your brush with death remain, and nightmares of what could have happened often plague your sleep. Something, be it your own personal force of will, some strange “infection” from the assault, or perhaps a combination of both, has made you stronger than before. You’re not sure what to make of the theories that you survived this exposure to awfulness because you yourself have some trace of demonic heritage that helped give you the advantage you needed to survive—but whatever it was, you’re glad for it! Your strange resistance to demonic attacks persists to this day. Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would kill or physically incapacitate you, you can immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. Associated Mythic Path: Guardian.

Scholar of the Great Beyond (Faith): Your greatest interests as a child did not lie with current events or the mundane— you have always felt out of place, as if you were born in the wrong era. You take to philosophical discussions of the Great Beyond and of historical events with ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (planes) checks, and one of these skills (Knowledge (planes) is always a class skill for you. Source: Ultimate Campaign pg. 55

Proficiencies Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality. Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

(4+Int/level = 5 ranksx3=15 ranks + 2 background skills/level (marked with *); skills listed here are class skills I have not spent ranks in)
Acrobatics +8 (3 ranks + 2 Dex + 3 class)
Artistry (metal sculptures)* +7 (1 rank + 1 Int +3 class +2 race)
Climb (Str)
Craft (Smith)* +9 (3 ranks + Int 1 + 3 class +2 race)
Escape Artist (Dex)
Intimidate +5 (3 ranks + -1 Cha + 3 class)
Knowledge (history)* +7 (2 ranks + Int 1 + 3 class +1 trait)
Knowledge (planes) +6 (1 rank + 1 Int + 3 class +1 trait)
Knowledge (religion) +6 (2 ranks + 1 Int + 3 class)
Perception +9; +2 to notice unusual stonework (3 ranks + 3 Wis + 3 class)
Perform (Cha)
Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex)
Sense Motive +9 (3 ranks + 3 Wis + 3 class)
Stealth (Dex)
Swim (Str)

Craftsman (Racial Ability): Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone. This racial trait replaces greed. Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 11, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 11

Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice any such features that they pass within 10 feet of, whether or not they are actively looking.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Hallit

Wealth Allowed: 3,000 gp; Spent:

Ektor is a four foot tall, broad shouldered dwarf in his prime at 71 years of age. He wears a simple tunic with Iomedae’s holy symbol embroidered on it. Like most dwarves, he keeps his black beard in good shape, but bears no clan-specific braids or icons woven into his hair. He carries his worldly goods in a simple leather pack on his back.

Background (summary):
Ektor was born in Kenebres in AR4642, at the end of the Second Crusade to parents who had come to the Worldwound to fight. As a youth he was kidnapped by a Cultist of Baphomet and delivered to a demon to be devoured, though he was rescued and woke from his wounds and trauma much invigorated—but wrestling with a deep anger and desire to lash out at those who would torment him. He was put in prison for a time after maiming his half-brother in anger, and many suspected him of being tainted by the demon who had nearly consumed him. After hurting his half-brother he swore never to use a sword again. He was put in prison for a time but freed by a Witch Hunter, Falla, who trained him not just in combat but meditation to help him channel his strong emotions safely. When corrupt Witch Hunters killed Falla, he managed to hold his temper, but he retreated into grief for many years, training and meditating at an Iomedaean monastery. Recently when the wardstone was destroyed, he was injured and went into a coma, and has awakened hoping to join the fight against the new demonic threat.

Background (Long):

Ektor’s parents came to Mendev during the Second Crusade, resilient souls who answered the call to protect the world from the demonic armies that threatened the region and the world beyond. He was born just before the Crusade ended, as the wardstones began to be raised, and his parents believed his birth at this time was auspicious, a sign he would help keep the region safe. Sadly, his mother was cut down just at the very end of the war, when he was still tiny, and his father Torgen raised him at the edge of the city of Kenebres while working as a smith. When Ektor was 15, still quite young for a dwarf, he was poisoned and kidnapped at night by a cultist of Baphomet working secretly in the city and presented to a demon who had escaped the wards. He was tormented by his captors to evoke as much pain as possible before the demon was to devour him, but this hideous treatment gave time for city soldiers and witch hunters, led by his father, to track him down and save him. When he awoke weeks later, having been in a coma recovering both physical and mental trauma, he felt stronger than ever, and felt a deep passion to join the ranks of demon hunters.

Underneath that passion, however, was a seething rage, a desire to seek vengeance for the torture he experienced at the hands of the demons and the cult. He trained as a warrior, but so potent was this rage at time he began to lash out at his friends and allies. During a drunken brawl, he drew a sword and severely maimed his own half-brother, Malko also respected among those training to fight the demons, and was sent to prison. Many who knew Ektor believed he had been tainted by the demon who had nearly devoured him, and some—including Malko—urged not just continued imprisonment, but his execution. Even the rest of his family decided to distance themselves from him, even if they did not believe he should die. He still remained in prison for years, a much longer sentence perhaps than one deserved for a single drunken assault, to both keep him safe from those who believed he deserved worse and punish him for a taint no one was sure he actually possessed. He swore he would never raise a sword again, not even in the honor of the gods.

Ektor found himself released unexpectedly, at the behest of a half-elven Iomedaean inquisitor named Falla. Falla offered to train him as a witch hunter and took responsibility for him. She also taught him to focus himself through prayer and meditation. The point was not, she said, to suppress one’s anger, but also not to pay attention to it to the exclusion of all else, but to allow it to be and work through the self naturally through physical exercise and discourse. Anger told you what was important; rage and resentment was anger turned toxic when you focused only on the anger itself rather than on what was important. She respected his choice not to return to using a sword and helped him train in unarmed combat as well as other forms of fighting. She also taught him about not just the demonic threats they faced, but also the history of the Crusades and the WorldWound and the troubles Mendev and Kenebres in particular have faced, which helped him better understand what they were facing—and recognize the dangers of corruption in the city.

During his training, they tracked down the Baphomet cultist who had kidnapped Ektor long ago, and a long, brutal fight ensued. In the thrill and heat of battle, Ektor began to beat upon the cultist, for a moment reveling in the pain he could deliver to the man who had long ago tortured him, but Falla called out, “Breathe!” He remembered himself, focused, and suddenly these words echoed in his mind; to this day he is not sure if they came from himself or another power:

“Justice is not the same thing as vengeance. The first is a way forward, the second a way backward. Take care which path you choose.”

He pulled himself away, subdued his enemy, and turned him over to the authorities. Conflicting emotions gave way to a deep sense of peace he had not known before. But not long after, another fight threatened Ektor and his mentor, Falla, but not obvious demons or cultists—but rather other witch hunters, corrupt and seeing threats where there were none, taking innocents with them along with the guilty. They had often mistrusted Falla, who tended to go her own path than along with the formal Witch Hunter agents, and they had used some foolishness—a trifling mistake in paperwork or some such—to arrest her on counts of heresy. She refused to go with them, and they attacked. In the process the three hunters killed Falla; one hunter in turn succumbed to wounds dealt by Falla, while the other two were severely wounded in the fight but pressed against Ektor. Ektor gained the upper hand, and killed one of them. Feeling a rush rise from the kill, he turned to pummel the final assailant… but seeing his fallen mentor’s form, he stopped himself, grappled and captured the final hunter instead. He did not want to dishonor his mentor’s memory by submitting to rage, even if he sorely wanted to.

And indeed, now rage was no longer his burden, but grief. His family had never forgiven him for what he did to his half-brother and even though it happened long ago, many still whispered that the night the demon took him, he became tainted by it. So he had few friends and, without Falla, little support. Dedicated to justice, even if obvious divine gifts were not granted him the way they were his mentor, he moved into a monastery attached to the temple of Iomedae. If anyone there were suspicious of him, they did not show it. He spent a great deal of time in meditation, trying to work through his grief. He sometimes spent time in the forges, making small armaments for others and decorative items that reflected his ruminations. Asked if he would forge and take up the longsword in Iomedae’s blade, however, he shook his head. “I shall be Her living blade.”

When the Storm King recently destroyed the wardstone, Ektor was badly wounded early on in the demonic onslaught. While he normally fared extremely well against supernatural threats, this time the forces that wounded him caused him to fall into another coma, not unlike the one he experienced when he was young and was nearly devoured by the demon. Tended to in what remains of a bastion of Iomedaen warriors and witch hunters, he has awoken to the hellish landscape his home city has become. But hearing from one of the inquisitors of a new hope in the shape of a group of adventurers, he has resolved he cannot rest, rage, or grieve any longer: it is time for him to fight back, not for vengeance, but for justice—and the salvation of the city.

@Worldwound GM
The spellbook is for the Minor Magic talent using the Bookish Rogue feat. She gets 1 cantrip but can change it with 10 minutes of study. While she studied with her mentor she was able to copy the spells into a book of her own. (At the cost of 5 GP each)

@GM- I only have two or so paragraphs of background up so far, but I think it pretty well describes why she's lawful. Please feel free to let me know if you disagree!

Also, if I failed to mention it before, I'll have a little bit of a connection to Terendelev too.

Susan Duskblade wrote:

@Worldwound GM

The spellbook is for the Minor Magic talent using the Bookish Rogue feat. She gets 1 cantrip but can change it with 10 minutes of study. While she studied with her mentor she was able to copy the spells into a book of her own. (At the cost of 5 GP each)

Huh. I didn't even know that feat was a thing! Neat.

I'll get some more responses up to actual submissions later.

I think I've posted pretty much all the background I'll have time for, although if there's anything the you (GM) would like fleshed out or clarified please feel free to ask and I'll add a bit more to those parts. I included a handful of hooks if you want to do anything with them, but I purposefully stayed pretty vague on her friends' skills/abilities in case you want to run with anything there (though I could certainly add more specifics there if you wanted, I just didn't want to spend too much time developing NPC that might never appear in gameplay at all, or who could but you might want to develop).

I'm debating picking up a longbow, and maybe some holy water or a potion, but other than those little odds and ends, I think I should be done.

Also, I am from Kenabres, so (if selected) I'd be happy to talk to any current party members who are from the city about if or how we might know each other already.

Silver Crusade

Worldwound GM wrote:

Shadow Dragon: I see no reason why there wouldn't be a Wand of Cure Light Wounds available to purchase before Keneabres fell. There's even an excuse to lose some charges, if you want to keep some gold spare.

Thanks, I just wanted to make sure Wands were available. I'll work on his equipment and see what I can squeeze out of the budget.

On losing charges on wands and saving gold: How about partially charged Wands? I've suggested it for other APs on how to deal with obtaining wands at lower levels since 750 GP is quite an investment for 2nd level PCs.

Mightypions submission here.

Altered the background a bit.

Mechanically, Tanky Bloodrager/Paladin who, by level 6 (where he will be Bloodrager 4 Paladin 2) will have decent damage, reasonable saves, fairly high AC an a good bit of reach attacks.

Skill wise, all face skills, CHA 14 with a serving of stealth, acrobatics and a sprinkling of knowledge arcana + spellcraft.

Need to buy equipment, probably just use a breastplate for now on account of platearmors with 2 max dex being too expensive.

Currently looking at equipment options.

A lot of "desireable items", including a masterwork suit of plate armor (this is completely fine btw.), are beyond the 750 gold limit per item barrier, which makes wands and scrolls really appealing.

Masterwork cold Iron Weaponry and a masterwork mountain pattern armor leaves him with with 2K gold to play with.

Given the 750 limit, I could actually have 2 pretty useful wands, thinking of one of protection from evil and one of infernal healing or CLW. Ragnar cannot currently use either, but I think the party has people who can. Narratively, he does have spellcraft/K.Arcana to identify them, and currently being a "cultist" would simply joink them and keep them.

Albion: Did I not write anything in my last post for you, despite having your name up? What the heck? Well, that's kind of embarrassing. Apologies. Anyways, that seems good to me.

Belende: Child of the Crusades works. Touched by Divinity would be easiest with both characters who have it having the same deity - given that we already have a Ragathiel-touched cleric, it'd be harder for me to juggle. I do like the Pei Zhin oracle archetype, and it fits. Perhaps she studied at the Tower of Estrod, which was home to one of the furthest traveled scholars in Kenabres until a couple years ago.

DeathQuaker: There's a bit of an infamous dwarf company of mercenaries once thought to be aligned with the crusade - the Hammers of Heaven, who turned out to be traitors and cultists of Baphomet. It might be that Ektor was somehow related to one of them, which could push him towards redemption even harder, given the past. Up to you, though.

Azira: A connection with Andoran would provide a connection with one of my current PCs, who grew up in Andoran - and indeed, was once a slave in Cheliax. Though it's a bit tenuous, I found it neat. Other than that, it works for me. Maybe she still struggles somewhat with her discipline, which drives her to strive to remain so? Up to you, of course. We do have three PCs from Kenabres - in fact, the others are all from Kenabres, so it'd work out.

Shadow Dragon: I think that'd be fine by me. I might shoot down especially powerful wands, but generally, I don't think that'd be a problem.

Ragnar: Oh, interesting, a Kellid worshipper of Iomedae. That could provide some interesting tales - especially since the differences between the largely Iomedaean Chelaxian and the more animist-tending Kellids is one of the themes I generally want to explore here - for all their good intentions, the Chelaxian crusaders are foreign to the area, and have done some pretty awful things to the locals. Other than that, there're a few lilitu demons that might show up - I imagine you have one in mind, and I'll probably go with her, but I might change things up, as you've not actually named her, I think. Otherwise, looking good to me - an Abyssal bloodline will make things interesting.

I think I got everyone in this round!

Grand Lodge

Worldwound GM wrote:

Albion: Did I not write anything in my last post for you, despite having your name up? What the heck? Well, that's kind of embarrassing. Apologies. Anyways, that seems good to me.

Belende: Child of the Crusades works. Touched by Divinity would be easiest with both characters who have it having the same deity - given that we already have a Ragathiel-touched cleric, it'd be harder for me to juggle. I do like the Pei Zhin oracle archetype, and it fits. Perhaps she studied at the Tower of Estrod, which was home to one of the furthest traveled scholars in Kenabres until a couple years ago.

DeathQuaker: There's a bit of an infamous dwarf company of mercenaries once thought to be aligned with the crusade - the Hammers of Heaven, who turned out to be traitors and cultists of Baphomet. It might be that Ektor was somehow related to one of them, which could push him towards redemption even harder, given the past. Up to you, though.

Azira: A connection with Andoran would provide a connection with one of my current PCs, who grew up in Andoran - and indeed, was once a slave in Cheliax. Though it's a bit tenuous, I found it neat. Other than that, it works for me. Maybe she still struggles somewhat with her discipline, which drives her to strive to remain so? Up to you, of course. We do have three PCs from Kenabres - in fact, the others are all from Kenabres, so it'd work out.

Shadow Dragon: I think that'd be fine by me. I might shoot down especially powerful wands, but generally, I don't think that'd be a problem.

Ragnar: Oh, interesting, a Kellid worshipper of Iomedae. That could provide some interesting tales - especially since the differences between the largely Iomedaean Chelaxian and the more animist-tending Kellids is one of the themes I generally want to explore here - for all their good intentions, the Chelaxian crusaders are foreign to the area, and have done some pretty awful things to the locals. Other than that, there're a few lilitu demons that...

Except Evin ... always a bridesmaid.

Ah well.

Worldwound GM wrote:
Albion: Did I not write anything in my last post for you, despite having your name up? What the heck? Well, that's kind of embarrassing. Apologies. Anyways, that seems good to me.

I had assumed it was a good thing that there were no comments before - it simply meant that my character idea was perfect! Absolutely nothing to add :D

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Ooh, I like that. It could feed into who killed his mentor as well as be a source of why he was the one kidnapped. I'd figured his dad remarried so perhaps, if a bit cliched to invoke the evil stepmother trope, say his second wife was a corrupted Hammer and raised her own children the same way, and had wanted Ektor out of the way as the only son in her family not hers.

Worldwound GM wrote:
Maybe she still struggles somewhat with her discipline, which drives her to strive to remain so? Up to you, of course.

I'm not sure struggle is the word I would use, but I do envision there being some of that, yes. Being/doing good comes very naturally to her but she has a certain capriciousness that at times has led to her bending the rules in the name of goodness. Her mother/trainer really drove home that one of the vows of their order is "I will not tarnish [the Inheritor's] glory through base actions," so she really pushes herself not just to do good but to do good in the right way.

I would like to Submit Jiie Cao, a Tian Paladin of Iomedae, hopefully his backstory makes him interesting enough.

Still have to do his full level up to 3 but he has skills, hp, feats, save done, just abilities not listed, yet and not all equipment done.

Whoops, sorry about that Evindyll. Let's see. I imagine you could tie in some things about the Tanglebriar, if his mother's from Kyonin - elves do not like demons in the slightest. On the other hand, Castrovelian elves' children tend towards more occult powers, so that could be it, as well.

DeathQuaker: Glad to have inspired some new ideas!

Azira: That seems reasonable, yes.

Jiie Cao: Huh, I'd've expected him to be from Tianjing, but that's no big deal. Other than that, it looks neat to me.

Belende: Child of the Crusades works. Touched by Divinity would be easiest with both characters who have it having the same deity - given that we already have a Ragathiel-touched cleric, it'd be harder for me to juggle. I do like the Pei Zhin oracle archetype, and it fits. Perhaps she studied at the Tower of Estrod, which was home to one of the furthest traveled scholars in Kenabres until a couple years ago.

Sounds good. I'd also be taking the associated path of Marshal. I'm a big fan of its support options.

The Tower of Estrod:

The smell of parchment and ink filled Bell's nostrils as she made her way inside the tower. It mingled with the smell of the fresh pasties in the basket Bell carried, creating one of her favorite scents.

Having been built decades ago by a world renowned scholar Estrod, the tower was filled with books and scrolls on all manor of topics. Having passed away a few years ago, the tower was now used by several scholars for their experiments and research. The smell of parchment and pasty was invaded by the pungent odor of whatever alchemical concoction Professor Jecklstein was working on this time. "Hello Professor! Another fresh batch of pasties." Bell called out as she walked into his lab.

The chemical odor completely overwhelmed her senses, and though she was loath to enter the lab, she was beginning to suspect her weekly pasties might be the only thing the frail old man ate. "Hmm, oh yes come in come in my dear!" The old man nearly shouted in response. "I'm working on something marvelous, absolutely marvelous!

"Oh, and what would that be?" Bell responded as she cleared a spot to place a plate in the cluttered laboratory.

"I have no idea! That's what is so marvelous!" The old man was positively giddy.

"Okay well...just don't forget to eat."

Of course, I course! I wouldn't forget a 5th time! Or would it be 6th? Doesn't matter!" Professor Jecklstein burst into laughter, though Bell wasn't sure why. Nor did she wish to endure the smells any longer.

Several more visits went roughly the same. People didn't really talk about it, but scholars were really bad at taking care of themselves. All of them seemed too busy in their various pursuits to eat or clean. At first she hadn't believed the talk that Estrod had died of simple food poisoning, but now she could hardly believe that they all hadn't already suffered similar fates. Still, it gave Bell the opportunity to access rare texts and ingredients for the low cost of food and a bit of cleaning.

Finally Bell arrived at her true destination, the garden laboratory of Master Herbalist Tenzekill Zatqualmie. The old gnome was centuries old, her pink hair deeply tinged with the bleaching. Tenzekill sat hunched over a withered plant, her latest experiment on how the soil of the deeper world wound effected plants. Bell took in a deep breath of the medicinal smell of herbs. Basically the opposite smell of Professor Ecklstein's lab. "Any progress Master Tenzekill?"

"Impeccable timing as ever my dear, I could use a break and a snack. Not nearly enough progress, not nearly enough. I'm confident that if that blasted hole to the abyss is ever closed we'll be able to bring some life back to the land. Unfortunately I'm also confident it will take far too many human lifetimes for far too little results." The gnome hopped down from her stool and graciously took a pastie from Bell's basket. "Acidity has been a complete waste of time Mmmmthatsgood...But it didmmm....mmbut the issue of mmnitrogen...."

Tenzekill didn't bother to let her chewing interrupt her rant. "Terrible table manors, that's another thing people don't talk about." Bell thought to herself as she struggled to follow the gnome's speech. Still, the gnome had forgotten more about herbology than Bell figured she would ever know, so even half heard conversations were full of useful knowledge. Not to mention Bell always returned home with a basket of seedlings and a new book or three. "Nitrogen...that's what adding wood ash to the soil provides right?"

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