
Sylvia Dyspell's page

273 posts. Alias of Pirate Rob.


Sylvia F Human Wizard 8 HP (106/96)| AC 23 | F +15, R +15, W +16 | Perception +15 (E) | HP (2/3)

About Sylvia Dyspell

Sylvia DySpell
Female Versatile Human, Hermit, Wizard 8
N Medium human
Senses Perception +15 (Wis 2 + Prof 4 + lvl 8 (E))
AC 23 MA (Dex (2) +Prof 10 +1 MA(T))
HP 96
Fort +15(T), Ref +15(E), Will +16(E) (Includes MA)
Melee Staff +9 1d6-1 B
Spell +16 / DC 26
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 8
Speed 25 ft. (35 w/Longstider)
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Versatile Heritage, Adapted Cantrip: Disrupt Undead, Adaptive Adept (Heal)
General/Skill Feats Dubious Knowledge, Magical Crafting, Canny Acumen (Perception E), Toughness, Specialty Crafting (Woodworking), Unmistakable Lore, Quick Repair, Impeccable Crafter. Diehard
Class Features & Abilities Arcane School: Necromancy, Thesis: Spellblending, Pathfinder Agent, Reach Spell. Spell Penetration, Advanced School Spell(Life Siphon)
Skills Arcana +17(E), Crafting +19(M), Lore: Libraries +14(T), Lore: Pathfinder Society+16(E), Lore: Legal +14(T), Nature +13(T), Occultism +17(E), Religion +13(T), Society+14(T), Survival +13(T)
Languages Common, Draconic, Shadowtongue, Mwangi, Tien
Bulk (2/4/9) Adventurer’s Pack, Explorer’s Clothing, Spellbook, Material Component Pouch, Crafter’s Eyepiece, 4x Scroll of Mage Armor, 2x Scroll of Jump, 4x Scroll of Earthbind(3), Occult Pendant, Wand of Mage Armor(1), Wand of Longstrider(2), Wand of Teeming Ghosts(2), Instructions for Lasting Agony, Hat of the Magi, Goggles of Night, Wand of See Invisibility(2), 4x Scroll of Knock
Focus: (2/2) Call of the Grave, Life Siphon)
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Disrupt Undead, Electric Arc, Read Aura, Shield, (Guidance) (Prestidigitation)
1-Level: Heal, Jump
2-Level: False Life, Blood Vendetta
3-Level: Vampiric Touch, Fear, Haste, Magic Missile, Magic Missile
4-Level: Vampiric Maiden, Enlarge, Invisibility, Mage Armor, Fireball

Spellbook: 0: Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Message, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Read Aura, Shield, Tanglefoot;
1:Air Bubble, Animate Dead, Burning Hands, Color Spray, Fear, Feather Fall, Goblin Pox, Grim Tendrils, Hydraulic Push, Jump, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Mending, Negate Aroma, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Spider Sting, Summon Animal, Summon Construct, True Strike, Ventriloquism;
2: Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic, False Life, Flaming Sphere, Longstrider, Blood Vendetta, Water Breathing, Enlarge, Invisibility, See Invisibility
3: Fireball, Vampiric Touch, Stinking Cloud, Agonizing Despair, Earthbind
4: Confusion, Sanguine Mist, Vampiric Maiden. Fly

Special Abilities
F: Drain Bonded Item (1/day): You expend the power stored in your bonded item. During your turn, you gain the ability to cast one spell you prepared today and already cast, without spending a spell slot. You must still Cast the Spell and meet the spell’s other requirements.

Activate Single Action envision (metamagic); Frequency once per day; Effect If your next action is to cast a harmful necromancy spell that you prepared from this grimoire and that allows a saving throw, you warp and twist negative energy into the spell to cause intense pain. If the target fails its saving throw against the spell, it becomes sickened 1 by the pain.

2 Focus Points, regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to study your spellbook or perform arcane research.

Scroll(1)+1 Weapon, Oil of Potency, Feather Token Ladder, Pendant of the Occult, Hat of the Magi, Wand(2). Scroll (3)

Organized Play Notes
Faction: Envoy’s Alliance
Training: Field Commission