Quest "A Curious Claim" w/ QM rainzax (Outpost)

Game Master rainzax


On the edge of the land known as Numeria, the Pathfinder Society has operated in secret under threat of death from the region's ruler, the cruel Black Sovereign. Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight hopes that a meeting with the recently-sober monarch will allow the Pathfinder Society to operate openly and study the alien technology contained within Numeria's borders, but other forces have their own plans for the region. The PCs must ensure that the meeting between Dagur and the Black Sovereign goes off without a hitch, thwarting acts of treachery and sabotage.

Maps > (Coming Soon)
Action Symbols > Single (◆), Double (◆◆), Triple (◆◆◆), Free (◇), Reaction (↺)
Status Symbols > ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

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Radiant Oath

2396852-2013 | CG Female Human | Gladiator | Swashbuckler Lvl 4 | Hero Points: 2/3 | Minor Healing Potion (2) | HP 56/56 | AC 21 (23 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 9/12/8 | Perc +8 | 35 feet | Class DC 20 | Acrobatics(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +10, Deception/Intimidation/Diplomacy/Performance: +9, Lore (PFS/Gladiatorial) +6, Athletics(U): +1 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | ◆◇↺ |

Fran whispers to her comrades, "Go. I'll keep watch"

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Perception, HP, T-shirt: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 1 = 29

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