
Jisara's page

842 posts. Alias of Losonti.

Full Name



| HP 112+6/128 | AC 30 | F: +20, R: +21, W: +18 | Perc: +17 (+20 Init), Stealth: +22 (+24 Init)


| Speed 35ft | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Pool: 0/3 | Staff Charges: 4/6 | Reactions: Blood Vendetta, Coven Spell, Fight with Fear| Conditions: Invisiblity, Mind of Menace, Tailwind


Female Cambion Witch 12






Common, Diabolic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Halfling, Sakvroth, Shadowtongue

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Jisara

Crafting projects/to-do list:

A wand?

Spacious Pouch #1 contents:
Bulk: 1.5/25

Jisara's stuff:

Basic Crafter's Book
Chalk (10)
Clothing (High-Fashion Fine)
Disguise Kit, Elite
Flint and Steel
Jisara's Formula Book
Rations (2)
Torch (5)
Wand of mind of menace

Chance's stuff:

Swim fins

Spacious Pouch #2 contents:

Bulk: 0/25

Sleeves of Storage contents:

Bulk: 1.4/5 and 0/5
Bottled air
Scroll of fear
Scroll of 2nd-rank disguise magic
Traveler's Any-Tool
Wand of 3rd-rank fear


Ethnicity: Taldan
Nationality: Chelish
Birthplace: Kintargo
Age: 20
Gender & Pronouns: Female, She/Her/Hers

ancestry Human (Nephilim)
background Criminal
class Witch; Level: 12
size Medium traits Humanoid, Human, Nephilim
Associations: Silver Ravens
Languages: Common, Diabolic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Halfling, Sakrvoth, Shadowtongue

STR 10 (+0), DEX 18 (+4), CON 16 (+3)
INT 20 (+5), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
Perception: +17 [E] (+2 circ vs Devils, +2 circ and +1 status for initiative)
Special Senses: Low-light vision, Darkvision


AC: 30 (+4 Dex, +2 item, +14 proficiency)
Shield: +1 Hardness 15

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [U], Heavy: [U]

Fortitude: +20 [E]
Reflex: +21 [E]
Will: +18 [E]
Notes: +2 circumstance bonus vs devils

Class DC: 31 [E]

Speed: 25 Movement Types: Normal

Melee Strikes
+1 striking wounding silver (low) corset knife +21 [E]
damage 2d4+0 (P), plus 1d6 persistent bleed (Agile, Concealable, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft)

+1 striking staff of the unblinking eye +17 [E]
damage 2d4+0 or 2d8+0 (B) (magical, staff, two-hand d8)

Ranged Strikes

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T], Martial: [U], Other: [U]
Patron: The Inscribed One

Magic Traditions

Spell Attack Roll (arcane): +21 [E]
Spell DC (arcane): 31 [E]

Focus Points: 3
Focus Spells: Curse of Death, Life Boost, Patron's Puppet
Hex Cantrips: Discern Secrets

Spell Slots per Day
1st: 4
2nd: 5
3rd: 4
4th: 3
5th: 3
6th: 3

Spells Prepared
Cantrips (rank 6): Caustic Blast, Electric Arc, Frostbite, Message, Needle Darts, Shield
1st: Enfeeble, Fear, Fear, Grease
2nd: Blood Vendetta, Blood Vendetta, Laughing Fit, Revealing Light, Timely Tutor
3rd: Haste, Slow, Slow, Time Jump
4th: Invisibility, Resist Energy, Vampiric Maiden
5th: Dispel Magic, Howling Blizzard, Stagnate Time
6th: Chain Lightning, Dispel Magic, Field of Razors

Staff of the Unblinking Eye
Charges: 6
Cantrip (rank 6): Detect Magic
1st: Sure Strike
2nd: Darkvision, See the Unseen, Translate

Greater Perfect Droplet Spellheart
Cantrips (rank 6): Spout
3rd: Aqueous Orb (DC 24) OR Feet to Fins

Innate Spells

Thatch, Familiar:

Type: Cat
HP: 84/84
1. Familiar of Flowing Script
2. Speech (Common)
3. Independent
4. Cantrip Connection
5. Familiar Focus
6. Tough
7. Spell Battery
8. Fast Movement
Perception: +17, Low-light
Skills: Acrobatics and Stealth +17, All others +12

Familiar's Spells Known:
Cantrips: Caustic Blast, Electric Arc, Message, Detect Magic, Frostbite, Needle Darts, Prestidigitation, Read Aura, Shield, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Projectile
1st: Disguise Magic, Enfeeble, Fear, Force Barrage, Grease, Grim Tendrils, Pet Cache, Runic Weapon, Share Lore, Sure Strike, Synchronize, Tailwind
2nd: Blazing Bolt, Blood Vendetta, Dispel Magic, Enlarge, Invisibility, Knock, Laughing Fit, Resist Energy, Revealing Light, See the Unseen, Timely Tutor, Water Breathing
3rd: Haste, Lightning Bolt, Oneiric Mire, Slow, Time Jump, Time Pocket
4th: Fly, Liminal Doorway, Planar Tether, Vampiric Maiden, Vision of Death
5th: Cloak of Colors, Howling Blizzard, Sending, Stagnate Time
6th: Awaken Entropy, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Field of Razors, Raise Dead, Scrying

Rituals: Binding Circle, Resurrect, The World's a Stage


Acrobatics: +18 [T]
Arcana: +25 [M]
Athletics: +14 [T]
Crafting: +24 [M]
Deception: +17 [T]
Diplomacy: +17 [T]
Intimidation: +17 [T]
Lore (Underworld): +19 [T]
Medicine: +1 [U]
Nature: +15 [T]
Occultism: +19 [T]
Performance: +3 [U]
Religion: +15 [T]
Society: +19 [T]
Stealth: +22 [E]
Survival: +1 [U]
Thievery: +18 [T]


Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage 1st: Nephilim
1st: Nephilim Eyes
5th: Scion of Many Planes (Beastbrood)
9th: Multitalented (Rogue Dedication)

Skill Feats
Background: Experienced Smuggler
2nd: Multilingual
4th: Recognize Spell
6th: Magical Crafting
8th: Quick Recognition
10th: Magical Shorthand
12: Crafter's Appraisal

General Feats
3rd: Ancestral Paragon (Devil's Advocate)
7th: Toughness
11th: Incredible Initiative

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Witch Spellcasting
Feature 1st: Witch's Familiar
2nd: Basic Lesson (Life)
4th: Familiar Master Dedication
Feature 5th: Magical Fortitude
6th: Familiar Conduit
Feature 7th: Expert Spellcaster
8th: Stitched Familiar
Feature 9th: Reflex Expertise
10th: Major Lesson (Death)
Feature 11th: Perception Expertise
Feature 11th: Weapon Expertise
12th: Coven Spell

Bonus Feats
Courtly Graces
Devil's Advocate
Enhanced Familiar
Rogue Dedication


Combat Gear: +1 striking wounding silver (low) corset knife, +1 resilient shadow (greater) leather armor, +1 striking staff of the unblinking eye (greater perfect droplet affixed)
Scrolls: Disguise Magic (2nd rank), Fear, Raise Dead
Other Gear: adventurer’s pack, basic crafter's book, formula book, backpack, 5 torches, 2 spacious pouches (type 1), disguise kit (elite), thunderbird tuft (greater)
Wands: mind of menace, tailwind (2nd rank), fear (3rd rank)
Not carried: 5 Scholarly journal compendiums on the history of the various regions of Cheliax (1 bulk and 30gp each)


Formula Book (5/100):

Held Items
Flask of fellowship
Magic Wand

Potion of expeditious retreat

Predator's Claw

Worn items
Masquerade Scarf

Basic Crafter's Book:

Acid flask (lesser)
Alchemist's fire (lesser)
Bottled lightning (lesser)
Glue Bomb (lesser)
Frost vial (lesser)
Thunderstone (lesser)

Antidote (lesser)
Antiplague (lesser)
Elixir of life (minor)

Healing potion (minor)

Potency crystal

All common adventuring gear, armor, shields and weapons from Chapter 6 of the CRB
Holy water
Smoke ball (lesser)
Unholy water

Magic Items: bottled air, crafter's eyepiece, healing potion (minor), masquerade scarf (greater), sleeves of storage, staff of the unblinking eye, wand of mind of menace, wand of tailwind (2nd-level), ring of wizardry (type ii), 2 spacious pouches (type 1), traveler's any-tool, perfect droplet (greater)

Invested Items:

1. Crafter's Eyepiece
2. Masquerade Scarf (Greater)
3. Ring of Wizardry (Type II)
4. Sleeves of Storage
5. +1 Resilient Shadow (Greater) Leather Armor
6. [empty]
7. [empty]
8. [empty]
9. [empty]
10. [empty]

Bulk: 2.4 (Encumbered at 5; Maximum at 10)

Coins: 89.38 gp (plus 200gp of raw materials for crafting scrolls)

Jisara is, above all else, a survivor. The Devil's Nursery doesn't give you a choice.

Abandoned as an infant on the doorstep of what passes for an orphanage in the slum, Jisara learned very quickly how, even in a "cosmopolitan" city like Kintargo, tieflings were thought of as sub-human (if they were thought of at all). Furious with and despairing at her lot in life, she fell into working for one of the many small time gangs based out of the Nursery. Jisara was ten years old the first time she lured some foolish human noble into an alley, where her comrades waited to lighten him of the coin that burdened his step. The feeling of the power she realized she had, to bend people to her will, to take what had been denied her whole life, was exhilarating. But there's power, and then there's power.

Jisara learned that soon after, when the gang chose its target poorly. They'd ranged too far from the Nursery, and picked too tempting a target. They returned to the hideout with more gold than they'd ever seen, and were still celebrating the haul when the dottari burst in, swinging their clubs and grabbing every set of horns within reach. They scattered to the four winds, and while Jisara escaped, she never saw any of her friends again.

She fled into the night, running until she was too exhausted to continue and took shelter in an an abandoned tenement. Inside, she found a surprisingly clean bed of straw, a blanket folded nearby, and, sitting next to it, a large black cat with a single yellow eye (his right eyesocket scarred and empty). Unlike most of the ferals she'd encountered in the slums, this one simply watched her impassively as she laid down next to it.

"Jisara," the cat said, and in her state she simply didn't have the energy to be surprised. "You have a great struggle ahead of you. You will be given a gift. Do you accept it?"

"Okay," came the young girl's delirious, mumbled reply.

"Very well," said the cat, nodding gravely. "Your lessons will begin in the morning." It then stepped over, circling once, twice, three times, before laying down in the straw next to her.

Thatch, as Jisara came to call him, was true to his word. He taught her many things: how to hone her gifts of manipulation, how to turn the rules of the society that oppressed her against itself, the ways of magic. He was always clear, though, that none of this came from him; he was simply a conduit for something greater, something he refused or was unable to speak of in any detail.

Jisara learned her own lessons, as well. That secrets held their own kind of power, and the right ones held by the right people could protect someone as well as any armor. And the right secrets held by the wrong people could kill you as well as any knife to the ribs.

That's how Jisara found herself in her current predicament. Leaving the Nursery was dangerous, under the best of circumstances. Leaving it to attend a protest in a public park was madness. But the Night of Ashes had left her little choice. Many of her sources had either gone to ground in the wake of the bloodbath, or been snatched up themselves. All the same, a letter intended for Strea Vestori, head of the Cloven Hoof Society, had found its way on to her desk. Though not a member, she'd worked with them before, and was certainly a believer in the cause. But Vestori had gone missing with so many others. The letter in her hands had clearly arrived too late, and to the wrong person. But perhaps the sender had some idea of where Vestori was, what had happened to them, or had some way to help. Absolute madness, she knew. It was also her only lead.

Aria Park, during the protest. Look for the human wearing a single black glove on the right hand. A fool's errand.