About Symeon IsafiraPFS Information: ===================
PFS Number: 108507-2005 Experience: 48 (as of chronicle 10) Home Region: Absalom Gold: 4 gp 5 sp 8 cp Training: Generalist Major Factions
Minor Factions
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 48 Purchased Boons:
Character sheet: ===================
Ethnicity: Gutsy Halfling
=================== Halfling (Gutsy)
Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Tien, Sylvan, Utopian Perception: +11 (3 wis) + (9 prof) + (0 item)) [E]
=================== DEFENSES HIT POINTS: 51/51 ARMOR CLASS
Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [U], Heavy: [U] SAVING THROWS
=================== OFFENSE Class DC: 21 (10 + (4 key stat) + (7 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
[dice=Devise Stratagem]1d20[/dice]
Ranged Strikes +1 Striking Shortbow Hands 1+, Reload 0, Range 60 ft. Bow Deadly d10
[dice=Short end of the bow, +1] 1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Flying scalpel!]1d20+13[/dice]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Melee Strikes Shortsword Agile, Finesse, Versatile S
[dice=Pointy end of the sword]1d20+13[/dice]
=================== ABILITY SCORES STR +0 (10), DEX +4 (18), CON +1 (12), INT +4 (19), WIS +3 (16), CHA +0 (10)
Skills and Languages: ===================
Skills: Acrobatics: +14 = (4 dex) + (9 prof) + (1 item) - (0 armor) [E]
Languages Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Tien, Sylvan, Utopian
Feats: ===================
Ancestry Feats and Abilities Special 1st: Keen Senses (+2 to Seek vs. Hidden creatures, lower flat DC to target) Heritage Gutsy Successes on Emotion effect saves are Crits instead. 1st level: Unassuming dedication
5th level: Cultural Adaptability for Gnome and Gnome Obsession
Skill Feats Background: Experienced Professional
=================== General Feats
=================== Class Feats and Abilities
=================== Bonus Feats
Equipment: ===================
Combat Gear:
Magic Items:
Other Gear:
Bulk: Carrying 5 Bulk 6 Light (rounds down to 5) of 6 bulk Maximum Coins: 2 gp 5 sp 8 cp.
Temporary Items: ===================
Pathfinder Training Items Lesser Healing Potion Discovered in Scenario
Scenarios and Tracking: ===================
Chronicles. Item Tracking and Character Sheet Chronicle #1: Experienced Adventurer
Chronicle #2: 2-01 Citadel of Corruption
Studded leather Armor (3 gp), Short bow (3 gp), 40 arrows (2 sp), Shortsword (9 sp), Feather token (ladder) (3 gp), Adventurer’s pack (1 gp 5 sp), Clothing (normal) (1 sp), Mirror (1 gp), Tool Short (Scalpel; 4 sp), Religious text (Gruhastha; 1 gp) Holy Symbol (Gruhastha; 1 sp), Healer’s tools (5 gp), Manacles 2 sets (Simple, 6 gp total), crowbar (5 sp), writing set (1 gp), Soap (2 cp), Playing cards (5 sp) Additionally: Link Cold weather outfit (4 sp) Downtime: Earn income Link Chronicle 03: 2-00 King in Thorns
Chronicle 04: 2-09 Seven Mysteries of Dacilane Academy
Weapon potency rune (+1) 35 gp Minor elixir of life (4) 12 gp Downtime: [url=https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivlqo/discussion#7]Earn Income (Critical success Chronicle 05: 2-19 Enter the Pallid Peak
Chronicle 06: 3-04 The Devil-Wrought Disappearance
Chronicle 07: 3-07 The Locked Lodge
Chronicle 08: 2-23 An Agent’s Obligation
Chronicle 09: 1-16 Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Chronicle 10: Path of Kings (GM Chronicle)
Chronicle 11: Perennial Crown part 2: The Thorned Monarch
Sold: Studded Leather Armor Bought: Leather armor, Bracelet of Dashing, Shining Wayfinder, Pearly White Prism Aeon Stone Downtime: ??? Chronicle ##: Blank form
BOT ME!: ===================
Symeon tends to take the time at the start of the round to Devise a Stratagem on what is likely being the biggest threat at the moment. He takes a shot with his shortbow if he finds a good opening. If he doesn’t he either fires at someone else or patches up someone’s wounds if there is anyone hurting. If he is pressed into close combat, Symeon will draw his shortsword and start hacking away instead. [dice=Devise Stratagem]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Short end of the bow +1 striking] 1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Pointy end of the sword]1d20+13[/dice]
[dice=Battle Medicine, Expert, DC 15, Assurance]10+9[/dice]
[dice=Battle Medicine, Expert, DC 20]1d20+13[/dice]