GM Fuzzfoot’s Sundered Waves (Inactive)

Game Master PJP

Handouts and Maps

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Pick your present first come first served.


I'm in, I call sorcerer

I'll give the rogue a go ...

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Great - we have 2! I plan to start Friday, but then I am out Sunday for the day. Otherwise even though we don’t have to complete it during the weekend, I hope we can keep a good pace.

I’d love to play. Where can I see the pregens?

I like the sound of the fighter. Can I join the crew?

@Mitch. Thr pregens are a download on this page: Sundered Waves

eggellis wrote:

I like the sound of the fighter. Can I join the crew?

@Mitch. Thr pregens are a download on this page: Sundered Waves

Thank you!

And cleric it is! :-)

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Great! Go ahead and dot into Gameplay if you haven't. I'll set up maps and such soon.

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Since these are pregens, I can put together the summary blocks, but you all should go ahead and give me the reporting info. PFS#, Faction, And Character name for who you want to apply this to.

Player name: Eggellis
Character Name: Regus
PFS Number: 170784-2001
Faction: Radiant Oath

I've got most of a stat block put together, probably have it done tonight. Last year was what it was so I haven't played any society since last summer. Apparently fame isn't a thing anymore?

Can it go to a character that I play in the meantime, either VTT or PbP? Or can it not overlap at all?

Hmmm. It seems they made a mistake, unless I'm missing something. At lv 5 a fighter should be expert in will, which would make his save 11.

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

@Mitch - I will need to double check, but I think it is ok. You aren't using that character in the scenario - it is just going to get a chronicle. But if we finish first, you can't apply your chronicle during the other session.

GM Fuzzfoot wrote:
@Mitch - I will need to double check, but I think it is ok. You aren't using that character in the scenario - it is just going to get a chronicle. But if we finish first, you can't apply your chronicle during the other session.

Fair enough. Thank you!

Player name: Mitch
Character Name: Dreadfang!
PFS Number: 142569-2002
Faction: Horizon Hunters

Player Name: Deevor
Character Name: Granitt
PFS Number: 12784-2002
Faction: Vigilant Seal


M SRO Operative 6: EAC:20, KAC:22, Init:6, Speed:50 20 climb, Fort:3, Ref:9(evasion), Will:6 (+4 vs effects that target only humanoids) Perc:13, darkvision

Oh, right, today is the last day to report this for double ACP, even if we are not finished.

Player Name: DoubleGold
Character Name: Zac Freelan 3
Faction: Horizon Hunters

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Where is this supposed to be reported? I recall seeing a post regarding it, but can't for the life of me find it.

In you account, us Organised Play and create your own event and report it there. You will be given an event number when you create the event.

Kaako, just to be sure, you’re flipping a coin to decide which way you’re voting, correct?


Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

I just reported the game to make sure they had the records they needed, so nobody die or the paperwork is a nightmare... :)

Lavanna changed Kaako’s arrangement

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Ah, ok - it didn't look to me like the original arrangement was agreed and acted upon, so we don't want you changing it if the first one was right!

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

As kaako places each of the statues as he had worked out the logic, all four sculptures bein to glow with a radiance matching their pillar before floating up toward the ceiling to create a vibrant illusion of the sky: the sun setting on the ocean with the stars and moon rising before a flash that resolves with a comet streaking overhead.

Once this illusion dissipates, the door opens to area A6.

The rolling ocean has been painted on the walls of this chamber in faded blues and pale white. Opposite the entrance is a raised platform, with an enormous stone throne set against the far wall. An equally large skeleton sits on the throne, clad in the raiment of a pirate—complete with a patch over one of its empty eye sockets. The voice of your former captain calls out from the darkness. “My old friends. You have come so far, and the end is just over the horizon. I hope you will face this final test together and learn, as I have, that you can only step into the future by overcoming your past.”

As the voice fades, the giant skeleton suddenly stirs, standing up and drawing a massive scimitar. With a nightmarish clatter, it stumbles forward to attack!


Kaako: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Lavanna: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Max/Elsir: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Jadren: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Ants: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Giant Pirate Skeleton: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

Round 1 (Bold are up)
Giant Pirate Skeleton


M SRO Operative 6: EAC:20, KAC:22, Init:6, Speed:50 20 climb, Fort:3, Ref:9(evasion), Will:6 (+4 vs effects that target only humanoids) Perc:13, darkvision

Do you want us to place ourselves in A6 first?

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Yah, that would have made sense. The pirate is on the throne though.

Kaako, with her rapier already in hand, moves behind one of the rocks and hides ready to pounce on his old cap'n. As she moves, she says "So we gonna mutiny against our ole dead cap'n. Funny word ain't it!"

1 action stride
1 action Take Cover
1 action hide Stealth 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 13 + 4 = 24

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

The giant skeleton strides forward, gaff hook in one hand and clawing with the other. The strike against Jadren is severe, and he is impaled on the hook! Getting free will be painful and difficult...

Attack, Gaff vs Jadren: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30
Critical Damage: 4d10 + 20 ⇒ (4, 8, 2, 8) + 20 = 42

Claw vs Max: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25
Damage: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (7, 7) + 10 = 24

Round 1 (Bold are up)
Jadren (42 dmg)
Max (24 dmg)

Round 2 (Bold are up)
Giant Pirate Skeleton

Impaling hook:

Impaling Hook A creature critically hit by the giant pirate
skeleton’s gaff hook is impaled upon it. The creature is grabbed
by the giant pirate skeleton and whenever the giant pirate
skeleton maintains the grab, the creature takes 1d10+10
piercing damage from the agonizing wound.

Kaako Ashfeather II wrote:

Kaako, with her rapier already in hand, moves behind one of the rocks and hides ready to pounce on his old cap'n. As she moves, she says "So we gonna mutiny against our ole dead cap'n. Funny word ain't it!"

1 action stride
1 action Take Cover
1 action hide Stealth 1d20+13+4

Was our old dead captain a giant?

Apologies for fighting in the discussion, I got confused and then the Paizo site was playing tricks on me! Well I'm using that excuse anyway ...

No idea if our old captain was a giant, but just felt Kaako would be giving her opinion anyway.

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

This is not your captain, although it is your captain's voice. The bones of this giant were recovered from some savage operation performed by your captain.

Lavanna started out 10’ from the skeleton. She took a Step, which places her 15’ from the skeleton.

Kaako doesn't have the Attack of Opportunity feat, so can't make AoOs.

That was a blast! Thanks for running! :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

I learned a lot. I think I have become a 2e convert now.

I enjoyed it a great deal. Thanks for runnin it. I still like 1e but I'm a fan of 2e too.

Thanks GM, that was fun really enjoyed it. Also enjoyed having a 5th level character to play...

Also thanks to the crew, enjoyed your company on the trip.

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

This is my first 2e chronicle, so it is taking me a little longer to fill them out.

It looks like this is worth 8 days of downtime, if you would like to specify how you spend it.

Also 4 XP, 0 reputation, and 10 treasure bundles (still gotta look up what that means).

Anyone have anything else they would like noted?


M SRO Operative 6: EAC:20, KAC:22, Init:6, Speed:50 20 climb, Fort:3, Ref:9(evasion), Will:6 (+4 vs effects that target only humanoids) Perc:13, darkvision

Oh, right, I never rolled my day job day job level 0 table: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 success for 8 days, level 0
I'm field commissioned agent, so I have to roll twice, the second roll is for the other 4 days day job: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 failure for 4 days, level 0

10 treasure bundles for a level 1 character is 14 gold, for level 2 it is 22 gold. I'm applying this to a level 1 character, so I would received 14 gold from the 10 treasure bundles total, and then additional gold from what my day job gave me.

Lavanna does some trading along the way, to help fund their adventure.

Mercantile Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

OK, Chronicles are >> here <<.

Please let me know if anything looks wrong.

Looks OK to me ...

It's a new (to me) sort of cert layout from Paizo, not seen that sort before.

Envoy's Alliance

M Tian-Yae Human Aasimar Fighter 4: Spd:25, HP:56/56 AC:21, Fort:9, Ref:10, Will:6, Stealth:2, Perc:8, Lowlight

Looks good thanks.

Looks fine. Thanks again! :-)

Looks good to me. Thank you and I'll see you guys around.

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