Female Human Bard (duettist/sound striker vmc magus) 5 | HP 52/52| AC 20, T16, FF16 | F +3, R +8,W +4| Perc +8| Init +4| Speed 30' | CMB +3, CMD16 | Active Conditions:
About Lady Maurine Payne
To win the Free Captain’s Regatta and gain a seat on the Pirate Council. It sounded simple, but hard to do without a ship, or crew, Maurine recalled her dream as she sat in the noisy tavern. She sipped a goblet of spiced rum, while she considered her next move, but couldn’t help but reflect on the events that brought her to this miserable port….
Six Years ago
Maurine stood outside of her family’s manor house, on the southern coast of Rahadoum, practicing her sword forms “Boar Rushes Downhill” gave way to “Moon on the Water” her lithe blade dancing through the air. Sweat began to drip from the fourteen year old’s brow and she began to tire from the repeated motion, when she heard her mother’s correcting voice, ”Dragging feet never finish the journey my love. Use your hips on these movements, that’s where your strength and speed come from.” The slightly plump woman, Maurine’s mother Dendial, then demonstrated the forms with surprising quickness and controlled power, ”The hips, proper sword work begins with the hips. Now try it again.”
Three Years ago
Maurine’s, large, extended family sat at the long table that had been set up outside, overlooking the sea. It was the perfect summer day, and her family gathered in celebration of her brother placing fourth in the Free Captain’s Regatta. It was a momentous occasion but as excited as Maurine was for her brother she was lost in thoughts about winning the race herself someday. She looked down the table at her grandfather, Eran Ironeye, who won the regatta and became a much feared Free Captain. Maurine never grew tired of grandfather’s stories of the high seas and the fortune he made as a free captain.
One Year ago
It wasn’t the first mate’s silky voice, nor his tight britches, that Maurine first noticed when he brought news to her family of her brothers death. It was his eyes, the first mate of the Pampered Hag, Fair Johnny, had eyes so green they seemed to penetrate to her very soul. The woman became infatuated with the sailor’s worldly knowledge as well as his silver tongued descriptions of his adventures. She began looking for excuses to be around the man spending all her free time with the salty sailor. Eventually, they became lovers, and when Fair Johnny told her he was leaving for The Shackles, with her brother’s ship the Pampered Hag, she quickly volunteered to go with him. Fearing her family’s protest Maurine left in the middle of the night with no warning and a hastily written note to explain her actions.
Two weeks ago
Maurine was seething, she had been a fool to trust the man, the philanderer. Fair Johnny was caught in the arms of another woman, and not for the first time. It seemed in every port around The Eye Abendego there was an indiscretion with Fair Johnny and another woman. His trysts became more frequent and less discreet the farther from her home they traveled. This was the last straw Maurine left the ship was determined to find another to make her name and earn her fortune…
…. The resolute woman was startled from her reminiscing by her companion Silent Rob’s squawking voice, ”Ship in the port! Ship in the port.”Kittens tangle your yarn, men tangle your wits, and it's simple as breathing for both, she cursed ruefully while she looked out the tavern’s window at harbor and the newly arriving ship. Maurine took another sip of the fine red wine she had been nursing and smiled.
Maurine is tall and lanky, standing close to six feet tall, with a lithe but well-muscled build. The willowy woman has a sinister, yet hauntingly beautiful face that always looks like she’s about to laugh or scowl. Her features are proportionate and pleasing, she possesses a straight nose and a full mouth, her large grey eyes are framed by long, full lashes that set off a gaze that is both knowing and penetrating. Maurine’s alabaster skin is as flawless and milky as fresh cream and stands in stark contrast to the long, flowing, dark locks of hair. The slender long-limbed beauty is most often dressed in black and her right arm is covered in vibrant tattoos.
Maurine has a strong, cold, and sardonic personality. Her cruel upbringing has made her quite callous and blunt. She is tough and resilient with an icy demeanor that encourages people to mind their own business. However, she also capricious by nature and can be charming and playful when the whim strikes her. The lass has a cruel sense of humor and enjoys debating controversial issues. She treats people fairly but is reluctant to go out of her way to help others, expecting them to carry their own weight. However, without exception she hates slavers, bullies, and those who would abuse small children.
This stunning raven-haired woman has a grin on her face and mischievous glint in her eyes.
Arcane Pool (+1/Pool: 1) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers for 1 minute.
Buccaneer’s Blood Gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, you gain a one-time +1 trait bonus to your Disrepute and Infamy scores.
Bardic Performance (Standard action, 20 rounds/day) Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate (DC 14), Inspire Courage +2,
Defensive Stance You can choose to take a -1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class.
Expert Boarder Besmara rewards those who board other vessels and take what they want. While fighting on the deck of a ship, you gain a +1 bonus on all attacks made with one-handed weapons.
Extra Performance You can use bardic performance for 6 additional rounds per day.
Familiar (+3 linguists) gain a parrot familiar treating his bard level as his effective wizard level for the purpose of this ability.
Favored Class Bonus 5 hp,
Fencing Grace use dexterity for damage when using a rapier.
Lingering Performance your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing.
Performing Familiar Familiar can use master’s bardic performances but only the familiar or the duettist can have a performance active. Cost 2 rounds of bardic performance per round.
Risky Strike You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls.
Talented +1 to perform oratory.
Toughness gain an extra hit point per level.
Versatile Familiar A duettist’s familiar benefits from its master’s versatile performance class feature.
Versatile Performance (Oratory +11) use bonus in place of diplomacy and sense motive.
Weapon Focus (blades, light) +1 to hit with light bladed weapons.
Wordstrike spend 1 round of bardic performance as a standard action to do 1d4+5 damage to an object or half this damage to a living creature.
Silent Rob:
This brightly-colored bird has a strong, curved bill and stands almost two feet tall. The sparkle in its eyes belie a clear intelligence greater than that many other animals possess.
Silent Rob
N Tiny animal Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +3 natural)
hp 26 (half of masters)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee bite +7 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
============== [
b]Str[/b] 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 6
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse, Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes
Acrobatics +10 (5 Rank, 3 Class, 2 Dex)
Appraise +0 (1 Rank, -1 Int)
Bluff +7 (2 Rank, 3 Class, 2 Cha)
Climb +0 (1 Rank, 3 Class, -4 Str)
Craft -1 (0 Rank, -1 Int)
Diplomacy +11 (*Versatile Performance)
Disable Device +3 (1 Rank, 2 Dex)
Disguise -2 (0 Rank, -2 Cha)
Escape Artist +4 (2 Rank, 2 Dex)
Fly +6 (1 Rank, 3 Class, 2 Dex)
Heal +2 (0 Rank, 2 Wis)
Intimidate +3 (5 Rank, -2 Cha)
Knowledge (local) +4 (5 Rank, -1 Int)
Knowledge (other) +0 (0 Rank, 0 Int)
Linguistics +1 (2 Rank, -1 Int)
Perception +13 (5 Rank, 3 Class, 2 Wis, 3 Feat)
Perform (oratory) +3 (5 Rank, -2 Cha)
Profession (sailor) /b] +5 (3 Rank, 2 Wis)
[b]Ride +2 (0 Rank, 2 Dex)
Sense Motive +11 (*Versatile Performance)
Sleight of Hand +3 (1 Rank, 2 Dex)
Spellcraft +* (0 Rank, 0 Class, 0 Int)
Stealth +6 (1 Rank, 3 Class, 2 Dex)
Swim +0 (1 Rank, 3 Class, -4 Str)
Use Magic Device +3 (5 Rank, -2 Cha)
Bodyguard When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally’s AC.
Combat Reflexes You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Empathic Link The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes only emotions can be shared. Familiar The master of a parrot familiar gains a +3 bonus on Linguists checks.
Loyal Bodyguard A protector gains Bodyguard and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats. If the familiar is sharing its master’s square, it can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve its master’s AC even if it doesn’t threaten the attacking foe, though it still needs line of effect to its master and the attacker.
Share Spells May cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type.
Shield Master whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other.
Speak with Master a familiar and the master can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.