Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (Inactive)

Game Master Edelsmirge

Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985

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Welcome players to the Ring of Gold Chronicle

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14


10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

Checking in.

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5


13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Damn, you're an old lot, ain'tcha?

Hi all!

"Vinny" wrote:
Damn, you're an old lot, ain'tcha?

And I may be the "oldest", but it's cool, I've been a ghost longer than I was alive.

Walter Kravic contacts you right during the time you might be waking up. He is a mortal retainer of Sovereign and pretty much his go to for giving out busy work and daily operations. Kravic says The boss has gotten a hold of Mr. McNeely, the primogen of the venture in St Paul who has arranged through the Senschal there to allow you to fly into The Metro Wood Chamberlain Airport at Terminal one with Northwest Airlines. From there you will be taken to meet Mr. McNeely at one of his offices at Northwest Airlines headquarters. A short time later a plane ticket arrives from some dominated letter carrier who drops it off and wanders away. Assuming you take the plane you arrive without delay to a place last updated in the 70's that looks it A man with a sign is waiting for you and you are taken to a limo and driven to an office in Minneapolis. It is January 2nd, 1985. There is a motto on the walls "Now you're flying smart.". The logo is neat circle of gray with a red upside down triangle above the N in NWA. You are conducted to an office with the model of a Boeing 747 on the desk. We shall start play with you at the desk waiting

you got on an Amtrak train and were placed in a private passenger car alone with blackened windows by Carna with instructions to depart the train in St Paul and take a cab to 210 Summit Avenue and the Grigg's house Chantry. When arriving on 2 January 1985 you knock on the door and are met by what to you appears to be a creature made of stone with wings (occult dc 7) who introduces himself as Trikoff. Trikoff brings you in and closes the door swiftly bringing you to a foyer where you sit and finally you are brought into a study where you will start the game

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Sounds reasonable. Should I send my Retainer separately?

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

I assume that's an Int+Occult roll? Any other modifications to the roll with the 2 dots of Kindred Lore Michael has?

Intelligence + Occult Diff 7: 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + (5, 1, 1) = 18

Well that was a s@$+ roll. First botch of the game!

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
"Vinny" wrote:
Damn, you're an old lot, ain'tcha?

Not me, I'm a spring chicken.

Vinny wakes up with a pain in his chest from a stake being removed from his chest. He stands up disoriented unsteady on his feet and finds himself in a lobby in some sort of city hall at night inside the Department of Public Works. You have no idea what happened or how you got here. There is a calendar with the date showing it is Jan 2nd 1985. From this point you will be entering game play

gosh that's a lot of ones. You have one less dice with kindred lore and the dc is 6 but that doesnt improve your role much...

he can be with you are you can have him come separate, your choice and your cost

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Kent has the ghoul lay out the money letting him know he will get it back soon enough after all opportunities abound in Minneapolis!

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

Nope sure doesn't. Hopefully that's getting the 1's out of my system and not indicative of how things are going to go for this character. Oh well, s$%$ happens.

Michael, as quietly as possible, says "What the f+%& is that?" upon seeing the winged stone creature. Then doing his best to regain his composure, he ultimately follows the creature to the study. "Thank you, Trikoff." he adds as he left at the study.

The carnival has arrived in St Paul and is scheduled to perform with the Shrine Circus in March 18, 19, and 20 th. It is currently Jan 2nd 1985. A slightly out of order man with a pocket protector arrives to see you at the carnival with a name tag saying IBM Dalton Malina. You will start game play there.

First post in gameplay to Michael! Huzzah!

Post in gameplay Kent

Ah gaming on lunch break is dangerous!

Michael, the number of vessels at the Chantry is fluid and changes from day to day. It's a d6 people unless it's a set event which can be up to 30 or so

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Once I get my background typed in I will post for prelude. :)

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Reportin' for duty!

Current Blood: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

your sire told you none of the clan had been out past Chicago unless it was to the far west such as Colorado or California. He had nothing to tell you but that the bottle had moved to Minneapolis. With no time wasted you found yourself packed in a crate and shipped in wood with "this way up" written on it. When you got into town the crate ended up finding yourself looking at a mortal man wearing swat armor whose face looked like he had been outdoors for a long time looking down at you My name is Matheson. It seems we have a mutual aquaintence who told me you could be handy. I am the sheriff of this town. You'll have a suite at the Best Western on 7th street in St Paul which is right down from my Elysium Alary's. Go in at the back door. The front is full of cops. My guys know the deal, but we don't flaunt our stuff around here.
The next night is Jan 2nd when you woke up. You have no idea what happened but Matheson is looking at you like you really screwed it. damn it man I said keep it smooth at Alary's when you started hitting on Janice the Keeper of Elysium and then the Princess came in and you dropped Janice like she was rancid meat and started telling Princess Harriet that she was a goddess among women and then of all damn things you damn near killed yourself tripped and impaled your damn self on a cue stick. He shakes his head and continues You got to show up at the Princess Harriet's island and present yourself formally but you are gonna have a hard time of it. Be there on Saturday the 4th

You may enter gameplay at the Best Western in the suite with Sheriff Matheson

Lauren and Mal please post to gameplay. Sean, prelude to be posted upon background finish. Thank you.

GM Ring of Gold wrote:
Lauren and Mal please post to gameplay.

Oh! I was waiting for a prompt. Should I just jump in based off of what you wrote in the discussion?

Please do Lauren, post up for you to dive in head first

(I did post earlier, in case you missed it in the barrage of other posts!)

Mal, you can get 3000 per month from your resource dots. 1985 wise that's some great cash. You have been a street level gang guy so I have no problem with you having a gun. The light armor however is hard to come by and no street level, so it will have to be in game

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Fair enough.

Can I assume that I have one month's worth of income on me now?

For needed travelling expenses of course.

Mal, correct you have Januarys cash

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

How much cash can I get access to?

The immortal words of gm wisdom: Some but not all.

30,000 a month is five dots. Insane amounts of burn 100 dollar bills for dinner cash. Plenty to afford a nice mortgage and buy attention from hot chicks even with how damned ugly you are. Just saying

Mal where are you headed next when you go?

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Alary's first, before the Conservatory.

How do you want to travel?

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Per discussion with GM, I present Ben.

1d10 ⇒ 10

Well, he is well fed at least.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|
GM Ring of Gold wrote:
How do you want to travel?

It's right down the road from where I'm staying, so I'll just walk for now. It's good for starting to get the lay of the land and what kind of neighborhood the Elysium is in.

Welcome aboard, Ben!

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Thank you, still getting some things ironed out, but I am glad to be here.

Mal and Vinny please join in each other's spoiler for rp

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Ironed out and looking good. Looking forward to this.

Old Ben:
you went to sleep in a train and woke up dark and cold. Riding the trains ain't what it used to be but you know where to sleep and where not. You don't recognize the town you are in but you are in a large lumber yard and can see two cities next to each other to the south and west, one city larger then the other. Looks like twenty or thirty minutes away. What would you like to do?

to the main play batman

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Okay. It took far longer than I imagined it would, but I finally got his background written.

@GM Ring of Gold - Was there a merit or flaw value associated with the unknown sire thing you were talking about?

EDIT: Also, how do you want to handle starting equipment and such?

you have a resources of 3 which gives you 3000 per month. So that is what you had before coming on the bus. Spend away.Let me see it when you are done. You arrive in the Greyhound Bus Terminal in Minneapolis with about four hours before sunrise having planned to arrive with time by segmenting your trip with hotel stays. You get off the bus and grab your suitcase and bags. A rough mexican with a mantis tattoo and some sort of gang colors waits for you to get done with your stuff and gives you a wave over Hey vato, they call me Mateo "The Mantis." Brujah. This guy has street enforcer written all over him. He smells dangerous and looks like he'd stab his granny for a nickel. He motions you out of the busy area.

To game play there is no merit flaw cost for unknown sire but the pleasure of a gm surprise!

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Vinny is right. if you're having trouble logging in just clear your cookies.

Site was down all day yesterday, I'll work on catching up tonight!

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6
GM Ring of Gold wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

To game play there is no merit flaw cost for unknown sire but the pleasure of a gm surprise!

Where do I find stuff and the cost of it? I am not seeing anything like that in any of the books I have.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Required more than cache clearing for me to log in, but I am back.

Shadow's Status
Sean O. Doyle wrote:
GM Ring of Gold wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

To game play there is no merit flaw cost for unknown sire but the pleasure of a gm surprise!

Where do I find stuff and the cost of it? I am not seeing anything like that in any of the books I have.

What are you looking for? Vampire does not present the cost of actual goods section in their books like you would find in D&D or Call of Cthulhu. Whether you can acquire goods is more left to your Resources score and the judgment of the Storyteller.

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

I don't have a specific list. I will just come up with some stuff and see.

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