(#2-01) "Citadel of Corruption" (Inactive)

Game Master rainzax

A new year dawns for the Pathfinder Society. For the past several years, Pathfinders have explored the edges of the Iobarian wilderness, making new allies and discovering hints at a long-forgotten past. Now, the Decemvirate has decided that it is time for the Pathfinders to do what Pathfinders do best: explore, report, and cooperate! In an ancient cyclopean ruin, the Society seeks to stake their claim with both a new lodge and, hopefully, new insights into Iobaria's remote history. Some secrets are best left buried, however. Will the PCs make a name for themselves as modern day explorers, or will the evil lurking at the heart of the Iobarian dig site consume their hopes and dreams?
Maps > Citadel of Corruption
Resource > School Items
Field Comissioned (plus Lore / Feat)
Resource > Action / Activity Summary
Resource > (GM Numbat's) Org Play PbP intro
Resource > (GM Doug H's) PFS Society Guide Reader
Resource > Joining Pathfinder Society: Faction, Training, Network Items, and First Boons
Action Symbols > Single (◆), Double (◆◆), Triple (◆◆◆), Free (◇), Reaction (↺)
Status Symbols > ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

As the title, this is a recruitment thread for 3-5 players of levels 1st through 4th to play the 2nd Edition Pathfinder Society Scenario "Citadel of Corruption" written by Scott D. Young. It is a Scenario that kicks off the "season two metaplot" of setting up a Base Camp (of sorts) in Iobaria to explore an Ancient Cyclopean Ruins.

Open Recruitment
I will hold Open Recruitment through the week. Check out my own Aliases, whether running a game (DM / GM / QM Aliases), or playing a game (Organized Play Characters), to get a glimpse of the kind of game I like to make. I picked this scenario because I enjoy the Exploration mode of play it offers.

Slightly faster than Standard, posting an average of more than once per day, in keeping "pace" in play-by-post somewhat brisk. Also, we will be using Google Drive to share Handouts and Maps, so you will need access to that to participate. When relaying in-game information, I like to write descriptive story text, encourage character and group discussion, and interpret game mechanics is light of that process. That is my "GM style" if you will. Again, check out my Aliases to see what I mean.

What is one thing your character is good at when it comes to exploring ancient ruins?


And with that, good luck!

Grand Archive

So, in my submission I'll admit that I tend to *not* post more than once a day on weekdays, during the busy times. I do tend to post multiple times a day on weekends.

However, with the holidays come up (and not traveling), I expect for more room to post more than once a day for several weeks. At the very least, I'm honest about what I can do and keep to it :) If six others apply who can post 2-3 times a day consistently, I understand if they're chosen.

I played (and greatly enjoyed) Mosquito Witch with you.

I have four 2e characters available right now (all of them actually).

* Alchemist 2 (this character; my preference)
* Sorcerer 2
* Wizard 1
* Fighter 1

When it comes to exploring ancient ruins, Elsha is good at looking out for his teammates, and seeing how he can help them succeed (specifically, with helpful concoctions).

Horizon Hunters

Nal (rogue/1) would love the opportunity to delve into some ancient ruins. She's been on some itty bitty PFS missions (quests, a bounty, and Absalom Initiation), but hasn't yet been assigned to a meatier mission. She's starting to wonder if the Society thinks she's not up to snuff. Her specialty is being a sneaky thief who blends into the darkness. She likes to scout ahead or stealthily watch the party's flank so they can avoid any unpleasant surprises.

On weekdays I can usually post twice per day; on weekends it's usually once per day. My preference is for more flavorful posts, so this sounds like a great opportunity to play with like-minded people.

Early Bird Recruitment:

Elsha Ustosh, Half-elf (Nexian) Nexian Mystic Alchemist (Bomber) 2
Nal Bagura, Half-elf (Cavern) Criminal Rogue (Thief) 1

Grand Archive

I have been wanting to get this investigator into a game for the longest time! He will be starting at level two and I have his character sheet together for the most part, but I can finish it within a day or two.

Horizon Hunters

Count me in if you have room.

Mandoo, a level 1 human monk. Mostly a lunkish bruiser, but can act as a backup thief if needed.

I can handle multiple posts a day, but I'm in Spain, so there is a 6-9 hour time difference with North America if that's a concern. For example, I'm about to go to bed, so I'm glad I caught this recruitment before it was too late.

Hi again, Nal!

Envoy's Alliance

This little novice adventurer is ready to take on a mission. When exploring, Redd likes to support her allies and thirsts for knowledge.

Extended Early Bird Recruitment:

Elsha Ustosh, Half-elf (Nexian) Nexian Mystic Alchemist (Bomber) 2
Nal Bagura, Half-elf (Cavern) Criminal Rogue (Thief) 1
Symeon Isafira, Halfling (??) ?? Investigator (??) 2
Mandoo, Human (Kellid - Yurktiri) Martial Disciple Monk (Monastic Weaponry) 1
Redd Appleblossom, Halfling (Twilight) Emissary Bard (Maestro) 1

12 Challenge Points @ 5 = Low Tier

Going to mostly close out Recruitment here - possibly a 6th or an Alternate.

Players - You have until our start date on Tuesday (11/17) to get your Character Profiles and Character Bars completely together!

Questions? Please ask in Discussion.

Envoy's Alliance

If you've got room for a sixth, let me know. Thanks!

Final Recruitment:

Elsha Ustosh, Half-elf (Nexian) Nexian Mystic Alchemist (Bomber) 2
Mandoo, Human (Kellid - Yurktiri) Martial Disciple Monk (Monastic Weaponry) 1
Nal Bagura, Half-elf (Cavern) Criminal Rogue (Thief) 1
Olnik Shadowstone, Dwarf (Death Warden) Rivethun Adherent Bard (Maestro) 1
Redd Appleblossom, Halfling (Twilight) Emissary Bard (Maestro) 1
Symeon Isafira, Halfling (Gutsy) Teacher Investigator (Forensic/Medic) 2

14 Challenge Points @ 6 = Low Tier

Envoy's Alliance

I have to update profile and line (which I'm in the process of doing right now). Olnik is actually Level 3 now.

Modified Final Recruitment:

Elsha Ustosh, Half-elf (Nexian) Nexian Mystic Alchemist (Bomber) 2
Mandoo, Human (Kellid - Yurktiri) Martial Disciple Monk (Monastic Weaponry) 1
Nal Bagura, Half-elf (Cavern) Criminal Rogue (Thief) 1
Olnik Shadowstone, Dwarf (Death Warden) Rivethun Adherent Bard (Maestro) 3
Redd Appleblossom, Halfling (Twilight) Emissary Bard (Maestro) 1
Symeon Isafira, Halfling (Gutsy) Teacher Investigator (Forensic/Medic) 2

16 Challenge Points @ 6 = Low Tier

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