Yours is mined |

Guys, work has smashed me again today.
Hamish has finished off Joy the Giant, but I want to post a detailed concluding post to that fight for ... reasons.
I'm not ready to do that tonight, but will do so within 12 hours or so.
Rest assured, this slight delay does not jeopardise the Primary Mission in this part of the scenario.

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Glen Fiddich has been popular with the other guards, keeping their mugs full of free ale and their skins full of free wine. "Cayden Cailean's blessings, brothers and sisters."
He toasts the buxom Calisro Benarry with a wink. "Bottoms up, Cap'n!"
A hidden door in the wall flies open, releasing a putrid stench. Armored bodies pour out of the opening, gathering into a tidal wave of rotting flesh and steel that quickly reaches the ceiling.
Before she can respond to Glen's invitation to 'back that thang up,' Calisro Benarry cries out, "Are you lot going to be scared off by a few dead bodies? Come on, let’s go!" She draws her blade, preparing to fight.
The inquisitor draws his enchanted elven curve blade and holds the sword aloft. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!" Heedless of the danger, he charges into battle.
Guard Aid Mission, Level-10 Aid Character: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 2) = 13

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The Rock turns into a Large Earth Elemental for his guard duty.
"Now I am the real Rock!"
Guard Duty,Level 9: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 2) = 14

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"Oh, its not us that's got something to be afraid of." A loud voice calls above the din.
A dwarf you recognize from earlier, flashes a grim smile, as he eyes the incoming hoard with a steely glare.
Suddenly, his words prove more accurate than you'd think, as one whole section of the undead hoards suddenly turn and start to run back the way they came, making them easy pickings for the Pathfinder defenders.
"Tell your masters Noisy's come for a reckoning." The dwarf yells again... though you start to realize that it is his normal talking volume. "And he brought Hilde with him!"
He lifts a long, double-barreled musket, and points it at the undead before pulling the trigger. Suddenly a wave of sound seems to fly from the barrel, shattering skeletal remains like they were dry tinder with a deafening harmonic boom!
Guard, Aid: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) = 17

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@Yours is Mined - Are the books actually useful or valuable or simply smut to be burned?
The books are incidental dungeon dressing that have become a focal point of roleplay contention between the lawful good extremist and neutral-playful BUT loyal+moral factions of the party, WHICH I AM LOVING!
(and taking notes about for future games ...)

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Rockgurn, Jack has winged boots, so he can fly.
Marta, at level-14, Jack's extended heightened awareness and heroism last 280 minutes, or a little more than 4.6 hours. Cast at the start, they probably needed a refresh at some point during the march through the caverns.

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Q: Do the ones in the brambles have cover/concealment now?
Interesting one.
I dug up this quote, allegedly from James Jacobs, which is good enough for me.
So for now, let's say the Wall of Thorns does not block line of sight, but provides 30% concealment to those inside.
If anyone knows of a FAQ on this, please let me know!

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Not sure which is worse, the 30% miss, or rolling the two natural-1's in the same post. :(

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GM: Hamish cast Death Ward on the Gull... that makes it immune to the negative energy damage from the river, correct?
The ship is now 10' in the air, so I assume not an issue either way, going forward?
Yes, on both points, Hamish.
Death Ward says the subject is immune from any negative energy effects (even though this is straight damage not energy damage/drain).
Similarly, you have to be within 5' or in the Blood River to be subject to this effect.
But hey! Nobody's crazy enough to go swimming in that river, right? :D

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Fixed with regard to the Graveknight's thorn movement, Rokgurn.
Guys, the House is not picking up successes as quickly as in the previous Parts.
You are smashing this encounter, and so I am keen to move you onto the next one to help the House. (there's about a fortnight left on the game)
I will give Rokgurn + Marta a little more time to post, before moving us on per the Ground Rules.
Also, if you wanted to help out another table with a healing token say, I can facilitate that.

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Oh, and another question... re: the afor mentioned wall of thorns.
If they can't get out, getting to them is going to be equally annoying.
Would pulling one closer be an option? With lunge, the Gull could technically reach one of them with the harpoons... and possibly pull one 5' closer. (Hell, with haste, I could technically fire the harpoons twice, and get two tries)
Just not sure how it would all interact.

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Also, Jack isn't shaken. He made his save, thanks to the circumstance bonus from the Gull.
If a table's asking for help, please do send them whatever Aid Token they need.

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The thorns are a great defense and battlefield control for parties lacking front line defense or harpoons and cannons. However, they probably are keeping the creatures alive longer than they would otherwise with this party's firepower.

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Does the wall of thorns provide any cover or concealment to our foes? I saw no mention of that in the spell description.
The wall is dismissible, if Rokgurn chooses to do so.

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Omrax asked that above, Jack.
I dug up this quote, allegedly from James Jacobs, which is good enough for me.
So for now, let's say the Wall of Thorns does not block line of sight, but provides 30% concealment to those inside.
If anyone knows of a FAQ on this, please let me know!
Also! If you need a smile today, it seems Arnaut and Jack's fame has spread to other corners of the Pathfinder Multiverse!
**Caution** mild spoilers for Sewer Dragons of Absalom

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry I missed that. GMing the 15-16 table is causing some hemorrhaging on my brain.
*EDIT* Looks the wall was dismissed, so not an issue.
I enjoyed Gervase's honorable mention of Jack and his playhouse in your Sewer Dragons of Absalom game.

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Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury raises a banner, calling out to the expedition’s medics.
“Pathfinders, the brave heroes leading the charge need your help. They cannot be allowed to fall before the Whispering Tyrant’s servants! Come with me, and let us tend to their wounds so they may fight on!”
GMs, please begin the Aid Mission (Medic).
☤ Guy du Loc, played by Marta
☤ Helgar, played by Rokgurn
☤ Hugo Victor, played by Omrax
☤ Reginald Gerbin III, played by Arnaut
To reiterate: this is an AID MISSION not an Aid Token roll.
So there is no option to supply heroic aid. It is one dice roll with the risk of death.
Participation is OPTIONAL.
However, if you don't contribute, you can't help the House succeed at the mission (failure has consequences …)
AND, you don’t qualify for the Medic Chronicle Boon for this mission.
These missions are more dangerous than improving Aid Tokens, but the benefits they provide apply to the whole House.
For each Aid Character sent on the mission, the player should roll:
• 2d6 for a 4th-level NPC Pathfinder
• 3d6 for a 5th- to 8th-level Aid Character
• 4d6 for a 9th- to 12th-level Aid Character
• 5d6 for a 13th- to 16th-level Aid Character
• 6d6 for a 17th- to 20th-level Aid Character.
The results for each Aid Character depend upon the results of their roll.
20+: The Aid Character is a triumphant leader, inspiring other Pathfinders with their bravery and skill. They generate 2 successes for the mission. Even if the mission fails, they escape unscathed.
11–19: The Aid Character makes a substantial contribution to the mission, generating 1 success. If the mission fails, the Aid Character is injured. The Aid Character can recover from their injuries at the end of the scenario by spending 8 Prestige Points.
6–10: The Aid Character is trapped in a perilous situation and needs the assistance of other Pathfinders to escape. The Aid Character does not contribute to the mission’s success. If the mission fails, the Aid Character dies.
5 or less: The Aid Character’s luck runs out. Whether from an ambush, a devious trap, or a relentless onslaught of foes, the character meets their end. This Aid Character dies and does not contribute to the mission’s success.
If you are eligible but not participating, please let me know, as I am not permitted to report successes until the ENTIRE TABLE has chosen to accept or decline the mission.
If you are participating, you may roll nd6 in the Discussion Thread now.

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Venture-Captain Hugo Victor steps up.
We cannot let a mission of this importance fail due to lack of simple healing! Count on me, and the strength of Abadar to provide aid.
6d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1) = 14 Bleh!

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I enjoyed Gervase's honorable mention of Jack and his playhouse in your Sewer Dragons of Absalom game.
We’ll have to see if Gervase still thinks Arnaut is a hack - but it was fun to think of how you could do a show like that with one bard and a pit orchestra.

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” This sounds like a job for one of the most powerful and talented wizards of the Society! Besides, you know how they say laughter is the best medicine...”
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) = 17
Please excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor. Also, now I have three insufferably smug characters because what should have been a humbling lesson has instead only reinforced his delusions of grandeur.

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As noted, no way Guy is going in on that mission.

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Helgar calls upon his infernal lord to aid with this mission.
Healing: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 3) = 19

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Although Dennis hasn’t announced it yet, it appears the Aid (Medic) Mission is going to be successful.
Unfortunately, the situation isn’t as clear with the Relic mission (our table is doing) OR the Ritual mission (the Champion tables are undertaking). To my eye, both could go either way.
As such, with a little over a week left on the accelerated schedule (I’m not sure if Dennis will/can extend time to the original schedule) and with you guys performing so well (kudos!) I am keen for you to attempt another Relic success or two, to help the House.

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Me too.

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Marta is going to wait until the bards and Hamish have had a chance to cast their buffs. Haste and inspiration are just too juicy to pass up.

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Unsure if someone has a new save option available (I do not)
Jack had not yet started a bardic performance, so he can't cast saving finale, though I think Arnaut can.

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[ooc]Unfortunately, Arnaut wasn’t performing when the save was made (since the nightwing went before him). But! Arnaut does have a pair of first-aid gloves. With the GM’s permission, he’ll undo his good hope and apply the gloves instead.

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I don’t suppose we have an Aid token or something similar to get him out of the unconscious danger zone, do we?
The Medic Aid Mission's success grants each PC a heroic-level healing Aid Token, 8d6 hp in our subtler.

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Unconscious danger zone isn't the problem... its just getting there.
With a con of 14, and at -53... that means the first aid gloves would have to heal 40 hp's to get me to unconscious at -13.
To heal 40 hp's on 5d8+9 ... that's an average of 6.2 per d8... those are long odds indeed. =)
edit: Oh, wait... Arnaut already rolled it, and got 41. Egads... Hamish luck appears to be intact. I'm a whole 2 rounds from dead then. =)
Won't keep the Gull from going back to dry dock... but that can be remedied.

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It’s the condition invoked that the Overseer GM’s post refers to.

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Hamish, it has been pointed out that breath of life doesn't work with death effects.
Rokgurn and I are both willing to lend you our re-roll items (this is legal, provided the person offering doesn't use their re-roll during the game).
Do you want to re-roll the Fort save, adding your 4 GM stars to the roll?
Otherwise, one low d20 roll is a sucky way to lose a PC and I would be very sorry to see Hamish go that way :(
It's Friday evening here ... do you want to take a re-roll? And I'll see where things stand in my morning

Yours is mined |

The successful Medic Mission has unlocked the following benefit:
Each PC immediately gains the benefits of a heroically boosted medic aid token.
With respect to the Relic Recovered condition Dennis announced, there are no additional benefits to the one you unlocked before the current fight began:
PCs gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the remainder of the scenario.
However, now the benefit applies to ALL players in the House.
Also from now on, any Relic successes you achieve count as Ritual successes at the Champion tables.

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Sucks to be me!
I have no issues with borrowing a reroll... since the GM isn't likely to use theirs anyway.
Already rolled a second save in the same post (spoilered), as there seemed so many ways it might come up... most of which were nixed due to init timing or [death] effects. (just add 4 if it turns out to be the merchandise type, for the GM Stars)
At least this way Arnaut gets to keep his gloves intact, anyway.
And the ship sticks around, too, I suppose! Will put it back on the map.

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I think we should have the rest of the weekend to heal up and recover.
Despite the scare with Hamish, the Nightwing barely lasted a round. What do you think about another encounter?
The House could probably use another success, but you have certainly pulled your weight (and then some!)
I'm inclined to see how many successes are added over the weekend, and gauge Dennis's thinking about the timing of the conclusion on Monday.
In the meantime, do you want to give me your thoughts on another combat?

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Jack is up for another encounter.

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I'm thinking the house will move on before we complete it. Besides we have had 6 fights now (I think) without a chance to recoup abilities and spells. The last two battles have been without the benefit of my characters key judgement ability and that makes me nervous. I vote to not start another fight.