Malakar_Paradise |
So I Originally didn't want to do another game but with all my at table games on indefinite hiatus and no comeback in sight until a public Vaccine I will throw a character concept in. Although the concept I have will require one GM allowance.
The idea is a Shoanti or Kellid Nature Oracle. Their first revelation will be the bonded mount to get an animal companion. At 11th level they will take 1 level of the Mammoth rider prestige class to turn their animal companion huge sized and charge into battle face to face with the giants.
The GM allowance I would like is to have the animal from bonded mount to be allowed to be a cat instead of a horse or camel. If Shoanti the cat would be a Firepelt Cougar from Varisia if Kelleid either a snow leopard or Siberian(Mammoth Lordian?) Tiger.
As an Oracle I would be a primary buffer casting buffs on the party and my big cat. Oracles also learn all cure spells for free so depending on other party members I could be main or off heals.
Around 7th level when a cat companion naturally becomes large I will be riding it to give me superior movement fir buff casting on other melees while kitty bites and claws things faces off.
If my cat substitution is ok I will throw a build inti the official discussion forum for consideration.
Edit: Just saw in the Players guide that Ap#91 has some specific animals native to the region that may be used as animal companions with GM permission. Can you tell me what they are so I can consider them to make a more tied in character if you think that is cool?(But I may still go with a cat anyway who knows)
GM Mioki |
Since Brannart has a reach Weapon and Combat Reflexes (can take AOOs even when flat-footed) does he get an AOO as they approach? Red wouldn't have moved out of one of Brannart's threatened squares, but Blue would have had to.
I misinterpreted the rules on this since this was a Surprise Round.
After further research, you are right, and I'll keep this in mind in the future.
Thank you for pointing this out and reminding me.
GM Mioki |
@Malakar - glad you are joining us. Cat is fine. Have the stats somewhat mirror the horse and camel in terms of attacks, damage, and movement. A little give and take is fine though.
Regarding regional mounts:
Mindspin Ram
Chalicotherium (something like a half sloth / half horse type creature)
Deinotherium (elephant like beast)
Malakar_Paradise |
In the absence of a 'true' cat, Deinitherium actually looks really cool and is technically a mammoth truly when I eventually take mammoth rider prc.
I have to dig out my Varisia book to figure out which Quah I would be from but as a nature oracle with the Tongues curse my idea for story has me being sent away by my tribe to seek an elder from the mountains to teach me the ways of nature and they end up being a Cliff giant(solitary nature protection ginats) and with their help I find and save or raise my companion to be.
Malakar_Paradise |
That is my usual go to fix with I love Paizo but their website is junk. It has gotten better over the last year or so the new web manager has been around tho.
Brannart Teskerwill |
There was a board outage in August 2018 that killed a lot of PbP games. I feel like it went on for about a month. Flickers of life and then the site would die again.
Things have gotten a lot better since then.
Vexas Flamespark |
That is my usual go to fix with I love Paizo but their website is junk. It has gotten better over the last year or so the new web manager has been around tho.
I hope they're planning a rewrite of the session logic :/ I've never seen a website do so bad with old cookies. It's completely within the server's control to deal with that.
Vexas Flamespark |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hehe, going to leave that one alone.
GM Mioki |
I hope that Kowal returns. It has been about a week. Kowal did mention connection issues prior to the power outage.
Thoughts on waiting, recruitment?
If Kowal returns, there will always be a spot, but I currently feel that you could use some type of spellcaster, whether it be arcane or divine.
I believe PaleDim mentioned taking some Arcane levels with Vexas. Also, you have been blasting through encounters, but I feel a lack of magic might burn you at later levels.
If we did want to consider recruitment, this would be an opportune time. I have a whole colony of could-be adventurers.
Thoughts on adding another player. If yes, I would like to go with player referral first and probably reach out to Hawthwile first to gauge interest.
This is your game; therefore, I value your feedback on this.
Brannart Teskerwill |
I would rather wait a bit.
Fighter, Ranger, Druid, Rogue, Bard is still a pretty solid party, especially at low levels. Hopefully Kowal will return.
The nature of this AP, with new ships coming in, should make it feasible to add another later on if we need to.
Will get a Gameplay post up tomorrow.
Vexas Flamespark |
I believe PaleDim mentioned taking some Arcane levels with Vexas. Also, you have been blasting through encounters, but I feel a lack of magic might burn you at later levels.
That is correct. Haven't decided the balance yet, but thinking roughly 50/50 overall right now, and I wouldn't mine going further.
*That* said, given the nature of the last website snafu, I lean more on the forgiving side in the game I'm running. It's such that somebody just checking their campaigns tab could really miss it for a long time.
Fenna Pender |
Yeah, I think there's time to wait a while yet on recruitment. Things come up like illnesses and crashed computers that make it difficult to communicate about absences. I did a quick check and the most recent post for any of his avatars is in this game. That makes it seem like he's either run into some RL stuff or he's dropped absolutely everything. It does happen, but more often it's just that something's come up.
I'll also post in game tomorrow after I figure out what Fenna will do with the down time.
GM Mioki |
Was not sure on Sho’s position. I put her up in a tree assuming this is where our red-headed vixen would want to be. Please move if I am incorrect.
Long day. Brain is a bit mushy. I'll catch up tomorrow and start with some Stealth and Perception Checks, then have Malakar cast Entangle.
If I missed something, let me know.
Malakar_Paradise |
So much for careful planning on what a CR 5 encounter? Good job with AoO spam Brannart.
GM Mioki |
So much for careful planning on what a CR 5 encounter? Good job with AoO spam Brannart.
Sorry about that. Could not ignore the low initiative roll.
Gave me a chance to spice up the encounter since you have been destroying my baddies pretty quickly. Even this encounter is almost a done deal.
Brannart Teskerwill |
Reach weapons and AOOs are a good tactic when space allows, but I think the GM may have forgotten one of the key abilities of boars, which is Ferocity.
If the other two boars were still up (though negative) and continuing to fight, Brannart's tactic would be to Withdraw, giving up his attack on his turn to get 3 AOOs.
As it is, the one still up did get him pretty good.
Fenna Pender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh wow, see what happens when you let our characters drink Mioki?
I'll make Fenna's roll when I know how to write the response, which depends on what Brannart does.
Also, I think I've already done so much earlier, but in case I didn't: When I play a bard I reserve the right totally rip off songs and insert them as performances if there's something that seems to me to fit the occasion well.
Fenna Pender |
Huh, I was almost certain Brannart would decline.
Here's to a potentially awkward morning after averted in a novel way!
Fenna Pender |
I think 5 is a fine number. It hurts a little to be low on casters, but we have a Druid, which seems perfectly matched to this campaign. Fenna's archetype will let her cast a spell, eventually a couple, per day as long as she has it in a spell book or scroll without expending it. That will help a little with arcane flexibility by the time it starts really mattering.
As much as I love witches, and I do love playing witches, they're tightly focused around debuffing, not nearly so flexible as a wizard by contrast. I think we'll be fine for a while, and if we start seeing trouble in the future, we can reconsider then.
GM Mioki |
I think 5 is a fine number. It hurts a little to be low on casters, but we have a Druid, which seems perfectly matched to this campaign. Fenna's archetype will let her cast a spell, eventually a couple, per day as long as she has it in a spell book or scroll without expending it. That will help a little with arcane flexibility by the time it starts really mattering.
As much as I love witches, and I do love playing witches, they're tightly focused around debuffing, not nearly so flexible as a wizard by contrast. I think we'll be fine for a while, and if we start seeing trouble in the future, we can reconsider then.
Sounds good.
Regarding spells and spell books. Remember that there was a spell book you found when exploring the colony. Meta-Gaming here, but this was specifically placed for spellcasters to pick up new spells.
That being said, if you want to give me a list of spells desired, I'll let you know what you find.
Malakar_Paradise |
I am with Fenna. Five is fine and having to do some creative play to fill gaps can be fun. Also if we really need something it is good place for you to streach GM brain to give us items, blessings, hirelings or followers to fill the gaps.
Vexas Flamespark |
Vexas shall become a caster. I'd been planning on it anyway.
Fenna Pender |
Oh right!I'd forgotten about your plans for that Vexas. Sorry!
I have to look up the particulars of what Fenna will be able to do. Since I was there I figured I'd just paste it in.
Comparative Arcane Studies (Su): At 6th level, the studious librarian is exposed to a wide variety of magical writing, and can use his own magic to duplicate spells from other classes’ spell lists. Once per day, a studious librarian can cast any spell from the bard, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell lists from a scroll or spellbook in hand as if it were one of his bard spells known, expending a bard spell slot of the same spell level to cast the desired spell. Casting a spell from a scroll this way does not cause the spell to vanish from the scroll. A spell cast in this way cannot be modified by metamagic. The studious librarian gains one additional daily use of this ability at 10th level and again every 4 bard levels thereafter, to a maximum of four times per day at 18th level.
As you can see it won't be available until 6th level. Since few APs go as high as 18th level, the ability will probably top out at 3 spells per days. Since She uses a spell slot to do it, that means no spells above 6th level. It'll be an ability to use at crunch time or when a spell really is the best solution.
I haven't forgotten about that spell book Mioki, just can't do anything with it yet. I might send along a short wish list of spells, but a lot of fun in it will be hoarding scrolls and books in the ridiculous collection of odds and ends to sort through. "Hang on, I have a spell for this in here somewhere"!
Brannart Teskerwill |
I think we'll be okay at 5 PCs. These APs are theoretically balanced for 4 PCs with 15-pt buy. We have 5 PCs with 20-pt buy plus Hero Points and a few extra goodies.
Malakar_Paradise |
I have been out of hero points for a while unless I missed a spot where I should have gained some.
Vexas Flamespark |
Hello, I just wanted to let everyone know I will be away from access to computers and unable to post this Saturday, 2/27 (all day). I will be back and able to catch up early in the afternoon (US/Pacific time) the next day. Bot me as needed.
GM Mioki |
I have some questions about the last round actions of the chokers affected by the Grease spell. 1. The choker will fell prone would only provoke an AoO if it tried to stand. Did it? It wasn't explicitly mentioned. 2. It looks like the 2nd attack made by the other choker actually did hit Fenna? 3. In order to move off the grease, the standing choker would need to make a DC 10 acrobatics check. If it fails it can't move and must make a reflex save again or fall.
I'll hold on posting actions until I'm sure about these things.
Wow, I really botched this up. Do not post while tired. Sorry, work has been a bit silly lately. I'll post In-Game to correct things, but I'll also answer here.
1.) Green does stand. AoO for Fenna and Brannart. If Purple fails to grapple, but is able to move, then Fenna gets her choice of Green or Purple for AoO.
2.) I looked at damage instead of attack roll. Thanks for the honesty. Hopefully Fenna does not regret it.
3.) Just plain ol' forgot about the acrobatics check.
Malakar_Paradise |
Malakar_Paradise wrote:I have been out of hero points for a while unless I missed a spot where I should have gained some.It could be my memory, but I do not remember Malakar using any Hero Points. I believe I awarded at least 3. Did Malakar use that many?
I have used at least 2 since the beginning of the campaign.