GM Sphen Rise of the Runelords: (Clever Subtitle)

Game Master Sphen86


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Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

How common are Warforged assumed to be?

Are we assuming a history more in line with Eberron or is a single Warforged an anomaly that none of us would have heard of?


Here is the info I gave last time. TL;DR: Warforged are about as common as (let's say) a Wayang or Fethcling. They're around, but in a city the size of Magnimar, there might be 3. In a town the size of Sandpoint, a local may go their entire life without ever seeing one or meeting someone who has.

Also, Aventail may be choosing to go another way with their specific character. So keep that in mind.


Nex and Geb. Two small countries far away from Sandpoint, where it's biggest problems are the local goblin tribes. But anyone who knows about them knows that they've been at constant war for generations. And, as history has shown, war breeds innovation (amongst other things). No one knows which side started the Warforged project, as they were found buried near the constantly fluctuating boarder, but both sides could agree that they are a marvel. The Pathfinders who had discovered this place had found nothing but ruins around the top, and had expected as much down below. But after getting through the seals protecting the door, they found something far more. A facility deep underground, a walkway that spiraled down and around, hundreds upon hundreds of feet, an open shaft of air in the middle dozens of feet across. The chamber was dimly lit only by the soft glow of crystals placed into the wall, but each crystal was at least 5 feet tall. And when the first explorer set foot on the ramp, they began to glow brighter. But they moved in anyway, expecting some sort of trap any minute, they moved cautiously down the ramp.

At the bottom, they found what one of them described as "the biggest damn armory I've ever seen, and I went to fight in Mendev against that damned demon horde". Tables, racks, cabinets, all full of weapons. Shelves and chests full of staves and spell books. Rope and lock picks and cloaks and battering rams. Alchemy labs, forges, shields, armor plating, every type of weapon you could imagine. Whoever built this place, they were arming people for war. And that is when they heard the first hiss.

From nearby, one of the crystals on the wall began to move, slowly lifting from the bottom up. Immediately on their guard, the Pathfinder agents moved together to form a defensive circle as another crystal began to slowly lift, then another, and another. Soon, every crystal they could still see had started opening. And out of them stepped creatures they had never seen before. Roughly human in height, most of them were as broad as dwarves. Their bodies covered in a variety of materials (wood, stone, mostly metal), their eyes made of gemstones (usually the same color, but not always); it quickly became apparent to them that these creatures had as much variety as humans themselves in their size, shape, and "eye" color.

They had little in the way of knowledge. This is not to say that they were dumb, just that they lacked experience. Most of them learned quickly though, as the Pathfinder Society took responsibility for them and integrating them into this world that they had never seen. They did know one thing, however. They had not been born into these bodies of magic and technology. They had been people once, so long ago that they cannot remember if they volunteered or not for this. The writings found later in this facility gave them a name, one that stuck despite their distaste for it. Warforged.

Male NG Halfling Unchained Rogue 6 | HP:-4/46 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +4; +2 vs fear effects | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, Sense Motive +6 Stealth +15 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack 3d6 | Active conditions: STR damage 1 | Ammo: 12 arrows | Danger Sense +2

Got the base stats for my rogue down. Ended up going with an Unchained rogue, mostly because the debilitating strike effects sounds like a lot of fun!

I may also have renamed him after realizing he shared a name with the halfling iconic

Full backstory still pending, but as a bit of expansion, I'm thinking his grandfather the Dalvaran patriarch and an accomplished adventurer in his own right, disappeared during his latest trek. Because of this, he left his fellow adventurers to fend for themselves at a critical moment, and they consider him a traitor and a cheat because of it. Word spread fast and once it reached the family's clientele, the family's reputation and mercantile success took a nosedive. Loth is in Sandpoint for the festival and opening of the new cathedral, because his family had a hand in supplying the necessary construction material before it all went south, and the family was invited to attend. Sandpoint is perhaps the last place in the world where the Dalveran name has not been completely dragged through the mud.

Is everything alright so far?


@Loth. Looks good. Details, but still plenty for me to work with.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

Given the work you put into that backstory I could hardly say no! An awesome fit. And Magnimar sounds good. Thank the Pathfinders for fighting for my personhood!!! And yes, filigree, without a trace of verdigris...any more.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

Gold: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 4, 5) = 23 x10 = 230.


So far we have

OSW as Aventail: A Warforged Cavalier

Ralphirus as Loth Dalvaran: Halfling Rogue (Unchained)

Brunoreturns as Dol Stormmaul: Dwarven Cleric (of Torag)

RePete as Rizzug: Shifter Barbarian

MrStr4ng3 as Razkiv: Dwarven Druid

Nayr as Sir Not Appearing in this Film: Nayr, you'll need to be heard from in some way soon, otherwise I'm going to move on without you.

Also, someone asked for some pre-game interactions, I believe. Who was that and what was your goal with it?

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

I had mentioned the pre-game interactions, I thought it would be nice to have a preexisting relationship, even if it is just cursory.

Come on Nayr, we could use some arcane might

I'm back today; was in flight back to the US yesterday. I'll be mostly done by tonight - enough to move along at least. If you need to move on before that, just let me know.


Razkiv wrote:

I had mentioned the pre-game interactions, I thought it would be nice to have a preexisting relationship, even if it is just cursory.

So not something I really need to get involved in. Got it. I like those, less work for me.

@Nayr: We won't be starting quite yet. Just wanted to make sure you were still around.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

We don't have any high-Int characters on this team, so we should probably figure out where the Knowledge skills are going. Preventing overlap will give us a better distribution of skill points.

Dol will max out Knowledge(Religion).

I assume Razkiv will cover Knowledge(Nature), and hopefully the Summoner will take Knowledge(Arcana).

I usually assume the Rogue will take Knowledge(Dungeoneering), and maybe spatter a few points in Geography/Engineering.

It will probably be important for someone to take History and Planes.

Male Gnome Summoner / 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 15/13/13 Perception +2 Initiative +2 Sense motive + 0 Saves F3/R3/W3 TOOT - AC 18 HP 25/25

Yup, I'll get Arcana and Planes, plus Spellcraft and UMD

I actually can't beat that min starting gold, so I'll take the min!

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Ouch, cavalier doesn't get any Knowledge.

Raz is came to town expecting/hoping to be welcomed into the family of Daviren Hosk but Master Hosk wile willing to offer a reward was not interested in inviting a savage Dwarf into his home.

He might find common ground with a Shifter barbarian, or another Dwarf. I am sort of thinking about Drinking buddies. He is running low on funds.

Male NG Halfling Unchained Rogue 6 | HP:-4/46 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +4; +2 vs fear effects | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, Sense Motive +6 Stealth +15 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack 3d6 | Active conditions: STR damage 1 | Ammo: 12 arrows | Danger Sense +2

Good call, Dol. I've taken Knowledge: Local to start with, but I'll be sure to throw a rank in the ones you mentioned on the first level up.

Me and Nayr worked out that Loth and Bumbo'kla will have met en route to Sandpoint so they'll be sticking with each other at the start. Or, at least, they won't be strangers.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

@Loth Oof, I forgot Local. Good pickup.

@Razkiv, if you were passing by Janderhoff on your way here, we could have travelled together. Dol would have enjoyed a dwarf's ear to bend with tales of all the storied structures he wants to visit before coming home.

Comparative religious philosophy would also be a favored talking point.


The same offer is open to anyone. It isn't a short trip from Janderhoff. Dol would have loved some company and safety in numbers. Either that, or he traveled with a caravan.

Dark Archive

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Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1
Razkiv wrote:
Ouch, cavalier doesn't get any Knowledge.

They get Knowledge(Stick them with the pointy end) and Knowledge(Don't walk behind the horse)

Male Gnome Summoner / 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 15/13/13 Perception +2 Initiative +2 Sense motive + 0 Saves F3/R3/W3 TOOT - AC 18 HP 25/25

Anyone have a preference for my second 1st level spell? Taking life conduit with my first.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

Grease is usually a pretty good control spell for first level.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

I took the Civilised trait which gets me a few Knowledge class skills, but they won't come online until 2nd level because I didn't have many ranks. Makes sense for Aventail to work up to knowing things after a memory wipe.

I'll accompany the dwarves from around Magnimar area.

Male Gnome Summoner / 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 15/13/13 Perception +2 Initiative +2 Sense motive + 0 Saves F3/R3/W3 TOOT - AC 18 HP 25/25

Thanks Dol. Just working on crunch now

Growing up in the gnomish society of Sanos Forest, Bumbo had no shortage of magical wonder to fill his day, and he took it all in with the appropriate level of open-mouthed awe. In that, he was no different from any other gnome. His parents were more aloof than most, and largely left him to his own devices when he was old enough to walk and talk. Bumbo spent his youth coming into his own inherent abilities, and finding his way through life like any good gnome would - largely by chance.

When he was nearing his thirties, Bumbo (he gave up trying to get people to pronounce his full name) began to have frightening visions. A fell beast of huge proportions would come to see him, day and night. The thing was a massive pig with a prodigious snout, covered with thin fur of varying colorful hues. It boasted a hugely muscled chest and forelegs before a plump round belly and stubby rear legs. However, instead of threatening to eat Bumbo or inflict bodily harm, the Beast would berate poor Bumbo for hours. It would comment upon his poor choices, lack of ambition, and slovenly appearance - all things which Bumbo had thought to be fine attributes. The gnome would hide or run when he saw the Beast, ignoring it until it would go away.

The truth of his ailment was discovered on a day that found Bumbo trying to go where he wasn't welcome. The Sanos Forest has many secrets, and Bumbo was trying to make his way to the sacred grove when he ran afoul of one of its most feared protectors - an alarm chicken. The creature ran at Bumbo and, though he didn't think it would actually hurt him, the great, rainbow pig from his nightmares appeared in between them. The Beast swallowed the chicken, then turned to lecture Bumbo for finding himself in such a situation…truly a bothersome beast.

When others in the forest heard of this, he was told he was a summoner, and that he should stop being scared of things his own mind was creating. It took quite a while for the pair to work together, but soon they reached an equally equitable relationship. Toot, named by Bumbo for his gaseous emissions, wanted to be the most powerful creature…anywhere…period. If Bumbo simply lined up the best battles and got out of the way, Toot would remain happy. Then, Toot would give Bumbo the time to practice his true love of the arts and music without being judged.

This worked for a time…until Toot decided there were to be better fights elsewhere. So, they left their forest home, Bumbo reluctantly marching towards whatever fate Toot led them to. Once they heard of the dangerous Hinterlands of Sandpoint and the great challenges to be had, their way was set.

Along the road, Bumbo met a fine halfling named Loth, and the pair traveled together for a time. Once Toot realized that Loth wasn't a threat, the pig seemed to like the companionship. Truth be told, Toot seemed to like Loth even better than the artsy gnomish summoner he was saddled with. Upon reaching Sandpoint, Bumbo was immediately taken with the place - gems of art and music could be found in some of the roughest places it seemed, and he found he would be quite proud to call this home.

Bumbo is generally upbeat and filled with an exuberant wonder at most things he sees. He tends to find the best in everything, and generally wants people to get along and live in peace. However, he is very cowed by his eidolon, and always tries to reason out what Toot would want him to do...even if it puts him in danger. It always does. Bumbo is an amateur musician and artist, and would love to some day have grand tales to tell, songs to sing, and places to paint. He's taken to Sandpoint as a treasured home, as has his eidolon. For his part, Toot only wants another good fight, until he's beaten all opponents.

Generally driven by Toot, Bumbo seeks out great battles into which he can send his eidolon, so the proud beast can prove his own worth. He will not, though, put others in danger knowingly to do so. Over the years he has been able to talk Toot down from that. Deep down, Toot does seem to know right and wrong, he just often forgets conveniently when those virtues get in the way of his goals. Other than that, Bumbo seeks betterment with his arts in his own time, and is happy for that free time when Toot is not pushing him on.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1
Aventail wrote:
I'll accompany the dwarves from around Magnimar area.

I'm not against the idea. Perhaps Razkiv and Dol took a ship from Korvosa to Magnimar? Just trying to think of a way that Magnimar would be between Janderhoff and Sandpoint.

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Down the river to Magnimar then up the coast to Sand point is probably the as quick a way to Sandpoint from Wartle, I could have met up with Dol in Wartle, and down the river to Magnimar then the three of us up the coast.

Can I really make text [color=red]red[/color] and [color=#0000ff]blue[/color]?

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

That works for me.

We could say that you steered me away from The Lean-To and we became drinking companions.

On our way to the gates of Magnimar, we could have happened upon Aventail. Dol certainly would have been fascinated and stopped to talk.

Sound ok to you, Aventail? Any particular place in Magnimar you want to place that meeting?

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Drinking with Raz teaches every one 2 things, 1) He is a beer/ale snob. 2) Way more then you ever wanted to know about brewing.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

If you want architecture, in Magnimar, you can't beat the Irespan. ;)

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

Sounds good. After leaving our boat in Dockway, we went over to look at one of the pilings and noticed the Warforged standing there.

Striking up a conversation, we eventually mentioned that we were headed to Sandpoint and wanted to get there before the cathedral opened. Seeing this as an opportunity, you asked to come along, and we agreed.

I'm ready to proceed whenever everyone else is.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

Works for me. All crunch completed except extra equipment - like the first time round, my Warforged seems to have lots of cash. Will complete some purchases...


I'll give everyone till Wednesday to finalize everything, and then we'll start over in the game play thread.

I'd like you all to do one thing for me when you're done. Make a post that condenses everything together for me. Not your crunch, but all of your background info, motivations, immediate and future goals, character relationships, etc. That way nothing gets missed. Post those up either later tomorrow (8/13) or early Wednesday (8/14).

As you may have noticed, I do most of my posting in the morning because of my work schedule. Shouldn't expect to hear from me anytime after noon (central time). But I'll pop in on occasion.

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Tentative time line::

4 Months ago: Raz emerges from the Sanos Forest and walks to the town of Wartle where he meets a Cleric of Torag as fate would have it they are both heading to Sandpoint, Dol suggests that the quicker path is down the river to Magnimar then up the coast and the pair begin traveling together
3 Months ago: the pair of dwarves meet a warforged also heading to Sandpoint and the pair become a trio
2 Months ago: Raz arrives in Sandpoint

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Do warforged eat and drink?

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

Born in Janderhoff, Dol comes from a long line of artsans and spellcasters. The Stormmauls used their skills to add decorative elements and enchantments to armor.

Dol took to the blacksmithing and loved it, but also developed a love for architecture and would spend long hours studying the various building of the Sky Citadel, being especially drawn to the dwarven temples. Sitting outside of them, the artistry in even the most simple functional buildings gave Dol feelings of peace and serenity and he swore he could hear music playing in his head.

One day, on the steps of a temple of Torag, a priest named Thrakgrog Jadebane noticed Dol standing there, oblivious to others and an expression of rapture on his face.

Recognizing the calling Dol was feeling, he began soflty humming a wordless tune that matched the song in Dol's head perfectly. Breaking out of his reverie, Dol stared in wonder at the priest.

They began talking and discussing Dol's spiritual feelings. Soon, Dol was taking his vows with the blessing of his family.

As his training came to an end, Dol became convinced that there was a higher form of architecture waiting to be tapped. The protective vaue of the fortified Torag temples could not be denied, but he felt that the function could be married with beauty. He felt deeply that if he could learn to tap that combination that he could design a temple that would cause every dwarf who viewed it to hear the same music he could hear.

Many of the priests disdained his ideas. Purists, they felt that all any dwarf needed was the safety and pure function of a well made wall. Thrakgrog sensed that this was an extension of his calling and that Dol had to explore the feelings that Torag was giving him.

He helped to convince the temple elders that Dol should be allowed time to travel and see the artistry of other cultures.

Dol donned his armor, bud his family farewell, and set out to see some of the world. A few months later, he finds himself in Sandpoint, staring at the beauty of the combined cathedral, noting every sweeping line and the beautiful light coming through the stained glass.

Dol has come to Sandpoint to visit the cathedral and other architectural marvels. Based on Razkiv's timeline, he would have had time to view the outside of the cathedral, the city's fortifications, and probably the lighthouse as well.

He would have tried to help out with a blacksmith in town as a way of practicing the tenets of his faith, and to earn a little coin to support himself.

When goblins arrive, he will quickly switch to defending the community

Short Term: After viewing the cathedral and experiencing its song, Dol wants to travel back to Magnimar to more thoroughly view the Irespan and to see the monuments, the Snake Run, and the Arvensoar.

Long Term: Dol expects to keep travelling, seeing more of the world, until he finds the meaning behind his calling. He will stop in various cities for a few weeks/months/years, working at smithing, forging magical items, and preaching the blessings of Torag.

Having met Razkiv on the way to Sandpoint and finding they had common interest, the two have become friends. Having more recently met Aventail, he is still unsure what to think of the large construct, but he sees her as another spark from Torag's hammer and wants to help her to make her way in the world.

Female-designation Warforged Cavalier (Disciple of the Pike) 1/Warpriest 1/Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1 HP 32/18 ; DR 2/adamantine; AC 19/T 10/FF 19; Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +3; Init +0; Per +6; SM +5; Spd 20 ft. CMB +5 CMD 15 Rage Rounds/Day: 7 | HP while Raging 42/42

@Raz: Warforged do not need to eat, sleep or breathe but can still benefit from consumable items.


@Some thousands of years ago in the Age of Azlant: The construct-housings of Azlant, known today as Warforged, bear a little similarity to those crude imaginings-made-physical-form from the wastelands of Nex and Geb. No, these true constructed beings express the pinnacle of technological acumen and artistry of the ancient Azlant. Whether due to sickness, or near-death, or yet possibly a dire form of servitude or even punishment, souls were implanted within these casings of gearwork, metal lattice, glistening fiber and filigree. Aventail, as she came to be called, was onesuch.

@ 6 months ago: The Irespan, Magnimar. A Pathfinder team led by Vekora Tae uncovers a heretofore unknown fastness two miles below the earth. Whether an unused future-proofing against Thassilon or lost cache remains to be discovered, but the "Warforged" within could not illuminate their erstwhile rescuers. Not one of them had a single memory of a moment prior to being discovered. One among them was innately curious, and the at-once delicate yet formidable armored form was forever following the Pathfinders, patiently peppering them with questions. Due to always being behind someone, and rarely seen from the front she (for it seemed to be feminine) earned the nickname Aventail, after the stylised back of her helmetesque capitation.

Given personhood by that illustrious organisation of glorified tomb-robbers and a modicum of training Aventail seemed to take to like a goblin to fire (for was she not "awoken" holding an ancient but somehow untarnished polearm) the warforged began her exploration of this strange yet familiar world she had not seen for thousands of years.

@3 months ago: She hadn't gotten very far. At all. There. Was. So. Much. To. Learn! Still, the dwarves Raz-Kiv and Doll-Storm charmed her with their odd manner and seeming zest for life, knowledge and the secret hidden power of "Ail". A journey to Sand Point ensued, and...

@Since then: Aventail has ingratiated herself into the community. Her interest run to: arboristry, history, genealogy, astronomy, astrology, halflings, elves, dwarves, goblins, oceanography, finance, weather systems, alcohol, alcohol sickness, healing and recovery (general), healing and recovery (alcohol sickness), equine husbandry, riding, gardening, mycology, gender and application of, weaponry, architecture, geology, armor, the harrow, Thassilon, Azlant and more.

@Motivation: In quiet moments of reflection, Aventail knows she is a but a persona-facade, or more delicately, that "Aventail" is a new persona and that somewhere, below or above her current consciousness resides her former, true self. Occasionally a whim of impropriety wonders at the trueness of that, for is she not, now, Aventail? And who should she be? Or for that matter, who might she have been?

So, one the one hand, Aventail longs to know. On the other, she merely wants to learn. Of the world, and where she might find fulfilment within it. For occasionally a longing for something she knows not what and an aching loneliness that feels it might threaten to tear her apart assails her.

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -


As Razkiv, was that even his name anymore, watches their ship rounds the point and he first sees the town of Sandpoint, he can’t help but think back to the last time he tried to make a similar trip a lifetime ago, maybe two…

Badrilrer was excited His brother Bardin was headed to Sandpoint to open a brewery, and Badriler was to be his apprentice. The old cart rattled and squeaked under the weight of the 3 Casks of Kegback Stout, the real treasure, the hops, where hidden hidden in a compartment. Even if they were robbed they would still have what they needed to thrive is a town starved for fine Dwarven Stout.

Their banter was was interrupted by the rush of creatures racing across their path, the brothers turned to see what they where running from and saw the wall of fire rushing towards them at a breakneck speed, it rolled over the wagon and brothers, and Badrilrer’s world was filled with pain, then nothingness.

The nothingness was broken by the return of the pain, he eyes open to see the face of a monsterous Shoanti, “Etseg mini, ene khün amid baina”, he quickly reaches for his axe and the pain overwhelms him again.


Razkiv looks down to his hand and fire dances across it, ’Fire marks so much of my life’

The Shoanti pressed the glowing brand into Barildrer’s chest, but he refused to scream out. He knows the process only takes seconds but it seems to take forever, the Shoanti moves looks him in the eyes, I name you Razkiv of the Sklar-Quah for the emberstorm that birthed you...

Years later it was Razkiv’s duty to use a similar brand to light the pire upon which his mentors lifeless body lay…


The dwarf holds the ball of fire burning in his hand to the wild flower growing in the grass near him and the flames caress the flower without burning it. ”So much has changed”...

Razkiv finished his climb down from the steppes and toward the ironically named Ashwood forest, he was more surprised Fire Bringer had let him live after Chochok death then he was that the chief who had never liked him had exiled him and left him without a mount, time to start another new life he was thinking when he first saw the elf sitting under the tree watching him.

[i]”Well met brother, I had expected you earlier” more than anything he was startled by his/her use of the language Chochok taught him, then “language of the spirit of the world” ”You are not what I expected, but I should know better than to expect anything. Come eat he have much to discuss and a long way to go to get you to your destination.

Days, or Weeks, later Razkiv, is no longer sure, remembers another conversation with Orphne, ”The fire within you need not consume, trust, open yourself to The Great Eld, be at harmony with the fire and the earth and the plants”


Raz comes into Sandpoint a month ago and is faces with culture shock, Raised among stoic dwarves, where only among close family are you ever allowed to be anything but a "Kegback" in the city of Kaer Maga where minding ones own business was the First Rule, then fostered by the Sklar-Quah known for their xenophobic and warlike ways, by contrast the community of Sandpoint with its open and accepting Varisian manor are inciting for the young Dwarf in search of family. He wants to be happy and open like the people he sees around him, but as of yet lacks the skills to manage it.


Raz came to Sandpoint looking for a home, even if he is not aware that was what he is looking for, and even in the short time he has been here he has grown to love the place and her people, he will take personal offence to anything that threatens the town and her people. In addition the Green Faith suspect something, even though they did not tell Raz as much, they sent a senior agent to accompany and initiate the young druid into their order.+


15 Years ago: Bardin Kegback leaves Kaer Maga to become an adventurer
10 Years ago: Bardin helps Daviren Hosk put down a group of goblins near Sandpoint.
8 Years ago: Bardin returns to Kaer Maga, having been to Sand point he decided to return home, get his brother and settle down in Sand Point
7 Years ago: while traveling across the cinderlands the Kegback Brothers are overtaken by an emberstorm, Baridin is killed Badrilrer barely survives and is rescued by a Sklar-Quah partol
6 Years Ago: Badrilrer is named Razkiv and becomes an apprentice to the Sklar-Quah Shaman Chochok
1 year Ago: Chochok dies, without his patronage Razkiv is exiled from the Quah, Lost and alone again he determines to finish the trip he and his brother started.
1 Year ago: Orphne meets Raz at the edge of the ashwood and begins inducting him into the Green Faith
4 Months ago: Raz emerges from the Sanos Forest and walks to the town of Wartle where he meets a Cleric of Torag as fate would have it they are both heading to Sandpoint, Dol suggests that the quicker path is down the river to Magnimar then up the coast and the pair begin traveling together
3 Months ago: the pair of dwarves meet a warforged also heading to Sandpoint and the pair become a trio
2 Months ago: Raz arrives in Sandpoint to look up Daviren Hosk, the stable master feels for the los of a brother and gives Raz a gift, but he does not have room in his family for a strange savage Dwarf
Current: Raz is running low on coin, the Green Faith said they would be in contact with him soon with some tasks, but he has not heard from since Orphne left him at the edge of the Sanos. He is contemplating starting a trade, he knows how to do only two things. Give tattoos, and brew beer, there are enough sailors in this town he can likely survive until something important happens

Male NG Halfling Unchained Rogue 6 | HP:-4/46 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +4; +2 vs fear effects | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, Sense Motive +6 Stealth +15 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack 3d6 | Active conditions: STR damage 1 | Ammo: 12 arrows | Danger Sense +2

Although it'd be a bit much to say that Loth was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, in his youth he certainly never wanted for anything. Loth was born the first son of Beregost and Sayel Dalveran as part of the family behind Magnimar's succesful Inner Sea Trade company.
Lilor Dalveran, Loth's grandfather and the family patriarch, was both adventurer and entrepreneur, and he would frequently set out on travels for gold and glory along with his close companions. Upon returning, he typically brought not only gold, but contracts and deals he made with businesses on the road, expanding his clientele and resources ever further. In Lilor's frequent absence, Beregost managed the day-to-day business of the company, and Loth was his apprentice, groomed by his family to one day take his father's place.

Then, about a year ago, disaster struck. While he was out on one of his adventures, one of Lilor's companions returned to Magnimar alone, mentally broken. Though hard to make sense of her ramblings, people managed to piece together her story: during a critical fight, Lilor completely vanished. In his absence, the enemy gained the upper hand, and all save one of the party met their end.
Lilor never came back to set the record straight, so rumours started growing that he betrayed his companions. And if he can't be trusted, surely the trade company wouldn't be much better, right? Surely his kin would be just the same, right? The family's reputation and clientele dwindled, and it became harder to get even. Eventually, the company bankrupted and Loth's family lost their home in the Silver Shore.

The events affected Loth. Once a friendly and enthusiastic youth, the last years have turned him cynical and wary. Though the family tried to make ends meet in Magnimar, Loth soon became convinced that the city was not theirs anymore, and they needed to find someplace new. A new start.
Then, as though through a miracle, the family recieves a letter from Sandpoint: an invitation to attend the Swallowtail Festival. With his family's blessing, he sets out for Sandpoint. He's cautiously hopeful: perhaps this could be a turning point.

Loth used to be friendly, sociable and very driven to become a good heir to the family business. The disappearance of his grandfather and the resulting fallout hit him hard, however. On the surface, very little remains of Loth's bright personality, and he looks to the world with cynicism and frustration. That's not to say that personality is gone, however. In the company of people he trusts, his old personality shines through. It's just been a while since he last trusted anyone outside his family.

Loth's current life goals are twofold. He wants to do his part in providing for his family, and dreams to uplift them from the rough circumstances they found themselves in. Perhaps even more than that, he wants to learn the truth of what happened with his grandfather. Did he betray his comrades? Did he vanish, only to die? Is he still out there?

More directly, Loth finds himself in Sandpoint as the result of one of the loose threads left by Inner Sea Trade: an invitation to the Swallowtail Festival as a representative of the company that supplied the construction effort. All of Varisia loathes the Dalveran name, but could Sandpoint be an exception? Could Sandpoint be a place for the family to start anew?

Aside from himself, his missing grandfather Lilor and his parents Beregost and Sayel, the Dalveran family consists of three more: Loth's aunt Nente, and his two elder sisters Daena and Izith, all working for the family business until it folded. They all still live in Magnimar, eking out a meager existence the best they can, in spite of their newfound reputation as liars and cheats.
On the way to Sandpoint, Loth met a fellow traveler, Bumbo'kla S'agonnagin and his rainbow boar companion Toot. Though initially wary, Loth warmed up to the duo as they traveled together and came to enjoy their company.

| Shifter Barbarian 3 | Active Conditions: DR 1/-; Endure Elements (Cold); Cold Resist 1 | HP: 36 (-19) | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft (40 w/o Armor) | Longtooth Shift 1/3; Rage 2/11 |

Sorry for my absence last few days.

I'll get my background/personality stuff put up tonight.

Male Gnome Summoner / 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 15/13/13 Perception +2 Initiative +2 Sense motive + 0 Saves F3/R3/W3 TOOT - AC 18 HP 25/25

Growing up in the gnomish society of Sanos Forest, Bumbo had no shortage of magical wonder to fill his day, and he took it all in with the appropriate level of open-mouthed awe. In that, he was no different from any other gnome. His parents were more aloof than most, and largely left him to his own devices when he was old enough to walk and talk. Bumbo spent his youth coming into his own inherent abilities, and finding his way through life like any good gnome would - largely by chance.

When he was nearing his thirties, Bumbo (he gave up trying to get people to pronounce his full name) began to have frightening visions. A fell beast of huge proportions would come to see him, day and night. The thing was a massive pig with a prodigious snout, covered with thin fur of varying colorful hues. It boasted a hugely muscled chest and forelegs before a plump round belly and stubby rear legs. However, instead of threatening to eat Bumbo or inflict bodily harm, the Beast would berate poor Bumbo for hours. It would comment upon his poor choices, lack of ambition, and slovenly appearance - all things which Bumbo had thought to be fine attributes. The gnome would hide or run when he saw the Beast, ignoring it until it would go away.

The truth of his ailment was discovered on a day that found Bumbo trying to go where he wasn't welcome. The Sanos Forest has many secrets, and Bumbo was trying to make his way to the sacred grove when he ran afoul of one of its most feared protectors - an alarm chicken. The creature ran at Bumbo and, though he didn't think it would actually hurt him, the great, rainbow pig from his nightmares appeared in between them. The Beast swallowed the chicken, then turned to lecture Bumbo for finding himself in such a situation…truly a bothersome beast.

When others in the forest heard of this, he was told he was a summoner, and that he should stop being scared of things his own mind was creating. It took quite a while for the pair to work together, but soon they reached an equally equitable relationship. Toot, named by Bumbo for his gaseous emissions, wanted to be the most powerful creature…anywhere…period. If Bumbo simply lined up the best battles and got out of the way, Toot would remain happy. Then, Toot would give Bumbo the time to practice his true love of the arts and music without being judged.

This worked for a time…until Toot decided there were to be better fights elsewhere. So, they left their forest home, Bumbo reluctantly marching towards whatever fate Toot led them to. Once they heard of the dangerous Hinterlands of Sandpoint and the great challenges to be had, their way was set.

Bumbo is generally upbeat and filled with an exuberant wonder at most things he sees. He tends to find the best in everything, and generally wants people to get along and live in peace. However, he is very cowed by his eidolon, and always tries to reason out what Toot would want him to do...even if it puts him in danger. It always does. Bumbo is an amateur musician and artist, and would love to some day have grand tales to tell, songs to sing, and places to paint. He's taken to Sandpoint as a treasured home, as has his eidolon. For his part, Toot only wants another good fight, until he's beaten all opponents.

Generally driven by Toot, Bumbo seeks out great battles into which he can send his eidolon, so the proud beast can prove his own worth. He will not, though, put others in danger knowingly to do so. Over the years he has been able to talk Toot down from that. Deep down, Toot does seem to know right and wrong, he just often forgets conveniently when those virtues get in the way of his goals. Other than that, Bumbo seeks betterment with his arts in his own time, and is happy for that free time when Toot is not pushing him on.

Along the road, Bumbo met a fine halfling named Loth, and the pair traveled together for a time. Once Toot realized that Loth wasn't a threat, the pig seemed to like the companionship. Truth be told, Toot seemed to like Loth even better than the artsy gnomish summoner he was saddled with. Upon reaching Sandpoint, Bumbo was immediately taken with the place - gems of art and music could be found in some of the roughest places it seemed, and he found he would be quite proud to call this home.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

@GM After looking at some other's posts, I see that they included relationships outside of the party in their "Relationships" block. Is that what you were looking for? I included a couple of those in my backstory, but didn't include them in the relationship block.

(I also never gave any of my family members names... glad to do so if that is desired, though, since they are all in Janderhoff, I didn't think it would be germane)

Dol Stormmaul wrote:

@GM After looking at some other's posts, I see that they included relationships outside of the party in their "Relationships" block. Is that what you were looking for? I included a couple of those in my backstory, but didn't include them in the relationship block.

(I also never gave any of my family members names... glad to do so if that is desired, though, since they are all in Janderhoff, I didn't think it would be germane)

Not necessary. Any blank spots in the story I take as the space for me to play around with and introduce your backstory elements into the campaign in some way.

Now that everyone has had time to finalize everything, here is the bigger question.

What has everyone been doing in Sandpoint? Some of you arrived weeks ago. Does anyone need me to provide details of specific NPC's to fill in what they've been up to? For instance, Father Zantus is the priest of Desna at the new cathedral.

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1

Is Father Zantus the head of the cathedral as a whole?

Dol would likely have found time to have at least brief contact with the priests of each of the faiths, but would definitely have forged a cordial relationship with whomever is in charge.

Is the lighthouse functional? Does it have a curator? Dol would have attempted to gain access to study its architecture. He likely would have had contact with the person/people who operate it.

Dol has been helping out for a couple of hours a day with a local blacksmith.

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Raz has been relaxing, He would have be staying in a boarding house/tavern this is the first time he has had a bit of down time, but he is also getting bored.

Any NPC that is a boarding house or tavern owner?

| Shifter Barbarian 3 | Active Conditions: DR 1/-; Endure Elements (Cold); Cold Resist 1 | HP: 36 (-19) | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft (40 w/o Armor) | Longtooth Shift 1/3; Rage 2/11 |


Mizzug is impatient and easy to anger. While she tries to control her emotions, she's not good at it. Her decisions tend to be lead by emotional reactions instead of logic.

Being from a tribal unit originally, while in a group, it is extremely important to her that all do their fair share for the betterment of the group.

She is devoutly loyal to those that prove themselves in her eyes. She's troubled for leaving her tribe, but feels she had no choice. She plans to return one day after she's worthy


While she never met her parents, she was reviled in her youth by stories of her father and grandfather slaying giant beasts.

1) Desire to slay such giants to rival the successes of her father and grandfather
2) bring glory to the tribe by proving a shifter can succeed in Golarion outside the tribe
3) Prove to herself and others she's capable of surviving without the tribe
4) Prove a woman can fight just as well as a man
5) Heard rumors of a "master of the giants" in this region with a "massive blade to rival all blades" - hopes to slay this beast and take it's weapon as a trophy


-Tattoos depicting her tribal markings across both arms and the right side of her face.
-Braided black hair
-Brown eyes
-Olive Colored Skin
-2 massive weapons hang from her back and standard adventuring gears - the weapons have similar markings on the hilts to match her tattoos

-For all intents and purposes, she appears to be a normal human, but she has something off about her. Something animalistic in the way she moves and handles herself.

Why in Sandpoint?:

She was roaming the hillside for giants...and after several weeks of not seeing any, she stumbled across a festival.

Captured her intrigue and she wandered in to have some fun

I'll get full backstory reorganized and put in profile asap. Ran out of energy last night

Dol Stormmaul wrote:

Is Father Zantus the head of the cathedral as a whole?

Dol would likely have found time to have at least brief contact with the priests of each of the faiths, but would definitely have forged a cordial relationship with whomever is in charge.

Is the lighthouse functional? Does it have a curator? Dol would have attempted to gain access to study its architecture. He likely would have had contact with the person/people who operate it.

Dol has been helping out for a couple of hours a day with a local blacksmith.

Father Zantus is the head of the cathedral as he is the only priest at the cathedral. There are a few other acolytes, but most of them died in the fire that consumed the previous church. There are shrines to some of the other faiths (Erastil and Abadar being the main other two; Gozreh, Shelyn, and Sarenrae also being represented).

The lighthouse: If you're referring to "The Old Light", no. It is a shell of a building, mostly just foundations. The inside of which is covered over in ancient runes. An old man named Brodert Qunik studies these runes almost every day. You can quickly learn, as he is eager to talk about himself, that he studied architecture at Janderhoff. So that's a thing.

Blacksmithing: You have two choices.
1) Savah's Armory: Savah Bevaniky is a human woman who makes mostly arms and armor, much of which goes to the town guards (few though they are) and sailors put in to trade. She also does some of the finer work for the local glassworks and the blades for the lumber mill.

2) Red Dog Smithy: Das Korvut is a human man with a mean streak. He keeps several mastiffs around (usually with red fur), and is only surly when he's working. But if he takes a day off and goes drinking, he's well known for his drunken rages and violent tendencies. He mostly does routine work for the town; nails, handles, barrel hoops, wagon wheel covers, etc.

Razkiv wrote:

Raz has been relaxing, He would have be staying in a boarding house/tavern this is the first time he has had a bit of down time, but he is also getting bored.

Any NPC that is a boarding house or tavern owner?

Choices abound:

1) The Rusty Dragon Inn: Ameiko Kaijitsu is a woman of Tien decent, but grew up in Sandpoint. She is a retired adventurer (yes, sometimes they do retire and buy the local tavern) and runs a friendly place with a down to earth feel. Room, board, and bar are all available.

2) The White Deer: Run by a family of Shoanti headed by Garridan Viskalai, this is a much nicer (read, FANCIER) place than the others in town, but is priced comparable to the Rusty Dragon. The rooms are bigger, the food is comparable, but the inn keeper is stoic and terse.

3) The Fatman's Feedbag: Staying at a high class establishment such as this can get you such rewarding accommodations as: a rug on the floor of a large, cramped room; a free glass of grog with your morning gruel; stabbed; robbed; killed; and, lastly, lice. But it is cheap.

4) If you're of a religious type, and willing to do some work around the grounds/building, you can always claim staying rights at the new cathedral.

Side note, everyone did read the player's guide, right?

Male NG dwarf druid 4 | HP 41/41 TempHP 7/13 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 SR: 9 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Fire Bolt: 7/7 1d6+2 | Spells: 1st 3/4 + 1/1 2nd 3/3 + 0/1
Guidance;Light;Purify Food and Drink;Goodberry;Deadeyes' Lore;CLW;Barkskin;Flame Blade
| Active conditions: -

Yes I did read the players guide. I have only looked at the anniversary edition, is the original different?

Raz likely bounced around, but lately has been staying at The White Deer, the chance to speak Shoanti sometimes is likely soothing.

Male Gnome Summoner / 3 HP: 25/25 AC: 15/13/13 Perception +2 Initiative +2 Sense motive + 0 Saves F3/R3/W3 TOOT - AC 18 HP 25/25

Can Bumbo make some coin playing the flute at the Rusty Dragon?

Dark Archive

Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F 7(+2 vs poison) R 2 W 9(+4 vs spells) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (+4 vs Trip) | Init +0 Perc +4 (Dark 60) S.Mot +8| Channel 0/4 | Acid Dart 6/7 (1d6+2)| Effects: None | Silver Warhammer +6 d8+1
GM Sphen wrote:
Side note, everyone did read the player's guide, right?

It had been a while, so I just reread it. Thanks for the nudge.


GM Sphen wrote:

Blacksmithing: You have two choices.

1) Savah's Armory: Savah Bevaniky
2) Red Dog Smithy: Das Korvut

Savah Bevaniky would definitely be the preference. Her work is more in line with Dol's training.

Male NG Halfling Unchained Rogue 6 | HP:-4/46 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +4; +2 vs fear effects | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, Sense Motive +6 Stealth +15 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack 3d6 | Active conditions: STR damage 1 | Ammo: 12 arrows | Danger Sense +2

Loth's hired a room at the White Deer, and spends his time in Sandpoint zigzagging between the following things:
- Exploring the town, getting a lay of the place, its people and its surroundings.

- Inspecting the deal the cathedral made with the company. He's found the manifest from all the company's leftover junk and is checking with cathedral personnel and construction crews if their supplies have been satisfactory; just to make sure the business's last big deal was handled properly.

- Spending time at the Rusty Dragon with Bumbo.

And yes, I read the Player's Guide. Anniversary Edition for me as well.

EDIT: So out of curiosity I checked the OG Player's Guide as well and it is significantly different: some of it is OGL stuff like Varisia themed gear and feats, but there's also info on Sandpoint and such. (I did find it odd that there was barely a word on Sandpoint in the anniversary player's guide lol)

Razkiv wrote:

Yes I did read the players guide. I have only looked at the anniversary edition, is the original different?

Raz likely bounced around, but lately has been staying at The White Deer, the chance to speak Shoanti sometimes is likely soothing.

There are going to be some differences since the original was for 3.5. But I'm running from the anniversary edition, so that's the one to check out. Biggest difference to me is the art. Way better in the updated style (in my opinion).

Bumbo'kla S'agonnagin wrote:
Can Bumbo make some coin playing the flute at the Rusty Dragon?

You likely can. More likely to make some at:

1) Cracktooth's Tavern: Owned and operated by Jesk "Cracktooth" Berinni, locals who come here, instead of one of the many other choices to grab a drink, do so for the entertainment. A small stage is set up in the corner, and many a brave soul tries their talent against the crowd. Cracktooth is not discerning, he allows singers, musicians, bards, jugglers, acrobats, comedians, even an animal tamer once passing through. The crowd is the real judge. Poor entertainment is met with boos and thrown food. Good with hefty tips and applause.

2) Sandpoint Theatre: Cyrdak Drokkus is the definition of larger than life. It's strange enough to see a theatre in a town of this size, but this one thrives. Shows are every night of the week, but it is the weekend performances that the locals really like. The owner (Cyrdak) uses his connections in Magnimar to book large shows and traveling talent.

Let's see how well you do/how much the locals take to Sanos Forrest flute music. I'm presuming that "Performance A" on your character sheet is the flute.

Bumbo Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Bumbo Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Bumbo Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Looks like they like it fairly well. Though they do seem to begin to become accustomed to it as the weeks wear on and the festival draws near. Which location would you like to have performed at? Cracktooth's will be a die roll for the money. The theatre will be a set amount per week. So Cracktooth's could earn you more, or less, depending on the rolls.

Razkiv wrote:

Yes I did read the players guide. I have only looked at the anniversary edition, is the original different?

Raz likely bounced around, but lately has been staying at The White Deer, the chance to speak Shoanti sometimes is likely soothing.

Sense Motive (Untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

You sense that the family, while still gruff and somewhat insular, appreciates not only your command of their language, but also the shared values of culture.

Mechanically, they are considered "helpful" to you.

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