GM Monster |

One thing you can discuss is if anyone wants to re-spec slightly seeing the party composition. Talk more about your party roles but also what interactions you may have already had with the other party members here in the dungeon.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Hello. My name is Cindy and I love my job. I'm in charge of watching for strangers and putting them to sleep or scaring them away before they can do anything bad, because ... well ... Stranger Danger!
Currently my party role would be cheerleader and information gatherer, but as soon as I get a level or two I'll have a homunculus, be able to start crafting constructs, and be able to summon things. I'll mostly be battlefield control/utility and provide all y'all with many flanking assistants even though I might not do too much damage myself.
Depending on composition, I could also easily swap to debuffer with mesmerist, or some kind of rogue-ish character, although I honestly was really looking forward to the crafting of smaller and larger versions of myself.
I saw myself as being mostly in the Mist Chamber but if someone else has a strong desire to take over that territory I'm willing to move.
In terms of interactions, Cindy's sliver of a soul is effectively a very serious but childish girl of about 7 whose only real desire is to keep "Mommy" (Lucien) happy so that she can have a happy family. As she learns/remembers more about herself she'll probably mature quite a bit. She'd probably be drawn to just about any of you except Gorthug. Snowball is pretty childlike just like her, atomies/nixies are small and cute, and Bob is just...well...interesting. Not sure if any of you would have anything at all to do with me though. I'm probably way too immature for Piedmontina.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I did have one question for GM. What will you allow for healing constructs? Having mending or make whole on a spell list works, but otherwise it's not obvious. I've seen things on forums about using a crafting skill or Craft Construct to heal one, but I can't find any actual rules regarding that.

GM Monster |

Goldslip can heal you, I believe. Life link is flat, unconditional healing.
Headed home for the evening to hang with wife and play an in-person game. Next update will be tomorrow morning.

Snowball the Dragon |

Snowball would definitely like to play with her "sister", probably playing horsie at CR 5 when Snowball becomes Small sized instead of Tiny xD
Possibly also playing with Cindy's yarn if she has any...
I'm not sure how well Snowball will get along with the rest of her teammates, but any that are immune to cold will probably have more appreciation for her breath weapon xD
Definitely going to want one of the water rooms to hang out in, maybe the chasm place since she can fly xD
Tactically speaking, Snowball is only marginally better than Cindy except for her very nice and blasty ice breath.
Oh, and fast healing + high hit points means that Snowball can take a hit, though keeping attention away from the others like a proper tank might be easier said than done. Also Tiny size comes with a big stealth buff and stealth is a dragon skill apparently, so she can sneak until she gets very much larger.
Oh yeah, what language do we want for intrateam communications? I vote draconic ;p

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |

Hey all, excited to get going on the game.
My planned progression has me feeling the urge to Mystic Theurge, and after a level each of cleric and sorcerer, I'll have hit the pre-reqs, so I'll have piles of spell slots. Looking at party composition, I'll probably pick up a couple of point/single target blasts with sorcerer, and thematically, the undead spells fit well with me. On the cleric side, It'll probably be buffs, and maybe some debuffs, but I'm not super inclined to get close enough to deliver touch attacks (I have to be in their square to do it). I start taking class levels at the next CR, and I'm thinking Sorcerer first, since it looks like we've got enough utility/buffing for the moment, but not much ranged attacks. I'm not deeply committed to that if the situation on the field changes. Always open to suggestions for spells that anyone wants to see in the party.
In the immediate term, I'll probably stick to throwing out Darkness at the start of combats, and if I _need_ to jump in with a bad touch, I can, but hopefully we don't hit any major combats too early. *coughs at GM*

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Oh yeah, what language do we want for intrateam communications? I vote draconic ;p
In terms of languages, I get a whole automatic one as a base creature, and it's Common. That's the only thing I'm capable of speaking.
Always open to suggestions for spells that anyone wants to see in the party.
In terms of spells, anyone who is able to take make whole at some point would gain my thanks. That will save Goldslip from having to hurt herself to heal me with life link. I'm going to keep researching though to figure out how to heal in a more efficient manner so hopefully make whole isn't needed. Maybe find a template with fast healing.
In terms of class progression, unless people request otherwise I'll be taking promethean alchemist for a familiar plus immediate access to craft construct, and probably stacking it with preservationist for summons but I'm not sure on that second one.

Snowball the Dragon |

Snowball gets Draconic.
But that's what our background skill points are for! (partly)
We can all put one of our bonus skill points into linguistics and grab whatever we want ^_^

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Snowball gets Draconic. But that's what our background skill points are for (partly). We can all put one of our bonus skill points into linguistics and grab whatever we want ^_^
OK I guess I could take a point out of craft(dollmaking)...

Snowball the Dragon |

wait until we decide if we want common or not, first ;p
Snowball doesn't particularly need the extra point in Craft (Bone Carving) anyway xD
Though part of me wants to grab something weird, like Aklo :3

Xeria |
About places to live, here's what I posted to recruitment:
Xeria spends most of her time riding around the country side patrolling and looking for possible threats. Her +20 stealth and invisibility definitely help.
Since she can disguise self and pass for a halfling, I can see her going into the towns and especially taverns and keep a lookout for possible adventuring parties assembling.
When she’s inside she will probably have set herself up on the northern island of the second flooded chamber. She’s tiny and can easily get to it from the entrance through the tiny tunnels. Her dino is small and can squeeze through them.
She’ll have made a nest for herself and her dino of grass and leaves. She’ll have shiny, glittery stuff hoarded there since she’s a magpie like that. Also, when adventurers come, she has a tactical advantage of being able to fly and pepper them as they try and swim across and her dino can be at the water’s edge attacking them as they try to get out of the water.
I'd prefer to keep that island, giving me a good shot at whomever comes in. Although one of the other islands is fine, it's just more distance for my dino to swim really.
Personally, I love the idea of the little creepy doll making half-life versions of herself - don't mess with the concept :D

Xeria |
As far as other interactions, here's the part of the atomie description that sold me:
Atomies perceive themselves as larger than they actually are. Like pups standing up to a full-grown cur, atomies never back down from aggression, and take tremendous pride in defeating and humiliating foes larger than themselves. ... While atomies prove only passable in their ability to defend such creatures, other fey accept their fealty out of respect and perhaps with a bit of mirth as well. Atomies enjoy their time as honor guards, but often grow bored and leave their posts in search of adventure.
Yup, built in comic relief :D
I see her as having fun siting around gambling, drinking, or whatever the others do for fun. She's kind of directionless in her life right now. She's hanging out since it seems fun for now. She has a bit of a temper though, but she's mostly the "go off in a huff" type rather than the start a fight type. Then half an hour later she'll have forgotten entirely what happened and be just as sociable as normal.
She'll play tea with Cindy, although she'll spike the tea. Not that it affects anyone else but her. She'll organize flight races with Snowball through the tunnel system since they both fly and are tiny - she's slower but more maneuverable and will try to make the paths more turny than with long straights.
She doesn't really see herself as the "morale officer" but kinda serves that purpose as she's indefatigable, very young, and easily bored. She'll constantly be trying to play games with the others who she sees as all far too serious.
She's pretty much a laze about when she's not out in the wilderness scouting.
A quick bit of crunch though: She gets shrink item 1/day and it lasts for six days. I'll write down the 3-4 things she always keeps shrunken on her person, she doesn't keep a full six as she wants to be able to swap in/out and to be able to reshrink something she's embiggened for the day.

Goldslip |

Hi all!
Bahaha, did anyone notice that not one of us is bigger than Tiny? ^.^ EDIT: Oh, except for Gorthug! He's a Medium creature.
Goldslip lives in the first flooded chamber--it is where she entered the dungeon when she first arrived (via an underwater passage). Being a swimming creature, she's probably had some fun with Snowball.
That will save Goldslip from having to hurt herself to heal me with life link.
That won't be a big deal, really, as I have fast healing 5 (the benefit I chose with the Mutant template). It's good to have more than one way to heal available, though.
It's also good to note that life link doesn't trigger if the target is not at least 5 points down from maximum hp. So I won't be able to top you off to max unless your damage happened to be a multiple of 5. Once we're leveled up some more, that won't seem like a big deal at all--early on, though, our total hp might be small enough for that to feel important.

Snowball the Dragon |

alternatively, we play very roughly until healed :3

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Hi all!
Thanks for picking me, GM Monster.
Bob is happy to be a barely created, very simple (intelligence of 4) and ignorant tiny ball of ooze who lives above a door. The east side of the Crystal Chamber I think.
GM, what are the other inhabitants of the dungeon? Maybe some monsters who don't matter much? :p

Snowball the Dragon |

join the -3 intmod club, spots are filling up fast ;p
I think I have the roster right:
2 fey
1 fey/undead
1 water zombie
1 ooze
1 wyrmling
1 construct
Edit: oh, and the NPC monsters, like mindless undead, goblins, and fake stalactites.

Xeria |
lol, Xeria will definitely have fun with Bob, she'll keep bringing small things over to him and watching him dissolve them.
BTW, am I the only one who didn't do young & mutant? :D

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I didn't take any -1 templates. I decided to rough it out with my original 2 CR critter and just start improving from here. I just took a +0 one to give myself a couple extra SLAs

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

if anyone is walking by the acid pit, Bob is there and could use someone smarter than he is to figure out how to fill the acid pit.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry Bob. I feel for ya, man.
If you're still there after Mommy is done talking to me and the snowball lizard I'll swing by and see if I can help.

Snowball the Dragon |

lol, Snowball will definitely tag along and not think of something helpful xD
Also, she was too happy to mind her manners back in the gameplay thread.
She forgot, again xD

GM Monster |

Piedmontina: I am a big fan of early combat in PBP and TTRPG in general. Gets the blood flowing. Hence there are already adventurers on the way to your dungeon. XD
Bob: Here's a full list of other monsters in the dungeon besides you guys:
Juvenile red dragon (Cinder)
Twenty goblins
Something big that lives in the piled refuse of the refuse chamber
Young spore rats (3PP) run through the mushroom areas
Some creepy aquatic creatures in the flooded chambers (you're not aware of all of those yet)
Two small fire elementals in the heated chamber
Many rats, bats, and invertebrates, though they are heavily grazed by the dungeon's employed inhabitants
A crystalline horror (3PP) in the crystal chamber
and Lucian acquires new monsters pretty frequently. With geas, threats, or other methods, she keeps them in line with the aid of her familiar, Noxious the quasit, who helps run the dungeon.

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

RE Healing, I have a rapier that does exactly the minimum possible 1 damage (1d1-5). I can just repeatedly poke people with my thumbtack.
Languages: The weirded the better. I nominate Sphinx. Nope, speak with animals, and we all speak in the language of squirrels.
So our dungeon has very active chapters of:
* The Itty Bitty Hitty Committee
* The Not Veree Smrt People Klub
* No CON Anonymous
Also, I have no idea why the bbcode stuff hasn't been working for me

GM Monster |

Love it. Kronk for the win.
I will be giving out hero points (with some specific homebrew rules regarding their use) when people do awesome stuff and I'm tempted to award one just for Itty Bitty Hitty Committee. Everyone's RP so far has gotten close to getting HPs as well!

Snowball the Dragon |

Interesting, I guess Chrome implements the color bbcode, but paizo doesn't?
Just FYI: not showing blue on mozilla firefox ^^;
Also, I nominate the committee and raise you a klub:
edit:* The Itty Bitty Hitty Committee
* The Not Veree Smrt People Klub
Love it. Kronk for the win.
I will be giving out hero points (with some specific homebrew rules regarding their use) when people do awesome stuff and I'm tempted to award one just for Itty Bitty Hitty Committee. Everyone's RP so far has gotten close to getting HPs as well!
Did you write those homebrew rules down? It'd be nice to know what they are :3
edit2: forgotten rolls for turning more than 45 degrees 2~3 times:
Fly (vs DC 15): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
Fly (vs DC 15): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Fly (vs DC 15): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Once she recovers from her thaumaturgically induced sickness, Snowball can automatically make those checks with her soon-to-be +15 ^^
edit3: to prevent the quadruple post xD
Although watching incompetent help is far more amusing.
Once we hit CR 11, Snowball will finally have an int of 10 :3
Though I guess the advanced template will make it vary somewhat...
Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I'm just glad Snowball and I seem to be online at the same time, since it took a LOT of back and forth to get ourselves halfway across the dungeon lol.
We're finally there Mommy!!!!

Xeria |
I think I now know why there are so many monsters in little rooms throughout a dungeon, randomly sprinkled about. They find moving about their own dungeons too difficult to care about moving.

GM Monster |

Yeah well you don't want getting about your dungeon to be too easy or squishy little bipeds will traipse through...

Snowball the Dragon |

After fixing my race/gender/class entry I just realized I don't have snow vision yet (not till CR 5, when I'm finally "very young").
Also, is the mist in the misty chamber the same kind of mist that you'd get in snowy conditions? :3
I'm guessing not, but it'd be nice to be able to see through it xD
Also, I hope Grothug rots enough to become a skeleton. If that happens, then I won't have to worry about hitting him with my breath weapon any more xD

GM Monster |

Haha. No it's not snowy mist.
FYI: My policy on reading other players' spoilers is go for it. Just keep player and character knowledge separate. If there is a spoiler that I don't want you to read unless you qualify, I will mark it with a "!" Example
Totally fine to read this regardless. Just keep player and character knowledge separate.
You weren't supposed to read this unless you hit 30 sense motive!
Additionally, can we assume that whenever one party member hits a spoiler, they share the info with their teammates unless stated otherwise?

Snowball the Dragon |

Service announcement?: I find the easiest way to avoid OOC knowledge IC is to post before reading any spoilers that your character wouldn't know about xD

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Cindy would share any information with the group, yes. If she hits a DC feel free to open it and assume your character knows it too (unless stated otherwise)

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I'm on vacation now and it is a little hard to keep up with the game craziness that is all going on right now because of family busy-ness. But I know that things will calm down eventually.
As for the acid pit, I knew how to fill up the pit. I just don't think Bob realized that he is made of acid yet. Soon enough!

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Cindy's got a background in alchemy, and the acid pit is on her way back home. Just be patient Bob, she's on her way as soon as she's done in the study.

Snowball the Dragon |

lol, maybe Bob will be encouraged to make his way out without Cindy's help xD
Also, is the levitate longer than 3 minutes? 2 minutes + experiment for ~1 minute would only use up 3 minutes...
@GM, will our doll need to take the boat across, or is there any rule about carrying teammates?
Snowball can carry more than twice Cindy's weight and still fly :3

Gorthug |

If anyone wants anything from Gorthug they are going to need to ask. At least for now he isn’t very helpful due to his mind being crippled by many layers of enchantments, illusions and necromatic bindings.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Cindy, much like Gorthug, has no need to breathe so she could just walk through the flooded area. She likes to pretend to breathe though since it makes her feel more comfortable. Something in her brain says it's needed even though it isn't.
Either way, if the boat was on the wrong side last time, it's on the RIGHT side this time!!! Plus I like the image of her zig-zagging across the lake as she rows the right oar, then the left one, then the right one.....

Snowball the Dragon |

If anyone wants anything from Gorthug they are going to need to ask. At least for now he isn’t very helpful due to his mind being crippled by many layers of enchantments, illusions and necromatic bindings.
Unfortunately, Snowball will be too dumb to ask xD

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I put Cindy on the combat map where I think she would hang out. From there she has a good view of the entrance, but can hide behind the stalagmite if needed. She has enough foresight to ask Gorthug for stuff, but has no reason to at the moment.
Also, why is it I have a mental image of a small clear blob heading towards the entrance just chanting "Bob. Bob. Bob."?

Gorthug |

Poor bob. Oh how he tries.
Man. These adventurers might actually kill us. Dwarven Cleric. Elven Wizard. Human Fighter. Halfling Rogue. I mean...the dwarf’s beard alone might do it!

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Gm, i might have made up the presence of a door at that location. But, assumming it exists, what type of door is it? I should be able to get through a wood door with acid or simply slide through a portcullis.

GM Monster |

Lol yeah you invented that door but it's there now! Bob can slide under it once he makes a DC 10 int check. Every time he fails, he's one round late for the fight. Also, Bob did drip nicely in the acid pit. I just don't think he knows that...

Snowball the Dragon |

BTW, Snowball has blindsense 60', and if no one tells her to hide before something (anything? unfamiliar?) comes within 60' of her, she'll at least be able to figure out that she should hide by then xD
Stealth to hide (Dex, size, sickened): 1d20 + 5 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 8 - 2 = 16

Xeria |
It looks like the complex has no front door - just an open cave mouth?
Right after telling everyone about the adventurers, she will want to fly back outside in front of the cave and disguise herself as a halfling. She wants to be in a position to greet them all friendly like when they come into sight of the cave mouth out of the woods or whatever. If that's possible, please tell me so I can do a post about it.

GM Monster |

Sure thing, Xeria. Go for it.
Normally I would avoid having all the action waiting on one player like this and push things along quickly whenever that may happen but it's a major US holiday today so I expect things will probably be slower than normal.