Ice Road Trackers (Inactive)

Game Master Greycastle

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Still working on a character. I'll have more time to work on things on the weekend, but I'll post updates when I can.

I am still not sure. Assassin seems fun. Any rec9mmendations?

Grand Lodge

Rodalas Windrace wrote:
I am still not sure. Assassin seems fun. Any rec9mmendations?

I am partial to Mastermind, but that is my style. I like being able to offer the Help action at range as a bonus action. ;) I love the flavor of the Inquisitive, and it is hard to argue with the Swashbuckler (allowing you to use your Sneak Attack when fighting one-on-one). Go with your heart...

@Dreaming, no worries! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Still working on a character. I'll have more time to work on things on the weekend, but I'll post updates when I can.

You have time. Just get it in by the end of the weekend.

Rodalas Windrace wrote:
I am still not sure. Assassin seems fun. Any rec9mmendations?

I’m with Aesh, it depends on the flavor you’re looking for. Being amthat a lot of this will be outdoors, you might consider the scout rogue. The mastermind is fantastic for helping others and social situations. Assassin is hands down going to do the most damage situationally but could lend itself to a darker concept as well or not (shrug) it comes down to what you imagine for the character.

Grand Lodge

Can you imagine Rodalas being the royal assassin for the Winter Court? That would be a great concept for Assassin...

Silver Crusade

I'm afraid I have to tap out. One game which I thought was going to die continued anyway, and between baldur's gate 3 early access and the PC version of Wrath of the Righteous I'm afraid I won't have the time to finish it. Good luck everyone!

Grand Lodge

Trevor86 wrote:
I'm afraid I have to tap out. One game which I thought was going to die continued anyway, and between baldur's gate 3 early access and the PC version of Wrath of the Righteous I'm afraid I won't have the time to finish it. Good luck everyone!

Okay, maybe we will see you next time!

Aeshuura wrote:
Trevor86 wrote:
I'm afraid I have to tap out. One game which I thought was going to die continued anyway, and between baldur's gate 3 early access and the PC version of Wrath of the Righteous I'm afraid I won't have the time to finish it. Good luck everyone!
Okay, maybe we will see you next time!

I am a little confused. Is it Aeshuura or Greycastle that is running the game and the recruitment? Or perhaps you guys are running it together?

Grand Lodge

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Aeshuura wrote:
Trevor86 wrote:
I'm afraid I have to tap out. One game which I thought was going to die continued anyway, and between baldur's gate 3 early access and the PC version of Wrath of the Righteous I'm afraid I won't have the time to finish it. Good luck everyone!
Okay, maybe we will see you next time!
I am a little confused. Is it Aeshuura or Greycastle that is running the game and the recruitment? Or perhaps you guys are running it together?

Haha, understandable. We are tag teaming this season. Grey is running this one, and I may run the next one, or perhaps a chapter of the HC.

That makes sense. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

We had discussed it in the aftermath of a game, so I forget that others were not privy to that information.

I had an eladrin rogue/archfey arcane trickster in a Mad Mage game. He was really fun. Where are those subclasses?

Grand Lodge

Xanathar's Guide.

I will have to take a look. Are we doing the actual module or the scenarios for the season?

Grand Lodge

I am guessing a mix of both. This one is a beginning module. But I intend to run some parts of the Hardcover.

Here is Aesh' Character!

Nobe of the subclasses other than assassin speaks to me for this character

Rodalas Windrace wrote:
Nobe of the subclasses other than assassin speaks to me for this character

For the DM's ease, can you put the link for your DDB character sheet in your profile?

If you put [ url= http... ]DDB Character Sheet [ /url ] in your Race or Class line, it will show up as a subtitle under your name once we start gameplay. It will make quick references easier, in case you need to be 'botted' or if the DM is going to do initiative rolls for everyone.


Rodalas, what is his backstory? If you want to play it close to the chest and reveal through gameplay, it's fine. Just curious... ^_^

I am late on this one you all look full.

Turq brings up a good point. We’re getting close to the character cutoff. Those of you with characters already made and posted, what are your back stories? Also, please add the basic information onto the appropriate stat line so that is visible in chat channel.

So far this is what I have
Dreaming WF -
Aeshuura - Human Fighter
Jarpax - Mountain Dwarf Wild Sorcerer (soldier)
Nefaerieous -
Eerie - Goliath Druid
Quen Pah - Eladrin Rogue
Albion - Hill Dwarf Fighter

Gnomezrule wrote:
I am late on this one you all look full.

Currently we have applicants but deadline is Sunday night. Up to you if you want to put in a submission. We’re taking up to 7 players. I will select them based on order in which the first posted and have characters posted by the deadline.

Dreaming Warforged here with my 'Old Man and the Sea.' I've done my best to build the concept around a bard instead of a cleric, though both could work if needed.

Turq's story:

Left as a babe at the door of Kelvin’s Comfort, you were raised for a while in Bryn Shander's premier tavern. There you learned about spirits, beers, and ales; what regions produced the best, the trade of drink.

You made many a trip to Kelvin's Cairn, the home of the Battlehammer clan. As you showed interest in the art of crafting the brew, a skill that your adopted father did not possess, he left you in their care. You learned from the Battlehammer brewmasters, earning the surname Barreltap, a name bestowed upon orphaned children gifted with an affinity for the brewer's touch.

You trained with the beardlings, learning dwarvish tactics and weapons drills. You have bled alongside Stokley's Boys, defending their home. You are forever known as dwarf-friend.

After three years traveling the Sword Coast, you are returning with the secrets of crafting all different kinds of brews...

An earnest, patriotic youth, Baldrick joined the military as soon as he could. The infantry was a good fit for him - it gave him structure and purpose, but, most importantly, someone was always telling him what to do. Baldrick liked following orders - things never seemed to quite work out when he did them on his own.

On a scouting mission, Baldrick's squad was attacked. Or... maybe there was an explosion? An experiment in magic gone wrong? Baldrick's still not sure. What he does know is that, when he regained consciousness, there was nothing around him but shattered bodies and pieces of crystal that pulsed with a faint orange light.

His superiors were unsympathetic and thought Baldrick knew more than he was saying. Frustrated with his unwavering testimony, an officer shouted that Baldrick had better come up with some answers, or else. Baldrick took this to mean that he should find out what happened on his own, so he left. Hoping to learn more about what happened to his companions, to learn more about himself and the world, Baldrick travels haphazardly, taking on mercenary jobs when he can.

Since the incident, Baldrick is uneasy around magic, believing it to be at the root of what happened. Nevertheless, he carries a piece of that crystal on a chain around his neck, as both reminder and good-luck charm.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woo hoo dwarf fighter online. Just a red-headed dwarf, his axe, and his dog Nick.

(This is Nefaerieous, aka wifey)

By the way, for reference. 'Stokley's Boys' is a reference to the Legacy of the Crystal Shard, a module that came out during the D&D Next playtest leading up to 5e.

Stokley Silverstream was one of two leaders of the Battlehammer dwarves, and his faction was affectionately known as 'Stokley's Boys'.

Umikh /oo'-mick/ will tell you he comes from a line of talented metal smiths, hailing from east of Baldur's Gate. He'll point to the head of his battleaxe, and tell you that Elga was forged by his great grandmother, and it is a fine if aged axe. Umikh will tell you the story of how he and his cousins fire walked for dares and to show off, after they figured out how to keep the coals just the right temperature. He points to a metal band around his wrist, says the first sword he ever forged was so terrible it became this bit of scrap, and a good lesson. If there is a fine hot meal in front of him, he might mention their leaner days not so long ago, and how grateful he is for such a fine feast. Being from the Far Hills, times haven't been too good. He'll say that the Zhentarim pressured his family to produce inferior goods, that they wanted their fine metal works and weapons to be crap. That he stood up to them, refusing to do so, but then left to keep his family safe. And almost all of that is true.

He is a quiet fellow, but if you get him talking he can be chatty and merry. Umikh is accompanied by Nick, a large brown and black dog with a crooked tail, a sweet disposition and a great hunting instinct. Umikh has a good rapport with animals of all types, enjoys observing what they do but mostly leaves animals, and people, to their own devices.

'Mik, if you are daring enough to try this nickname out, is hoping to learn new and interesting metal working techniques, and hopefully find some new material to boost his family trade.

What martial archetype is Mikh planning to go into?

Emmet's background info:

Alignment: Neutral Good
Trait: I always want to know how things work and what makes people tick. I’m well known for my work, and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I’m always taken aback when people haven’t heard of me.
Ideal: Generosity. My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. (Good)
Bond: The workshop where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world to me.
Flaw: I’m quick to assume that someone is trying to cheat me.

Primary Motivator: Beneficence
Secondary Motivator: Balance/Peace
Emotional Disposition: Melancholic
Moodiness: Even-tempered
Outlook: Pessimistic
Integrity: Scrupulous
Impulsiveness: Controlled
Boldness: Cautious
Agreeableness: Agreeable
Interactivity: Reserved
Conformity: Conventional
Sense of Humour: Cynical
Favorite Topics of Conversation: Cartographing, Knucklehead trout fishing, oral history and tradition, community news.
Quirks, Habits, and Oddities: Smoking when thinking (smells like tobacco), wondering how far is a landmark and figuring out how to calculate the distance, complaining about old age and the cold.
Hobbies and Enjoyments: Scotch, viol, watching sunrise, coordinating community action, looking forward to retiring.
Others: Emmett longs for rest, for retirement. All his affairs are in order. Yet, his sense of purpose and faith in the grander scheme of the world has always been strong. The calling puts him at odds with himself, torn between his desire for purpose, and his desire for peace.
Favorite Quotes: "Community comes first. That's the only law that has ever saved us from the cold." "Listen to the wind slipping over the waves and it will tell you all that there is to know." "If you keep your eyes open and trained, you will see the lightning long before you feel its thunder." "Traditions are what saves us from the wild."

Emmett grew up the second son of Caer-Dal's chieftain, Dariux Escheus, and following the tradition, was raised to become one of the keepers of the ways of Caer-Dal. For years, he served, taking a small leadership role alongside his older brother Falko, now chieftain, acting as judge and skald, as well as helping the village improve its fishing trade.

Now the elder of Caer-Dal, after countless winters of service, he is retiring, happy and fulfilled, looking forward to a chance to relax, rest, and spend more time with his grandchildren and leave his role to his eldest son.

But the fates have other plans for the Old Man of Caer-Dal...

Turquoise 'Turq' Barreltap AL wrote:
What martial archetype is Mikh planning to go into?

Unsure, figured I'd play him through level 1 and then decide.

Fair enough. ^_^

Turquoise 'Turq' Barreltap AL wrote:
Rodalas Windrace wrote:
Nobe of the subclasses other than assassin speaks to me for this character

For the DM's ease, can you put the link for your DDB character sheet in your profile?

If you put [ url= http... ]DDB Character Sheet [ /url ] in your Race or Class line, it will show up as a subtitle under your name once we start gameplay. It will make quick references easier, in case you need to be 'botted' or if the DM is going to do initiative rolls for everyone.


I think that did it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aeshuura wrote:
Can you imagine Rodalas being the royal assassin for the Winter Court? That would be a great concept for Assassin...

That is what I am partial to right now. They Winter Fey don't like what is going on.

I am glaf that this is Drizz't-less.

still recriting til when?
I'd be in for a shot.

Herkymr the Silly wrote:

still recriting til when?

I'd be in for a shot.

Our recruiting ended last night. Sorry Herkymr.

Ok. This is our team. I’ll have a starting post up this evening. Prepare yourself for the cold northern winds of Ice Wind Dale.

Dreaming WF - Half-Elf Bard
Aeshuura - Human Fighter
Jarpax - Mountain Dwarf Wild Sorcerer (soldier)
Nefaerieous - Hill Dwarf Fighter
Eerie - Goliath Druid
Quen Pah - Eladrin Rogue
Albion - Hill Dwarf Fighter

Is this nothing like the cold winter's night of the Night before Christmas?

Maybe the Nightmare Before Christmas...

Great news! Looking forward to it.

Those of you listed above, please report to the Discussion and Gameplay thread.


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