Radi Hamdi

Hugo Victor's page

1,284 posts. Organized Play character for GM Aarvid.

Full Name

Venture Captain - Hugo Victor, Seeker


Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i}


{0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }












Homeland: Katapesh, Katapesh


Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Thassilonian


Savage, Ezrek, Samhain, Roakar, Roos, Ignatius

Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 26
Charisma 16

About Hugo Victor

Hugo Victor, Seeker
Male half-elf cleric of Abadar 16/ranger (urban ranger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 129)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +28


AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +1 insight, +4 shield)
hp 157 (17 HD; 16d8+1d10+64)
Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +22; +2 vs. enchantments, +1 Luck bonus vs. traps
Immune sleep; Resist negative energy 10, positive energy 10 , Deathless 25% negate level drain


Speed 40 ft.
Melee +2 evil outsiders-bane greatsword +17/+12/+7 (2d6+6/19-20 plus 2d6 vs. Evil Outsiders) or
. . adamantine battleaxe +16/+11/+6 (1d8+3/×3) or
. . spiked gauntlet +15/+10/+5 (1d4+3)
Ranged +1 chaotic outsider-bane darkwood repeating heavy crossbow +16/+11/+6 (1d10+1/19-20 plus 2d6 vs. Chaotic Outsider) or
. . darkwood composite longbow +16/+11/+6 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks bravery/valor variant channeling 10/day (DC 20, 8d6 plus 4 channel bonus), favored enemy (humans +2)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +23)
. . At will—dimensional hop (150 feet/day)
. . 11/day—inspiring word (7 rounds)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 15th; concentration +23)
. . 8th—stormbolts, phase door[D], summon monster VIII
. . 7th—jolting portent[UC], repulsion (DC 25), x summon monster VII, greater teleport[D]
. . 6th—banishment (DC 24), greater dispel magic, find the path[D], x heal, heroes' feast (blade barrier)
. . 5th—breath of life (DC 23), cleanse[APG], x-greater command[D] (DC 23), flame strike (DC 23), plane shift (DC 23), wall of stone
. . 4th—anti-incorporeal shell[ACG], x blessing of fervor[APG] (DC 22), xdeath ward, discern lies[D] (DC 22), freedom of movement, neutralize poison, restoration
. . 3rd—dispel magic,x fly[D], x- prayer, x invisibility purge, x magic circle against evil, x-communal resist energy[UC], x searing light
. . 2nd— x delay poison, ghostbane dirge[APG] (DC 20), grace[APG], locate object[D], resist energy, x spear of purity[UM] (DC 20), spiritual weapon
. . 1st—command (DC 19), divine favor[D], divine favor, x liberating command[UC], protection from evil, remove fear, shield of faith
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, stabilize
. . D Domain spell; Domains Nobility, Travel

#1 [dice=+2 EO Bane greatsword,heroism,haste,bane,flank]1d20+16+2+2+1+2[/dice]
for [dice=dmg, bane]2d6+7+2d6+2[/dice]

Hugo [dice=+1 CO Bane repeating xbow]1d20+13+2[/dice]
for [dice=dmg, bane]1d10+1+2+2d6[/dice]
Zelekhut [dice=Lawful Chain]1d20+17[/dice]
for [dice=dmg, electric]2d6+7+1d6[/dice]
trip [dice=Lawful Chain]1d20+17[/dice] vs CMD


Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 27, Cha 16
Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 29
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Divine Interference[UM], Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeating heavy crossbow), Extra Channel, Extra Channel, Persuasive, Quick Channel[UM], Sacred Summons[UM], Selective Channeling, Skill Focus (Perception)
Traits reactionary, tomb raider
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+7 to jump), Appraise +4, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +16 (+21 to disarm traps), Fly +4, Heal +14, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +11, Linguistics +5, Perception +28, Profession (engineer) +12, Profession (sailor) +15, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +9, Survival +13; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Thassilonian
SQ agile feet (11/day), elf blood, track +1, wild empathy +4

Current Purchases:
Next Purchases:


air elemental gem, bead of force, cold iron repeating crossbow bolts (50), feather token (swan boat), lesser extend metamagic rod, lesser quicken metamagic rod, oil of bless weapon, oil of daylight, pearl of power (1st level), pearl of power (2nd level), potion of barkskin +3, potion of invisibility (CL 3rd), potion of see invisibility, scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of delay poison, delay poison, sanctuary, sanctuary, scroll of detect undead, obscuring mist, scroll of lesser restoration, lesser restoration, lesser restoration, lesser restoration, scroll of obscuring mist, protection from evil, remove fear, scroll of resist energy, scroll of silence, scroll of silence, sound burst, sound burst, sound burst, spellguard bracers[UE], staff of healing, strand of prayer beads (lesser), wand of cure light wounds (26 charges), wand of gravity bow (47 charges), wayfinder, ebon, healer's kit, weapon blanch (adamantine)[APG]; Other Gear +3 vigilant deathless chain, +3 determination mithral buckler, +1 chaotic outsider-bane darkwood repeating heavy crossbow, +2 evil outsiders-bane greatsword, adamantine battleaxe, arrows (40), darkwood composite longbow (+2 Str), repeating crossbow bolts (20), spiked gauntlet, belt of physical perfection +4, clear spindle ioun stone, cloak of resistance +4, dark blue rhomboid ioun stone, dusty rose prism ioun stone, efficient quiver, eyes of the eagle, figurine (bronze griffon), handy haversack, hat of disguise, headband of inspired wisdom +6, necklace of adaptation, pink and green sphere ioun stone, pyxes of redirected focus[UE], ring of feather falling, ring of summoning affinity (inevitable)[ACG], slippers of spider climbing, trapspringer's gloves[UE], wayfinder[ISWG], chalk, flint and steel, masterwork thieves' tools, scroll case, signet ring, silk rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol of Abadar, sunrod (3), wooden holy symbol of Abadar, wrist sheath - l (worth 5 gp), wrist sheath - r (worth 5 gp), light horse, bedroll, bit and bridle, courtier's outfit, riding saddle, saddlebags, scroll case, wooden holy symbol of Abadar, 260 pp, 2 sp, 9 cp


CLW wand charges 20-3 : wand gravity bow: 50-6 charges

Special Abilities:

Agile Feet (11/day) (Su) For 1 rd, you ignore difficult terrain.
Bravery/Valor Variant Channeling (±4 Sacred) Additional save vs. fear/AC bonus, or standard channel
Bravery/Valor Variant Channeling 8d6 plus 4 channel bonus (10/day, DC 20) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Nobility) Granted Powers: You are a great leader, an inspiration to all who follow the teachings of your faith.
Cleric Domain (Travel) Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Dimensional Hop (30 5-ft inc/day) (Sp) As a move action, teleport with no AoO to seen destination. Spend an equal distance to carry others.
Divine Interference Sacrifice a spell to force an enemy to reroll a successful attack against your ally
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Energy Resistance, Negative energy (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Energy Resistance, Positive energy (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Positive Energy attacks.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans foes.
Inspiring Word (11/day) (Sp) Target receives +2 on attack, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for 7 rds.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Quick Channel Channel energy faster by expending more uses
Sacred Summons Summon monsters whose alignment subtype matches yours as a standard action
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution and take a -2 penalty to your Dexterity. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor. You gain DR 5/chaos

You see a traveler in shiny chainmail covered by a dusty cloak from sandy roads and ancient tombs. He carries a black crossbow. He has the symbol of a Abadar around his neck and several glowing stones orbiting his turban-covered head.


Born the third son of an Osirian merchant, Hugo joined the priesthood of Abadar at a young age at the erging of his father. He spend the first few years working with caravans or overseeing negotiations while traveling abroad as part of his father's business in antiquities.

As part of these travels, he encountered Pathfinders (and Aspis) and enrolled in the Pathfinder Society. His early missions were to the subcontintent and in Osiria to recover lost artifacts. During the next year or so, he spent more time either in Absalom or traveling to far reaches to find even more rare artifacts for the Society. His encounters with Aspis and evil Cultists more recently have given him reason to hunt down those that would steal the secrets of the ancients cultures for profit or evil purposes.

He now devotes himself to rooting out those that break the laws of trade, business or history in these ancient relics.

Sihedron Brand On left forearm. In addition to a +2 profane bonus on fort saves, Once per day activate tattoo (3 mins) to gain 22 temporary hit points.

Rune of Power - Armor On right forearm. Once per day as standard, gain +2 Natural Armor for 1 minute.


Day Job: +14 sailor (owns his own ship, the "Irrational Exuberance"
DC5=1gp, DC10=5gp, DC15=10gp, DC20=20gp

Inspiring Word (11x/day for 6rds) +2 atk, skills, saves
Spirt Wpn - attack +14/+9 (1d8+3) Force


You see a traveler in shiny chainmail covered by a dusty cloak from sandy roads and ancient tombs. He carries a black crossbow with a greatsword strapped to his back. He has the symbol of a Abadar around his neck.


Born the third son of an Osirian merchant, Hugo joined the priesthood of Abadar at a young age at the erging of his father. He spend the first few years working with caravans or overseeing negotiations while traveling abroad as part of his father's business in antiquities.

As part of these travels, he encountered Pathfinders (and Aspis) and enrolled in the Pathfinder Society. His early missions were to the subcontintent and in Osiria to recover lost artifacts. During the next year or so, he spent more time either in Absalom or traveling to far reaches to find even more rare artifacts for the Society. His encounters with Aspis and evil Cultists more recently have given him reason to hunt down those that would steal the secrets of the ancients cultures for profit or evil purposes.

He now devotes himself to rooting out those that break the laws of trade, business or history in these ancient relics. He is especially active in hunting the Cultists of Lissala

"A traveler and servant of Abadar, Master of the First Vault."


#2-01 Favor of Cartahegn - When in town+ in Garund, gain 10% discount on mundane items
#2-06 Agent Uncovered - Wayfinder +2 Bluff/Diplo/Intimidate vs Society
#2-EX Averted Mauling - in Ustalav, 400gp item free
#2-EX Master Blades Saved - Permanent Chronicle +4 Diplo/Intimidate vs Society < level
Brewfest 2011 Boon - Trained Eye (+2 Perception)
#3-06 Twin Tomes - Learn Celestial Language for 1 PP
Blood Under Absalom - (2x) Reroll attack, recall cast spell, reroll skill
#2-04 Time in Dreng's Vault - +2 Kn:Religion
#2-04 Owed a Favor - (1x) +4 Diplo in Absalom City
Touched First World - +1 Kn:Nature vs Fey, +2 diplo vs Fey
#4-08 Lissalan Library - +2 Kn: religion vs Lissala Cult, Tatoo
Race - Magnimarian Debt - raise or resurrection for 50% cost (gp/pp)
Race - Formidable Renoun - +2 Intimidate vs Lissalan (move action)


The Waking Rune
Hall of Drunken Heroes
Words of the Ancients
The Refuge of Time
Race for Runecarved Key
Kiss of the Cultists
Drow of Darkland Pyramid
Drowning Stones
Lyrics of Extinction
Realm of Fellnight Queen
Shadows Fall on Absolom
Blood Under Absolom
Song of the Sea Witch
Sewer Dragons of Absolom
Rebels Ransom
City of Strangers: Shadow Gambit
Midnight Mauler
Heresy of Man - 2
Heresy of Man - 1
Delfinse Affair
Azlat Ridge #2
Azlat Ridge #1
Throaty Mermaid
Godsmouth Heresy
Among the Dead
Fallen Fortress
#8 Slave Pits of Absalom
#7 Among the Living
#47 Darkest Vengence


Modeled After: Corporate Investigator. Abadar enforcer for stolen art.
Speech Pattern: Legalese. Avoids contractions. Uses terms like regulations, contracts, transactions, profit margin, procedures
Actions: Leads from the rear. Supports front liners. Teleport/hops for full attacks/rescues.