GM Chapel | Strange Aeons | Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Chapel36

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Blaydsong wrote:
We may have broken the GM. :p

Well it certainly wasn't my doing.

Blue Symbiote wrote:
Blaydsong wrote:
We may have broken the GM. :p
Well it certainly wasn't my doing.

It was like that when I got here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I had understood he would give a last round of feedback to the final submissions and then make a decision on the 17th.

To be fair, this looks like a really difficult decision. There are some great character concepts.

I am hoping for an all-cleric party. :D

panegyric wrote:
I had understood he would give a last round of feedback to the final submissions and then make a decision on the 17th.

Could be. I may have misunderstood, myself.

brunoreturns wrote:

To be fair, this looks like a really difficult decision. There are some great character concepts.

I am hoping for an all-cleric party. :D

One of these days I'll realize my dream of an all bard party.

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Delmoth wrote:
One of these days I'll realize my dream of an all bard party.

Extinction Curse is coming.

Delmoth wrote:
brunoreturns wrote:

To be fair, this looks like a really difficult decision. There are some great character concepts.

I am hoping for an all-cleric party. :D

One of these days I'll realize my dream of an all bard party.

"We're getting the band back together!"

And an all cleric party would be interesting, though combat might take A LONG TIME!

"So, whose turn is it to heal?"

"I did it last round, I think it's your turn."

J Scot Shady wrote:
Delmoth wrote:
brunoreturns wrote:

To be fair, this looks like a really difficult decision. There are some great character concepts.

I am hoping for an all-cleric party. :D

One of these days I'll realize my dream of an all bard party.

"We're getting the band back together!"

And an all cleric party would be interesting, though combat might take A LONG TIME!

"So, whose turn is it to heal?"

"I did it last round, I think it's your turn."

One of my favorite convention stories . . ..

So, I was playing a Dwarven Cleric, we were camped for the night in a cave with a defensible opening. Something came at us from the opening and the guy on watch was getting beat up pretty bad. He asked "for a little help up here,' so the dwarf stood next to him and helped beat the bad guys away.

When the encounter was over, he turned and looked at me. "I meant I wanted some healing, but that worked, so, okay and thanks."

hustonj wrote:

One of my favorite convention stories . . ..

So, I was playing a Dwarven Cleric, we were camped for the night in a cave with a defensible opening. Something came at us from the opening and the guy on watch was getting beat up pretty bad. He asked "for a little help up here,' so the dwarf stood next to him and helped beat the bad guys away.

When the encounter was over, he turned and looked at me. "I meant I wanted some healing, but that worked, so, okay and thanks."

Why do most "favorite convention stories" involve dwarves?

And honestly, most dwarven clerics think beating up the bad guys is "help".

The real problems would come when all those clerics need to open a locked door.

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brunoreturns wrote:
The real problems would come when all those clerics need to open a locked door.

I mean, sure, but if enough people put points into Strength, you don't need to. >:3

Any character can take disable device. It will even be a class skill with a trait. And clerics have detect magic and dispel magic for the magical traps. The biggest issue I think wouldn't be any particular skill lacking but rather a general lack of skill points. So much that there is guaranteed to be no coverage on some important skills.

Whoa whoa whoa.

What's this I hear about an all cleric party?!

I am already having a hard enough time picking from all of the submissions! Now I have to throw this idea in the mix too?!

Seriously though. We had to take my 6 week old son to get his tongue tie cut this morning and we've been walking on eggshells to keep him from screaming bloody murder. He literally cried "Wah" for a bit.

Since I most likely won't be sleeping tonight, I will definitely have the selection up early tomorrow morning. Most of the changes that were offered/needed were background wise and not so much stay wise so I don't expect anyone will be needing to resubmit.

GM Chapel wrote:

Seriously though. We had to take my 6 week old son to get his tongue tie cut this morning and we've been walking on eggshells to keep him from screaming bloody murder. He literally cried "Wah" for a bit.

Since I most likely won't be sleeping tonight, I will definitely have the selection up early tomorrow morning. Most of the changes that were offered/needed were background wise and not so much stay wise so I don't expect anyone will be needing to resubmit.

Just Googled that and that's a hard oof from me. Take your time man, no need to rush on our account. Family comes before gaming. :)

Even small procedures are so stressful when they're little. I know the feeling. Good luck with that!

Hey. Favorite convention stories don't have to be UNIQUE convention stories!

I was also famous in my part of the country for a Living Greyhawk character I played. Elven ranger who died, was reincarnated as a Halfilng. Then, a while later, I tried the reincarnation train again: Halfling. Then I participated in an event that gave each table 1 free True Ressurection. We didn't need it during the event, so the last thing we did was magically drop the halfling from a couple thousand feet, so that a True Rez would return him to being an elf. NEXT TABLE he was killed, automatically invoking a Reincarnation from an older cert: halfling.

At one Gen Con table, we went around the table introducing our characters. First guy is playing an insane halfling rogue who used Slipper of Spider Climbing to walk around on ceilings all the time. He introduced himself with "I'm a god," and played with it for a bit. When they got to me and my physical halfling introduced himself as an elven ranger, the rest of the table exchanged looks and kept going. Funny thing is, by the end of the module I had to remind them that he was physically a halfling, because they were expecting the elven ranger to have the height to shoot over things . . ..

And the rogue really was insane.

Better, more unique convention story?

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Blue Symbiote wrote:
Family comes before gaming. :)


I gave my GM heart failure because he thought I had just committed suicide by jumping from a sky-rail, but that wasn’t at a con, so...

hustonj wrote:
Blue Symbiote wrote:
Family comes before gaming. :)

Whenever you can man, take care of the little future gamer!

Delmoth wrote:
Any character can take disable device. ... but rather a general lack of skill points.

Yes, that is the point I was making in my non-direct manner of speaking.

It would be an interesting challenge to overcome, certainly. It would definitely require coordination, as skill overlap could end up being quite detrimental.


@GM Nobody here is in a rush, take all the time you need.

hustonj wrote:
Better, more unique convention story?

Not sure it is "better" but among our collective group it is unique. At a small local con four friends (including me) worked together to make four drunken "punchy" dwarves (a brawler, a sacred fist warpriest, an esoteric magus, and a ranger that threw improvised weapons). To get in the mood we all had a little liquid courage while we played through the first level of Emerald Spire.

All was going well, we had two quick encounters (without pausing to reset initiative) then my magus got stuck behind a trap. The rest of the party pushed on while I found a secret tunnel and investigated. The tunnel ended in the room they entered next, triggering combat by flanking the enemy. From there we split the party, again without resetting initiative. We separately ran through the dungeon in two directions at the same time, all while in the same initiative (with the GM running two and sometimes three encounters at a time). My magus catapulted a goblin across a room, the ranger hid under a table from an alchemist, my magus bull rushed an exploding construct and closed the door, and the brawler "Hey! Kool-Aid" his way through a door.

So, yeah, we basically ran the whole first level as THREE GIANT LONG encounters.

The other one I have is as a GM. I ran a PFS scenario that went so off the rails I can't consider it the same scenario. To top it off one of the players was a Venture Captain who had run it but never played. I've never seen him pay that much attention to a game he was playing at a con. Afterwards, he still feels he's never player the scenario.

GM Chapel wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa.

What's this I hear about an all cleric party?!

I am already having a hard enough time picking from all of the submissions! Now I have to throw this idea in the mix too?!

Seriously though. We had to take my 6 week old son to get his tongue tie cut this morning and we've been walking on eggshells to keep him from screaming bloody murder. He literally cried "Wah" for a bit.

Since I most likely won't be sleeping tonight, I will definitely have the selection up early tomorrow morning. Most of the changes that were offered/needed were background wise and not so much stay wise so I don't expect anyone will be needing to resubmit.

I feel you. I have a six month old and he had some feeding issues early on. Don't worry, you'll get your sleep back.... Eventually

Heh. My now 31-year-old first-born had colic. It was about 14 months before either one of us got a good night's sleep.

Reward? Our daughter (3rd child) slept through the night her first night at home, and just kept doing it.

All the major decisions in your life are going to be about taking care of your family. And they should be.

This has been a grueling process.

I have spent many hours toying with party compositions and retooling ideas and flip-flopping and going crazy. I'm not joking when I say that I would put 4 characters together. Be happy. The look at one of the other submissions and say to myself, "Yeah, but what about that one?" This loop repeated over and over.

I have a newfound respect for people who regularly GM on these forums.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be selected. With about 20 submissions, I would love to run a massive party that just steamrolls every obstacle.

But I can't.

What I can do is run two tables. I've been debating this internally as well but I just shake this notion.

Without further rambling:

Table 1:
Diaz Ex Machina - Sebastian Lazar
j scot shady - Kayalenta Noack
Blaydsong - Zylah Nightbloom
DarkwingD - Eldako

Table 2:
yiannisiph - Merius Galca
franticgm - Bugit “Maria”
Tom G. - Zhao Fen
Mattz - Rogar Ironhand

Table 1 go ahead and head over to the discussion thread. Table 2, I'll get it up and running shortly. And it's done.

Quick Edit: Here comes my sentimental side. There was not a single submission that I felt did not fit this AP or that I read over and thought 'Wow. This sucks." I truly struggled with this process. I look forward to seeing some of you submitting to a recruitment again (if I survive this) and hope to play alongside of you as well.

Congratulations to all the chosen submissions =)

Aw man...oh well. Have fun everybody!

Enjoy the game, folks. :-)

Have fun!

Congratulations, all!

Congrats to all who were chosen! Enjoy your spooky Adventure!

Have fun, guys, that's why we do this in the first place, right?

Have fun, everyone!


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Have fun you lucky guys and gals.

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