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Basking in Grakchas admiration, Isfan grabs the orcess and pulls her over to the campfire to feast together on the victory.
After a few horns of beer he jumps up to show of his skill as a dancer by showing some traditional Garundi dance moves.
After a long and happy evening he easily joins Grakcha in her tent.

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Peregrine joins with the orcs, enjoying they're company and the food. He eventually settles next to the fire, pulls out his blanket and journal and begins recording the events of the journey so far.

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Scrounging up several bottles of strong alcohol, the camp full of orcs sings rowdy songs and engages in celebration deep into the night.
Well after dawn, Grackcha eventually emerges from her tent, prepared to see most of the Pathfinders off on their way.
"Let this be our oath," declares the orc leader, "I and my kin in the Shattered Fang tribe will leave any caravan coming through our territory in peace." She then grunts slyly towards Isfan, "Unless my Giantkiller happens to be among them, for then I cannot promise how I may behave."
After finishing her aside, she declares loudly, "This promise I swear on my ancestors. You have my word and it cannot be broken without dooming myself and the entirety of my clan.!"
In time, the orcs bid farewell to the departing Pathfinders. The death of the ogre and the alliance with the orcs ensures that the remainder of the Pathfinders' journey to Molthune, and its capital Canorate, is uneventful.
In Canorate, you are greeted by several familiar faces--those of the Chelaxian Amyas Charthagnion and the other nobles in his band.
"It is good to see you again!" the red-maned man says cheerfully in greeting. "Our lives would have been forfeit had our paths no crossed and we had tried to journey onward up the mountain."
The noble nods towards his companion, Sarevi Tilernos, who steps forward with an object wrapped in purple cloth. Taking the object in hand, Amyas pulls off the covering, revealing a well-made staff bearing ornately carved animal and monster heads.
"I believe it is called an 'animal staff'." says Amyas as he holds the item out to the party in offering. "I obtained it from a druid in town after we'd parted ways. Some of the figures on it reminded me of the eclectic make up of your band. Please, take and accept it as a token of our thanks."

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Now that we're back in civilization, Dr. Lazarus is cradling a brandy snifter. He sips occasionally, as the Chelaxian nobles tell their tale. "It's good to see you all made it safely back." As a somewhat backhanded compliment, he adds, "You demonstrated great...wisdom."
Studying the Animal Staff, Lazarus says, "I've read of such staves. Quite useful in the right hands. Alas, not mine." He passes it around to the others. With his pinky properly raised, he savors another sip of his brandy.

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Lizzo enjoys a drink or two with the orc clan, but he keeps a clear head during the night.
Sure they 'swear' on their honor not to attack another caravan. But if a lone ogre can inspire the insidious behavior we've already witnessed, he has no doubt they'll be causing trouble again.
He's getting paid, and that's the important thing.

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Isfan take some time saying goodbye in the morning before leaving with the other musing if he should make sure to come by on the way back.
When they arrive back at the civilization, he is happy to see the nobles have arrived savely too. "Thanks for that gift. It is a really useful staff. Thank you for that gift. We really appreciate it."

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The nobles invite you to celebrate with them, though word from the Chelaxian officials on the chosen trade route is not immediately forthcoming.
Indeed, it takes the Chelaxian officials quite a bit of time to go through the best submissions and sending teams of their own to travel the routes. But in the end the Pathfinder’s route forged by your party is deemed the best.
When word of your accomplishment reaches the Pathfinders, you are each heavily congratulated on your work. The Horizon Hunters reach out with their appreciation. The Horizon Hunters pride themselves on being explorers, discovering unknown wonders, and being celebrated for
their accomplishments. They also hold an unwritten code of the wilderness, and leaving the team of ill-prepared youngsters to die due to exposure or in an avalanche would be a clear breach of that code and would have brought shame to the whole faction. Thus, your decision to aid the Chelaxian nobles and, thus, save their lives, is an act for which you should each be commended.
For making it across the mountains and to Canorate with 11 Discovery points and, thus, fulfilling the primary objective, each PC earns 2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction associated with his currently slotted faction boon. Fame has been done away with per recent OP rulings.
By earning at least 23 Discovery Points and, therefore, fulfilling their secondary objective, each PC earns 2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction associated with their currently slotted faction boon.
The PCs earn 2 Reputation with the Horizon Hunters by having earned 25 Discovery Points and helping out the young nobles, either when they met them.
Thank you all for playing. Please post Downtime activities in the Discussion thread!