GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

Michael Halifax |

I assume that's an Int+Occult roll? Any other modifications to the roll with the 2 dots of Kindred Lore Michael has?
Intelligence + Occult Diff 7: 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + (5, 1, 1) = 18
Well that was a s@$+ roll. First botch of the game!

GM Ring of Gold |

Michael Halifax |

Nope sure doesn't. Hopefully that's getting the 1's out of my system and not indicative of how things are going to go for this character. Oh well, s$%$ happens.
Michael, as quietly as possible, says "What the f+%& is that?" upon seeing the winged stone creature. Then doing his best to regain his composure, he ultimately follows the creature to the study. "Thank you, Trikoff." he adds as he left at the study.

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

The next night is Jan 2nd when you woke up. You have no idea what happened but Matheson is looking at you like you really screwed it. damn it man I said keep it smooth at Alary's when you started hitting on Janice the Keeper of Elysium and then the Princess came in and you dropped Janice like she was rancid meat and started telling Princess Harriet that she was a goddess among women and then of all damn things you damn near killed yourself tripped and impaled your damn self on a cue stick. He shakes his head and continues You got to show up at the Princess Harriet's island and present yourself formally but you are gonna have a hard time of it. Be there on Saturday the 4th
You may enter gameplay at the Best Western in the suite with Sheriff Matheson

![]() |

How do you want to travel?
It's right down the road from where I'm staying, so I'll just walk for now. It's good for starting to get the lay of the land and what kind of neighborhood the Elysium is in.
Welcome aboard, Ben!

GM Ring of Gold |

to the main play batman

Sean O. Doyle |

Okay. It took far longer than I imagined it would, but I finally got his background written.
@GM Ring of Gold - Was there a merit or flaw value associated with the unknown sire thing you were talking about?
EDIT: Also, how do you want to handle starting equipment and such?

GM Ring of Gold |

To game play there is no merit flaw cost for unknown sire but the pleasure of a gm surprise!

Storyteller Shadow |

GM Ring of Gold wrote:Where do I find stuff and the cost of it? I am not seeing anything like that in any of the books I have.** spoiler omitted **
To game play there is no merit flaw cost for unknown sire but the pleasure of a gm surprise!
What are you looking for? Vampire does not present the cost of actual goods section in their books like you would find in D&D or Call of Cthulhu. Whether you can acquire goods is more left to your Resources score and the judgment of the Storyteller.