DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Great if you will have me then I would like to work with you on creating a character that meshes with the campaign you plan on running as well as perhaps covers any role(s) that you feel would help the team succeed. I have played nearly everything and I enjoy playing just about anything so do not be concerned about that.
In fact I have played a leader type on more than one occasion that works to make sure each PC gets a chance to shine at what they do best and restricting the leader to uplifting and helping his teammates do even better. Aka I do what a leader is supposed to do, not what a dictator does. However, that does not mean I need to be a leader. Just mentioning this in case you find that to be useful. Sometimes groups without direction flounder.
So assuming you will take me on what kind of character do you feel might help augment the campaign you are going to run the best?
Chalkou |
![Gnoll Warden](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Gnoll_90.jpeg)
Ok, this is Ouachitonian. I think I'm ready. There's a sad (though entirely understandable) lack of armored sci-fi warrior images in the profile pic selection, but this one works well enough for me. It's not like there's a lot of four-armed humanoids in the selection either.
All the details of stats and background are in the alias, of course. I focused him on the Armor Specialist Talent Tree for now, seemed appropriate given his background. I definitely plan on going into Elite Trooper once I qualify, so I went ahead and took the necessary feats. he's definitely going to want to loot some heavier armor the first chance we get. Or maybe track down a cache of surplus clone trooper armor, since we've got a clone in the unit as well. A bigger gun would be great too.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Hey Quen Pah since I only started on this character on Sunday night can I have a few days to complete it? By Tuesday afternoon could be rather tough with having to work and complete a full character.
I mean I can give you a general idea of what I am putting together by tomorrow afternoon as well as give a general answer to some of those nagging questions I will need to answer for my character but to get a full character completed by then would be very tough to pull off. But I would really like to be part of this, if at all possible.
Quen Pah |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/heads2.jpg)
Hey Quen Pah since I only started on this character on Sunday night can I have a few days to complete it? By Tuesday afternoon could be rather tough with having to work and complete a full character.
I mean I can give you a general idea of what I am putting together by tomorrow afternoon as well as give a general answer to some of those nagging questions I will need to answer for my character but to get a full character completed by then would be very tough to pull off. But I would really like to be part of this, if at all possible.
Your request is reasonable.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Hey Quen Pah I was wondering if you would be okay with someone following what is called the Jensaarai Path. Which is someone that while a force for good, uses both the Light and the Dark side of the force in a balanced manner. Not sure how they have implemented this but it follows my understanding of what was originally taught about how to use the force. Otherwise I could go with just a straight Jedi.
Now if you are okay with the Jensaarai Path, which I found very interesting that the game has this because way back when the intial folk were being taught the Force by their enigmatic benefactors. They were deposited upon a planet that if the balance between the Light and the Dark Side forces became to great they would experience destructive Force Storms. Further if a student was deemed to have too much Light Force they were put on the Dark Moon and made to focus on getting back into balance and if someone was deemed to have too much Dark Force they were put on the Light Moon and made to focus on getting back into balance.
This also came out later during one of the latest movies where Luke states that the Force seeks balance. If a great power for the Dark Side arrises then it will create a great power for the Light Side and vice-versa. It also kind of plays out in what occurred and my analogy is that when the Force became out of balance it ignited a Force Storm which took the form of a galactic war since it was no longer restricted to a single planet.
That being said I would like my character to have found, I think its called a Star Dragon on a very remote world and was trained in the way of the Force by this Star Dragon who would teach something very similar to the Jensaarai Path since it would have learned the true path of using the Force which is to use it in balance or in harmony with itself. Further if someone is playing a Jedi this might lead to some interesting philosophical exchanges of thought.
Your thoughts? Again I could go straight Jedi if you would prefer and have a couple methods of how they survived Order 66 but this balanced concept is more to my liking. Due to my knowledge and research into the beginnings of the Force and all that entails.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
I think it is a Talent Tree for a Jedi or definitely at least a Force Using class if I am understanding it correctly. Did not dive to deeply as I needed to make sure you were okay with it first. As not everyone is familiar with this alternate concept of the Force
The character would interact with a Jedi characters with questions but acceptance, and will share their teachings of what they were taught is how the Force is meant to be used which is in Harmony with itself. The link I provide (from the one you intially shared) outlines this and that Luke, when creating the New Order, made fast allies with the Jensaarai.
Further it would be from an encounter with a Jedi that my character would have perhaps learned this term as I believe (but I have to dig through my notes) that the original Path was called something slighlty different but the basic concept is still the same.
Yes Inquisitors would still hunt them down as they do still use the Light Side of the force but I imagine it might be a bit more difficult but its your campaign so that is totally up to you. However, being harder to hunt down is not the reason I am want to play this. Of course, like anyone that does not support the Emperor they would also be hunted by the Imperial Intelligence and thus perhaps hunted by their own species as they are going to be Umbaran.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Yes it is its own Force Tradition and again I am not sure how they fully implemented it as of yet.
Still I plan to use that website as I am not sure which book that would be found in. Further I am sure by hopping around on that website I will be able find its source and follow its directives. Lastly I will be sure to share everything I find with you so you do not have to do all the hopping yourself ;-)
As for what I plan to use, kind of depends on how they have laid out the class itself. Still Umbaran's are sneaky observers that tend to work from behind the scenes. So figured I would be mixing the concepts of a Jedi with a sneaky agent of good and utilize whatever they have that will help further their ability. Note I have no desire to be a Sith or to do truly evil things. My plan is to be a hero just an unsung one since if I do things correctly no one will know or very few will know.
I should state that intially, when encountering a Jedi they would ask a lot of questions and share very little unless that individual became a good friend then the sharing would occur. As that is the nature and upbringing of an Umbaran.
BTW are you okay with the idea of my character learning this Force Path from a Star Dragon (again I think that is what it is called) and thus not directly learn Jensaarai but rather the original version which seems to bascially be the same thing just a different name.
Ardan Kwinn |
![Eagle Knight of Andoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-EagleKnight_500.jpeg)
The Jensaari are armored Force-users who are a divergent (one might say debased) Jedi-founded tradition. Jensaari are syncretic, in that they try to combine opposing philosophical techniques in their approach to understanding the Force.
The major benefit to Jensaari is the Jensaari Defender Talent Tree, which lets them get magic armor and shield themselves from electronic observation.
The principal drawbacks are:
* The Jensaari are ideologically incoherent, which means that it's hard to have a set of core beliefs for the character. This could potentially be a source of conflict and drama, of course.
* The Jensaari tradition is very much a "fan fiction that walks like a man" element of Star Wars, in that they were built to be Jedi-esque edgelords who use Dark Side powers yet somehow claim to be immune to the temptation of the Dark Side. Also magic armor.
* Notably in canon, in this era the Jensaari are a Dark Side tradition. In Legends canon they are later "corrected" by Luke Skywalker.
Game mechanically the biggest ??? is about whether the character tries to use Dark Side powers. Using powers with the [Dark Side] tag is generally supposed to be an eventual route to your character becoming a bad guy.
The solution to many of these issues is to portray the character as a Jensaari adept who has a strong reason to work with the Jedi: perhaps they tried to work with the Dark Side adepts of the Empire previously but were betrayed, or maybe they found some historical information about the Jensaari tradition's roots as a Jedi offshoot and are curious to know more. There can be opportunities for character dialog about the very black-and-white nature of the Force, the failures of the Jedi order, and the intersection of emotion and noetic influence.
A 5th level Force adept of the Jensaari tradition is probably a Force-sensitive member of the soldier class, headed toward the Force adept prestige class.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Okay I would point out that:
A) My character was trained by a Star Dragon that followed the original Je'daii (pronounced: je-DAY-I) Order from which both the Jedi Order and Sith Order came from (found some of my notes).
B) Even the Jensaarai end up working along side the Jedi. Below is a quote from that Link I shared.
"After the fall of the Empire, Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn discovered The Jensaarai and made them fast allies, even bringing some of them into The New Jedi Order."
So that does not sound like the Jensaarai actually hate the Jedi nor that the Jedi distrust the Jensaarai.
Now back to the concept I proposed. First I am basically borrowing the Jensaarai Class to reskin it into the Je'daii Class as they are basically the same mechanical speaking while being only slightly different perhaps philosophically speaking.
As in 36,453 BBY, the great enigmatic pyramid ships known as the Tho Yor brought pilgrims from numerous different species from across the galaxy to Tython. These pilgrims then learned to harness the Force and established the Je'daii Order, basing their philosophy of balance upon Tython's two moons, Ashla(Light) and Bogan(Dark). This concept of internal harmony with the Light and Dark Side was maintained for centuries.
Then an outside event occurred that created a rift between the Light and Dark Sides of the Je'daii Order and a great war insued. Reducing parts of the planet to barren fields of inert ash. At the end of this war, which the Light Siders won causing the Dark Siders to flee, the two new orders were formed. Those new orders were the Jedi Order(Light) and the Sith Order(Dark) and the balance in the Force was no longer taught.
That is until a couple of Sith Lords decided to combine the Dark and Light Sides once again (unknowingly reverting back to the original teachings). However, these Sith Lords were eventually killed by Jedi agents. However, their students and their teachings of using the Balance of the Light and Dark Sides remained and from this sprung the Jensaarai Order. Which eventually allied with the New Jedi Order.
Further if you read what it says about the Jensaarai Order in that link I provided as follows:
"The Jensaarai resemble both The Jedi and The Sith in many ways; they construct and wield Lightsabers, they defend their planet from hostile forces, and they have a strong grasp of The Force and its ways. Still, they remain quite different in other respects. Jensaarai Defenders construct suits of armor, fashioning them after creatures they feel fit their personalities, and they can be violent and ruthless when necessary. Though many Jensaarai Defenders run the risk of falling to The Dark Side, very few actually do, as discipline and awareness of the repercussions of their actions are two of the most important tenets of Jensaarai training."
So while I am not all that concerned about the armor part as I am not sure how that fits into using the Force, its a minor inconvenience that I can work with you perhaps to iron out. Otherwise, I will leave it in and figure out a philosophical means of incorporating it into the original Je'daii Order.
I hope that explains the how and why I think the concept will work and why the character would be willing to work with (not for) the rescent rebellion.
Further, it is because of their Je'daii Master that they are out here trying to help the galaxies be a nicer, safer and more harmonic place to live.
Ardan Kwinn |
![Eagle Knight of Andoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-EagleKnight_500.jpeg)
What are tbw rukes for Dark Side points?
Here's the rules for a Dark Side score.
Using a [Dark Side] power gives you a point, as does doing "evil" things.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Thanks Ardan Kwinn and while I agree that would and should apply to almost all individuals I would have to think that the balanced approach somehow eliminates needing to (1) Do something evil to increase one's Dark Side Force Points (which might be different than the Dark Side Score not sure yet) and (2) Have a reason and a means of maintaining a balance between their Light and Dark Sides so not to succumb fully to either side.
I mean frankly from the original teachings of the Je'daii Order a Jedi is horribly out of balance and because of this imbalance they cause ripples in the Force that then seek a means to restore this balance that must be maintained by creating an equal amount of pure Dark Side energy some where else.
Lastly I am looking to see how they balanced this and such, as I did something like this a long while back when I used to run Star Wars games. However, I was using the original d6 version of the game.
Also, not a big deal I mean I can just play a Jedi if the GM does not wish to include this aspect of the game. I just found it intriguing to see how it was accomplished as well as an interesting twist that you do not normally see within a Stars Wars RPG
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Yes both the Jensarri and the Je'daii can be lightsaber weilding classes just like the Jedi but I would imagine that like Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi and a few other Jedi. Their lightsabers might be Purple (Red + Blue) or even Yellow (Red + Green) as some Jedi are known to wield a yellow light saber such as Luke and Rey.
Now considering the Star Dragon my character learned to be a Je'daii from was gold in color I would think the Lightsaber is yellow in color.
Lastly if you dig into the meanings of why these particular individuals caused these colors it was because it reflected an aspect of their personality which in turn would suggest that they had some how taped into the Dark Side without succumbing to it as well.
Although I will admit until just recently, I had never seen any game mechanics that dealt with the issue of balancing the Light and Dark Sides of the force and will be very interested to see how it was implemented here.
Quen Pah |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/heads2.jpg)
I would need to see how the other players would view playing with a character who uses the Dark Side of the Force.
What it looks like to me, after rereading the Dark Side rules in Saga, that you are either light side, tainted or dark side.
When your dark side points equal your Wis, the DM takes control of the character.
Ouachitonian |
Thanks Ardan Kwinn and while I agree that would and should apply to almost all individuals I would have to think that the balanced approach somehow eliminates needing to (1) Do something evil to increase one's Dark Side Force Points (which might be different than the Dark Side Score not sure yet) and (2) Have a reason and a means of maintaining a balance between their Light and Dark Sides so not to succumb fully to either side.
I mean frankly from the original teachings of the Je'daii Order a Jedi is horribly out of balance and because of this imbalance they cause ripples in the Force that then seek a means to restore this balance that must be maintained by creating an equal amount of pure Dark Side energy some where else.
Lastly I am looking to see how they balanced this and such, as I did something like this a long while back when I used to run Star Wars games. However, I was using the original d6 version of the game.
Also, not a big deal I mean I can just play a Jedi if the GM does not wish to include this aspect of the game. I just found it intriguing to see how it was accomplished as well as an interesting twist that you do not normally see within a Stars Wars RPG
Saga Edition came years before the Je’daii were invented, its dark side points system isn’t really meant to deal with people who use both sides of the force. It’s always going to be an awkward fit at best. I have no idea what this Star Dragon you’re talking about is.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Again Quen Pah I do not want to create a headache or any issues it was just a very interesting avenue for me since it was something I had been working on a long time ago and thought it would be quite interesting to see.
I can simply just create a Jedi if you feel the Je'daii might adversely affect the game -- I mean am here to help write a story with others -- if this approach taints that story before it even begins -- then I do not even see it being a viable choice.
Oh but could I still have been taught by a Gold Star Dragon and use a Yellow Lightsaber? Not a must have but it would be kind of cool and interesting way to have started out and might allow me to segue later on into pondering cosmic things but remain the same.
Oh and if you feel we have too many Jedi -- not sure how many are playing Jedi's you seemed to mention them in plural -- I could play something else. I can shift gears pretty fast and role play just about anything and have fun doing it.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Ah thanks Dreamchaser Plainstalker did you happen to work out all the other classes we currently have by any chance?
Just in case Quen Pah might like to see something else played rather than another Force user. Then he and I can know what is so maybe see what might be nice to have.
Quen Pah just in case and so not to slow things down, I have start a parallel character (with a different class) just in case.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Well thanks again Dreamchaser Plainstalker much appreciated as that means my alternate idea has not been taken and I could even segue that into or start is as a slicer perhaps.
I mean I plan to keep the race I have chosen as that maintains the basic concept I was going for and it can easily work with all 3 class paths.
So I will wait to see what Quen Pah would like -- and Quen Pah I am serious when I say I can play just about anything and have a lot of fun doing it. So please, let me know how you feel would help the game the most based on the campaign you are planning on running.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Hey Dreamchaser Plainstalker how did you generate that short list of players?
I mean I went back through and I found
Phineas - Solder/Scout
You ----- Sentinel Jedi
Arden --- Noble (Force Sensitive)
Chalkou - Soldier (aka Ouachitonian)
Sebbik -- Scoundrel-Splicer (needs to add a level)
And lot more other players but no way to tell if they are still active or not. The above four I am pretty sure are still active as they have posted recently and further I know that not everyone the states they are interested ever create a character. As a game I just started not to long ago had 15 interests but only 7 actually made characters and of those 7 two bow out after character creation. So lost more than half those that said they were interested before the game even started a month or so later and this was goes all the back to December of last year.
Hopefully Quen Pah will chime in with what we have so far or be perfectly fine with having a small group of force users.
Still again Quen Pah if there is something an Umbaran (sneaky species) would be good doing that you would like to see in the game just please let me know and I will make a fast adjustment to make it so.
DeJoker |
![Golden Orb](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-GoldenOrb_500.jpeg)
Okay that just seems really weird to me. If I express interest it means I have interest that I am willing to persue as that is what being interest means.
"Dotting" something and never doing anything about it is the definition of no interest.
It is kind of like leaving a penny as a tip. It is not really a tip at all.
Storyteller Shadow |
Okay that just seems really weird to me. If I express interest it means I have interest that I am willing to persue as that is what being interest means.
"Dotting" something and never doing anything about it is the definition of no interest.
It is kind of like leaving a penny as a tip. It is not really a tip at all.
I agree, or at least say, "hey I'm dropping for XYZ reason" but nope just radio silence. I will say though I've never recruited and not gotten the game off of the ground at least, there are always enough people to start, but not always finish.
RL happens (I know it's certainly happened to me the last few years COVID notwithstanding) and sometimes things you want to follow through on in the Hobby world just are not possible when the real world rudely interrupts.
Private Phineas - Piston |
Do we have a splicer if the other duros does not show up?
I could always swap that Level of Scout for a Level of Scoundrel and "retrain" while having been out in the field and away from the group. It would be an interesting spin on him. Knowing he's aging too fast to Soldier, he moves in a different "direction".
Let me know if you want me to rebuild, I'm ok with that. Then just take Scoundrel all the way up and focus on the Slicer Talent.
Faaz Vodam |
![Conna the Wise](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A10_Conna-the-Stone-Giant.jpg)
Okay that just seems really weird to me. If I express interest it means I have interest that I am willing to persue as that is what being interest means.
"Dotting" something and never doing anything about it is the definition of no interest.
It is kind of like leaving a penny as a tip. It is not really a tip at all.
There was definite interest. Life happens sometimes, and priorities change. Or quite simply, sometimes you just can't find the hook for a character that really feels right.
No disrespect or indifference was intended. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Storyteller Shadow |
DeJoker wrote:Okay that just seems really weird to me. If I express interest it means I have interest that I am willing to persue as that is what being interest means.
"Dotting" something and never doing anything about it is the definition of no interest.
It is kind of like leaving a penny as a tip. It is not really a tip at all.
There was definite interest. Life happens sometimes, and priorities change. Or quite simply, sometimes you just can't find the hook for a character that really feels right.
No disrespect or indifference was intended. Sorry if I offended anyone.
This discussion was not intended towards you specifically Faaz, more of a general discussion of how common it is on these boards! Plus, here you are checking in :-)
The amount of people who express interest and then vanish is what I was speaking to. I have a current recruitment up right now (granted It's open until June 1) but the amount of initial interest with zero follow up is pretty high. It doesn't really impact the ultimate group chosen, it's just odd how common it is.
I completely understand life happening, I've had to drop more games then I like to think about both as a PC or a GM due to major life shake ups.