
Game Master Galahad0430

Expanded Kingmaker campaign

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Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Landing a few feet away, just out of thier sight, Faerin transforms back into the natural form, stepping out from the trees to slowly approach the horses, speaking to them soothingly as she works to calm them both, hoping to bring them back to the group.

Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Sovereign Court

Sorry folks, dealing with hurricane issues at the moment. I will try to gett he posts moving.

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Half-Orc Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 / Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3| HP - 64 | AC - 19 | F+9, R+7, W+7| Perc +1 (DARKvision 90') |

Please stay safe!!!

Sovereign Court

Faerin successfully brings back the other two horses, now two of you do the strength checks with a +2 bonus.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Pyros leans into it, giving it all he can.

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Faerin moves into position beside Pyros, uttering a spell in druidic as she does. The muscles in her arms and legs become somewhat more pronounced, lean corded muscle infused with rat strength.

Strength/ Bull's strength: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 18

Sovereign Court

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Sorry. very busy with hurricane after effects. I work as an inspector for AT&T and have been out a lot doing damage surveys. I will get things moving tonight.

Sovereign Court

Pyros and Faerin are able to dislodge the boulder holding the wagon wheel. The wagon gives a frightening lurch, but the ropes and horses, combined with everyone's efforts, successfully prevent the wagon from being swept away. With a lot of effort, you are able to manhandle the wagon back to the bank of the river.

Afterwards, one of the gnomes, the obvious leader gestures for you. His clothees are dirty and ragged. They once were stylish and wealthy, but it appears those times are long gone. Despite his disheveled appearance, he still has an air of diginity and even still manages to maintain a superior manner.

"Jubilost Narthropple, at your Grace's service." He gives a slight, but correct bow.
"Your help with those Kobolds and my almost drowned wagon was timely indeed."

He brushes some of the more obvious dirt from his clothes.
"By the way, it is a shame no one organized a greeting party when such a famous and popular person as myself came to visit your capital. I wasn't expecting red carpets and rose petals, but some sort of delegation could have, at least, been sent ahead to greet me. Well, at least some of my servants are still alive. Do you know how long it takes to train up a proper servant?"

The gnome talks fast, barely seeming to take a breath. It is apparent he has some emotion piled up and needed to vent.

LG Male Human ranger 7

Ekundayo rolls his eyes at the audacity of this creature, and just grunts. Checking his bow and his quiver, he looks at Pyros and says nothing.

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Faerin arches an eyebrow at the leader of the gnomes' arrogance toward his rescuers, turning a glance toward Pyros, and cracking her neck as her strength spell wears off.

"We are glad that we were able to rescue your group from the kobolds and the river." she replies, "The wilds are still treacherous for those not used to survival outdoors."

The man's offhand mention of losing the lives of his 'servants' definitely didn't sit well with the Druidess.

Sovereign Court

"Not used to survival outdoors? My dear Lady, I doubt you would find anyone much more experienced at that than myself!" The Gnome replies with an incredulous look.
"I have travelled the breadth of Golarion for years now,"

Half-Orc Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 / Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3| HP - 64 | AC - 19 | F+9, R+7, W+7| Perc +1 (DARKvision 90') |
Galahad0430 wrote:

"Not used to survival outdoors? My dear Lady, I doubt you would find anyone much more experienced at that than myself!" The Gnome replies with an incredulous look.

"I have travelled the breadth of Golarion for years now,"

"Years? Really? No wonder this is all you have left. Ah, this makes MUCH more sense now! Callous disregard for life, ridiculously inflated arrogance, clearly the "bredth of Golarion" has rejected you, and now you are here with us. Well met! I take it you need directions to Numeria, we can certainly help you!"

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Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

Pyros sighs and shakes his head at Reg’s manner. He then steps forward to speak with the traveler. ”Ours is a new and growing town, and we’ve yet to set up heralds to announce famous visitors, much less the sort of outriders who might know by sight the names and reputations of renowned foreign personages such as yourself., and relay news of your coming to town in time for us to arrange a reception.” he says, not quite bowing, but inclining his head to Narthropple. ”I do hope that when next you travel this way we will have had the time and prosperity to grow into the sort of city which can afford such services.”

Half-Orc Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 / Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3| HP - 64 | AC - 19 | F+9, R+7, W+7| Perc +1 (DARKvision 90') |

"I am also willing to send word ahead to Numeria ..."

Sovereign Court

The gnome ignores Reg, seemingly used to people trying to bait him, and responds to Pyros.
"Somewhat understandable, your Grace, but as a famous traveller, let me tell you that the roads of your lands are the face of your Barony. First impressions are hard to shake. However, I shall keep an open mind as I document my travels here. I also should have remebered that your lands are in the middle of nowhere, it is no wonder you did not receive notice of my arrival. What do you call your new barony by the way?"

Sovereign Court

Since Pyros is gone, I will bot him through the rest of this and then deal with the change of leadership.

Pyros accepts the criticism stoicly.
"It is a problem we are working on. We can escort you to the capitol. There is an unusual incursion of organized trolls that we are dealing with currently."

Sovereign Court

"That is most gracious of you, your Grace." Jubilost responds.
"Organized trolls you say? How fascinating. I have never seen that in all my travels. While here I had planned on looking for some of the ancient dwarven ruins of their fortresses from the time of the Road of Shields. Such ruins may be a perfect place for trolls to gather. You have proven yourselves to be quite capable, perhaps we can join forces to work this problem?"

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

"We actually indend to investigate the ruins for exactly that reason. Some of the trolls apparently also have protection against fire magic, which is truly unusual. We have reason to believe that the source of this protection might have come from the ruins." Faerin replies.

Sovereign Court

"Excellent!" Jubilost responds.
"Then it's off to the capitol!"

He begins organizing his group to get all their gear on the wagon and head for the road.

Sovereign Court

You arrive at the capitol and are immediately met by Kesten. He looks apprehensive. He rushes up to Pyros.
"Your Grace, there is an emmisary here from Kyonin, he insists on a private audience. He refused to tell me details, but his papers bear the seal of Queen Telandia Edasseril herself!"

Pyros frowns.
"The queen? I should see this emmisary immediately then."
He then hurries off with Kesten as the rest of you disperse to attend to other duties.

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Faerin first goes to meet with Tristan and Jhod, to see if any further information on the curse, before checking in on Linzi. If anyone took note of anything that occurred while they were gone, it would be her.

Besides she would definitely want to know what happened out there.

Sovereign Court

Everyone takes care of personal things and a few hours later everyone is summoned to the council chamber by Pyros. When you arrive, both Kesten Garress and Kassil Aldori are there. In addition, Svetlana, as the other member of the Adivsory Council is there. Apparently, Pyros has also asked Harrim, Amiri, Valerie, Jubilost, and, of course, Linzi to be in attendance. A summons was also sent to Ekundayo. The emmisary from Kyonin is also there, along with a tall human man that no one recognizes.

Kassil looks unhappy, but Kesten is stone faced as usual with no obvious emotion showing. Most of the rest have varying degrees of question or expectation on their faces. It is obvious that they are as in the dark as you. The Kyonin emmisary looks stern.

Pyros waits for everyione to get settled and then he stands.
"There has been a rather unexpected development. It appears that somehow I am the new head of the Western Marches of Kyonin. There has been a savage attack that decimated the area, apparently killing all of the ruling family of Greengold. I was nit even aware of my kinship to them. I have been summoned by Queen Edasseril to take up the mantle of leadership for Greengold."

Kassil immediately objects.
"But, Your Grace, you have an oath to Lady Jamandi, it can't just be ignored!"

Sovereign Court

The Kyonin emmissary makes a dismissive gesture towards Kassil.
"Pyros's duty to Kyonin far preceeds any such oaths. The laws are adamant, Pyros must serve!"

You all can see the pained expression pass by on Pyros's face.

LG Male Human ranger 7

Ekun stands stoically by and watches the emotions play across Pyros face and the faces of the others. He speaks softly, but loudly enough that everyone hears "family must come first. Pyros, you must be with your kin. We can handle it here."

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Faerin considers the situation, seeing the turmoil on Pyros' face, and concern on Lady Jamandi's. "If the entire royal family has fallen, they will need strong, intelligent leadership. I can attest that they will find that in you Pyros. Your blood needs you."

Looking to each of her companions then settling her eyes on Lady Jamandi. "We all hold by our oath to you My Lady, and we mean to hold to it. What we are doing here, founding here, is bigger than anyone person. Nature abhors a vacuum, and should Pyris need to vacate his post, it will be filled. Life Endures."

F CG Half-Elf Arcane Trickster 3/Rogue 1/Wizard 3 | HP 40/53 | AC 20 (22 ranged) T 14 (16 ranged touch) FF 15 +4 | CMB +2 CMD 16 (18 vs ranged) | F +5 R +11 (+12) W +9(+11)* | Impromptu sneak attack: 1/2

"Well said! I dare say, that last part would look wonderful on a crest." Octavia comments.

Sovereign Court

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Faerin, Lady Jamandi is not there, she is being represented by Kassil. We'll just say you said "Kassil" in place of her in your previous posts.

"There is no way for me to avoid this duty. My primary concern is determining a successor." Pyros says. He looks around the table.
"You are the ones at the core of this barony. Faerin has been here since the very beginning. If everyone agrees, I would nominate her to fill my post."

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

As much as Pyros' logic makes perfect sense, it still comes as a bit of a surprise to hear him say it out loud. She turns to look at the rest of her companions and members of the inner council, studying their expressions, awaiting a reaction to the suggestion, for good or ill.

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LG Male Human ranger 7

To the group, he says "being one with nature is good. Dog and I are the newest of the companions, but we agree that Faerin should rule."

Ekundayo then turns to Faerin and dropping to one knee, "I pledge my support to you and this land."

Sovereign Court

"One last act before i go is to change the Treasurer position. Svetlana made it clear that she was only temprary. I jave talked with Mr. Narthropple, and he has agreed to fill that post. His experience is a boon for us I believe, especially as it pertains to ecomnomic matters." Pyros looks around the table again.

Those gathered also nod their agreement to the idea of Faerin stepping into Pyros's position.

"We need a ceremony!" Linzi immediately speaks up.
"Pyros was made nobility by Lady Jamandi's hand. I think that he js the power to do the same for Faerin."

"The young bard is correct." Jubilost interjects.
"Formailty in such matters is quite important if you want your new nation to be taken seriously by other nations."

Half-Orc Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 / Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3| HP - 64 | AC - 19 | F+9, R+7, W+7| Perc +1 (DARKvision 90') |
Linzi wrote:

"We need a ceremony!" Linzi immediately speaks up.

"Pyros was made nobility by Lady Jamandi's hand. I think that he js the power to do the same for Faerin."

"There is only one other who speaks Druidic, and that would be me: I think the ceremony should be Pyros releasing his title to the land, myself asking the land to bless the passing of the title, and Faerin embracing the land & taking the mantle of the land's protector. The addition of another priest would not be offensive either, perhaps a cleric of Erastil."

"There is a great deal to be said for the ancient laws of the land being observed: we have many people of the Green Faith here, they would be honored."

F CG Half-Elf Arcane Trickster 3/Rogue 1/Wizard 3 | HP 40/53 | AC 20 (22 ranged) T 14 (16 ranged touch) FF 15 +4 | CMB +2 CMD 16 (18 vs ranged) | F +5 R +11 (+12) W +9(+11)* | Impromptu sneak attack: 1/2

"I'm all for it, however we do it formally! Octavia adds, not overly concerned with the formalities.

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

"I'm both honored and humbled." Faerin responds, as her friends and fellow council members discuss the transition of power. "I agree with Reg's idea of honoring the land itself in this, it helps to establish one of the key aspects of this nation we are founding. One in harmony with the natural world, drawing strength from it rather than trying to dominate the land."

"Jhod could be the Priest involved. He is both popular with the local people and a cleric of Erastil. I know he would be happy to do so."

Sovereign Court

"We would need to find a replacement for Faerin as High Priest as well. Jhod could serve, but Harrim might be a good choice as his worship of Groetus is personal and he might be more evenhanded when dealing with other faiths." Pyros says, bringing up the other vacancy created by the change.

Kassil listens to the conversation and finally nods.
"I believe Lady Jamandi will be amenable to the change in leadership as proposed. Not that she has any authority over the decision, but I would hope that you want to continue the good relations with Restov."

Kesten interrupts as well.
"Perhaps the news I have is fortuitous."
He indicates the stranger at the meeting.
"This is Anton Dragi, he served on the personal guard of Lady Jamandi. He is somewhat overqualified as a guardsman and was employed as a troubleshooter by Lady Jamandi. With the loss of His Grace, he can help with fill the loss of such a fine warrior."

Human Fighter 5/Monk 1/Aldori Sworlord 1 AC-24, T-19, FF-18; Init +7; F +9, R +12, W +7; Perc +14; Sense Mot. +14

Standing patiently while the others discussed the future of the new barony, Anton watched the byplay to assess the people in the room. He already knew Kesten and Kassil well, but most of the others he only knew by reputation. It pleased him to see the calm discussion of succession. Such thinghs were rare. He decided then that this was a place he could be proud to serve.

At Kesten's introduction, Anton steps forward. He bows to Pyros.
"Your grace."
He then turns to Faerin and bows as well.
"M'Lady, I would be honored to serve you. Restov is a fine city, but here is where the action is. I can be of great help in wresting out a new nation from these wild lands."

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:
Galahad0430 wrote:
"We would need to find a replacement for Faerin as High Priest as well. Jhod could serve, but Harrim might be a good choice as his worship of Groetus is personal and he might be more evenhanded when dealing with other faiths." Pyros says, bringing up the other vacancy created by the change.

"I think Harrim would be an excellent choice. While his devotion to Groetus is unmistakable, he does not project his beliefs onto anyone, which is what the followers of the Green Faith would prefer. Besides, I still intend to see a Sacred Grove created soon." Faerin agrees with Pyros' assessment.

As Kesten introduces the newcomer, Anton, she nods, with a small smile. "A pleasure to have you join us, Anton, with Lord Pyros focusing he mighty sword arm elsewhere, we have need of stout hearts and good blades. While we have a fearsom General, we definitely have need of a Warden, and other guardians and protectors as well. I'm sure you'll find no shortage of action with us."

Sovereign Court

The meeting goes on and the changes to the barony are ironed out. Linzi goes off to preparea short (at Pyros's request) ceremony for the change of leadership.

Sovereign Court

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You gather in the town square for a small, public ceremony. The strong scent of fresh cut lumber pervades the area from the rush of new construction. Most of the townfolk have gathered to watch. An almost festival atmosphere infuses the ceremony. Jhod opens the ceremony with a benediction to Erastil (by far, the prevailing god that is venerated by the population), but also includes many others at the end. Harrim then steps forward and surprises everyone by giving a somewhat bright, for him, benediction that heavily follows the Green Faith. He even looks less glum than usual.

Linzi then presides over the ceremony. Pyros steps up and gives a short speech. He then calls Faerin forward and bequeaths a noble title upon her. Linzi then does a formal changing of leadership ceremony that ends with Faerin giving her oath to the land and the people of the barony. Linzi then presents Baroness Faerin to the crowd, who roar with approval.

Sovereign Court

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I guess we'll move forward. I have to update the campaign page with the current barony stats and event list, I'll do that tonight. I believe you were all headed to the old dwarven fortress that Ekun and Jubilost mentioned?

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Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Honored, and deeply moved by both the ceremony and reaction of the crowd, Faerin fully embraces the celebration, connecting with the people and councilors of what was now her responsibility, as well as ensuring that Pyros has an honored sendoff, and the promise that should Kyonin need an ally in the Stolen Lands, they would find one here.

Sovereign Court

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Before you leave, Kesten tells you of a missing boy. The mother swears he was taken by a notorious swamp witch in the Southern Narlmarches. You will pass by her place on the way to the ruins and the mother is pleading for you to check for him on your way.

Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:

Faerin takes a moment to meet the distraught mother directly, taking her hands as she meets the woman's troubled gaze. "I promise you, we will do our best to find out what happened to your son, and bring him home to you if possible." she says honestly.

Before the group leaves, she takes Kesten and Ekun aside. "While we're gone, see if you can assemble a list of hunters, woodsfolk, rangers and the like that could be trained to act as a patrol in the wilder area and on our outer borders." she says to the noble warrior. "When we return, I'd like you to take command of them if you will, Ekun. Train them to be our justice in the wilderness."

Setting up Ekun as Marshal (If you want the role, Ekun)
"The Marshal helps organize patrols and enforces justice in rural and wilderness regions.
Benefit: Increase Economy by a value equal to the Marshal’s Dexterity or Wisdom modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Economy by 4."

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F CG Half-Elf Arcane Trickster 3/Rogue 1/Wizard 3 | HP 40/53 | AC 20 (22 ranged) T 14 (16 ranged touch) FF 15 +4 | CMB +2 CMD 16 (18 vs ranged) | F +5 R +11 (+12) W +9(+11)* | Impromptu sneak attack: 1/2

"So Reg, going to get that armor you've been drooling over?" Octavia asks with a smirk.

LG Male Human ranger 7

"It will be my honor to be your marshal" Ekundayo replies to Faerin.

Turning to Kesten, "while I am out with the baroness and companions, I would like for you to begin compiling the list, and start to organize patrols and outposts for the barony."

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