Veshka. |

Veshka keeps Catamoch close by her side, skin itching with the sense of another divinity. "Start nothing in the sacred halls of another."

GM ShadowLord |

The scouts step through the stone doorway into the Blood Owls extradimensional sanctuary and find themselves standing on the edge of a dream. Towering mountain peaks rise impossibly high from a vast ocean of shadowy darkness, their jagged silhouettes glistening under a sky alive with thousands of stars. The constellations above seem to pulse with an ethereal light, casting an otherworldly glow over the entire space.
Bridges of shimmering stardust stretch between the mountaintops, weightless yet solid beneath their feet, leading to smaller peaks equipped with makeshift workstations and humble sleeping pallets. At the center of this breathtaking expanse stands the largest peak, crowned by a wide, circular plateau.
As you take in the scene, a figure steps forward from the nearest mountaintop. Eokoe, their features illuminated by the starlight, raises a hand in greeting. "Welcome to our sanctuary, it is good to see you again my friends. The others have yet to arrive, but for now, rest. You are safe here."
Nearby, the scouts notice another familiar face. Onak, the skilled hunter you once met in the Calamity Caves, begins to spar with Zedak. At the edge of another mountaintop, a woman with a scholarly air, Iesa, charts the stars on a stretched hide, the constellations above reflected in her thoughtful expression. A character who wants to aid her can attempt a DC 23 Nature or AstronomyLore check.
And on a smaller peak, two children, Fela and Awa, dawdle on the edge of a cliff, their laughter echoing faintly in the starlit expanse.
A character can tire the children out by playing a rowdy game with them with a successful DC 23 Acrobatics or Athletics check, or they can entertain the children with a successful DC 23 Performance check. I

Hakata |

"Ah, a moment of respite!" Hakata sighs in relaxation. After greeting everyone, he introduces himself to the scholar and offers his help.
Nature: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

Strong Jaw |

The Goblin, the goat, the White Rabbit all stare incredulously at the panoramic scene set before them. The Witch punches the White Rabbit in the nose.
Youses bees sneaks Dem magic mushrooms into Mees foods again!
The White Rabbit punches the Witch back in his big goblin nose.
Actually I have not done that since we were at the tea party.
Tanngrisnir nonchalantly finishes eating some mushrooms....

Kadosh |

While Hakata charts the stars, and the goblin and his companions reach for the magic mushrooms, Kadosh makes his way over to the children. "Can I play with you?" he asks.
Athletics (trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
All too soon, however, the indefatigable tots tire him out.

Valda |

Hakata quickly gets winded, but Valda laughs heartily as she plays with the kids. "I could do this all day!" she boasts.
Assurance with Athletics gets me a 23.

GM ShadowLord |

Thankful for the scouts help, the party continues to impress their wit and skill upon the Sutaki.
Eokoe explains to you that the Blood Owls are a burgeoning rebel group that plan to overthrow Ashen Swale and escape Lost Mammoth Valley. Sutaki consider rebellion, changes in leadership, and great calamities a part of the natural cycle. A rebellion is the death of a previous reign and the birth of another. The Blood Owls seek not "rebellion" but to see their people reborn, or "birthed again."
That evening, under the surreal starlit sky of the Blood Owl base, the scouts meet the rebel leaders, exchanging stories. After introductions, the party is questioned by the Blood Owls about their motives and goals. Eokoe, the seer, declares the scouts vital to the Sutaki’s rebirth, foreseeing their deeds as uniting the people against Ashen Swale.
With the support of the people, the Blood Owls and the party can reclaim Lyuba, then move against Ashen Swale. To that end, Eokoe gives the party a deed—a minor way the party can earn the support of the villagers.
During the meeting, each character in the party can attempt to impress the Blood Owls with a DC 23 Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance, or relevant Lore check. Each character can attempt one check. For each success, the Blood Owls share one additional deed the party can undertake, or two on a critical success.

Strong Jaw |

Strongjaw sits proudly upon Tanngrisnir. The White Rabbit is seen wearing a black tuxedo, complete with black top hat and holding a cane.
Gathering around Mees Blood Owls. Dis bees da truest ov stories ov the famous Broken Tusks Tribes Scouts! Sits and bees awares ov da danger, da astounding feets ov darings and doings! Git yer pops corns ready!
Performance(M) DC 23: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 17 + 1 = 22
The White Rabbit slaps Strongjaw!
Hero Point! Performance(M) DC 23: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 17 + 1 = 23

Kadosh |

Diplomacy (expert): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
"These are similar to our beliefs, and how everything has a spirit, which moves us all," Kadosh says. "We welcome others to be part of our following, and perhaps a similar spirit moves us. Perhaps the Broken Tusk and Sutaki will be as one if we can survive Ashen Swale ... and the Burning Mammoths."

Veshka. |

Veshka's scarred face and twisted frame don't betray an ounce of doubt as she speaks to the Blood Owls. "Don't fear to name your own terrors. We Can hunt them."
Intimidation: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Valda |

"We will be victorious. For I am Radiant Valda, Peerless Under Heaven. My enemies quake at the sound of my name and fall before my shining blade!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

GM ShadowLord |

The party is quite convincing and the Blood Owls detail the following deeds they need assistance with:
One of Nasanu’s domesticated lagofirs is ill. Nursing it back to health requires a successful DC 20 Medicine check and 2 days of effort.
Kezaku needs a group of volunteers to test her newest creations. Each character is pelted by a lesser and moderate water bomb, then gifted a moderate water bomb for volunteering.
Epaku is out of lagofir oil. Collecting enough oil from the lagofirs in area C1 requires Nasanu’s permission (attainable with a DC 21 Diplomacy check or a bribe worth at least 10 gp), a successful DC 22 Nature check, and 3 hours of work.
Many villagers come to the observatory for comfort and advice. Offering these villagers guidance requires 1 day of work and a successful DC 23 Diplomacy check.
The trading post is running out of food. For the PCs to acquire enough fresh fish to restock, they must succeed at a DC 21 Fishing Lore or Survival check.
C8: Vayku’s little brother, Olohe, got lost in the swamp outside Lyuba. Finding him requires a successful DC 23 Perception or Survival check and 4 hours of effort.
An elder’s home is sinking into the swamp. Stabilizing the foundations requires a successful DC 23 Crafting or Engineering Lore check.

Veshka. |

"Catamoch and I can hunt the boy down."
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Catamoch chuffs in delight until Veshka gives him a hard stare. "And return him unharmed."

Strong Jaw |

Strongjaw is seen pushing and pulling a White Rabbit wearing a full scuba outfit.
Kezaku needs a group of volunteers to test her newest creations. Each character is pelted by a lesser and moderate water bomb, then gifted a moderate water bomb for volunteering.

Kadosh |

Diplomacy (expert): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Nature (trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 Going to try Hero Pointing that; 2 remaining
Nature (trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 Sigh.
While the others look for food and missing children, Kadosh tries to rectify the shortage of lagofir oil. He carefully approaches Nasanu, explaining the need -- and easily gets permission from the tender to collect the oil.
Unfortunately, the lagofirs are far less accommodating, and after three hours, he's only manages to collect some bruises and sore fingers.
Nature (trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 Yup. That's Kadosh for you. At this rate, I will get the 11 I need in seven more rolls, which is 21 hours...

GM ShadowLord |

Veshka and Catamoch successfully track and rescue Olohe from the swamp, returning the frightened boy unharmed.
Strongjaw volunteers to test Kezaku's latest creations, enduring water bomb pelting to earn a reward.
Valda and Hakata team up to secure fresh food for the trading post, bringing back a bountiful haul.
Meanwhile, Kadosh gains Nasanu’s permission to collect lagofir oil but struggles with the task, spending nearly the entire day with little to show but bruised hands.
The next day, the party notes they will need to earn a little more reputation with the Blood Owls, so they set out trying to finish up some of the oustanding tasks again.
We need a few more reputation points to move on. Other than the sinking home, the options below are available to be completed more than once:
* Lagofir Oil Collection
* Provide Guidance To Villagers
* Fishing Or Tracking Food
* Sick Lagofir
(1) Sinking Home

Hakata |

Hakata goes out fishing, enjoying the respite from conflict, but knowing that they will have to take on Ashen Swale soon for the good of the following.
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

Veshka. |

Veshka has little patience for members of a Following who stand too heavily on their own pride and privileges, so she minces few words when convincing Nasanu to let her near the lagofir.
Once there, she quickly sets to her task, long familiar with working with untamed or untameable beasts.
Diplomacy (to get permission): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Nature (to collect the oil): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Strong Jaw |

A giggling goblin sits on Tanngrisnir while a soaked, quite unhappy White Rabbit drips behind him.
Many villagers come to the observatory for comfort and advice. Offering these villagers guidance requires 1 day of work and a successful DC 23 Diplomacy check.
The Songsinger begins encouraging the villagers.
Performance(M), impressive performance: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38

GM ShadowLord |

You complete task after task for the Blood Owls and it seems like you are stuck here doing work to assist them for so long you nearly lose track of time and purpose!
Finally the tasks are complete and the Blood Owls wish to share the details of their plan with you. You have proven yourself and with less than two weeks remaining in the month of Lamashan, the have successfully obtained the support of many of the Sutaki.
You find yourselves once again gathered atop the stardust-bridged plateau of the Blood Owls’ pocket dimension, the dreamlike night sky above glimmers with countless constellations. Eokoe stands near the shifting central campfire. Around them, the Blood Owls form a solemn circle: Zedak, Iluin, Iesa, Dodani, Lahi, and the others. Faces grim, but resolved.
Eokoe raises a hand for silence and begins. "The stars have spoken. The time is now. The people believe in you! Because of your deeds, your courage, and the hope you’ve rekindled in Lyuba."
Zedak steps forward, a finger pointing to a simple map etched in the sand near the fire. "To end Swale’s reign, we must strike from within. But we cannot do so while Venexus watches from her frozen throne. She must be lured away... pperhaps by fire, or by sacrilege. Your allies can trigger this distraction in the outer valley."
Iluin continues, her voice low and intense, "While the dragon is gone, Swale's chief enforcer, Lieutenant Desiak, will dine at Hearth. He never misses a visit. That’s when we strike. My guests that night, every one of them, will be Blood Owl. There will be no collateral."
Dodani adds, "Once Desiak falls, we will rise in the shadows. Coordinated strikes across Lyuba. You choose who fights where, your allies are ready."
Eokoe turns to you "And then, with the dawn, the people will rise. We will storm the Howling Square and break the gates of Swale’s fortress. The stars show us a hard path, but a clear one."

Hakata |

"What is sacrilege to that dragon is likely sacred to the benign spirits here. Our people will provide a distraction, though they are not fighters. We must also provide for their safety," Hakata agrees.

Veshka. |

"We will help you; we will not sacrifice our own to do so," Veshka rasps in agreement.

Strong Jaw |

Strongjaw looks up from cheat The White Rabbit at jacks, while Tanngrisnir looks on (secretly cheating for The White Rabbit).
Wees gits ta kick da Dragon arse in da snow! Nice!

Kadosh |

Kadosh moans softly as he realizes how much could go wrong, but nods in agreement. "It must be done," he says.
I'm not sure if they expect us to handle the dragon and Desiak, but it sounds like that will be done while we head straight for Swale?