Thirst - A Ravenloft PbP

Game Master Celestial Healer

Set in the land of Ravenloft, a band of intrepid heroes searches for a way home, but their fate may be inextricably tied to a vain, power-hungry madman. Uses the Pathfinder ruleset.

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Silver Crusade

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Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

On a less nefarious note, I will be adding another PC after you finish with this wererat den. Taig (Mike Welham of RPG Superstar fame!) will be joining the party.

Just thought I would give a heads up!

34/34HP , AC17

Yay, glad to have him aboard. More insanity and fun abound I'm sure.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

Yeah! Welcome to the madness Taig! It's great to have you join us.

Ah, it should be interesting to see taig do serious. Welcome!

The Exchange

Great stuff. The more the merrier.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Level 4 Bard

I require cosplay with a tail and ears again!!!!!

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Sometimes I can't help thinking to myself, "I never thought I would describe something like that in a messageboard post."

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Because it's easy to lose sight of these things, here is a reminder of what you are doing in this house:

1. Madame Gustalarde has a grudge against the Sisters of Charity, mostly because she thinks they helped you kill off some members of her pack. You are hoping to take her out so that she does not bring retribution upon the hospital.

2. Closely related wererats have the same triggers. If you can figure out what triggers the afflicted wererats here, you may be able to find out what could trigger a transformation in any of you that may have been infected.

34/34HP , AC17

Thanks for that, reminds me to watch out for 2 some more.

Male Human Cleric of Heironeous 5, AC-1/0 Hits 45/45, xp 13,363.5/27,000

Weird - fighting guards who look like my priest in one of these pbp games.

And I think this is going to be a tough fight, so my magus may go "nova" in these encounters. Especially when he may be triggered sometime soon.


Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 6(2neg): Init -2, Perception-2, F+11, R+6, W+9; HP 42/54 {CPE 2/4 3D6; LoH 4/8, 3d6; smite, 0/2; divine armor 0/1}

Well, I don't know what happened to my initiative roll of 7 immediately following Tybalt's roll, but I'll take CH's 14 quite happily!

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I just grabbed any old human avatar for the guards :) As for the difficulty, at this rate, these guards are not going to be much of a threat. They would actually have to be able to take actions for you to be in any danger...

RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm working on my character, who will be introduced in good time.

Yes, serious roleplay will be a challenge, but I can do it. :)

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We're currently in the Addams Family Conservatory. :D

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I will admit I was running into wererat fatigue and decided to throw in a little variety.

The Exchange

Thanks. I prefer my plantlife cooked and on a plate.

It looks like home life is about to get real busy. My wife has been offered a job teaching in the Channel Islands at the end of August. My time will not be my own until September thus NPCing may be needed along the way.


Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Thanks for the heads up!

34/34HP , AC17

Cool, the Channel Isles should be lovely at that time of year. Is it some Summer school? Or seasonal teaching? Or do they just have a different schedule?

The Exchange

Its a pretty standard further education college, so three terms running from September until the following July. Her post is temporary, but we know the islands well enough and the quality of life is high.

Plus there is plenty of table top gaming and even some larp hopefully.


Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Sounds like a great opportunity!

Male Human Sorcerer 6 {AC 13 [17 with mage armor]), Perception +9, HP 23/27}

I'm ready, except for my background...

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

You should be 5th. The party will be getting quite a bit of experience from all this.

If they survive...

Male Human Sorcerer 6 {AC 13 [17 with mage armor]), Perception +9, HP 23/27}

Now I'm ready stat-wise...

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Eliva's going to make it out, no matter what!

I WANT BANE!!!!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

This is payback for that fireball isn't it? :p

Male Human Magus 6 AC21/T16/F15, Hits 50/50, Init +6, F+8, R+7(+9), W+6; Perception +0, Arcane Pool 6/6
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sounds like a great opportunity!

Career-wise and financially it is good. Just waiting to here the final package now, especially when my wife's work doesn't seem that secure at the moment. But the list of jobs over the next eight weeks is a bit daunting.

More importantly - what fireball, Tordek? I hope no one has upset our DM in another game....

As for going for the cleric, Leandro, I will be doing the same. It is one of my least favourite monsters (as a player) and quite capable of killing a PC on its own.


Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
This is payback for that fireball isn't it? :p

I'm not that petty.

Or am I?

Nope. I'm not.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
This is payback for that fireball isn't it? :p

I'm not that petty.

Or am I?

Nope. I'm not.

I know you aren't. I was just kidding. I just couldn't resist.

Gah! I was running out of library time yesterday and thought I could only channel for 1d6 but lay on hands for 2d6, so I went for the LoH. Puffin corrected me today at lunch. Yeah, I woulda healed the twigjack, but at least everyone else would have gotten some Divine Love, too. Sorry, guys.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Kill the evil rose that mocks Shelyn's love of beauty, great paladin!!!

A white rose that sucks your blood until it turns red is seriously creepy.

I think it's very cruel you're taking advantage of my plant phobias here, Celestial!

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Did I know that you had plant phobias? Maybe you mentioned it, but it hadn't occurred to me until now.

Well, we already got spiders, rats, and clowns. Why not creepy plants, too?

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Because they're not nearly as terrifying as PLANTS!!!

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

I am out of town until Sunday evening. I don't know what kind of access I'll have.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Good to know. If you are up and are taking a while, I will have you shoot an arrow at it :)

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard


if hte fight is done, she will actually cast one Lesser restoration on the poor magus with his con damage. Ouchie.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

don't worry guys, the DM will be back one he's done cat burglarizing.

Scram! it's the cops!

34/34HP , AC17

So, I'll be away from sometime on Thursday to Monday. I'm going to a music festival - there's little chance of me having internet access. Sorry about this, feel free to GMPC Tybalt as needed.

The Exchange

I am moving out over the next two days and then its lots of family goodbyes before we head over the Channel next Wednesday. Hopefully I can pop in for the odd post but there is always one more job.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

Wednesday after work, I will be flying off to Indianapolis for GenCon. I expect my available time to post will be quite sparse Thursday through Monday. Feel free to GMPC Res as needed.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Have fun!

Hitting the road tonight and probably offline all day tomorrow *shudderI. I think it's also GenCon travel day.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Safe travels!

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Loot Discussions:

  • Headband of Intellect +2 (probably should go to the magus)
  • Ring of Protection +2 (melee with lowest AC? Eliva's AC is 18 with her buckler, 17 otherwise. She'd like the extra AC, but maybe someone else can use it more.)
  • Elixir of Hiding
  • Feather token (bird)
  • Potion of cure moderate wounds (non-healing melee is usually best. Magus again?)
  • Potion of gaseous form (might be very nice for scouting. I like for Eliva if no one else is interested)
  • Potion of alter self
  • Scroll of deeper darkness
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (Eliva already has one with more than 10 charges, if someone who can use it doesn't have one)
  • +1 Undead Bane Dagger (nice for anyone!)
  • Ghost touch oil (nice for anyone - especially anyone witout a magic weapon)
  • 5 +1 frost Arrows (um...yes please.)
  • Verdant Vine Bracelet (Um...I'm not interested.)
  • 300 gp

  • 34/34HP , AC17

    That sounds good equipment distribution. Tybalt has a decent CLW wand, so it should probably go elsewhere.
    I'm not really bothered by the undead bane dagger.

    34/34HP , AC17

    Whoops posted in the IC thread!
    I would re-post here but I don't want to lose that HP roll* :P

    Does Leandro want the alter self, give him more options.

    Oh, idiotic me has been playing too much 1E & 3.5. Bards have d8 HP

    HP: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

    Oh that went as expected :/

    Silver Crusade

    Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

    I'll let you keep the 6 if you want :)

    34/34HP , AC17

    Yay, hugs & tea for you.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

    Do I get scones too? I like scones.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    34/34HP , AC17

    So long as you pronounce them "S-Cons" rather than "S-Cones" :P

    (actually town I live at has one of the most prestigious/expensive tea-rooms in the country).

    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Level 4 Bard

    I forget, do we have to roll?

    I took the 5 (for a d8)...

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