When you arrive back to the capitol, Kesten is waiting with urgent news.
"Your Grace, I fear their is another matter that requires your attention. There have been reports from across the Narlmarches, many of them. There are trolls in the forest, seemingly a horde of them."
"Rumors have it that they are more than the typical savage beasts; they are banding together and displaying reason and tactics. They group together and attack all at once, plundering villages and carrying away peasants. Even stranger, Kobolds have been spotted amongst their ranks when normally they would be attacked on sight." He hesitates for a moment.
"I'm not certain how reliable these reports are, several of them claim that the trolls carried torches and burned buildings down. They seem to have not been afraid of open flames. That seems to be an exaggeration, perhaps other reports are as well."
"I believe this requires your personal attention. Much of that land is still unclaimed wilderness, but there are numerous tiny settlements in there, and they are all in danger."