"Sunny" |

Sunny is quite happy to let Sasha and Shaedeen go first if they need/want to. (^_^)

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

Shaedeen tries her best to climb out of the treasure pit, using the rope Reijo lowered while trying to dig the toes of her boots into the claylike walls to make footholds.
Shaedeen Climb Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 (Not sure what other bonuses are available)

"Sunny" |

Sunny does her best to cheer her freinds up.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Offering support as she watches Shaedeen scale the shaft.
"See? Is easy." She reasures Sasha.
"An if ye slip? I can be gettin' ye out'a tha' waters right easy."
"Nuffin' ta worry about a-tall." As she await Sasha's attempt and then her own.(^_^)

"Sunny" |

Sunny's 'Climb' check for when it's her turn:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Plus the helping from t'other folks up top an'a rope an' ll. (^_^)
Is...jus' gon'a take a lil longer. Is all...

, |

DM-Camris |

Slowly, Reijo helps the others out of the pit and they see the dazzling view that he did in the morning sun.
As you pause in your exertions, you look around idly, and you realize that there are footprints in the ground around the pit.
You can make out some are shoes and boots, but many more are barefoot human prints.

DM-Camris |

Treasure note:
If you took a couple of handfuls of the chest of mixed coins, I would call that a pound per handful.
Each pound would yield 60 copper, 30 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.
The coffer will yield a hundred ornamental gemstones. Blue quartz, hematite, obsidian and malachite. Each stone will average 10 crowns worth. (It is simple to wash the poison off.)

DM-Camris |

The temperature soared, and the morning clouds rolled in and unloaded their morning downpour.
The temperature of a warm shower, the feeling is exquisite as the unholy filth is washed from your clothing and body.
But as a consequence, the pit is rapidly filled with water, and the water soaked earth collapse inward. The pit, and its treasure, is sealed again.
Also as a consequence, the only remains of the footprints are obliterated.
The only clue you have is that the most beaten path leads West, towards the interior of the island.

"Sunny" |

Sunny is greatful at Reijo's and others help up, out of the hole. Helping to carry as much as she can out since her freinds all seem really interested in the shine.
Once out and standing in the open air she settles and readjusts the load of carried stuff. (Happy for others to carry what they want with their 'Pockets' and all)
She spends a moment kneeling at the edge of the 'Sump' that eventually forms as the earth reabsorbs the place where others remain. Soft, quiet Elvish words are whispered as Sunny boiws her head.
She sniffs then bounces to her feet. Quickly she offers a hug to each of her (Surviving) companions before stepping back and exclaiming.
"Okeys!" She extends an arm, finger raised, "FIRST! We goes an' gets propper cleaned an' washed."
"Number two!" She extends a second finger, "We find us some fruits an' nice pokin' sticks fer gettin' maybe some fishes fer eatin'." Then she closes her hand into a fist, thumb raised.
"An' finally. We go an' find Cap'n Vegan an' Azuretta like we wus a'fore we got disctracted by... that..." Sunny finishes brightly even as she waves a seeming dismissive hand back towards the sump.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
So saying Sunny leads Sasha, Reijo and Shaedeen back down to the clean, fresh waters of the river they'd found yesterday. Seeking to harvest the natural bounty of the island upon which they find themselves.
If possible Sunny would also like to maybe, hopefully (Heck, given how nasty the island is more than likely) a giant sea urchin to harvest its spines to use in fashioning spears quickly with which she can easily hunt fish for every one to eat.
Survival:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shaedeen bows her head after the cave-in buries the dead and much of the cursed treasure. She doesn't exactly pray for the deceased...she more or less gives a moment of silence to their memory.
Before the party moves on, Shae mentions the barefoot tracks. Turning to Sunny, she asks, "I don't suppose it's likely that some of your people might live on this island? And invited Aerys and the gnome to a feast on one of its beaches?"

"Sunny" |

Turning to Sunny, she asks, "I don't suppose it's likely that some of your people might live on this island? And invited Aerys and the gnome to a feast on one of its beaches?"
Sunny pauses at Shaedeen's question then skips over and begins to examine the tracks. Gently putting her foot besides one of the prints. 'Leaning' all her weight onto the limb, before deftly stepping away and comparing the size, width etc. She moves back, crouches down and looks 'Along' the distance of the tracks. Checking for 'Toe in' or 'Toe out' gait. Before going back to her original print and taking an equal 'Step' to compaire the length of the gait.
Survival:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16(I hope that's enough for a kind of 'tracking' skill)
Eventually she stands and moves back to every one, looking thoughtful.
Wis Check:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
"Thing is..." She muses, "I be thinkin' that me Kin? They would'a bin helpin'. Not just walkin' off wiff peoples..." Though Sunny's still thinking about the queastion and not making a definite comment either way. :/

Reijo Ilvonen |

Reijo sourly stares at the collapsed pit in silence for a long moment as well.
"Rest in peace, Waterwerks."
He then turns to look at the beach, agreeing to part of Sunny's plan. "Bloody breakfast sounds good ta me, love. I'll catch some fish."
Looking at Bellamy, "Blindey'll cook 'em. Down ta just one cook now, eh mate?" He asks his old companion.
And then, of course, insults him, "...if ye can even be called a proper cook, pfft."
"Food first. Footprints, or whats left ov'em, after," he orders. As he makes his way to the shore, he pulls out and assembles a fishing pole and tackle from out of his pack.
Scan the shore for danger as Reijo approaches. Alas, the bright sun is apparently blinding...
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Fish for fish: that should be enough food to feed five.
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

Shaedeen provides a lookout for Reijo and Sunny as they provide food for the group. She wonders if fleeing Magnimar had indeed been the best course of action for her.
Shaedeen Perception Check (additional +1 vs. hidden creatures/things): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

"Sunny" |

As Sunny wades gracefully out into the shallow waters...
♫ Jus' keep fishin' ♫
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
♫ Jus' keep fishin' ♫
Survival roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
*STAB* *Toss fishy on to shore*
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
♫ Jus' keep fishin' ♫
Survival roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
♫ Jus' keep fishin' ♫
Survival roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
*STAB* *Toss fishy on to shore*
♫ Jus' keep fishin' ♫

DM-Camris |

Filthy from the environment and sweating from effort, Seadreamer Stonebeard and Terry of Quent moved carefully through the decaying hulk of a shipwreck, carrying a small money chest between them.
They had been on the desert island known as The Shiv for a week now, with no sign of their promised return ship for several days now. They had no idea if they had been betrayed, or simply forgotten, so they occupied their time locating and looting the shipwrecked ship Cruel Mistress, a pirate ship out of the Shackles that had wrecked some twenty years previous. The promised mountain of treasure had never materialized like the man who had sold them the map had sworn, but they had discovered a hidden money chest loaded with some 400 crowns worth of money. Maybe, if they stayed longer on this bug-infested sweltering hellhole, they could possibly find more. The Shiv was legendary for its many shipwrecks after all.

DM-Camris |

Stepping out through the broken hull, the morning downpour had commenced and they were instantly drenched by the warm torrential rainfall.
A flicker of lightning suddenly revealed that they were not alone.
A line of savage men dressed in animal skins and tattoos, and armed only with stone spears and knives confronted them on the beach.
They stared at you with hungry eyes and teeth sharpened to a point.

DM-Camris |

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

Shaedeen found herself thoroughly enjoying the humble feast, despite the gravity of the now-smaller group's predicament. Reijo and Sunny could take care of themselves in the wilderness...and provide for a handful of others as well; Shae would have to continue to be nice to them. Sasha, too, seemed capable; Shaedeen was the low gal on the totem pole, it seemed. But the scrawny rogue was used to that. She'd rise to the top through charm, wits, and cunning eventually.
Eventually, she broaches the subject that's likely on all the castaways' minds: "You think Aerys and the gnome just up and left us for dead? Or do you think something out in the jungle got 'em?"
During the trek inland, Shae uses her eyes to try to help the main tracker/trail follower stay on track.
Shaedeen Perception Check (Aid Another): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

"Sunny" |

Seeming quite happy to 'Be at home' here on the island Sunny does her best to help her friends acclimate. Mainly by helping them to be well-fed and rested.
With the new dawn, Sunny is up and about early the better to enjoy some time simply swimming and frolicking. With gathering breakfast becoming part of the fun.
Survival:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
As the group moves back inland and seeks out the trail of the others they come across earlier when Shaedeen asks,
Perception to look for signs of the trail:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Survival to maybe pick up the trail:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Eventually, Shaedeen broaches the subject that's likely on all the castaways' minds: "You think Aerys and the gnome just up and left us for dead? Or do you think something out in the jungle got 'em?"
Sunny continues to deftly move amongst the foliage for a moment as she considers her friend's question.
"Well. There were more feet marks than people's we'd left up top fer one." She absently moves some large leaves out of her way,
"An', they wus all bare feeted. Like me self." She points to her naturally tanned legs.
"Sooo... maybe some foeks here abouts?" She ponders.
"Is like I said. Am pretty sure Kin would'a bin all fer helpin' us. Not just up an' takin' our friends while leavin' us in'a hole." She nods, sure she's right about what other Elves would do in the previous day's escapades.

Terry of Quent |

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Aye, they may drag us down by the heels, but they will know they were in a frakas.
Seadreamer taps terry on the shoulder. as he steps back to put the wreck to his back and unlimbers his waraxe.
+1 Sacred bonus on ac, saves for 1 minute applied to terry

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

"Yeah, I guess," Shaedeen grouses when reminded of all the barefoot tracks they'd found. "I suppose those were nearby enough that Aerys and the gnome may have actually been looking for some vines to get us out of the pit, like she said she'd do. I guess looking for them would be the right thing to do."
The look on the teen's face tells that she's not exactly used to doing 'the right thing'...or that she's hoping one of her companions will talk her out of the notion of a rescue mission.
I added 2 hps to Shae's total for resting overnight. Any chance No-Eyes can heal her a bit more?

"Sunny" |

"Yeah, I guess," Shaedeen grouses when reminded of all the barefoot tracks they'd found.
"I suppose those were nearby enough that Aerys and the gnome may have actually been looking for some vines to get us out of the pit, like she said she'd do. I guess looking for them would be the right thing to do."The look on the teen's face tells that she's not exactly used to doing 'the right thing'...or that she's hoping one of her companions will talk her out of the notion of a rescue mission.
Sunny nods happily along with Shaedeen's response.
"A 'course. We find Cap'n Vean an' we find Azuretta then we's got..." Sunny pauses as she looks to her current friends, deftly continuing to slip through and around the jungle foliage, the others can she's absently counting along her fingers,
"That's more peoples wiff 'em than we's havin' now." She smiles.
"Then we can be meetin' these other foeks whut just up an' left with Aerys an' Gelik?" She finishes brightly. (^_^)

Reijo Ilvonen |

In the Jungle...
Leading the fray, the salty sailor grumpily machetes through the denser jungle foliage, clearing the path ahead for the three ladies and Bellamy.
"Here, Blindey!", he barks to Bellamy as they march, when he sees his older companion occasionally veer off in the wrong direction.
He startles the others with a sudden outburst of frightening cackling on one such occasion. But they soon realize that the gravelly cachinnation is, apparently, his normal laughter, now stirred by a memory with his long-time and sight-challenged companion with two eye patches.
"Remember when they tried makin' ye lookout once?! HA!"
All the while, he keeps one eye peeled for danger, and the other glued to the trail of footprints.
"Guess we'll find out one way or the other," he responds to Shae's and Sunny's conversation about the fate of their missing companions.
"Ye thinks yer kin live on this here island, Saucy?" he asks Sunny. "Is this yer home?"
Keep tracking the foot prints, and keep an eye out for danger.
Survival, tracking the foot prints: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 1 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

Terry, shall we meet them inside the hull?
Seadreamer puts action to words as he moves into the hull.
he quickly pulls his shield out and gets ready for a fight.

DM-Camris |

The Savages charged towards where the castaways retreated into the beached hulk.
Strangely, they didn't try to stab you through the breach, but reached out with empty hands to grapple you.
Only one is in reach right now, who tried to grab Seadreamer.
Savage Grapple vs Seadreamer CMD13: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Seadreamer is Grappled!
In passing, you note that two of the savages have grabbed your treasure chest and are walking off with it.

DM-Camris |

Reijo break through the jungle line and find the Shiv's western beach.
He holds his hand up, hearing a commotion down the beach to the south.
Peering through the vegetation, they see a bunch of savages beseiging a hulk, trying to pull someone out.
They also see the savages making off with a chest.
Enter Reijo and company on the combat map.

DM-Camris |

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

AOO vs the grapple ?

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shaedeen breaks cover and silently heads south, trying to keep the potential treasure chest from escaping into the jungle.
Sorry to be the stereotypical treasure-obsessed rogue, but...Shae is who Shae is. Plus, she probably can't see your characters in/on the ship, while she can definitely see the treasure chest.
Welcome to the game, Terry and Seadreamer!
@Camris: I assumed the first two jungle squares were difficult terrain and the beach sand squares were not. If there's a trail and normal movement in the jungle squares, Shae could have made it two squares farther south with a double move.

Seadreamer_Stonebeard |

He attempts to bat the hands aside using his shield and axe.
attack of Opp: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 2 = 11
damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

"Sunny" |

Reijo break through the jungle line and find the Shiv's western beach.
He holds his hand up, hearing a commotion down the beach to the south.
Peering through the vegetation, they see a bunch of savages besieging a hulk, trying to pull someone out.
They also see the savages making off with a chest.Enter Reijo and company on the combat map.
Sunny steps a little closer and peers out of the bushes at the scene unfolding before them.
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
"They dun't look like Kin a-tall..." Sunny notes quietly.
She too creeps along the tree line trying to get closer and work out who's doing what to whom.
Stealth:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
(Not to well, it would seem... :P)

DM-Camris |

To clairify terrain, Reijo and co were following a game trail to the beach.
The Jungle is very difficult terrain otherwise.
The first 2-3 squares next to the jungle are loose sand and dunes, marked by the wavy lines. That is difficult terrain.
The rest of the beach on the ocean side is damp and firm, and is clear terrain.

Terry of Quent |

"Those buggers are making off with the chest? Can't be TOO uncivilized if they know to grab it, can they?"
Swapping to the Pidgin language to try communicating.
Terry stands ready to poke anyone who comes into reach . . ..
Rapier: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Piercing: 1d6 ⇒ 1

FemNPC8 |

"What are you doing? Just let them..." Said Sasha, before sighing and standing up from the foliage.
"Well, don't just stand there looking cute... She said, grabbing Reijo by the butt and pushing him forward.
"After her!"
She ran out onto the damp sand and turned south, drawing her sawtooth saber along the way.

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've updated Shaedeen's hps to reflect the healing from "No-Eyes" and moved her token to where I guesstimate she'd be after taking a route onto the more stable wet sand.

Reijo Ilvonen |

"Well, well. What 'ave we got here?" Reijo hypothetically asks noone in a low gravelly voice. He instinctively kneels down for cover as he takes a gander at the scene of busted ship, natives, and...
Spotting Shaedeen heading for the treasure chest, Reijo smirks after her.
"Girl after me own heart, that one," he mutters under his breath.
When Sasha smacks his bum and heads after her, Reijo smirks even wider. The lascivious glint of gold glimmers in his devilish blue eyes as his gaze shifts between Sasha's voluptuous figure and the moving treasure chest.
He springs forward, skirting along the edge of the foliage. Projecting where the two are taking the chest, he heads straight for where they're headed, remaining near the trees for partial cover should a spear or sling come his way.
And as he does so, he pops his billiard-shaped pipe into his mouth.
Actions: Double-move, 30 ft. total due to difficult terrain.

"Sunny" |

As Reijo catches up with her Sunny notes,
""See? They if bare feets. Jus'like m'self. Y'think maybe they's freinds with them whut's got tangled up with our freinds?" She asks quietly.
(Actually, I'm betting they are all as 'natural' as Sunny likes to be attired?)

DM-Camris |

To Clarify:
Everyone can see that these Savage Men are all human, barefoot and wearing the briefest of animal skins.
And now that you've seen them up close, you're really hoping those are just animal skins...

DM-Camris |

Round 2 completed________________________
Shaedeen breaks cover and silently heads south, trying to keep the potential treasure chest from escaping into the jungle.
Seadreamer_attempts to bat the hands aside using his shield and axe, but failed.
Sunny steps a little closer and peers out of the bushes at the scene unfolding before them.
She too creeps along the tree line trying to get closer and work out who's doing what to whom.
Terry Swapping to the Pidgin language to try communicating, but they only howl and gibber. He cannot understand whatever they might be saying.
Terry stands ready to poke anyone who comes into reach . . ..
Sasha ran out onto the damp sand and turned south, drawing her sawtooth saber along the way.
Reijo instinctively kneels down for cover as he takes a gander at the scene of busted ship, natives, and... He springs forward, skirting along the edge of the foliage.
No-Eyes trailed along after Reijo.
(npc) Dess, worried about the other breach in the hull, covers it with weapons ready.
Two of the savages bear the chest south along the beach.
Another savage reached in to grapple Seadreamer.
Savage grapple vs Seadreamer CMD13: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Fail.
Seadreamer may make an AoO, AC12
Just the one Savage tries to drag Seadreamer out onto the sand.
Seadreamer make a strength check vs DC13.
Another savage squeezed in to grab at Terry.
Terry’s AoO goes off and gives a flesh wound to the savages hand, foiling him for now.
Two savages go around the bow and in through the other hull breach (double move).
Dess’ held attack goes off. Miss!
Two savages notice Shaedeen and howling with glee, try to run up and grab her.
Savage grapple vs Shaedeen CMD16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Fail.
Savage grapple vs Shaedeen CMD16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Success!
Shaedeen may make AoOs, AC12
One savage charged up to Sasha to try to tackle her.
Sasha stop thrusted him for minor damage to his chest, but doesn’t stop the charge. The savage managed to grapple Sasha.

DM-Camris |

Shaedeen M. Valzanar |

Shaedeen stabs at the first savage to reach her. She manages to only graze the man's arm; before she can recover, the second savage seizes her! The lithe teen tries to stomp on her captor's toes with the heel of her boot, but again her execution isn't quite what she'd like it to be. Still, she tries to twist and squirm out of the man's grip.
Shaedeen rapier (AoO): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 for piercing damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1 (18-20)
Shaedeen Escape Artist check (-2 grappled): 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 2 = 13

Terry of Quent |

"Not gonna eat my friends, you little maggots!"
Terry tries to stab the one which had reached out for him, so he can clear space to better help Dreamer. Not having really noticed Des has an issue as well . . ..
Rapier: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Piercing: 1d6 ⇒ 3
But he fails to connect for any noticeable dissuasion.