Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (Inactive)

Game Master Edelsmirge

Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985

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both could help you for sure so I really couldn't give you a direction of which might be better when.

Welcome aboard Craig!

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

GM Ring of Gold:
Okay. I went with the Intimidation dot. Freebies all spent :)

Triel Carter wrote:
Welcome aboard Craig!

Thanks! Nice to be here. Triel knows how to keep a party hopping if you don't mind me saying so? :)

Your plane has arrived late to the St Paul Airport as you were supposed to arrive at the Paddleford Steam Boat on Harriet Island for the quarterly meeting which you could be introduced at. A cab has rushed you from the airport to the Island in St Paul and you paid a few extra dollars for that. The guy at the door checks you for weapons and you hear some sort of Ceremony going on inside through a velvet curtains with gold brocade. The ghoul won't let you go in until between kindred and if your name wasn't on his list he wouldn't let you in at all.

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

GM Ring of Gold:
Craig hands over his ceremonial knife, while meant for ritual, it is sharp, "Ah yes, can't have me going on a crazed stabbing spree. I hope to get that back when the party is over. Thank you." He waits by the curtain, glad he does have an invitation.

He isn' above turning up his hearing with a touch of Auspex to wait for his que.

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Just a moment of all our time: I wish now to salute in honor all military fallen in the line of duty who have purchased tomorrow's freedom and every day leading to and from this day. I raise my cup to the true heroes I served with who never held their parents, their spouses, or their children another day so that I might stand here now to salute them.

Well spoken - I join you in your salute GM Ring of Gold.

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

*lifts glass, tips hat*

Hey Craig did you look up my salt reference or did you know of it?

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

I didn't know the details but remembered some basics. Also I have a friend who is into the SCA :)

I am an English Lit professor so the Vikings used sea salt as a blessing and ritual as well as a sign of prosperity and to be above the salt was the rulers, family, and well off guests. Below the salt everyone else.

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

Fun challenge with playing Craig will be he is much smarter and better educated than his player. I hope I can pull it off

@GM Ring of Gold Was Kaydee present for that conversation the boys had with Bill? As far as I could tell she only heard them talk about getting a place. Also, how'd that conversation with Julia end up going? Did you want to RP that or just give me a summary. It would have been about the stuff Sabine mentioned.

Tight just add the Sabine info and you only heard Bill talk about getting the place, that was it

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

I say we leave now to do the investigating while we know at least for tonight, most other Kindred will be occupied. I will need to feed first though and would do so alone then meet up with the group after.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Yeah, if we want to do anything sneaky, tonight seems like the night.

Hey gang,

Just dropping a line to let you all know I will be on vacations for the next three weeks, starting tomorrow - nothing but sun and drinks! :D

I should have internet access, but no posting is guaranteed. So please feel free to bot me if needed.


So with the fourth of July coming here I am also going to be out in the distant woods "way up nord" as we Minnesotans say. Have a safe and great 4th of July!



Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)


Ok let's do this then so the group leaves the boat where do you all go and how do you get there

Shadow's Status

Stopping for a bite to eat (had the Ghoul not too far for my ride) and then he and I will drive to the location stated by the Princess to meet up with the others.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Tags along with the larger splinter of this little group.

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

Sorry, Regional Internet outage still not fixed. Using a temp hot spot to apologize

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Probably forgot to mention this at some point, observant Jew so if ever it is Friday night or Saturday and you need to move the post along please do.


I wonder if that makes me nonobservant? No problem.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Eh, just makes you less observant on one thing. I figured if I listed shomer shabbat most people would have no idea what I was saying. But kosher, kosher they know.

Shadow's Status

Been really backed up with work since I go back from vacation, will try and post at some point this week.

Thanks for your understanding.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

My bad, I was staying somewhere else dog-sitting for a couple weeks and kind of forgot about all the things I normally do on the internet. I'll get a post up soon.

Shadow's Status

I cannot catch a break here, bear with me, I should be back to posting normally by next week.


Ok I am going to GM fiat your hunt and bring you into the story to move things forward

Shadow's Status

I will live online once more this Saturday, sorry for the LOONG delay. Beena bit crazy lately in RL.

Summary: Kent just knocked on the locked outside door to the apartments and malls. Inside having locked it is an awes guard and the rest of the party along with a regular guard and a set of cameras that haven't picked you up yet as they are covering the elevator and security desk.

Waiting on Ben to do his thing.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Sorry, forgot to mention I would be off for Rosh Hashana and the fast of Gedaliah. Here and I will do my thing.

Gogo! ;)

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Will not be on again til Friday. Bot if needed.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Will be off for next two days, bot as needed.

Can I have an attendance and interest check please

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6


Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

Sorry, last two days I've been dealing with a backed up sewage line at our house. But I'm here

I am here.

Ok Ben is out today and Shadow is out. Do you guys want to move forward as is or wait?

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

if Shadow isn't coming back, we can probably move forward.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

I'll keep making heart attack actions as long as it takes.

Ok Craig you got under the camera with no issue but could not disable it as your dice hated you. That is where we are.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

I assumed the camera was oscillating. If it's just a static camera, obviously we can't sneak past, but that raises the question of why we needed to roll to walk past where it wasn't pointing. If it is oscillating, Kaydee was suggesting the two of them just sneak past it again. If it's not and it's not in a dome, it shouldn't really require any technological know-how to just cut the cord, but someone will obviously notice that eventually.

It is oscillating and he is under it now successfully, the roll was to disable it and he needed one success however he botched the roll. Its not about noticing it as much as it is getting a clean cut in the most unnoticeable way. It seemed you cared about both. If not then yes he can just cut it without a roll.

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

Roger that. He's following others

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