Ruins of Azlant
Game Master
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Ruins of Azlant
Set sail and join the expedition to colonize the lost continent of Azlant.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
Yeah, I was tempted by that, but Vexas won't be able to cast 3rd level any time soon. So, I decided to settled for something he could.
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Good news and bad news about that water breathing scroll. Good: Fenna would be able to cast it without having to use UMD to do it. Bad: she wouldn't be able to cast it until 7th level. Good: She can cast it without consuming the scroll since her archetype allows her to use a spell slot instead.
I'll also be choosing a scroll from the Wizard/Sorcerer list. Still trying to decide which one.
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
Do we know who if anyone has a hold of the alchemist fires we found toward the beginning of the game.
We keep running into swarms and without them or Nymbleth it is hard to take them out.
The Alchemist Fire (2) were found back on page 15.
It is not mentioned if anyone pocketed the vials.
Since Vexas opened the box, let's say that he has them.
Sorry for the delay. Having a few long days closing out the financials for the end of April. Will catch up over the weekend. Should be back to normal next week.
This might be the first time in the game that I am worried about the survival of a character.
On another note: Did Fenna and Sho pick a one-use item yet?
M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
A game with no risk of PC death is usually not an enjoyable game to me as a player.
Brannart will eventually have a very good CMD against Grapple, due to the human favored class bonus, but it's not particularly good yet.
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
In a party this size one member down or low doesn't worry me too much. And if need be we always have the option of fleeing. Plants can't chase too fast and I think they are too dumb to chase if it came to that.
Let's go with that Kowal gave Malakar the wand, and it has 50 charges.
Take tomorrow and level up to 3. (Max Hit Points, Hero Point) Let me know if your Perception or Initiative increases along with any new abilities I should be aware of.
I have an appointment after work and my not get around to posting.
Sounds like you want to continue on and look for the odd trail that Sho and Malakar found, please confirm.
Also, I am away for a long holiday starting Tuesday, May 25th and returning Monday, May 31st. I plan to be on the Trail and screen free.
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male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
Time for Vexas to get into wizardry!
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male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
So, Arcane Armor Training would perfectly wipe out the 10% spell failure of the mithril shirt but it has caster level 3 as a pre-req. I might eat the 10% chance for a while and see how it goes, how often it bites him.
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Female Half elf Ranger 6 Ini+3 HP 64/64 AC 18 T13 FF14 Fort+7 Ref+8 Will+3 Per+10 Spd 30
I forgot abut my L3 item, sorry.
Will choose it while leveling up
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M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
Brannart has taken a new feat: Advanced Armor Training (Armored Sacrifice)
I hope that this will be a complete waste of a feat and never needed. But more likely it will come into play at least sometimes, and in any event it's good to have as an insurance policy. Going negative while underwater is quite bad.
Armored Sacrifice wrote: When damage would cause the fighter or an adjacent ally to be knocked unconscious or killed, the fighter can instead direct the damage to a suit of armor that he is wearing or a shield he is using as an immediate action. The original target takes no damage, but the armor or shield is treated as if it had only half its normal hardness. The fighter can use this option once per day, plus one additional time each day at 11th level and every 8 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum of three times per day at 19th level. So it's only once per day for a long while, but could be a lifesaver, as long as you are adjacent to Brannart.
His Swim check goes up to a +10 while armored, and he can always Take 10, so that's a reliable 20. He also moves at full speed in a breastplate now.
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Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Alright, here are Fenna's level 3 goodies. I'll try to get her sheet updated today.
Bard (Studious Librarian) 3:
+1 BAB
+11 HP (FCB included)
3rd Level Feat: Improved Initiative
New Spells: Cantrip: Ghost Sound, 1st: Liberating Command
Skills: +1 to Acrobatics, K Arcana, K Planes, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, UMD.
Background Skills: +1 to Perform (Oratory) K Geography.
With leveling up, will this change your plans? Do you plan to rest and prepare spells? Doing this in the jungle or back at the colony? Keep with the plan and keep moving to look for the trail?
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Female Half elf Ranger 6 Ini+3 HP 64/64 AC 18 T13 FF14 Fort+7 Ref+8 Will+3 Per+10 Spd 30
would the trees around us be considered as forest or jungle? (favored terrain)
Leveling up
+8 hp
+1 to Bab
+1 will save
free feat: endurance
Ranger 1st Favored terrain
Skills (8)
Survival, Know nature, Handle animal, Swim, Climb, Craft bow, Perception, Stealth all +1
Background skills
Know geography+1
Know engineering (new)
Feat: Skill focus (Survival)
Will take a simple potion of CMW (L3) as free item
Sho"yarhine Nebdhel wrote: would the trees around us be considered as forest or jungle? (favored terrain)
Consider the island mostly jungle. Even if I use forest as a descriptor, consider it jungle.
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
Been a bit busy at work I have Malakar Leveled just not put into his sheet on here.
Big differences are +2 Perception, 2nd level spells, power attack total hp now 33, took a point in Linguistics to learn terran(eventually want to know all the elementals languages), reflex and will both increase by +1
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
I spent entirely too long thinking about which spell to get on that scroll. So many wizard and witch spells to consider!
In the end there is only one answer though: Paragon Surge as a 3rd level spell.
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
Yah as a half-elf paragon surge is always a great pick.
M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
My Urban Bloodrager has taken Tactical Adaptation as one of his Bard/Magus spells known, which is quite nice (especially combined with Barroom Brawler for 2-feat chains), but Paragon Surge is significantly more powerful and versatile.
Sounds good everyone.
I think at this point, with the weekend and my extended holiday starting Tuesday, why don't we take a break until I return from my hike, which will be May 31st / June 1st.
If you could have your characters updated and come to a consensus of your next course of action by then, we'll get Chapter 3 of Book 1 going.
Safe Travels Everyone!
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M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
Works for me!
I was waiting for doing any nudging ahead on my own until everybody was leveled up.
Enjoy your hike!
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Sounds good.
Fenna's updated now. The First time through I overlooked her gaining the Inspire Competence performance. So, Fenna has Inspire Competence.
Let's not get too excited. :p
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Hope everyone is doing well.
I would like to move the game along. For those that have not, please update your character sheet, including the main stats that show above your character icon.
Also, has there been a decision on your next move? Attempt to find the trail or rest somewhere to prepare your new spells?
I believe the consensus was to keep moving, but that was before leveling up. Unless there is a change, I will continue with this decision.
M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
I am ready to go. I would favor resting so that we can prepare new spells, then following the trail that Fenna and Malakar found.
Return to the colony to rest?
This would allow the delivery of plant specimens to Nymbleth.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Fenna is ready at level 3. I also agree to going back first.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
Vexas would use the bit of time to transcribe his scroll into the spellbook, but for now I'm happy with his prepared spells.
Female Half elf Ranger 6 Ini+3 HP 64/64 AC 18 T13 FF14 Fort+7 Ref+8 Will+3 Per+10 Spd 30
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
Going back is safer but with the CLW wand we can push it but I also wouldn't mind having my new 2nd level spells so going back is just fine.
I will get Malakar on here after work tonight. That week really flew by busy as heck at work and even had a theif try and run me over when I caught them.(They changed their tune and returned what they stole after we called their house and threatened with police, which we had go call anyway offah)
Glad you are alright Malakar.
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The Luetin / Harcourt Encounter was the last official sand-box encounter in Chapter 3.
Feel free to interact with NPC's and do town stuff over the weekend. I'll post where appropriate.
I'll assume you'll want to get a good-night's rest and start fresh the next day by attempting to locate the trail.
If you have other plans, let me know.
We'll officially start Chapter 4 on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!
I added more NPC pictures on Slide 2.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
This is an FYI that I'll be away this coming weekend, 6/12-13, with no access to computers or phone signal. I should be able to resume Sunday evening (US/Pacific time). Given that it's a weekend I expect minimal disruption.
Checking in. Busy time of the month with month-end-close. brain is mush. no creative juices.
Vexas - Hope your hitting the trail or something else fun and adventurous.
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male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
GM Mioki wrote: Vexas - Hope your hitting the trail or something else fun and adventurous. That is correct. Short backpacking in and an overnight.
Sorry for this week, Folks.
Work got a bit crazy. Then a migraine totally crushed me at the end of the week.
Posts are up.
Brannart Teskerwill wrote: Most often, you can't Take 10 in combat because that constitutes being threatened or distracted, which prevents Take 10. Bards get a special ability to Take 10 on Knowledge checks in combat, which loses its value if it is just something anyone can do.
There are a lot of debates about what else constitutes being threatened or distracted. I have a pretty narrow definition of such (I would allow Take 10 on Climb if you are not being attacked), while other GMs have a much more expansive definition (considering gravity to be threatening you). Still, combat is pretty universally agreed to be included.
But then, maybe we do not perceive ourselves to be in combat yet.
I agree with not having the option of Taking 10 in combat. Since combat has yet to begin and Sho was in no immediate danger, the option of Taking 10 made sense to me.
I'll still stand by that rolling will potentially get you greater rewards than Taking 10.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
Vexas Flamespark wrote: This is an FYI that I'll be away this coming weekend, 6/12-13, with no access to computers or phone signal. I should be able to resume Sunday evening (US/Pacific time). Given that it's a weekend I expect minimal disruption. Back, catching up.
Hey guys,
Hate to do this again, but I have to drop this game. I had a significant medical scare last week that warrants a life-style change. I need to focus on this.
Feel free to use the Recruitment Thread if you want to seek a replacement.
Best wishes
Female Half elf Ranger 6 Ini+3 HP 64/64 AC 18 T13 FF14 Fort+7 Ref+8 Will+3 Per+10 Spd 30
Take care of yourself! That's the most important thing! it's only a game, it's not worth your health or worse...
Male CG Undine(frostsoul) Druid(SharkShaman) 5|HP 57/57|AC w/o Shield 18(T:14, FF:15)|AC w/Shield 20(T:14,FF:17)|CMB +6 CMD 20|F:+7, R:+5, W:+7|Init +3|Perc: +10|Speed 20ft., Swim 20ft.|Spells 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd:1/1|Hero Point 0|
Hope you are ok!
Sucks to lose you again as you have been a great GM but if the game is attached to the problem do what is best for you.
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Take care Mioki! I hope you're alright! We'll miss you!
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
yeah, wow, hope it turns out okay! We'll hold down the fort and say high every now and then.
M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
Sorry for the news.
I may get around to posting for a recruitment later... or I have some other GMs that I might ask. I do hope we can find a way to keep this game going.
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M Human Ftr6 | AC 25, T13, FF23, CMD 23 (29 vs Grapple, 25 vs Disarm, 26 vs Trip) | HP (64/64) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +6 (low-light) | Hero Points: 2
I've posted in a Discord thread frequented by some pretty solid GMs asking for someone to step in here.
I've also posted in the discussion thread of a campaign I am in (and during a previous vacancy I had posted in the discussion thread of some of my other games).
If any of you have GMs that you like, or players that you think would be good GMs, please do try to put the word out.
Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 20 (T: 13, F: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 (+10 vs Enchantments) | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Speed 30' | Performance:15/18 | Hero Points 3
Thanks Brannart! I've been very busy this past week and haven't had a chance to think about it.
I don't know anyone in a position to pick up an extra game I'm afraid.
male halfling unchained rogue 3/wizard 3 | ♥️37 | ⛨21 t16 ff17; dodge +1 vs attacks by traps | CMB 1, CMD 16 | F+4 R+10 (evasion; avoid traps +1) W+6; +2 vs. fear | Init +8 | Perc +15 (avoid surprise +1, locate traps +1), SM +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells 2nd ☐invisibility ☐mirror image 1st ☐color spray ☐comprehend languages ☐touch of the sea | Arcane bond☑ | Hand of the Apprentice☐☐☐☐☐☐ | cat burglar’s boots reroll☐ | Skillful☐ | Active conditions: none
I've asked and all that I know are at limit :/