Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance


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Let me see if I have everyone accounted for:

Kol DyThrand: Human Scoundrel

LE-M-07d:Droid:Modified LE-Series Repair droid 2nd degree: Technician 1

Rufus Griller: Human I do not see a class
Lachoneous:Dug, Scoundrel
Christon Rynx: Human Jedi

Robbidon Jaas: Human Scoundrel
uDreamchaser Plainstalker: Cathar Jedi
Arue Karinn: Human Replica Droid Soldier 1

Am I missing anyone?

GM SuperTumbler, is your character proposal in here?

Quen Pah wrote:
Christon, I do not see your stats, background. If you are in need of a Master, I have one in mind for you.

How come? It's everything in the alias, is this another glitch from the paizo forums?

The needing of a Master is something to be determined by you, as you see fit.

Quen Pah wrote:

Let me see if I have everyone accounted for:

Rufus Griller: Human I do not see a class

That's because Rufus has no class. ;-P

In all seriousness, he'd be a Scoundrel, with a focus on piloting and vehicular combat, with a side in fast-talking and generally finding the humor in any situation.

Jereru wrote:
Quen Pah wrote:
Christon, I do not see your stats, background. If you are in need of a Master, I have one in mind for you.

How come? It's everything in the alias, is this another glitch from the paizo forums?

The needing of a Master is something to be determined by you, as you see fit.

There it is.

Let me see if I have everyone accounted for:

Kol DyThrand: Human Scoundrel

LE-M-07d:Droid:Modified LE-Series Repair droid 2nd degree: Technician 1

Rufus Griller: Human Scoundrel
Lachoneous:Dug, Scoundrel
Christon Rynx: Human Jedi

Robbidon Jaas: Human Scoundrel
uDreamchaser Plainstalker: Cathar Jedi
Arue Karinn: Human Replica Droid Soldier 1

Am I missing anyone who has submitted?

FYI, I've got the start of Rufus' Saga character crunch in the profile.


Lakoneous = Scoundrel 1


Race = Dug
Str = 17(+3)


BAB +0
Perception +0
Melee +3
Ranged +4


Fort=14 (19 vs force)
Will=12(17 vs force)
Speed = 6
Hit Points=21


Acrobatics +9
Deception -2
Gather Information -2
Initiative +9
Knowledges +1
(galactic lore)
Mechanics +1
Perception +0
Persuasion -2
Pilot +9
Stealth +13
Use Computer +6
Athletic: Reroll climb or jump but must take 2nd roll


dug, basic


Point blank
Unstoppable Force


Blas Tech DH-23 (modified= stripped of stun/ upgrades=Extra power source / Environmental seals) (1KG)
Attack= d20+4
Damage = 3D6 energy
Stun Baton (1KG)
Attack = D20+3
Damage= Normal 1d6+3 / Stun 2d6+3 energy/bludgeoning
Sneak attack +1d6


Short commlink .1KG
Pocket scrambler .5KG
Standard data pad .5KG
Power charger 1KG
Energy cell (1) --
Powerpack (2) .2 KG
Ration packs (10) 1.0 KG
Total Weight = 5.3 KG


Misfortune talent tree= Sneak Attack +1d6


“You may not like me but that is a mind over matter thing. I don’t mind and you really don’t matter.”
Born to fly anything with jets, Lakoneous quickly made a name for himself among the star lanes near Nar Shadaaa. He raced anything that was mechanical and flew. This was his past time but his real job was that of a sentry pilot for a large mining ship conglomerate flying a modified Corellian YT-2400. On the side he would bring in goods for several of the Hutt syndicates and others whom were willing to pay his fees.
A few decades back, Lakoneous broke a deal with Jistr the Hutt over delivering goods. His ship crashed (rumored to have been sabotage) and the goods were lost. He refused to cover the shipment because he had a suspicion that the goods were illegal. Outlawed from the Nar Shadaaa, on threat of death by the Hutts, he left in a hurry taking a job as a pilot on a commercial hauler. He has been wandering the mid and outer rim regions for almost 50 years.
He found out recently that a bounty has been placed on his head. He assumes it is Jistr the Hutt. He has narrowly escaped one attempt to take him alive and killed a rodian hunter whom attempted to ambush him upon his arrival at Krai Ven Station, the last stop in his journey before he ran out of the majority of his creds and work. Now he is looking to refill both his belly and his pocket book. Eventually he would like to buy another ship and fly the lanes a free trader.

look and personality:

Roughly 1.3 m tall and a 55.5 kilo weight when wet, his arms and legs are long and spindly even for a dug. Mottled purple skin that resembles a bad case of mashed prunes. Eyes are pale but definitely green hued.
Walks with a slight limp on left side. Scars crisscross his upper body and run down his back in long streaking stretches. His hand are the only things that don’t seem to have scars on them as if they have intentionally been kept in pristine condition.
His fingers have a splay of skin almost like webbing that connect many of them slightly. His ears and nostrils are pierced by many rings and he has several knots that indicate a strong lineage of respect, knowledge, and warriors.

He wears a vest of bantha hide that he won in a game of chance from a lesser hutt on nar Shadaaa before his “exile”.

He is gruff. It is not just an appearance. He speaks his mind often sarcastically but speak it he does. He knows how to use tact in theory but the delicacies of it have always seemed to escaped him as well as the nuances of the theory. He often speaks before he has time to evaluate his words completely.
For a Dug he is an optimistic yet sarcastic creature. He believes that the best of the worst will happen. He is aware that there were jedi’s but reserves his opinions on the ancient religion because he has never dealt with it in person. He prefers not to get involved in politics as long as he has money he is happy.
He turns aggressive both in language and action when someone insults or makes fun of his “heritage” knots or jewelry. An insult to his race is always met with an insult. He doesn’t hold all creatures as hostile and for a Dug, he actually is somewhat less likely to play the victim.
His greatest story and biggest pride was when he owned a dynamic class freighterthat he had modified to use for small cargo transport, scouting, and protection of mining and other larger vessels. He dreams of the day that he will once again own one. It is to this end that he made the “side” deal that went bad. He thought that he could make a few side transports unknown to his employer on behalf of the hutts for a steady income. It was this willingness to bet that cost him the YT-2400 transport ship that he flew on behalf of the Interstellar Credence Mining Corporation (ICMC). It was only his reputation as a good pilot and history of employment that kept the mining company from pursuing him for loss of equipment. The Hutt’s weren’t so forgiving.

Here is the completed Lakoneous DUG Scoundrel. I added some personality background and a description of him as well. Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of a dug I liked well enough to link.

I am going to go ahead and close recruitment.

Then, May the Force be with You.

Robbidon Jaas wrote:

Then, May the Force be with You.



So we ended up with applicants for one Technician, one soldier, two Jedi and four Scoundrel's; it should be an interesting group.

Good luck everyone! And yes, may the force be with you!

Maybe I should have made Robbidon a Scout?

Quen Pah wrote:

GM SuperTumbler, is your character proposal in here?

I haven't been able to get a submission together. Looks like you have a great group of recruits. Have fun, everyone!

This should be fun no matter who is chosen. May the farce be with you....Oops I meant the force :)

You guys are making this very difficult to chose :(/

Well, with eight applicants you can always run two tables :)

lol, ya, I don't have time for that.

I like LEM's idea. :D However, if ya can't, you can't.

Quen Pah wrote:
You guys are making this very difficult to chose :(/

* doing his best Obi-Wan Kenobi impression * Stretch out your feelings...Use the Force!

Oh, I would tap into Sidious :), I know the Power of the Dark Side.

Quen Pah wrote:
Oh, I would tap into Sidious :), I know the Power of the Dark Side.

That doesn't bode well...

I was a student in Rome for 3.5 years :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, so let me give you a rationale for my choices. First, I really hate having to make choices of who gets to play in a game that people often spend lots of time in preparing characters for. I think that people deserve consideration for that work and time that they spent doing this.

Also, I have seen games begin to fall apart if you choose x number of players and then one or two drop out. That leaves the others in a bind not because they do not want to play but because others made that choice for them, I do not think that is fair.

So, I may regret this, and I am going to ask for your patience in this, but I am going to pick all of you to play. That way I hope we can get past the first few encounters of the first module.

Very cool, thanks Quen Pah!

sweet that sounds fun but alot of work on your end. Thanks let us know what we can do to make things smooth for you.

Go ahead and dot or begin narrative in the gameplay and dot in the discussion thread.

Wow. Cool...and Brave of you.
Will do our best to make it as easy on you as we can.
Thank you for running this.

Appreciated, and thank you.

Now to set up the alias

You are welcome.

Quen Pah wrote:

Okay, so let me give you a rationale for my choices. First, I really hate having to make choices of who gets to play in a game that people often spend lots of time in preparing characters for. I think that people deserve consideration for that work and time that they spent doing this.

Also, I have seen games begin to fall apart if you choose x number of players and then one or two drop out. That leaves the others in a bind not because they do not want to play but because others made that choice for them, I do not think that is fair.

So, I may regret this, and I am going to ask for your patience in this, but I am going to pick all of you to play. That way I hope we can get past the first few encounters of the first module.

The Force is strong with this one.

(I know this is a closed recruitment, but just wanted to say that this is awesome. I agree with the rationale on multiple levels.)



Hello? Are you re-recruiting again or did you accidentally post in the wrong thread?

I am re-recruiting. I sent a test message to make sure the message would populate in Recruitment thread.

We need at least one, due to attrition. :(

I have an old, old sheet from a game I never got into years ago ready to go depending on level and whatnot. "The Immortal Krayt", a sort of Trandoshan gladiator with a professional wrestler flair who was sold into slavery as a kid for being a s#$&ty hunter and kind of a wimp. He got buffer.

We are almost done with the 1st part of the Dawn of Defiance AP. Characters are 2nd level. Right now is a good place to add people.

I thinki we can keep recruitment open until Monday

Oh man, I'd love to join a Star Wars Saga game. I made this character a long time ago, but the adventure imploded. Let me know if you think he'd work. I can easily adjust his level down to 2 if he'd be a good fit for your adventure. Looks like you have scoundrels out the wazoo, but then it appears you started the adventure with four. If needed, I could tweak him a bit as he's actually a very good hacker as well. I could definitely focus more on that aspect of his character development rather than pilot - though hey, maybe we'll all wind up flying x-wings or something!

I will go ahead and accept the 2 applicants. Right now you both will be in the prison that the group has infiltrated. If you want to catch up with what has gone on before, please read the Gameplay Thread.

Awesome! Will do! I've leveled down to 2nd, so I'll just read up on the adventure and wait for my introduction. Thanks, looking forward to the game!

Apologies; I'll be withdrawing my interest. I realized I don't actually remember how to play this system and don't currently have time to relearn the fiddly bits of it that are different from 3.PF.

One works as well.

Oh man, as I was reading the first few pages of the the thread and thinking 'this sounds familiar'... I realize that THIS is the adventure that my character had started before it blew up a bit over a year ago! Too funny...

As far as I can tell, my old adventure ended where I'm picking up in this one, so the timing is about perfect.

Hey Quen Pah, I'd noticed you were looking for two or maybe three to fill the ranks (looks like you lost three of the original group), so I let a couple others from the same adventure I was in before know about your game. Looks like you currently have 3 in the group, so even if both respond the party total would be six. No idea if they'll respond or not, though. Hope that's OK!

After reading through, looks like we'd gone a bit further along in the adventure, but not much more - the next chapter after this one, I believe.

Ok. Now is a good time for them to join.

Sebbik wrote:

Oh man, as I was reading the first few pages of the the thread and thinking 'this sounds familiar'... I realize that THIS is the adventure that my character had started before it blew up a bit over a year ago! Too funny...

As far as I can tell, my old adventure ended where I'm picking up in this one, so the timing is about perfect.

That is too funny.

If you are still looking for a PC I'd be interested.

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