GM Iff |

For those who signed up for my game of PF2 scenario #1-01 The Absalom initiation, this is the discussion place. Signups are handled through the Google spreadsheet (link) on the First-Come-First-Serve basis. If you're signed up from my game, please post here and dot and delete into the gameplay thread.
I'm really looking forward to this game. As Pathfinder 2 gets released and we're getting closer to the start date of this game, I'm sure we'll have more activity here; character building, questions about the new rules, etc.

GM Iff |

I just checked and our table is officially full! Thanks for joining me. I'll do what I can to make one of these first PF2 scenarios an enjoyable and memorable event.

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I unexpectedly have to travel a lot before the start of this game, so I'll be pressed for time a bit...
Therefore, I thought that for once I'd base my character on a renamed/reskinned iconic alchemist, that way I'm sure he's 100% legal.
Is that OK for you?
Do you have a preference for a certain format in which to fill out our character information and status bar?

GM Iff |

Sure, Lleylo. That works for me. For character information, I'd like the most relevant information in your profile visible right away, or in a single spoiler. I'm not a fan of having to open multiple spoilers to figure out the information I need. Status bar doesn't matter too much for me. Just put the information in that you think is relevant. Maybe we'll settle on a shared template during play.
Speaking of which...
I've started reading the Core rulebook, and it seems like there are some rules where the GM is explicitly given some leeway to include a rule or not. (Secret checks, block initiative for NPC's). I might find some more of those. I'll wait a bit until the PFS Guide is officially out, that might include some guidance. If not, I'll post some suggestions next week for discussion, on some 'table rules'.
If any of you would like some clarification on rules issues that you're aware of already, please post them here and I'll include them in the section on proposed table rules for this game. Those might involve over time, of course, but it seemed helpful to have a common ground to start with.

GM Iff |

That works for me. Remember that you can gain some minor benefits from fleshing out your Pathfinder training. See http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2edplayer-basics/#pa thfinder-training for more information. Or you could choose to be a field-commissioned agent, increasing your downtime by 50% at the end of each the scenario.

GM Iff |

Thanks for letting us know, the_infidel. I see you've removed yourself from the signup sheet as well. I've posted in the Cottonseed Lodge to ask our last player (yogadragon) to check in. Also, I've announced that we have one spot available.
I'll go over the posted characters this weekend, to make sure I understand all of them. If I have any questions, I'll post them here.
For those who haven't seen it yet, the online version of the PFS Guide is available. See http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2guide/.

Melda |

I noticed you had one player missing. I would like to join and fill the last spot. I will build and post my character in the next 12 hours. She will be a wind sorcerer.
I marked myself on the signup sheet. If this isn't OK for some reason, please tell me and I'll try to grab a spot on one of the other tables.

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Hello, this is Melda's character.
Everything necessary should be there. I have 10 g remaining so might buy a thing or two during the weekend.

GM Iff |

I got around to checking the first two character. Didn't see anything wrong, but just a couple of requests and questions on my part:
I hadn't expected a necromancer in my first game. Curious how she'll turn out. Some points:
- It seems like you're short a couple of languages. Your high Int gives you 4 extra, as well as a single Regional language.
- Equipment still to be done.
- Please remind me of the Dubious knowledge skill feat whenever you make a Recall Knowledge check. I think it's nice to see how this will play with the secret rolls actually being secret.
- It might be helpful to note that you picked Perception for the Canny Acumen general feat.
- I was a bit confused about Lore (Absalom) at first, until I saw that you picked it as the bonus from Hermit, which gives Lore in a specific terrain type. The Lore categories on p. 248 make a distinction between terrain Lores (like Mountain or River) and settlement Lore. However, I think it would be suited to be a hermit in a city. Therefore I don't have a problem with it, but other GM's might not see it this way. Just a warning that it might stick out, I suppose.
Seems like Lindevaile had quite an interesting life so far. Looking forward to reading a bit of background, if you'd like to add that.
- Very minor quibble: Could you list your skills alphabetically? I almost missed that you were Trained in Stealth, because it wasn't at the end of the list where I expected it. :*)
- I read Produce Flame, which deals persistent fire damage on a critical hit. I suppose that will change to persistent bludgeoning damage with your bloodline. Do you have any suggestions on how this might manifest? It'll help me decide how victims could try to recover.
- As you said, maybe you'd like to spend some more of your starting silver.

Sylvia Dyspell |

Ya, Sylvia has been locked in the Grand Lodge Archives doing research for years, she's only finally been promoted to field agent after defending her office from <REDACED> during Passing the Torch p2. Amusingly enough in my head Library was lore related to hermit terrain. I think we're in agreement that it doesn't explicitly need to be a "terrain" lore as long as it's related. Looks like I had fixed equipment on my source document but hadn't updated the profile. I've done that now.
I tend to write background by hand, and crunch via typing. Engaging different parts of the brain or something, eventually I'll type some notes up for that. You can imagine a middle-aged spectacled woman who's brilliant regarding her particular field but with unusual holes in her knowledge/skills.

GM Iff |

Hi folks, I've been working on the following write-up with some 'table expectations' and my thoughts on how some PF2-specific rules could carry over to PbP. I'd like your feedback on this. Do you think it's workable and enjoyable? Do you think we could do things better? Any topics I haven't addressed yet?
Exploration activities
The concept of an exploration mode isn't new to PF2, but codefying it as such is. I suspect that exploration (i.e. the non-combat parts of a scenario) will still run largely as they did before. Don't limit yourself by the new rules. The Core rulebook lists some exploration activities, but please don't let your posting and creativity be limited by that. Please describe what you could see your character doing, in as much detail as you'd like. However, please be aware that I will have to make some adjudication at some point, most likely when exploration moves into an encounter. At that point, I will have to peg each character to an exploration activity (either from the rulebook or of my own interpretation) that most closely matches what they were doing. I think in that case I will decide by what you last posted as doing. Maybe an example: If the party rogue usually sneaks around, but expressed an interest in a golden statue and wants to find out its value, they will not be hiding any more (should the party be ambushed at that point).
Secret rolls
Pathfinder 2 makes secret rolls the default for a number of actions, and I'd like to follow that. Maybe it proves unwieldy for PbP and we'd skip it in the future, but at least let's try out this new edition with all the bells and whistles. Therefore, if we are in exploration mode and you try an action/activity that has the 'Secret' trait, I will be making the roll. Whenever you want, please post the action you're taking, preferably with the relevant modifier(s). In my GM post, I will hide the roll behind a 'GM screen' spoiler and post the result. If you would like to use a hero point or other fortune effect, please give some conditionals in advance, when describing your action.
Note: Nothing prevents you from checking the "GM screen" spoilers. (Maybe to make sure I'm getting the rules right). If you want to, I'm not going to stop you. However, I firmly believe the game will be more fun with some unknown information for the players. Should there be a roll that the players really shouldn't see, I will mark the spoiler as "GM screen - Don't look!")
Hero points
Technically, this goes for Exploration and Encounters mode, but I'll mention it here: Please help me in noticing situations that might warrant handing out a hero point. They're new, and I would like you to play around with them! However, I anticipate that I might forget about them. If you see a situation that's pretty heroic, don't hesitate to call it out to me, either in gameplay of (preferably) here in the discussion thread.
I will roll initiative for everyone. This was the standard for PF1 PbP as well, and I see no reason to change that. This ties in to the previous point about adjudicating your exploration activities: If you want to use stealth for initiative, make sure to describe that you're hiding/sneaking during the exploration!
There is one other point concerning initiative that I'd like to mention in advance: I will use block initiative for enemies of the same type, within reason: If there's six spiders, I might put them in two groups if I think that makes the fight more interesting. Likewise, if there's various enemies of different types, I might group them up as the combat progressed, to ensure that the encounter will run smoothly. Enemies will delay in that case, so that they can act at the same time as other enemies.
Encounter mode
Secret rolls
I estimate that using secret rolls as described for exploration mode won't really work well for encounters. Typically, the first thing a player wants to do it use 'Recall knowledge', and that information is usually very important for what you want to do next. Waiting on me to make the roll and post the result would halt the combat as soon as its started. Therefore, I will post this information as spoilers, with the relevant skills and DC. If you use the Recall knowledge action, make the die roll yourself and open the appropriate spoiler based on your result. For Sylvia with her Dubious Knowledge feat, I will probably have a custom spoiler.
Recall knowledge on the moving statue: Arcane or Craft DC 14.
Critical fail:The animated statue seems to be made of limestone, which dissolves easily. It could probably be efficiently damage by water.
Fail (Sylvia only):This statue could be a special type of golem that is quite resistant to physical damage, but can be hurt be acid and fire.
Success:The statue is a golem. It has resistance 20 to physical damage, except adamantine. Magic produces various effects on golems, depending on the elemental type of magic.
Critical success:See the spoiler for success. Additionally, this golem is healed by fire magic, damaged by acid, and slowed by lightning.
Posting expectations.
I will end each GM post in an encounter with a status information block: players and NPC's in initiative order, status effects per character, general effects, etc. Characters in bold are expected to act and can post their actions. I will consider these turns to happen in the order they're posted. Example: If all six characters are in combat against a single enemy, you all get to post at the same time. The one who posts first, will act first. If you want to delay specifically to go after another person, please say so in your post. "From experience, Valeros knows that Fumbus has an explosive he'd probably like to throw at the foul ogre. He holds for a moment, and charges in after the goblin has tossed his bomb." Please do not delay creating your own post, as this could slow down combat considerably. Please also note any reaction you might like to use, and under what conditions. I'll try to interpret these as fair as possible, so that I don't have to interrupt the enemy's turn to ask for your reaction post.A few specific requests for combat posts: Considering that the system is still new to everyone, please err on the side of 'overstating' what your intentions are. Consider adding an 'ooc' block at the end of your posts stating what you're doing for each of your three actions. If you have specific modifiers for your die rolls, please call them out specifically. Note that for regular criticals, you do not have to roll extra dice: The result of your single damage roll is double. However, some weapon abilities change this. If anyone has a deadly of fatal weapon, consider adding those die rolls every time. I will pick the dice roll that was appropriate for the attack result you got.
That's it. What do you think? Please let me know!

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SodiumTelluride here, with my brand-new halfling druid. GM, your suggestions look good to me; I'll admit I don't know enough about 2e, and certainly not enough about how it works in PbP, to really have an opinion on how it should be run. So I'll trust your best judgment!

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Now I kinda want to make a character who does that anyway, whenever he succeeds at a Knowledge check-- makes something up so that it looks like he knows more than he does.
I have a 1e character who dumped Int and makes up information he doesn't know. It's fun!

GM Iff |

Hi Prillett, nice to have you. I'll have time to look over your character in detail later this week (probably Wednesday). From what I see now, you might have more skills trained: Athletics and Lore Farming from Background, Nature from Druid, Intimidation from Wild order, which gives you two free choices. I only saw Acrobatics.
Also, you'd maybe like to spend some extra silver. And you can pick your Pathfinder training (or decide to get a field commission, which earns you extra downtime days after each scenario.) More rules here: http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2edplayer-basics/#pa thfinder-training

GM Iff |

Hi everyone,
I have just been informed that the start of Gameday VIII has been delayed by two weeks. The reason is that many GM's (me included) haven't received their scenarios yet. The new timeframe is 09 Sept 2019 - 17 Nov 2019. You can read more here.
I am disappointed that we'll have to wait two more weeks before we can try out the new edition, but these things happen. Thank you for your understanding, and I'll see you all in two weeks' time.
(Pastiche, maybe this delay will give you time to create a character of your own. But playing the alchemist pregen is still fine, of course.)

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Hi everyone,
(Pastiche, maybe this delay will give you time to create a character of your own. But playing the alchemist pregen is still fine, of course.)
Yep, I even managed to do so before the original start date :-)
Feedback welcome!

GM Iff |

Hi folks, I hope everyone is still here. The scenario will start on September 9th, which is on this Monday. I'll shortly open up the Gameplay thread, so that you can introduce yourselves. Please also leave the information below in the Discussion thread. That'll make reporting easier for me at the end of it.
Player name/alias:
Character name:
OPF and character #:
Advancement (normal of slow):
Pathfinder training (or field commission):
Anything else I should know:

Sylvia Dyspell |

Player: Pirate
Character: Sylvia Dyspell
PFS: 757-2003
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Advancement: Slow
Training: Spells 3
Other: I'm slotting my Campaign Coin into the promotional slot, which gives me an extra starting Hero Point that can be used for other's rerolls as well.

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Player name/alias: SodiumTelluride
Character name: Prillett
PFS #: 89635-2001
Faction: Verdant Wheel
Advancement (normal of slow): Normal
Pathfinder training (or field commission): Scrolls 3

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Player name/alias: jwert02
Character name: Travin Nierlan
OPF and character #: 180268-2001
Faction: Radiant Oath
Advancement (normal of slow): Normal
Pathfinder training (or field commission): Field Commission
Anything else I should know: n/a

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Player name/alias: Melda
Character name: Lindevaile Tindome
OPF and character #: 97350-2001
Faction: Radiant Oath
Advancement (normal of slow): Normal
Pathfinder training (or field commission): Spells 3
Anything else I should know: Timezone GMT+2. Posting daily but maybe at strange times.

GM Iff |

Really looking forward to the game. First post will be up around 10 AM GMT. Unfortunately, we haven't heard anything from yogadragon after their initial check-in. I've sent them a message, hopefully they'll join soon. Otherwise, I'll probably open up the spot for anyone else so that we can seat six at the table.

GM Iff |

That's great, yogadragon. Glad to see you're still with us. If you've finished the character profile, please also post the character signup information here. See the posts above for the information I'd like to have.
For everyone: I'll continually update the presentation with additional pictures and name tags as you interact with people or get more information about them.

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Player name/alias:yogadragon
Character name: Kramac
OPF and character #:239325-2001
Faction:Radiant Oath
Advancement (normal of slow):Normal
Pathfinder training (or field commission):Field Commission
Anything else I should know:

GM Iff |

Kramac, could you please finalize your profile before we get too much further into the scenario. We're at the point where certain rolls are called for, and I'd like to know your character choices and skill modifiers.

GM Iff, on the go |

Kramac, thank you for updating your profile. I'll look over it in more detail this weekend.
I had some trouble interpreting the aid action with Lore (Bloodcover) on Sylvia's action, seeing as how she was talking about Sarkoris. I'm going to interpret it as a separate roll, which incidentally gives you the third success you needed. In the future for everyone, if you're going to aid, please make sure the skill and context is appropriate for doing do.
This is my secondary GM alias. It indicates that I'm posting with some haste, and might make a few more spelling errors than normal.

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Just didn't really have anything skill wise to contribute, so decided to make an assist based on a city I / my character knew a little about. Feel free to disregard if you don't think it is appropriate.

GM Iff |

Is everyone still here? It's been a while since Travin and Prillett have posted, which has me a little worried.

GM Iff |

Hi folks, it seems like the forums were acting up this weekend. Let's hope we can get back to a good posting rhythm. I've checked on Tavin's player. He's made comments in a few other campaigns that he's very busy with work. I'll bot him for now.
Also, Lindevaile Tindome has earned a hero point!

GM Iff |

Hi folks, couple of honest questions here, because I'm worried about the pace and engagement of the table. It's been more than a week on this part of the scenario, and we've only done two 'rooms' so far. Not everyone is posting regularly, and I find myself sometimes waiting for a post that propels the group forward.
What can I do differently to improve the experience? Should I slow down between updates, giving everyone more time to weigh in and decide what to do? Should I speed up and push you forward, even if no clear intent has been posted? More info in spoilers/ooc remarks, to give you direction on what to do? Please let me know what you expect from me, and how I can guide this table to have a smooth scenario.

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I wasn't posting a ton earlier on because none of the skills being used were really my wheelhouse. I've noticed the lack of engagement too, and have been trying to increase my post frequency even if there isn't anything that I am super good at to do.

Sylvia Dyspell |

I've GMed this 7 times so I've been being particularly passive to help avoid any ooc/ic knowledge conflicts. That combined with a particularly busy weekend on my part made for a lack of posting on my part.
A good rule of thumb for pbps is the rule of 2. Once you've got 2 PCs agreeing on a course of action go forward with that, otherwise we'll be stuck dithering forever.
Another thing that helps a lot from the GM side is not just describing what happened but ending posts with some sort of hook, like a prompt or question, helps us understand the appropriate scope/scale for the next posts.
Instead of.
You search the boxes and find X.
Things like:
You search the boxes and find X. Is there anything else you want to do on the ship?

GM Iff |

Thanks for the comments, folks. I can understand that it must be difficult to play a scenario after being so intimately. That's a nature of replayables, I suppose...