Valekar Duilgelion |

My taste is typically fewer words. I probably err on the side of too few (and likely the wrong ones to boot, which is costly when you use few).
I make no bones about being a good writer or even much of an objective judge of good writing. I think of us as all amateurs on the boards here, so I never mind approaches different from mine--the point is the game and playing it together.
Alseta probably works, but Valekar's backstory is not so deep that I think his mother's choice of deity makes a huge difference. He is primarily a Shelynite, but religion is not his first priority.
updated my notes to say "lore, Kintargan Rebel Groups" and it will show up on my paizo profile the next time I have other updates

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as a player this idea is very strange to me. I've never heard of a newspaper in Golarion. the closest thing I can think of is the Pathfinder Chronicles. I also don't think government officials in a place like this would be friendly to the press. but I'll leave it at that. carry on
Sorry, lit major, like I said, so I kind of have to jump in. Ignore this if you’re not into history-of-the-book trivia. :)
Mind, it’s been a very long time since I’ve thought at all about the rise of journalism as we know and love it, so I’m honestly making most of the following up from things I’ve only read casually many years ago.
Basically, I think we have to think something on a much smaller scale and for a much more selective audience than we’re used to thinking when we think newspapers: more like internal reports within government departments or for the membership of particular merchant companies, but all of whom hang out in their respective coffee houses and swap the latest news and such. When I think of early journalism for a wider audience, I think of things like the 18th-c. Spectator, which I think was about a page long – a broadsheet closer to a broadside ballad than in the extended sense we use today.
Wiki tells me, for what it’s worth, that a daily issue ran to about 2 500 words, with a print run of about 3 000 copies (which overwhelmingly circulated in London, I imagine).
So, that might help us imagine a suitable scale for our fantasy Kintargan Gazette. Tiny, unfortunately - speaking as someone who would dearly love to make up a passel of papers as we pretend to be a pack of journalists: “I’m here from the Villegre Voice Preceptor – the magazine for the fashionable, well-informed lady about town.” In any case, like our GM suggests, anything in Cheliax is definitely going to be heavily censored. :)
(The Pathfinder Chronicles are a whole other can of worms that I’ve not managed to head-canon to my satisfaction yet, for what it says about reading habits in Golarion. To say nothing of the fact that apparently some Calistrians hand out lurid penny bibles, per Inner Sea Gods.)
Ahem. Anyway. [/book nerd]

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Oh, I’m a barbarian woman from the frozen north (not really, though I am in a microclimate at the far south of the country), so I can only speak at all for my bit of Canada. Here it’s still heavily focused on the Brits too, but that’s beginning to change a bit. At my alma mater, when I was there, the two inflexible requirements were a year-long survey from Beowulf to the 20th c., and a course in Shakespeare: as of a few years ago, the latter is no longer required. (Dr. Johnson would rejoice.)
There are some breadth requirements: about a course per century after at least glancing at the Middle Ages, one each in American and Canadian lit, and then whatever fills out your programme. This makes English lit studies fractured in very fun ways, because between periods studied and theoretical approaches, people basically talk whole different languages.
At best, we can play nicely together, but put a medievalist, post-structuralist fangirl like me across the table from, say, a guy who thinks Hemingway is the pinnacle of English prose style and French critical theory the Antichrist, and conversation is likely to flag before the soup course is over. (It can be very like an awkward dinner party. :) )

Valekar Duilgelion |

I can't say I "studied" lit, for my part. I took 15 hours in literature/history hybrid courses at my liberal arts alma mater that focused on Western culture from Greek lit through to The Road; in between we did the Aeneid, Beowulf, Song of Roland, Inferno, Paradise Lost, Age of Innocence, The Jungle, The Sun Also Rises... give or take a few others. That was just part of the core curriculum though; English majors obviously did way more. I took a few colloquia that were very heavy on lit reading (monster lit, apocalyptic lit, and Catholic novels).
I love books but you probably wouldn't know it by watching my behavior most of the time. I tend to go most of the year not touching any books and then suddenly I'll devour a dozen in a couple months. I would probably read a lot more if I didn't do so much PbP. My all-time favorites are Patrick O'Brian, Tolkien, Diana Wynne Jones...
Completely unrelated, I realized that the wrist sheaths I bought were the wrong item; I wanted the spring loaded ones, which are 4gp more a piece. I was really puzzled about the move action instead of swift, but guessed it was an errata. Turns out I was just looking at the wrong item, ha ha
I updated my sheet locally, but haven't pushed it to the profile yet; hope that's not a problem.

Kira Namfoodle |

I was actually also an English major, so I can sort of speak for what it's like in the USA. (Specifically, the relatively cheap public college part of the USA.)
In terms of requirements we had to take a few writing classes, a rhetoric class, and at least one class each for American, British, and World Literature. My personal 'specialty' was in Gothic literature, so I took several elective courses along those lines. Think Dracula, Hunchback of Notre Dame, that sort of thing. I did an entire semester focused entirely on Edgar Allan Poe, that was a lot of fun.

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Hey, another goth(icist)! *High fives!* *(Or another, more suitably Georgian/Regency greeting. :) )*
Ann Radcliffe is more responsible for how I’ve turned out than anyone would thank her for, ever since I stumbled across a copy of The Mysteries of Udolpho in my high school library. Sensational literature, circulating library, impressionable young lady: I’m basically a case study for what contemporary critics were afraid the effects would be.
But now I have to ask, because no one I hang out with IRL these days is in a position to appreciate it, have you seen Sarah Perry’s Melmoth? I thought it was a brilliant take on Maturin’s original.
what's up with the door at B1?
How do you mean Valekar?
Err, anyway, closer to other subjects at hand. ;) I think the question is – correct me if I’m wrong, Valekar – is the main door with the two guards to B1, or the locked double doors to B7? Just for when we are ready to strike.
Because, yeah, as I understand it, the plan is still to see what we can see before Captain Sargaeta contacts us with a yea or nay, at which point we can come back here to actually break folks out, sneakiness bolstered by whatever intelligence we’ve been able to gain and plans we’ve made.
Of course, if things go terribly pear-shaped right now, our hand might be forced, which hopefully wouldn’t be absolutely disastrous, if a bit more direct than we might like.

Valekar Duilgelion |

FYI I have a very full day today. Probably won't be able to post until tonight. Bot me if you need to.

Pellius Aulamaxa |

Hey all... caught up with most of my games and resynced, just have yet to do so with this one. Bot me today if you need to, but I should be able to resync here when I wake up.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, I really am.
Regards in the meantime and glad to see our other new folks seem to be getting in the groove (totally *not* the first impression I wanted to give, apologies again for that).

Kira Namfoodle |

But now I have to ask, because no one I hang out with IRL these days is in a position to appreciate it, have you seen Sarah Perry’s Melmoth? I thought it was a brilliant take on Maturin’s original.
I have not, but I'll have to check it out. I love the stories-within-stories structure, and remember really enjoying the original.
The Turn of the Screw was my equivalent to your Mysteries of Udolpho. It was recommended to me by my Intro to Literature professor who clearly saw the signs on the wall in terms of what I was into, and everything snowballed from there. Unreliable narrators, stories that mess with the reader as much as with the characters...sign me up.

Valekar Duilgelion |

completely underwater at work right now. please bot me as necessary.

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OK, how’s this for a plan? Kira, Pellius, and Adonara show up to do the interview. But also, Adonara’s persona will be friends with one of the Sarini creatures who’s into the Theater of the Real (the theatrical equivalent of torture porn and snuff films, if I remember the Cheliax setting book right). No one will miss condemned traitors and subversives, right, so kind of a very twisted chain-gang / work-to-release / parole sort of scheme. Ryker and Valekar would be that friend’s agents to choose victims and take custody.
Now, for the purposes of this visit, we could introduce Ryker and Valekar and they would get their tour and do the casting call while the others do the interview. If we can convince the powers that be to release the prisoners to our custody in one fell swoop, so much the better, but if not, or if things go terribly pear-shaped, at least we’ll all be in more or less one place to break people out all together.
Two sets of orders are fine: we could just deliver them at once, I think. And, because Adonara is cruel, why don’t we implicate Nox if we can? We’ll forge Thrune’s seal for both sets of orders / letters of introduction, but why don’t we have Nox be the immediate superior in the chain of command to vouch for Ryker and Valekar as the guys officially taking custody of the prisoners? Just out of sheer bloody-mindedness. >:)
And of course in the aftermath, we use our minions to run a massive disinformation campaign to give all our aliases alibis.
Basically, totally Scarlet Pimpernel it up? Only with a more wicked sense of humour. Though hopefully avoiding this. :)
Also, any ideas of gear we might want? We’ve got loot from the Fantasmagorium that could be sold and turned into a scroll or two of knock say, or something.

Pellius Aulamaxa |

Hm... if you want to go that route... we could always have you play the part of Nox herself using fun spells like Raiment of Command eh? A little stage make up, etc etc and bam! We can make it not just be rumored that she might have some kind of ties to a underground thing... we have witnesses that saw her.

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Oh, that's brilliant. I'm up for more or less anything, just worried about leaving anyone out (particularly with the pacing of PBP) or unsupported if something goes wrong.
Split the difference in a two-step scheme? The three social butterflies trying to land a suggestion first, Ryker and Valekar in reserve in case the captain makes her save, so they can fight their way in and take some of the pressure off if we have to fight our way out?
Then, if the suggestion does take hold, we all come back, Adonara spelled-up to play the part of Nox, Ryker and Valekar in the guise of trusted men-at-arms, along with Kira and Pellius made-up and in new costumes? We could try to rustle up a wand of disguise self, I'm sure.
Also, incidentally, GM, would it be too much to handwave what happened to the figurines of wondrous power - specifically, those of the folks who are no longer with us - we got very near the beginning of all this, so Ryker and Valekar can each have one too? Thought I'd ask rather than just handing out very fancy party favours at this tea party Adonara's holding. :)

Valekar Duilgelion |

week from hell coming up for me; big work deadline + moving all at the same time. Please bot me as necessary this week.
that plan is fine with me and Valekar will play along. probably terrified inside of walking right into the enemy's lair.

Pellius Aulamaxa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Meanwhile... on GM Island... GM Penfold recounts the weeks events with his fellow dungeonmasters...
GM1: So my party found out about the Dottari holding Hellknights, so they approached and proceeded to murder everything room by room like a bunch of murder hobos.
GM2: Everything? Even the prisoners?
GM1: To quote their leader, "He was convinced they might be holding coins or magical weapons in their 'prison pockets' or something."
GM2: Ew, gross. My party managed to bluff past the front guard but then ended up fighting most of what was inside. Made it out ok at least.... Daniel, are you ok? You have been silent this whole time with a shellshocked look on your face.
GM1: Yeah, what gives man. Wasn't your party around this part too?
DP: <sigh> They are still plotting on how to get in.
Both GM1 & GM2: What?
DP: They spent a week bluffing the front guard and asking him questions pretending to be journalists...
GM1: Journalists?
GM2: Is there such thing in Kintargo?
DP: Well, if there isn't they bluffed the front guard into thinking there was. They have since left and have been concocting this elaborate scheme on how to get in and get everyone out without any fighting.
GM1: No... no fighting? Like, at the door? Or just until they have the prisoners freed and armed?
DP: No. As in, they go in, get everyone, and leave with the guards all alive. <small pause> Although they do have a back up plan for fighting if their scheme goes awry at least.
GM2: How elaborate are we talking here? Like the first prison break level of distract while others free, or...
DP: Worse. They are forging documents, planning on using magic, making multiple trips...
GM1 and GM2: MULTIPLE trips!? Are they crazy?
DP: I have considered that possibility...
Scene exit.
In all seriousness, I love planning these things... I know that one day (hopefully not today) our luck will turn south on one of these encounters... but there is something personally satisfying about fooling the forces of hell with not much blood shed.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In all seriousness, I love planning these things... I know that one day (hopefully not today) our luck will turn south on one of these encounters... but there is something personally satisfying about fooling the forces of hell with not much blood shed.
This is true! As a warpriest, Adonara’s much more open to the idea of bloodshed, obviously, but she’s also delicate (dang Con penalty!), clever, and a good person at heart, so she keeps her options open on the whole vengeance angle.
And, now that I think about it, I’ve just realized: as the goddess of lust, revenge, and trickery, Calistria is basically the Player in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead:
“We're more of the love, blood and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory.”
(My emphasis.)
Mind blown. ;)

Valekar Duilgelion |

It never rains but it pours... My grandfather fell off a tricycle today and hit his head. He is in the hospital, possibly on his death bed. Most of the things keeping me from pbp have been positive life things but this one really sucks.

Valekar Duilgelion |

My grandfather passed away this morning. I am going to travel and spend the next week with my family. I will have a lot of time on my hands so might still post here and there, but I won't be •trying• to keep up. Don't wait around for me and bot me as necessary.
Feel free to use Valekar's spell slots and arcane pool when botting him, and use him for skill checks as needed.
I don't think I ever wrote botting instructions for him. He's a stealthy guy and a skilled archer, so interpret that as you will.

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My condolences - losing a grandparent is awful at the best of times, which these days are not for anyone, I imagine. Don't worry about us, but take care of yourself and yours.

Pellius Aulamaxa |

Hey, posting this in all my games... I am going to need to take a hiatus for a while. Marital problems of the serious variety (ie: probably headed toward divorce) are consuming most of my time. I will try to check back in once things have stabilized, but I really don't have a timetable for that.
I am deeply sorry.

Pellius Aulamaxa |

Posting in all games (again). Thank you for all the prayers, thoughts, wishes, and good vibes. Things are... improving... between me and my wife. (Not through the woods yet, but I have a lot more hope that we will get through than when I posted last.)
I am not quite ready to catch up and post again, but I am hopeful that I can be soonish. I will keep you posted as I can.
Again, thank you for your understanding and patience.

Valekar Duilgelion |

Getting your marriage right is more important than any of this stuff. See a marriage counselor; it helped my wife and I a lot when we were in some similar troubled times, and we still see him regularly.
I have returned from my hiatus. This game had the most (and longest) posts while I was gone, so I am still catching up. Expect a post from me in gameplay in the next day or two.

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Sorry, folks. I guess Adonara's just hopelessly (dis)ingenuous, or has an impossibly honest face?
Shame, really. After all, technically true is the best sort of true, isn't it? :)
And, um, a forgery? Really? I had no idea, ma'am. *Crosses fingers.*

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Hello, everyone! I'm really sorry about disappearing over the weekend! It's been crazy at work with the summer term about to start up, sort of, depending on what the directives from the province will be (tomorrow).
But I should be back now. I'll post in gameplay in a bit.

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"I think we're waiting for Adonara to bring him?" Kira does not sound at all confident, (although with a quick look at the nearest armigers she makes sure to lower her voice). "This is his ship, I'd assume he'll arrive when he's ready."
Her fingers keep twitching in odd patterns. They have ever since the breakout. No. No. Not now. Not. NOW!
Touch the powers of hell, and they touch you in return. She know that all too well now, and keeps clutching her left hand with her right.
"It'll be fine." (This is said loudly enough to catch the armigers' ears.)
Lower, she adds, "And if it's not, we'll tear them to pieces for betraying us." It's not a sentence that goes with the usually congenial face, and for a moment she grimaces. "I mean, if we have to."
I just had to say, I loved this! Probably a bit too much for my own good. :)
Also, just so we're all on the same page, as I understand it, we're doing a special delivery straight to St. Senex, where our lictor is still holed up. Then, presumably, it's up to him to figure out where to take the armigers while regrouping with the knights that weren't in town once they were proscribed.
If we can sail out as smoothly as the start of that silly Pirates of the Caribbean film, so much the better. Ideally, just a tad more subtly.

Valekar Duilgelion |

... glad that if the strength of the Chelish navy means anything, it also means that there are enough ships on maneuvers in and out of and around Chelish harbours that which one sent a subversive signal early in the morning is unclear.
I don't think this is really true. People that pay attention to ships can tell which is which from a remarkable distance, and often know all the ships on a certain "station" pretty well.

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Fair, I know nothing about such things. Landlubber Ado is dooming us to complications! Aieee!
I guess we'll have to hope that we get lucky, or that Kintargo's port is reallyreally busy. :/
What that says about Herodotus' story about Artemisia at Salamis (just maybe a legend that has long haunted my imagination ;) ), I'm not sure.

Valekar Duilgelion |

If you have not read the Aubrey/Matutin novels by Patrick O'Brian I highly recommend them. There are 20 books in the series, and although there are multiple arcs each book stands well enough on its own so you could start anywhere. But the third novel, HMS Surprise is the best introduction to the series. Also, pro-tip: don't try to understand all the sailor speak about ropes and rigging. If you just let it wash over you long enough you start to at least get the gist of what they mean.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll bear it in mind next time I’m in the mood for something nautical and Napoleonic. I never quite got into the Hornblower books, though a girl I went to school with loved them, and, on a decidedly less historical note, I have an abiding fondness for Charlotte Doyle from when I was knee-high to a gnat.
But for our game, I guess we can only cross our fingers and hope for the best! And Adonara would jump at the excuse to buy one of those fun hats and a particularly ruffly blouse. Quick! Stop her before she develops another persona – Captain Rook (it’s important to stick with the corvid theme!) – and starts planning to summon faeries. … It may already be too late.
Obligatory half-remembered quotation: “You’re the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of!” “Ah, but you have heard of me.” [/flounce!] :)

Valekar Duilgelion |

Without having read the Hornblower books, I don't think they're much of an apt comparison