Destinie 'Des' Nicholae |

"But we'll need to know where the prisoners are first before we sling spells at the place," Des added. "We may not be able to sneak in, but some of use can go in as bait. The charmed guard can take the rest of us to the prisoners where we'll break them out and free them."

"Sunny" |

Sunny watches the people natives some more. Wondering if she could wear enough to act as a disguise...
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Y'know. They does look a lil' bit like Kin..."

DM-Camris |

The greenery? Is that shrubs? Bushes? Trees?
Those are shrubs and bushes, often ivy covered.
Looking at the walls there. Uhm, are those gaps? Like spaces 'Big' enough to squeeze through?
The palisade walls don't have gaps big enough to squeeze through; not even small folk.
Sunny watches the people natives some more. Wondering if she could wear enough to act as a disguise..
You realize you would have to file your teeth to points, and they all seem to know each other.

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Look, I might not be able to sneak, but we should not separate. After all, no telling what would happen to the two of us that cannot sneak if you all left.

"Sunny" |

"Okeys. Here's a idea. I sneak along the cliff, sneak through the bushes an' let theys' critter loose. That way, least, we find out if'n they is friends with it or it wants a nibble. In'a kerfuffle ye all sneak over tha' fence tween it an' that building," Sunny points to the weird, multi-walled building close to the wall behind which they are hiding.
"That way, ye can be gettin' at 'em more controlled, like. I'll be tryin' ta' sneak back and then be joinin' ye." She smiles.
"Does it sound like a plan?" (^_^)
I put a little, purple 'X" to highlight the building in question. Hope that's okeys.

Reijo Ilvonen |

Reijo interjects with an adaption of Sunny's plan. "Or Saucy an' me goes an' slits Sleepy's neck," referring to the bored gate guard, "take his keys fer the lizard's chains which he's pro'lly got, an' feed'im to the lizard ta keep it quiet."
"Then we's all get back to the southeast corner here, sneak over the wall..." looking at Seadreamer and Des, "Or not... point is, we climb over as sneaky as we can."
"Then," he continues, "we start lookin' hut by hut fer Shorty and Loudmouth."
He then emphasizes, "We find 'em, we get out."
Reijo peers at the slouched gate guard near the lizard, trying to catch the glint of a key that might be on his person.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"Sunny" |

Sunny nods and gives Reijo a thumbs up. (^_^)

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

Shaedeen shrugs, grunts, and finally nods, unable to come up with a better plan herself.

"Sunny" |

Well, given the screaming and the current raining I'd be thinking now?
Wait? I thought we'd snuck up using the cover of a rain squall? Is it over already?

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Aye, sounds reasonable, but we should be going now and not tonight.
Ge guestures towards the wall, and the screaming going on.

DM-Camris |

You approached the walls under rainfall, but it's clear and burning bright when you get up to the jungle edge nearest the palisaide walls.
I'm just going to assume you wait until the afternoon downpour
While you swelter in the noon/afternoon heat and humidity, you watch as you hear sounds of a celebration inside; the sound of drums, cheering and the smell of cooking ham. (No screaming that you can tell.)
It seemed like every two hours a party of eight cannibal warriors leave and walk down the trail to the island interior, and another two hours a different party of eight returns to the fort, claps twice at the entrance and is let in.

DM-Camris |

The afternoon rolls around, and finally the skies darken and the warm refreshing afternoon rains start to fall, then come down in a torrential downpour.
If you're going now, I'll need climb checks if you're going over the palisade wall, or Disable Device checks if you're going through the sally port doorway.

Destinie 'Des' Nicholae |

Things were at least going smooth for now as they noticed a pattern that could be exploited. At least it looks like they may not need to climb over the wall after all. That was then another idea popped on her head.
"So... I was thinking of something. Sasha said something about Captain Kovacks. Do you know anything about that? Or it could be something else."

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

"I'm needed more on the inside than out here," Shaedeen opines, starting to climb the rope. If Reijo really thinks there's a good reason for her not to be on the infiltration team, he has time to yank her back before she's scaled the wall.
Shaedeen Climb Check : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Shaedeen Stealth Check (if needed; to hide once she's over): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

"Sunny" |

Sunny prepares to slip over the wall along with Reijo and Shaedeen to help 'Ko' the gate guard and stuff...
Stealth:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Climb:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Acrobatics:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Oooo... not good rolls in that lot.

Reijo Ilvonen |

Reijo grunts his approval of the party's approval of his plan.
As he begins to follow after Sunny, he halts when Destinie asks about the captain. He grunts for Shaedeen and Sunny to halt, and responds to Destinie over his shoulder.
"That scurvy bilge-brained knave brought us here to bloody die, he did."
Turning towards Destine, he leans in close. Reijo's piercing blue eyes meet hers, and she feels his intensity boring holes into her skull.
"What ov'it?"

Destinie 'Des' Nicholae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My post got eaten. Also, I'm really hoping someone unlocks that door.
Her head pulled back as the man stared into her eyes, unsure at what he was going to do. When it was merely words, she made a quick sigh before clarifying.
"It was something that Sasha said that I was trying to think about. Do you know where she's from?"

"Sunny" |

Opening tha' door is part of tha' plan. Yup, yup. (^_^)

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Come on Des, lets get to the door so they can let us in
Seadreamer starts out towards the man gate with the sleepy looking guard.

Reijo Ilvonen |

"Hmpf..." Reijo grunts as he stares into Destinie's eyes for a moment longer.
Then his piercing, uncomfortable gaze darts to Sasha.
"Hmpf," he grunts again. Was that a response to Destinie's question?
Eventually, he mutters, "Hmpf, everyone to the door then," and makes for the door.
At the door, Reijo gives a knowing nod to his companions on seeing they are ready. With Shaedeen easily ascended up and over the wall, and Sunny... not so easily... and with his cutlass in one hand held behind him, he knocks twice on the door, just as he saw the savage men do before to gain entry. He's ready to strike the first savage he sees as the door opens, hoping the teen is smart enough to flank the savage from behind.

Destinie 'Des' Nicholae |

Come on Des, lets get to the door so they can let us in
Seadreamer starts out towards the man gate with the sleepy looking guard.
"Right." She followed the lumbering dwarf towards the door. Hopefully their new allies would be able to make it a bit easier for them.

DM-Camris |

"Sunny" |

What's the plan?
I thought M'self an' Reijo an' maybe Shaedeen slip over the wall. Take the gate person by surprise. Open the gate and let Des and Dreamer in. While that's happening, some one is checkin' tha' lizard and maybe lettin' it loose ta' nibble on tha' Native peoples? Yes? No?

"Sunny" |

Innitiative:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

That sounds like the plan
init: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Critical fumble of init. I am glad I got that out of the way.

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shaedeen creeps along the inside of the wall toward the guard at the gate...not quite as stealthily as she'd hoped.
Shaedeen Initiative Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Shaedeen Stealth Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
I'd say leave the lizard alone, at least for now. I'm guessing it'd be more likely to attack intruders than natives.

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Seadreamer waits patiently by the gate for it to be opened.