GM Fuzzfoot’s Sundered Waves (Inactive)

Game Master PJP

Handouts and Maps

Current Characters

Brother Swarm

(140 posts)
Gyronna Symbol
GM Fuzzfoot

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

played by PJP (10,480 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Jadren Tagar.

played by eggellis (30 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Kaako Ashfeather II

played by Deevor (36 posts)
Medical Drone
Acquisitives Max Willard

M SRO Operative 6: EAC:20, KAC:22, Init:6, Speed:50 20 climb, Fort:3, Ref:9(evasion), Will:6 (+4 vs effects that target only humanoids) Perc:13, darkvision

played by DoubleGold (283 posts)