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Completely sincere.
Being able to cast an extra cure spell will be quite beneficial to a group of lvl 1 characters who haven't had time to acquire healing resources.

Bumbo'kla S'agonnagin |

@Bumbo: Do me a favor when you cast spells like that. Go ahead and tell me what your save DC is so I don't have to look up your stats and feats. Please. I believe this one is a DC 15

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Sorry, Toot! It was a choice between a 20% miss chance on the goblin or including you in the mist....
Now, kill that goblin and get some protection until Mizzug can catch up with the archer.

Razkiv |

I am out of spell resources as well, Not sure if I over extended also not sure if going forward with both divine casters out of spells is the right plan.

Mizzug |

I'm out of rage and longtooth shift as well.
As a player, I agree with your concerns Razkiv. As a character, Mizzug is all go and no pause. :-P

GM Sphen |

No post from me today. I'm going to get some extra sleep after a fun filled but exhausting convention weekend. See you all tomorrow.

Razkiv |

Get some good rest, don't let the con crud get a foot hold.

GM Sphen |

A few things for future reference.
1) I'm also listening to this AP being played on a podcast (Rocks and Runelords) and a potential point of contest came to mind. So to clear it up now since I won't remember in the months to come.... There will come a time in Book 2 where I will decide some of your character actions for you, POTENTIALLY. This will ONLY happen as a result of a failed save. And ONLY within the confines of the specific effect. I myself hate when I don't get to control my character, and I am not trying to take away your agency. But haunts can do some really nasty things, and this is one of them. So, fair warning for 2021, or whenever we get to that point.
2) I don't know where everyone is or will be, but Thanksgiving and Christmas are both creeping up on us. So, we will be taking some break time around then. I won't be expecting the 4 posts a week on the week of Thanksgiving or the week of Christmas, or the week of New Year's. I've been super happy with the posting rate from all of you. Always having something to respond to when I sit down each morning has been great. So thank you all for that. But I also won't ask you for something that I can't commit to, and I won't commit to daily posts when I'm doing family stuff, traveling, etc.
3) How's everyone feeling about the game? We're a few months in, everyone happy with their characters? I usually allow a rebuild before hitting 2nd level as long as it is discussed with me first.

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I am very happy so far and hopeful that the energy and interest level will stay high.

Mizzug |

I fully understand Haunts, some spells, etc cause a creature to not perform on it's own control at time. Especially in a PbP setting, it would be much simpler for you to take over in that situation than having to tell us what we are able to do and waiting for us to post as such.
I do have a question: Can I take Craft: Tribal Tattooing as a background skill? I never picked one up at creation
I am enjoying my character still and look forward to future shenanigans with her. I do hope she is still around at later levels. :-P

Mizzug |

Starting Saturday, I'll be out of state with no internet and little to no phone service. I'll be gone for about a week.
Feel free to Bot as necessary to keep things moving. If I get a chance/remember I'll try to put up a generic "Bot Me" guide in my profile before then.

Loth Dalveran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've definitely been enjoying myself! I have found it a bit hard to really work out how to be effective in combat as a rogue, but I suspect a few levels will increase my options to be useful significantly.
Also just better playing because I somehow completely forgot I've got a twin weapon fighting feat how could I forget this
As for the other stuff, that's all perfectly fine and understandable. Real life intervenes often during the holidays, understandably so. And I've got enough faith in your GMing that I wouldn't mind surrendering control as the result of a failed Haunt save.

Razkiv |

I am really enjoying the game, I might take you up on the rebuild, not much of a change but i am not sure about my archetype, I really like the green faith but giving up wild-shape times per day for the other bonuses doesn't seem like a great trade.
I am interested to know if any of you have suggestions.

Aventail |

Fine with story taking control. You are the boss, boss.
Fine with holiday breaks. Family matters.
Enjoying Aventail and the crew. Fine mix of personalities. Game great, and nice to see it deviating in places from the initial run through I had. This is my...third RotR, and they have all been different. Will think about build...
Thanks for running the game GM Sphen!

GM Sphen |

@Mizzug: Yes. Go ahead and pick up the back ground skill
@Loth: Consider (just a thought) a level dip into Magus and pick up color spray. Makes getting sneak attack much easier.
@Razkiv: What do you want your character to be? What initially drew you to the green faith options?
@Everyone: I appreciate the vote on confidence from everyone. And now, back to the game!

Loth Dalveran |

Hmm... That magus dip might be a good idea, I'll mull that over for a while.
Something I've already given thought however is a slight rebuild: I've built Loth with all the standard racial traits, but I was thinking Loth might benefit from the Fleet of Foot alternate racial trait.
It'd replace Sure-Footed and Slow Speed and give Loth a 30ft movement speed at the cost of his halfling-given +2 to Acrobatics and Climb. What do you think, GM?

GM Sphen |

I think the +2 Acrobatics will be useful for tumbling around people and moving through threatened areas. I know that this will be very important starting in book 3 for all melee characters.
Climb is obviously important when you need it, but you could go an entire book and never use it.
+10 movement speed is always useful to have.
A relevant feat only gives +5 movement, whereas a relevant feat gives +3 (and eventually +6) to the skill. Seems like a good trade off mechanically.
As for story....
It seems Loth is a bit of an outcast even amongst his own family. Maybe the physical aspect of the longer legs plays into that.

Razkiv |

I am drawn to the green faith because I like the idea of nature worship not tied to a being.
I like the idea as a fire focused Druid that my fire spells don't hurt plants.
Long term I want to focus on Wild Shape, and that is why I am worried about my Archetype. When picking my archetype I eliminated all of the archtypes with CL penalties to Wild Shape and ones that would not allow the Fire(Ash) domain.
Long Story short I think I will rebuild, w/o archtype and change my first level feat.

Loth Dalveran |

As for story....
It seems Loth is a bit of an outcast even amongst his own family. Maybe the physical aspect of the longer legs plays into that.
That's an interesting observation, certainly not one I had in mind when creating him! After the family business and reputation collapsed, I imagine Loth very actively starts doing whatever he can to support the family, but that says nothing about how they see him, of course... :)
If I have your blessing, then, I'll switch out the racial traits before our next battle/relevant skill check. Thanks for the input!

GM Sphen |

@Raz: "Don't let the rules get in the way of your game". Don't remember who said it, but it's important. If you want to worship nature without a deity, go right ahead. If you want to follow the Green Faith without taking the archetype, go ahead. Almost all of my characters follow a deity, very few of them do so mechanically. Just a RP choice.
What feat are you dropping and which are you taking up?
@Loth: May the blessing of the GM be upon you.
If I'm wrong about how you view Loth, please let me know. I don't want to shove my perceptions onto your character.

Razkiv |

What feat are you dropping and which are you taking up?
I am dropping the archetype, going vanilla Druid, I am not changing Feats, I like the Green Faith Acolyte Feat so I am sticking with it.

Loth Dalveran |

If I'm wrong about how you view Loth, please let me know. I don't want to shove my perceptions onto your character.
Not at all, and it's all good, really. I very consciously made the decision not to divulge too much about the people in Loth's backstory to give you as much free reign as possible when it comes to their personality and role in the story.
Loth has been edited and is ready for optimal running and suboptimal acrobatics now!

Loth Dalveran |

Does anyone know the board policies on swearing in games?
The play by post I run has had some players use some slightly harsh language (f-word and such) only to have it hilariously get filtered to something like "#@!#".
It added a certain je ne sais quoi.
Mizzug |

Essentially, unless someone reports your post, the Mods tend to be fairly lenient from my understanding. I suspect part of that has to do with the extreme number of posts in a given day.
Depending on the word, they are filtered. Some are not though.

GM Sphen |

Well, that leads to the question of: How does everyone feel about swearing in the game? It will, of course, stay pertinent to the situation, and (hopefully) not excessive. But let's just double check.

Razkiv |

I am not offended by profanity, in it's place.

Loth Dalveran |

Swearing to me is perfectly fine, lest we don't delve into more excessive slurs. However, I doubt that that's something I need to worry about in this game.

Aventail |

F*&% yeah!
BTW - how much gold did we receive? Is it only from Aldern or did the town give us some too?

GM Sphen |

50 gp from Aldern is what you've gotten, plus whatever else you already had from character creation. The city hasn't rewarded you all..... yet.

Loth Dalveran |

Just a heads up: Might not be able to drop a post tomorrow, I'll be out of town.

Razkiv |

I am on vacation with my family this week. I'll do my best to keep up.

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If we want to pitch in for something, a vial of antitoxin to pass to whomever might get poisoned might make more sense than a healer's kit for the time being.
The uses of a healer's kit are limited at Level 1, and the antitoxin is more certain to provide a bonus, though it is single use.
I also think our limited money is better spent on swarm offense (alchemical weapons) and defense (repellent) than on curing the effects, but I'll go along with other opinions.

Loth Dalveran |

That's also perfectly fine by me; bottom line is Loth is always willing to pitch in for larger purchases.

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Smelling Salts are 25gp
Vermin Repellent is 5gp.
Leeching Kit is 5gp.
My purchases (Smelling Salts, 2 Vermin Repellent) are 35gp x .9 = 32gp

Aventail |

Aventail should have a bit to throw in once she's finished at the General Store.

GM Sphen |

Just so everyone knows, shopping in the future will not be this detailed (unless you wish it to be). So if you were/are concerned about how we've taken 2 weeks to do some basic shopping, don't worry. This is just to introduce some NPC's and help you get a feel for the town some.

Mizzug |

In a meeting most of today. Will be this evening before I get a chance to post

Loth Dalveran |

Wall of text is fine for me as well.

GM Sphen |

I'm feeling like hot garbage right now. Sp unless a miracle happens, don't expect a post from me tomorrow. I will, however, post a wall o text for the next bit to get us back into things.

Loth Dalveran |

Get well soon!

Mizzug |

Sorry for my delay. I really thought I'd be able to post in the evenings this week.
Apparently 10hrs of training with 2hrs of driving took more out of me than I anticipated. Working on getting back up to speed.

Mizzug |

I apologize again for my absence.
Life has been running me ragged as of late. Thank you for the bot GM.

GM Sphen |

I'm going to be dark most of next week. Don't want to leave you guys on a cliff hanger, but holidays, family, travel, yada yada yada. I can't promise I'll have enough to time for posting. I should be on Monday, but after that it is all up in the air. Merry Christmas everyone (or whichever you celebrate, Merry that).