GM Sphen |

@Dol Stormmaul: You find yourself with some extra time over the weeks, and some extra materials that Savah lets you have do as you with wish. You manage to (scrap)* together a dozen masterwork crossbow bolts.
Craft (Blacksmith): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
*Read: Beautifully craft

GM Sphen |

Loth's hired a room at the White Deer, and spends his time in Sandpoint zigzagging between the following things:
- Exploring the town, getting a lay of the place, its people and its surroundings.- Inspecting the deal the cathedral made with the company. He's found the manifest from all the company's leftover junk and is checking with cathedral personnel and construction crews if their supplies have been satisfactory; just to make sure the business's last big deal was handled properly.
- Spending time at the Rusty Dragon with Bumbo.
And yes, I read the Player's Guide. Anniversary Edition for me as well.
EDIT: So out of curiosity I checked the OG Player's Guide as well and it is significantly different: some of it is OGL stuff like Varisia themed gear and feats, but there's also info on Sandpoint and such. (I did find it odd that there was barely a word on Sandpoint in the anniversary player's guide lol)
K (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
As you "bounce", you meet a good many of the locals. Many are plesant and welcoming. Some few are not.K (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Checking in on the cathedral is simple enough. The construction is almost completely done, just a few minor finishing touches remain (and those are largely artistic).
K (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
The Rusty Dragon is particularly welcoming. Ameiko is always willing to swap traveling stories. And your general good looks catches the eye of Bethanna, the halfling woman who works at the Rusty Dragon, both in thee kitchen and at the bar.
You can, once every 1d4 days take 20 on a Knowledge (Local) check related to Sandpoint.
The game kind of assumes that you are all just getting into town, maybe a day or two before the festival happens. So you wouldn't know much about the town at that point. Probably why they took so much of it out.

GM Sphen |

@Aventail: You general interest in learning as much as you can, across as many subjects as you can, has lead you to a few places of interest in town.
1) The Feathered Serpent: Vorvashali Voon has an appearance as eclectic as his store's stock. Bright blue eyes, long fire-red hair, and bronze colored skin defy an attempt at a cultural identification. And his shop of antiques, statues, relics, and knick-knacks is as diverse as he is. And every piece has a story, one that he is happy to tell to anyone with the time to listen.
2) Madame Mvashti's House: Old when the city was founded (50 years ago), Madame Mvashti is now ancient, but respected. A soothsayer and harrow reader, she often sees visits from locals looking for a bit of good fortune. You and Dol would also know that the few local members of the druid circle that operates out of this area also come and visit her during appropriate celestial events (full moons and the like).
3) The House of Blue Stones: Sabyl Sorn operates this building that serves as a meditation chamber, shrine to Irori, and library. However, the ancient scrolls and manuscripts kept in the basement of the building are only for followers of Irori, and even constant attempts at letting you into the basement have failed.
Your Diplomacy isn't high enough, even with a 20.
4) The Curious Goblin: A retired adventurer, Chask Haladan has been collecting books for over 70 years. His book store/library has books on every subject imaginable, even on some that the town in general would not approve of.
5) Turandarok Academy: The headmaster of this school/orphanage is a man named Ilsoari Gandethus. He keeps the basement of the building locked at all times (ground floor is the school rooms, second floor is the orphanage), but will let anyone who asks nicely enough downstairs. Besides his private quarters, these rooms also contain a wide selection of relics, maps, and momentous to Ilsoari's younger days.
6) If/when you ever run into Brodert Quink on the streets, he is fascinated by you as a moving piece of history. However, you get the feeling that he does not believe that you have no memory, and he is constantly treating you more like a machine than a person.
Places that you found not helpful:
1) Goblin Squash Stables: Daviren Hosk hated you on site. Couldn't stand the thought of "this creature" spooking his horses, and won't let you come in his stables.
2) Hannah Velerin: A local woman who serves as midwife, apothecary, and the healer the locals turn to for the minor aches and pains that would not be worth Father Zantus using his divine magic for. (I know that makes Father Zantus sound pompous, but he is not. Take it in a good way.) As a devotee of Gozreh, Hannah is well versed in many subjects having to do with nature (plants, animals, etc), but finds your artificial existence to be an affront to her deity and wants nothing to do with you.

GM Sphen |

@Aventail (part 2): You spend so much time around town, learning from so many, that you can make K (Local) checks untrained when it pertains to Sandpoint.

Aventail |

Thanks for the info GM. Aventail will have bothered Brodert at the Old Lighthouse and visited each of the establishments you mentioned as well as taking in a few shows at the ‘Cracked and watching performances at the theater. Plays and performances are a marvel to her. She also plys the glassworking smithy with many questions and patiently explains to the woman what little she understands of her own workings...
Despite being coined up, she finds Ameiko’s homespun Rusty Dragon to her liking, and stays there. She does not feel confident to help or assist in return for room and board and so pays full price, even though she consumes no food or drink.
Aventail will also have volunteered to join the militia.
She loves the mastiffs at Red Dog’s, and wistfully watches the horses she supposedly spooks. She is unfailingly polite to the suspicious healer/naturalist despite being rebuffed.

Razkiv |

Other than time in the White Deer has not been doing much, he likely regularly goes to the cliffs and watches the see, maybe even joining the youth watching the goblins on Junk Beach.
He likely has a passing familiarity with Loth from the White Deer.
I can't think of a reason that he would go to the temple, but I am interested in the visiting Druids.

Bumbo'kla S'agonnagin |

Yes sir, performance A is the flute; having some difficulty modifying that set form in the program I use. I'll add the pertinent details. I'd much rather the theater; Bumbo loves art of all sorts and tries to take it in when Toot isn't around to make fun of him.

GM Sphen |

Aventail will also have volunteered to join the militia.
She loves the mastiffs at Red Dog’s, and wistfully watches the horses she supposedly spooks. She is unfailingly polite to the suspicious healer/naturalist despite being rebuffed.
1) The militia will allow you to practice in drills and weapon training, but doesn't use you for anything else. They seem wary of you, but polite.
2) The healer/naturalist is also polite, just closed to anything past that.

GM Sphen |

Yes sir, performance A is the flute; having some difficulty modifying that set form in the program I use. I'll add the pertinent details. I'd much rather the theater; Bumbo loves art of all sorts and tries to take it in when Toot isn't around to make fun of him.
You make a total of 9 silver pieces for your performances (essentially one per), enough to pay your room and board for a few more weeks at the least.

Razkiv |

One last change, in thinking about Raz's time in Sandpoint. I am going to swap Profession: Brewing with Craft: Charcoal Painting.
It goes better with the tattoo Artist and Ash Druid

Loth Dalveran |

I'll be on a short weekend trip to Germany starting tomorrow, by all means don't hestitate to bot if necessary.

Razkiv |

Same, I did send a request.
Also, for Domain powers, the Minimum damage bonus 1/2 level = +1?

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Same, I did send a request.
Also, for Domain powers, the Minimum damage bonus 1/2 level = +1?
If you are referring to my damage roll, I have a trait that give me +1 CL for Earth domain effects.

GM Sphen |

Yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that part about the maps. Just send a request to edit and I'll approve it. I get them directly to my phone, so it should go pretty quick.
In the meantime, Dol, I went ahead and moved you 20 ft directly south as you stated in your post.

Razkiv |

If you are referring to my damage roll, I have a trait that give me +1 CL for Earth domain effects.
Exactly, this is the first time I have had a domain power and was not sure if the 1/2 level was minimum 1. Thanks for the clarification.

Mizzug |

Hmmm...so we aren't supposed to kill the clones? They's in the way though....

Razkiv |

I really want to take the time to talk to Mizzug more about Abadars bargain, about what people have to pay for civilization.

Loth Dalveran |

Aventail and Raz had to redo their turns, which I believe they've both done now, so I think now we wait for the GM's next post

GM Sphen |

Aventail and Raz had to redo their turns, which I believe they've both done now, so I think now we wait for the GM's next post
Got it in one. Await my pleasure. muh ha ha ha

Oceanshieldwolf |

Not gonna lie, the thought that a target that is concentrating on fighting a foe in front of them is somehow "hard to hit" if you shoot/throw something at them from the flank is ridiculous. Sure, if you roll low and miss maybe you hit someone else (like maybe who they are fighting) but the whole "they are jinking and weaving" any more than a target not in combat coming toward you who is likely actively avoiding being shot is crap.
Maybe this doesn't exist in PF2.
Rant over. ;)

GM Sphen |

Not gonna lie, the thought that a target that is concentrating on fighting a foe in front of them is somehow "hard to hit" if you shoot/throw something at them from the flank is ridiculous. Sure, if you roll low and miss maybe you hit someone else (like maybe who they are fighting) but the whole "they are jinking and weaving" any more than a target not in combat coming toward you who is likely actively avoiding being shot is crap.
Maybe this doesn't exist in PF2.
Rant over. ;)
Two things. Not hoping to change your mind, but maybe make it seem like less of a big deal.
1) The target being harder to hit isn't because it itself is more evasive. But because you (the attacker) need to be more worried abut hitting your friends. That is why it is a penalty to you, not a bonus to them. That, and facing rules from older editions really can complicate things (a lot).
2) Trying to apply to much real world rationalization to things in this came is often futile. Should it be distracted? Probably. Should a giant metal man be up and roaming around? Or a dwarf who can literally create fire from thin air? It's all a balance mechanic.

Aventail |

1: Unfortunately that makes no sense if you are firing/throwing at a target that is fighting another creature you don’t care about hitting. From my experience, I really valued the clarification given by facing rules. Combat is complicated. But knowing how many creatures your shield can defend you from depending on it’s size and which way you are actually facing seems like a good thing to know, so I guess I don’t agree.
2: “Because wizards”. Sure. Agreed.

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Someone who LIKES facing rules?!?! :O
and... you don't care whether you hit your allies?
I suppose you could always use a percentage die to see which person you actually hit if you really don't like the current firing into melee rules. Not in a campaign I am in, though, please. I'd rather not fall to friendly fire.

RePete |

Someone who LIKES facing rules?!?! :O
and... you don't care whether you hit your allies?
I suppose you could always use a percentage die to see which person you actually hit if you really don't like the current firing into melee rules. Not in a campaign I am in, though, please. I'd rather not fall to friendly fire.
You're no fun! I ran a homebrew once with my wife playing the wildrager barbarian. Her will save mod iirc was -1. She attacked her own teammates regularly. :-P

GM Sphen |

Don't worry, we won't be using friendly fire rules. I hated that when I was a player in 3/3.5, and was glad they're gone from Pathfinder. The only thing close to them I like are the critical hit and fumble decks. And for obvious reasons, we won't be using those either.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Note I didn't say I wanted to risk allies, just that you might be a third party to two others fighting. Neither of whom are your allies. Do the rules stipulate that it's harder to hit because of fear of hitting allies specifically?
If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Hmm. So if neither are your "friendly" you don't take a -4 penalty and automatically don't hit the other non-target combatant if you miss your target. Miraculous. Schtodingeresque. Quantum game mechanics. What if you were to observe yourself wearing a blindfold opening a box with a cat in it? Am I still real?

GM Sphen |

Note I didn't say I wanted to risk allies, just that you might be a third party to two others fighting. Neither of whom are your allies. Do the rules stipulate that it's harder to hit because of fear of hitting allies specifically?
Firing into Melee wrote:If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.Hmm. So if neither are your "friendly" you don't take a -4 penalty and automatically don't hit the other non-target combatant if you miss your target. Miraculous. Schtodingeresque. Quantum game mechanics. What if you were to observe yourself wearing a blindfold opening a box with a cat in it? Am I still real?
No one is arguing that point. However, that ruling doesn't apply here. That's why no one brought it up.

Razkiv |

In tangentially related things, the one PF rule that bugs me the most.
If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move
The reason it bothers me is that it is a very specific rule that applies to a very small portion of characters it mostly seems pointless.

Razkiv |

That is more my point, the rule for drawing a weapon being a move action is irrelevant to all PC's by third level. But it is still there taking up the head space of countless PF players.

Razkiv |

I wanted to note that I left out Loth from the lets go team post because it seemed fitting that Raz would fail to notice Loth as a combatant.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:No one is arguing that point.Note I didn't say I wanted to risk allies, just that you might be a third party to two others fighting. Neither of whom are your allies. Do the rules stipulate that it's harder to hit because of fear of hitting allies specifically?
Firing into Melee wrote:If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.Hmm. So if neither are your "friendly" you don't take a -4 penalty and automatically don't hit the other non-target combatant if you miss your target. Miraculous. Schtodingeresque. Quantum game mechanics. What if you were to observe yourself wearing a blindfold opening a box with a cat in it? Am I still real?
I am! ;)
However, that ruling doesn't apply here.
But that is my point. It brings the rule into disrepute.
That's why no one brought it up.
Hey! No fair! I brought it uo! That's why I precognitively posted "Am I still real?" In my previous post. I guess...I'm not. *sniff*.
For the record and jokes aside, I'm not trying to change the events or change your ruling, merely opining that the rule is a pet peeve. Carry on!

Oceanshieldwolf |

That is more my point, the rule for drawing a weapon being a move action is irrelevant to all PC's by third level. But it is still there taking up the head space of countless PF players.
The amount of times this has come to my rescue and made me curse the rules when I haven't had the "ability" is legion. I'm with you Raz.

GM Sphen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My bad GM - was looking at the stats for the 'Special Goblin' when I posted my miss.
Your fired. Go home and weep in a puddle of shame and whiskey as you huddle in on your pathetic self while contemplating your poor life choices.

GM Sphen |

I started what was becoming a really long post about leveling up only to realize that there was only one bit of thing I wanted to say.
Prepared casters: When you level up, you do not automatically prepare spells in newly available slots or levels. You will need to re-prepare spells before you gain access to them. I will, however, allow for the spontaneous casting of spells with those slots.

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I will, however, allow for the spontaneous casting of spells with those slots.
You are a truly generous and benevolent GM. :)

GM Sphen |

GM Sphen wrote:I will, however, allow for the spontaneous casting of spells with those slots.You are a truly generous and benevolent GM. :)
I am uncertain if this is sarcasm or not. I choose to accept it as sincere. And will endeavor to not strain a muscle while patting myself on the back