GM Foxy's 2nd Legacy of Fire

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

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Grand Lodge

M CN Sylph Archaelogist 6 | HP: 38/38||AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, +2 vs. non-magic ranged| | Init: +4 | F: +5, R: +11, W: +7| CMB: 4, CMD: 17| Speed 30ft| Perc: +13, SM: + 5, Darkvision 60ft|Electricity Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None | Spells Left: 3/3 L2 (DC14), 5/5 L1 (DC13), Luck 6/6

"I think that is a good plan."If we find a tight spot where we can funnel them I can easily drop them by making the ground slippery and let you guys finish them off."[/b]

Kitsune Game Master

The gnolls make no move to follow.

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"I thought Roryx was pulling us towards the trogs" Ohrmizd whispers back to Omari "But either way, I am fine"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 75/95 F +6 R +7 W +8

"I am right behind you my friends," Heshan follows the others and moves next to Omari to take advantage of the cover.

Grand Lodge

M CN Sylph Archaelogist 6 | HP: 38/38||AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, +2 vs. non-magic ranged| | Init: +4 | F: +5, R: +11, W: +7| CMB: 4, CMD: 17| Speed 30ft| Perc: +13, SM: + 5, Darkvision 60ft|Electricity Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None | Spells Left: 3/3 L2 (DC14), 5/5 L1 (DC13), Luck 6/6

"Well if we got away we could check if the troggo building hasan entrance from the outside. Or we wait a bit until the patrols are gone and try once more to enter from the front."

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"I see at you" Ohzmizd smiles at Heshan.

Nodding to Manuun, Ohrmizd looks for holes, windows, chimneys or other overtures.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Roryx nods at the plan - "Solid enough. If they do not give immediate chase, let us try to enter the tower that gives access to the troglodytes - do you see any entrance Ohrmizd?"

He and Swiper keep watch for approaching gnoll patrols - "Maybe they went to get reinforcements - they will be out here sooner or later..." - he pats the wild she-dog.

Kitsune Game Master

The troglodyte building has a large double door on the outside of the premises at the western end of the building. Narrow archer slits are in the walls to the right and left of the door.

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"If we were trying to talk them diplomatically, we will have to knock at the door" Ohrmizd looks at Roryx "If you wish me to approach with you I can do while the others white a bit behind to make it clear we come in peace"

If the group agrees, he will sheathe his scimitar and come only with the shield of Sarenrae exposed.

Kitsune Game Master

Bow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 201d8 ⇒ 5
Ohrmizd has to deflect an arrow with his shield before reaching the door. He knocks, but nothing happens.

for a minute.

Grand Lodge

M CN Sylph Archaelogist 6 | HP: 38/38||AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, +2 vs. non-magic ranged| | Init: +4 | F: +5, R: +11, W: +7| CMB: 4, CMD: 17| Speed 30ft| Perc: +13, SM: + 5, Darkvision 60ft|Electricity Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None | Spells Left: 3/3 L2 (DC14), 5/5 L1 (DC13), Luck 6/6

"Roryx? i think you should try to tlk to them."

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Roryx cracks the joints in his neck, clearly uncomfortable with Diplomacy, then speaks in Draconic.

"We come in peace, and seek alliance against a common enemy - the damned gnolls. Will you parley?!"

Diplomacy?: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 75/95 F +6 R +7 W +8

Heshan may not be able to speak the language, but he hoped that a gesture would help smooth things out. He exemplified this with two thumbs up and a winning smile.

Kitsune Game Master

After Roryx' offer it takes some more minutes until someone from the inside calls back in draconian. "One of you may come in to talk."

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"It's too dangerous. Do not accept" mumbles Ohrmizd "Let them be, the risk is not worth"

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

"I am the translator" - Roryx replies to the voice inside, though he nods to Ohrmizd - "It should be be me coming in, and two more for parlay" - he insists.

Speaking in Draconic.

More Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

"Roryx, I have magic that can help with translation if one of them will let me touch him with a spell"

Kitsune Game Master

"<Grundmoch needs no translator.>"

pointy braces for draconinc

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"How do we know you are not going to kill our friend?" Ohrmizd asks towards the door once Roryx explains what the gnolls have responded.

"If you wish I can try to go in and reason to this Grundmoch. Provided he really wants to talk and knows Common..."

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Lets see if Grundmoch replies :D Like I said, I am cool with Roryx going in if needed (would of course prefer not going in alone). His diplomatic skills are non-existent however.

Grand Lodge

M CN Sylph Archaelogist 6 | HP: 38/38||AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, +2 vs. non-magic ranged| | Init: +4 | F: +5, R: +11, W: +7| CMB: 4, CMD: 17| Speed 30ft| Perc: +13, SM: + 5, Darkvision 60ft|Electricity Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None | Spells Left: 3/3 L2 (DC14), 5/5 L1 (DC13), Luck 6/6

"I think he is saying Grundmoch does speak our language. So I think Ohrmizd should go, unless we want to force the issue of nobody going in alone."

Kitsune Game Master

"<Only the great Grundmoch needs no translator. I don't understand a word.>" the troglodyte inside answers in draconic.

After Roryx translates the person inside replies. "<How do we know, you are not trying to lie your way in for other reasons than you tell? You take the risk, or you get lost.>"

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd raises the shiny mithral reliquary shield of Sarenrae "I am a paladin of Serenrae, don't you see? The followers of the Dawnflower never lie"
Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Kitsune Game Master

As Ohrmizd agrees and Roryx translates that, the reptiloid inside orders "<All others stay back!>"

Then the door is opened and Ohrmizd is ushered inside. The door is locked behind him.

Ohrmizd is led inside the building by three troglodytes. One leading the way and two following him with spears pointed towads him, in case he'd try something funny. It goes on through another large double door.

Two sets of double doors sit along opposite walls of an open-air court. On either side, narrow wings extend for fifteen feet. Three large pillars run down the center of each of the wings. Swept against the walls lie piles of rubble from a collapsed ceiling. And further on it goes through the next door.

The broad dome crests twenty feet above the floor, supported by stone arches inlaid with glittering fragments of rock crystal. The dome itself is damaged, missing several sections that have been crudely repaired with stretched hides. Beyond the arches, tiled walls square off the outer perimeter of the dome. Set into the floor beneath the dome is an elaborate mosaic of an intertwining sun and moon. The once stunning inlay is badly chipped. Chained to several of the arches hang the half-devoured remains of slain gnolls, their corpses crawling with flies. Most of the bodies are missing the majority of their legs and feet. A single word has been crudely carved into their chests. Down the stairs in the corner...

The air in this large, dark hall is acerbic, infused with the scent of the smoky braziers that provide dim lighting. Archaic frescos fade beneath layers of graffiti on the chamber’s walls, which are marred in several places by brutal axe marks. Three pairs of columns line a single walkway that cuts through the center of the room. Along the perimeter stand small semi-circular mounds formed from reddish clay soil. Two large monitor lizards hiss at the guest. A pair of double doors hangs on the center of the east wall, while to the west an arch opens to a large alcove.

The archway opens into a small semi-circular chamber with a low, curved ceiling. A mix of rubbish and dried mud seals a doorway in the western wall, though something has smashed a sizable hole through the wall just south of the doorway.

A blackened hole in the center of the floor serves as a fire-pit. Within are charred bones and bits of boards. Suspended from the walls, several soot-smeared chains create a webbed design that hangs above the pit. The ceiling is similarly soot-stained.

One more door leads into the chieftain's room. The room is garishly decorated with all sorts of dingy bangles and miscellaneous bric-a-brac, the bulk of which sits ploughed into a pile in the corner like a cheap dragon’s horde. Threadbare tapestries, woven from faded knots of muslin, hang on the walls, their once marvelous patterns painted over with bloody smears in the symbol of Rovagug.

Grundmoch is an impressive figure in heavy armor, wielding a greataxe. As Ohrmizd enters he 'greets him with "Well, what do we have here." It's hard to read emotions from his reptilian face.

The description of the outside I failed to provide:
Faded tiles have cracked and crumbled into small piles at the foot of mud-brick walls. Once colorful mosaics are painted with sloppy, blood-scribed warnings written in Draconic and punctuated with gnoll scalps spiked into the walls.

The writing on the wall is in Draconic, and consists of multiple anti-gnoll sentiments like “Death to the hyena infidels!” or “All hail Grundmoch the redeemer!” or “Rovagug claims the stink of hyena flesh!”

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Don't worry about me. I know what I am doing" Ohrmizd says before going inside the structure with the troglodites. As he does, the man makes an effort to avoid covering his nostrils from the terrible stench.

Grundmoch jedi mission:

Ohrmizd takes attention to the details of all the structure, while he makes a conscious effort to shut up his mouth. He can almost hear Manuun's voice in his head Shut up your disrespectful mouth or we will get into trouble here.

In front of Grundmoch he shows himself respectful but proud "Greetings mighty Grundmoch. I am part of a party here come from Kelmerane to deal with the leader gnoll in the temple. My name is Ohrmizd"

"If I am correct, you and the gnolls are enemies too. As so, I came here in peace to offer you an alliance against them. Are you interested?"

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 75/95 F +6 R +7 W +8

"Wait." Heshan brought up a hand and approached Ohrmizd... only to smile back at him.

"I can make your life a lot easier with some invisibility."

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Heshan - you realize if you turn invisible where the guards can see, they're probably going to be, at best, really careful about who they let in; at worst, you're starting a fight right now...

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 75/95 F +6 R +7 W +8

Got it. Didn't know we're with guards at the moment. Ignore that post then.

Kitsune Game Master

Diplo Roll?
"Why are you after the Carrion King?"

Outside the time gets long.
Two minutes passed

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Listens carefully for sounds of violence...

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 21
5 ranks +2 wis +2 racial

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:

"We have been informed he plans to put all the gnoll tribes against our town, Kelmerane" Ohrmizd explains in all honesty "We already had to expel the gnolls that had taken the town and now this self proclaimed king wants to war against us. We came here to kill him so we can life and prosper without having to war"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

"Why are you in war with the Carrion King? Would you agree to an alliance?" Ohrmizd will try to use his inquisitive instinct to discern lies for whatever the troglodyte answers back.

Kitsune Game Master

The lizard man looks with suspicion at Ohrmizd. "Where do you know from that the Carrion King wants to attack your town?"

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:
"A traveler. A faithful Sarenrae pilgrim told us" explains Ohrmizd and then raises his offer to the leader trying to encourage him to help "We have no interest in the land. Once we have made sure the Carrion King is not a danger, you can take the temple for yourself and your tribe if you help us to get rid of him"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Kitsune Game Master

As Ohrmizd mentions keeping the temple you see the interest of the leader piqued. "I for sure won't set a foot in that gnolls lair anymore."

"But I can tell you everything you want to know about that lair. It was my temple, before some imposter killed my gnoll friend Rokova and replaced him. So I know my way around the place."

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:

Ohrmizd arches an eyebrow while looking at the troglodite "An imposter? Are you talking about the Carrion King now?"

"Well, we would like to know where the Carrion King is, and if there is a way we can reach him without having to fight all of his guardians" Ohrmizd observes the cleric greataxe "We are offering a great present by giving you back the temple. If you are not to come with us, you could well, at least attack the temple to offer a distraction while we do infiltrate it"

Kitsune Game Master

Grundmoch snorts at Ohrmizd's negotiation attempts. "Rokova was his advisor. Or is, if you count the imposter."

"You can go through the big towers. They have stairs that lead directly down to where the Carrion King resides. Sneak in and kill him in his sleep."

Kitsune Game Master

Outside you hear the laughs of hyenas. But the laughs are deep and guttural.

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:

"Tell me more about this Rokova and about the imposter" Ohrmizd further inquires "Why do you think he is an imposter and not just turned against you?"
Sense Motive (is he trying to use me? or is he truthful?): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Kitsune Game Master

"Rokova was a friend of mine, and that imposter doesn't know me at all and had me thrown out of the temple. And I found the corpse of the real Rokova."

"If you want to do me a favor, kill that imposter too."

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:

"We might just do so. Was Rokova some kind of priest, a cleric or more of a warrior? What about the imposter?" Ohrmizd asks.

After the cleric answers the question, Ohrmizd follows up with another question thrown in the same post just to speed up things so the rest of the party does not get bored waiting for the go and back "What can you tell us about the Carrion King? Is he a fighter or a wizard? Whom are his liuetenants?"

Kitsune Game Master

"Rokova was an assassin. What the imposter is I have no clue. The Carrion King is one of those monstrous gnolls and he is an experienced warrior."

"What army do you have to kill the Carrion King and get away with it? My people told me, there are only five of you?"

HP 133/133 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 31 27 | F +12 R +10 W +12 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 13/13 B: 9/13 Ju: 3/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 3/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/4 L5: 0/1 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +20 |
Acrob+9,Bluff+12,Climb+11,Diplo+20,Disguis+3,Fly+7/+12,Heal+8,Intimidate+26 ,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+16/+20,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+11,Linguis+10,Sen sM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 13 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Grundmoch jedi mission:

"We are Garavel's elite team. No one amongst his men is as skilled at infiltration and chopping down the big guys as we are" Ohrmizd hits his chest with a hand showing how strong he is "We can kill the Carrion King and the imposter. Or maybe bring him here for interrogation."

"Without their leaders the rest of the temple will quickly collapse and fall. But we will not help you take control of the temple if you do not actively help us to defeat their King" the Keleshite shows he is serious about his intentions then adds "May my friends come and join us now? Some of them are smart strategists and would like to pose you more questions to lay down their plans of infiltration and attack. Otherwise he will force me to come back ask you their questions"
Diplomacy (obtain active help with the trogs attacking the temple or something similar): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Diplomacy (ask for companions to join in the questioning): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Kitsune Game Master

"You know enough now. If you and your team are as smart as you tell, you have no problem killing the king. Time for you to go."

"<Lead him out.>" he orders the guards

The guards show Ohrmizd out.
Before you reappear the others need to react to the hyenas.

Anyone else wants to do something?

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Omari (& Khedron of course) will check our backtrail, wouldn't want a gnoll patrol (or pursuit group) showing up un-announced...

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 22
5 ranks +2 wis +2 racial

Kitsune Game Master

Two gnolls on large hyenas have taken up pursuit.

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

How far away are they?

Kitsune Game Master

The hyenas are took up the scent on the former battle scene and turned towards the breach in the wall. They'll be there any moment and then the group would be seen by them.

Grand Lodge

M CN Sylph Archaelogist 6 | HP: 38/38||AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, +2 vs. non-magic ranged| | Init: +4 | F: +5, R: +11, W: +7| CMB: 4, CMD: 17| Speed 30ft| Perc: +13, SM: + 5, Darkvision 60ft|Electricity Resistance 5 | Active conditions: None | Spells Left: 3/3 L2 (DC14), 5/5 L1 (DC13), Luck 6/6

"Lets move behind the structure and ambush them when they round the corner."

added my understanding to the map (Yellow Arrows are the hyenas following our track and green circle z´the place where we might hide and ambush.

Kitsune Game Master

corrected your arrows to where I think, they are following you.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

We are at the green circle, right? So that means if we want to ambush them, we are in the right place :D

"We need to stay here and make sure Ohrmizd comes out of this place" - Roryx grunts - "So I guess there is nothing to do but wait"

[ooc]Using the wand of Shield first, and casting Long Arm next. Unless Ohrmizd comes out with any news that could mean differently.

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