About Jiie CaoMale Aasimar Paladin 3 (Oath of Vengeance)
Nodachi - https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/eastern-weapons Feats
Skills 6+3 Diplomacy (Cha) + 10 (3R)
Languages Tian, Celestial, Common Background skills: 6 Linguistics (Int) +2 (2R) Common, Celestial
Combat Gear
Magical Gear Traveler's Any-Tool 250 gp +2 any skill Gear
Gear Weight: 97lbs Light
Special Abilities
Weapon Cord Attached weapon can be recovered as a swift action. Divine Grace (Su): At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. Lay On Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. Racial Abilities
Jiie(Heroic) Cao was born the son of Lord Zhong Cao and his wife the Aasimar Lady Chao-Xing Cao. Jiie inherted his mothers celestial ancestry and has grown to be a powerful and charismatic man, able to inspire those he meets with a word or gesture. Jiie is the fourth son of Lord Zhong by his third wife, his older brothers are all Tien-Sha and ahead of him in the order of succession, they are the Lords Xiao Yi Cao, Da Wu Cao and Qiang Jia Cao. Jiie has been given an upbringing as only a Noble in Lingshen can, he has had the best education, calligraphy lessons, servants at his beck and call and lessons in swordsmanship and bushido by the finest samurai instructors. Jiie excelled being very good at any physical activity and was an excellent student in the classroom, his celestial born strength and presence has allowed him to be the model of a battlefield commander, his compassion and genuine care for those under his command has made him a great leader. The only place he was vulnerable was with those he trusts, he can be easily lead. After several instances of him being lead astray Jiie he was kept away from court until he could become more seasoned. His mother Chao-Xing has been by his side his entire life subtly guiding him so that he is able to avoid the worst of his fathers Noble education, she insisted with his father that she be allowed to name him Jiie (Heroic) to reflect what he would become. Jiie has a more open view of other people and is not so priveleged as his brothers. Chao-Xing guided him to learn more about the world and its people, she even had a tutor teach him the common trade tongue amongst his people in Varisia. Jiie's brothers the Lords Xiao Yi Cao, Da Wu Cao and Qiang Jia Cao have have always viewed their little brother with jealousy and a little fear, for their little brother is almost perfect but they mostly fear his naivete for an unscrupulous member (most) of their fathers court could have them eliminated so that they could place the lordship on their almost perfect but easily lead younger brother. At the age of 14 Lord Zhong has observed that his celestial son needs maturing so he asked his sons to take their brother in hand and to make him into the man the family requires of him. Jiie's brother took it upon themselves to find a way to be rid of their dangerously liked younger brother and to fulfill their fathers wishes to mature him, they tricked him into allowing a mage to perform a ritual on him, which teleported him to Mendev and the site of the War against the Demons. If this did not make a man of him nothing would. Jiie was home and then he was in an unknown land, he was found by a patrol of Paladins of Iomedae, who were wise enough to question the young Aasimar they found wandering the roads. They explained who they were and where Jiie was, he explained his story. Seeing his potential he was taken to the chapter master who offered him a place as a trainee in their order. "Maybe you wiull be able to work your way up into a position within the church of Iomedae where they will be able to send you back home". In the years since Jiie has dedicated himself to learning the ways of the Paladin and has tried to stay true to himself, by blending the ways of his upbringing with his new life. Jiie had his finely made Nodachi that he had been training with since he was a child and his suite of armour, but little else to remember his homeland. Appearance:
Jiie Cao is an imposing figure standing 6' 2" feet tall with muscular frame with natural white hair and jade green eyes. He will smile and laugh in an innocent situation, in other situations he will hold back his natural inclinations as he does not want to create the wrong impression. Personality:
Jiie is a natural hero, he will charge in when the situation warrants it, but he will also pitch in and help digging a ditch to stop flooding if the situation warrants it. He knows he has great power and he will try and use that power to the greatest effect for the most people. He has a keen tactical mind, but he can be prone to rashness when the immediate solution is not the correct one. Jiie has a true innocence about him, he enjoys simple fun pursuits as well as calligraphy and practising swordplay. He will protect the innocent with his last dying breath and has thrown himself into a burning building to save an elder. Goals:
Jiie wants to see justice for all, he knows this will never happen in Lingshen. He wants to honour his father and mother and his family name, but he also has sworn to uphold the tenets of Iomedae. He hopes to gain enough favour to once again return home to his family sot hat he may share all that he knows with themHe hopes the words of an elder he once saved, were prophetic "No matter how small the step, if it right, then it is enough, the correct path is joined together with many such steps". |