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Slowly you’re able to carve off most of the lip of the brass plug and it falls to the chamber below. A second later you hear a loud splash as the plug falls into some sort of liquid 150 feet below you. takes an hour and a half.

And kills the creature that was going to attack you.

Time for more rope? But what will you attach the top end to.

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The party takes a moment to mourn the loss of the giant advanced fiendish crystal gray ooze that had over 32 tones of brass dropped on top of it.

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

After accepting his dagger back from Suzuka, Tim starts producing more rope.
"Um, I guess we need to go down slowly. Suzuka, you're strong, can you hold the rope while the rest of us climb down?"

NG Male | Shilvanshee | HP 26/36-10 | AC 19, TCH 14, FF 17 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +9 | Init +6, Perc +17; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Share Will; Spectral Mist 4/5; Cat's Luck; Lay on Hands; Dimension Door; Bit of Luck; Heroic Strength | Conditions: 2 negative levels (temp?)

"I'll fly down and see what's there." Snowball volunteers.

hell yeah, magic flying cat xD

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This Deep chamber is roughly circular. The pool lies in the middle of the room, with about 20ft of space between the outer edge of the pool and the chamber walls, at least it would if there wasn’t a large brass plug displacing the greenish liquid out to the walls.

All around the perimeter of the room, white marble statues stand in regal splendor of an unguessable past. Each statue is of a man or woman fair of face and long of limb, dressed like nobility. The statues part only where a silver door shines from the wall, set a few feet into the rock, the only apparent exit. The door is locked.

Snowball’s peery ears can hear whispering babble all around, but can’t make out any specific words. Perhaps the ghosts of forgotten powers still haunt this ancient chamber.

Jorian watches the hole as the cat climbs down to scout, as he does he whispers.

”I can no longer walk on air, a rope would be a good idea.”

unless I pop my arcane bond fairly early in our day

LN Modron | Arc 9 | HP 74/74 | AC 17 | CMD 14 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8 | Init +11 | Perception +11 | Speed 30'

11T7 gathers the brass shavings into a neat and orderly pile away from the hole. After a while it begins trying to pull its edges in a bit.

"3√2 > 4" It explains.

It tries to reshape itself several ways with more determination and limited success.


11T7 puts its hat on and instantly transforms back into the gnome with business attire.

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural
Eleventy Seven wrote:
"3√2 > 4" It explains.

“Barely,” says Arty who’s good at math but not really sure what the inequality has to do with anything.

She takes out the grappling arrow, which has a silk rope attached.

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LN Modron | Arc 9 | HP 74/74 | AC 17 | CMD 14 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8 | Init +11 | Perception +11 | Speed 30'

Everyone started to go through
the modron wanted to go too
A hole in the floor
diameter four
It needed to be three root two

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

"Re-? Uh... oh. Yeah-" Tim comments, watching 11T7.
"You'll fit better like that." Tim explains, nodding to himself.

IDK if Suzuka wants to RP letting us down the rope or if it'd be funnier for someone else to explain what she does xD
Alternatively, do we have a nice way to let down rope without one PC needing to wait upstairs?

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural

The Kid secures her silk rope about her waist leaving only twelve feet of slack (which she can adjust).

She can’t regnome—but her limber body slips through the hole. She spider-steps onto the ceiling and shoots her grappler arrow into a spot about a yard ahead of her.

Grappler Arrow: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

It sticks!

Her stunt is quite an elegant spectacle, except that Arty’s hyberboreal robe does not defy gravity the way her body does. But before the hem has time to flop gracelessly over her face, the Kid pushes off the ceiling and swings on her rope.

Once upright, with the rope reasonably still for others to soon descend, Arty will adjust the rope so she can lower herself close to the liquid and find out what it is.

Survival (examine liquid): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

Jorian impassively watches, leaning on his staff.

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Whatever the green liquid is, it is not natural.

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural

Climb: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

“That green stuff is NOT water. It’s not natural.”

She spider-steps across the ceiling and through the hole, and loops her silk rope so it can drop far enough to almost reach the surface of the mystery liquid.

“Would any of you like to examine that stuff? I’m not sure we can survive being submerged in that, or if we can even safely touch it. Maybe if those elves were a little more conversational…”

She seems angry at them, but truthfully, she’s ashamed of her lack of control. She took a life. That she was first wounded by the guy is little excuse.

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

Suzuka nods at Tim and will lower down anyone who wants to be lowered.

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Wisely the party avoids touching the green liquid as they descend. However there are precious few places to safely stand. Those that can walk on walls or fly in the air are safe but for those that respect gravity they are left dangling like a worm on a fishing line. The regal statues stare ever forward and whispers sound throughout the chamber but you have trouble discerning what they're saying. A silver door is locked, the only other exit.

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

Suzuka casts Spider Climb again and descends into the chamber after tying anyone off who needs it. She looks around with Aura sight to check for any alignment auras, then will check the door for any traps.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

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The green liquid radiates faint evil and the door is not trapped.

Jorian decides to endure the indignity of dangling like a worm on a hook over spending more spell power, for the moment, as the others look over the room and the door.

Is there a knowledge check for the green stuff

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

"Hello? Any of you whispering guys know how to open the door?" Tim says, ambivalent about getting an answer.

LN Modron | Arc 9 | HP 74/74 | AC 17 | CMD 14 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8 | Init +11 | Perception +11 | Speed 30'

The gnome walks along the walls to join the group. It puts away its hat and takes out a wand of infernal healing.

"Administering Aid" 11T7 uses two charges on itself and offers its services to the others.

It tries to single-out voices as it listens to the whispering babble.

Slippers of Spider Climbing: 8/10 minutes left
Wand of Infernal Healing: 48/50 charges left

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

Suzuka looks at the group from over by the door and whispers, "It's locked."

She may be capable of forcing it open, but if anyone has the skills to unlock it, you're up.

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After listening to the whispering for a while 11T7 determines that the whispering is coming from the statues. The harder it strains to hear the words the harder they are to grasp but the experience leaves it convinced that this place holds great knowledge.

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I believe your disable device character is 11T7

LN Modron | Arc 9 | HP 74/74 | AC 17 | CMD 14 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8 | Init +11 | Perception +11 | Speed 30'

11T7 approaches the lock.

It turns to Jorian "Requesting Guidance."
I'm going to assume he casts it for a +1 Competence bonus

"Prediction: Situational Discomfort." Activating Fortell (Foresight Divination school) for +2 luck bonus (30' aura of +2 luck bonus to ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws, and skill checks)

Forwarned (Foresight Divination school): 1d20 ⇒ 8 Can substitute this d20 for another this round

11T7 interfaces with the lock as only another clockwork can...
Disable device: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 27

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As the door opens, an irresistible force flings you into the chamber beyond. You're caught in a maelstrom of wind and energy that must have been created to be a horrific barrier. At the center of the swirling storm, a simple doorway beckons, perched on a 30ft tall column of stone. The door glows with the gleam of an activated portal. But coiled like a sinister scourge around the upper portion of the column is a serpent at least 35ft long, obviously ready to strike anyone nearing the gate. Art on the map.

Moving to actions by rounds

Each round
If you are flying
You need to make a DC 25 fly check to avoid being blown around the chamber and take 2d6 nonlethal. If you want to move towards the portal (or any other direction), you need to make another DC 20 fly check. Fly checks are made at -12 penalty.

If you move along a surface
You need to make a DC 15 strength check to avoid being blown around the chamber and take 1d4 nonlethal. If you want to move, you need to make another DC 10 strength check.

Casting a spell
You must make a DC 10+spell level concentration check or lose the spell.

The snake:
It is a large, powerful serpent with coal-black scales and bright green, glowing eyes. A diamond patter of dark purple bands runs down the center of the serpent's back.

Arcana DC 20:
The snake looks like a wraithworm but is much too large to be one. Gargantuan vs large sized Wraithworms normally are found on Pelion or Minethys on the plane Carceri. They have a strange affinity for negative energy, draining those they bite like some undead and can be harmed by positive energy. Their bite also contains an icy cold venom that saps the life from its victims.

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural

DC15 STR: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
DC10 STR: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

The Kid gets blown around!

“Crud muffiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnmnmns!”
Ouch: 1d4 ⇒ 3

It’s painful and humiliating, but she’ll charge forward if she can get her boots back on the ground!

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

DC 15 STR: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
DC 10 STR: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
OOF: 1d4 ⇒ 3

"What the-!?" Tim explains as he is tossed about by the turbulent winds.

NG Male | Shilvanshee | HP 26/36-10 | AC 19, TCH 14, FF 17 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +9 | Init +6, Perc +17; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Share Will; Spectral Mist 4/5; Cat's Luck; Lay on Hands; Dimension Door; Bit of Luck; Heroic Strength | Conditions: 2 negative levels (temp?)

Fly: 1d20 + 10 - 12 ⇒ (8) + 10 - 12 = 6
nonlethal: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
that's not evil or silver, right?

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Just hurricane force winds.

Does Arty get blown into the portal?: 1d100 ⇒ 65
Does Timmie get blown into the portal?: 1d100 ⇒ 58
Does Snowball get blown into the portal?: 1d100 ⇒ 16

Snowball sees an opportunity as he's buffeted around the chamber, if he can just move a little bit closer he could get through the portal. DC 10 fly check, but it also would move you very close to the snake.

I still need str checks or shenanigans from Jorian and 11T7

NG Male | Shilvanshee | HP 26/36-10 | AC 19, TCH 14, FF 17 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +9 | Init +6, Perc +17; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Share Will; Spectral Mist 4/5; Cat's Luck; Lay on Hands; Dimension Door; Bit of Luck; Heroic Strength | Conditions: 2 negative levels (temp?)

Snowball tries turning into a mist to protect himself, then he sees his chance and tries to head for the portal.
Fly: 1d20 + 10 - 12 ⇒ (7) + 10 - 12 = 5 Gaseous Form says I succeed all fly checks but I'm subject to wind. I'm not sure what that means, since wind mostly means making fly checks...

DC 15: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Jorian avoids getting knocked over by the winds while still dangling from the rope. Fed up with this hanging nonsense he taps into his bonded mask and again casts air walk.

I can’t fail a DC 14 concentration check

Lets go of the rope above the water and starts trying to push through the wind.

DC 10, move: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

LN Modron | Arc 9 | HP 74/74 | AC 17 | CMD 14 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +8 | Init +11 | Perception +11 | Speed 30'

"Forecast: Windy." Activating Fortell 30' aura of +2 luck bonus to ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws, and skill checks.

Forwarned: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Does feather fall help here in any way?

11T7 attempts to take to the air.
Fly vs DC d25: 1d20 + 13 + 2 - 12 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 2 - 12 = 18 -> 22 (using Forwarned to not miss by 5 or more)
Hitting walls (Nonlethal): 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

And then attempts to fly to the portal.
Fly vs DC d20: 1d20 + 13 + 2 - 12 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 2 - 12 = 21

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Jorian holds his ground (air?) but makes little progress towards the portal but 11T7 and Snowball dive straight for the portal and near the waiting maw of The Wraithworm...

Which one?: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Bite vs Snowball: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Magical bite: 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

The shilvanshee's gaseous form provide no protection against the magical creature's bite and a chunk of him is bitten off. He feels the life pulled directly out of him. Snowball takes 2 negative levels. He is then tossed back into the maelstrom without so much as a to do.

11T7, with Snowball providing a diversion, makes it through and disappears into the portal. We'll pick up with 11T7 if any of the other PCs survive.

We're just waiting on Kijo for this round, and then everyone can make another attempt to get to the portal.

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

Suzuka spends a Transmutation focus point to enact Mind Over Gravity, giving her a 60 ft Perfect fly speed. Can't fail the concentration check.

Then she flies in, attempting to grab any of her companions she can reach who are being tossed around by the winds.

Fly DC 25: 1d20 + 20 - 12 ⇒ (3) + 20 - 12 = 11

But she gets caught up herself
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural

Round 2
Arty plants her feet—

DC15 STR, Boots of the Earth: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 4 = 18

—and once she has a solid stance against the wind, she lunges forward!

DC10 STR: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

But how long can I keep this up… and that damned serpent is immense!

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

After an unlucky start, Tim puts a hand over the lucky clover tucked away in his shirt pocket.
DC 15 Str check to not be blown around so much +Four-leaf Clover +fate's favored: 1d20 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 2 + 1 = 21 aw, wasted of a thing...

He catches himself and manages to lean against the wind.
"C'mere Snowball!" he shouts, not remembering to call his cat's name by its pronunciation in Celestial.

"In the bag!" he explains, though the roaring of the wind makes it impossible to hear.

DC 10 Str to move toward Snowball: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Readied Action:
Lay on Hands on Snowball: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5) = 11

Spells etc:

before this post

Daily Use Items
. 2/3 Rod of Extend, Lesser
. 2/3 Four-leaf Clover (+2 luck bonus on a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check)

Extraordinary Abilities
. 3/4 Martial FlexMartial Flex (plus arcane Arcane Strike & Combat Casting)

Supernatural Abilities
. 3/3 Smite Evil (swift; +5 attack & +7 damage; bypass all DR; double damage on first attack against undead/evil outsiders/evil dragons; net +4 bonus to AC)
. 7/8 Lay On Hands (3d6 hp + mercies)
. (2 uses of Lay on Hands) Channel Positive Energy (4d6 hp)

Spell-like Abilities
. 0/1 Daylight (or 1d8+5 CLW that deals half the amount healed in nonlethal to the caster)
. at will Detect Evil (or as a move action for the strength of a single person/item's aura within 60')

Paladin Spells Prepared:
. 2nd (1/day) Paladin's Sacrifice
. 1st (3/day) Hero's Defiance, Unbreakable Heart, Restoration, Lesser

Sorcerer Spells:
. 1st 3/5 Lucky Number, Mount
. cantrips (at will) Acid Splash, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic

NG Male | Shilvanshee | HP 26/36-10 | AC 19, TCH 14, FF 17 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +9 | Init +6, Perc +17; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Share Will; Spectral Mist 4/5; Cat's Luck; Lay on Hands; Dimension Door; Bit of Luck; Heroic Strength | Conditions: 2 negative levels (temp?)

Neither hearing or seeing his master, Snowball nonetheless feels Tim's concern after getting a grievous wound.
As a spectral mist, he isn't blown of course in his brief search. He soon finds his master and lands in his arms.
heal 11 from 8 to 19/26; also nonlethal is cured, thankfully
24/26 if the bite wasn't evil or silver... though level drain usually mans evil xD

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It is not, in fact, evil.

NG Male | Shilvanshee | HP 26/36-10 | AC 19, TCH 14, FF 17 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +9 | Init +6, Perc +17; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Share Will; Spectral Mist 4/5; Cat's Luck; Lay on Hands; Dimension Door; Bit of Luck; Heroic Strength | Conditions: 2 negative levels (temp?)

Wait... does that mean we shouldn't go in here? XD

we need both checks each round, correct?

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Only if you want to avoid being randomly blown about and damaged or move.

Jorian puts his head down and again tries to push his way through the wind.

DC 15: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
DC 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

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Tim is not having fun: 1d100 ⇒ 40

Arty makes it to Suzuka in hopes that the strong silent woman has a plan. Tim circles the spire briefly lifting off the ground but unfortunately doesn't come close to the portal.

I'm not sure where Jorian wants to be, towards the portal or towards Suzuka for teleport

I don’t think Suzuka said anything about teleporting so he’d move towards the portal with no other instruction

LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7

too bad we don't all have permanent telepathy...

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I think I just need checks from Suzuka and a possible action.

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

Suzuka grabs Arty, picking her up under one arm and attempts to fly towards Jorian.

DC25 to Fly without damage: 1d20 + 20 - 12 ⇒ (20) + 20 - 12 = 28
DC20 to Fly towards Jorian: 1d20 + 20 - 12 ⇒ (3) + 20 - 12 = 11

She grits her teeth and yells "If you come here I can teleport us."

But she's pretty sure he can't hear her.

LG Female Naiad Zen Archer 9 | 48/48♥️ | 6/6ki | AC:23~17t~16ff | CMD:22 | 8f~13r~10w | 60'walk~30'swim~40'fall | Perc:14 | Init:5 | Animal.Messenger:1/day | 1d6cold:vs.unarmed,touch,natural

“Eep!” Arty is not entirely surprised that Suzuka can carry her so effortlessly. But there’s still a difference between expecting and experiencing.

“So I just… stay like this, right?” By ‘this’ she means dangling limply while being carried like a …sportsball.

F Oni-Blooded Tiefling Panoply Savant Occultist 9 Init +2 | AC 27 T13 FF25 | HP 75/75| Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 (+2 emo) | Perception+14 DV, DW | Spells: 3: 3/4 2: 3/5, 1:5/6 | Foc: Abj 7/7, Conj 3/3, Trans 6/7

It takes a moment for Suzuka to realize that Arty is addressing her. She considers the question-a compact and rigid body would be far easier to handle than a jointed and segmented body flopping all around, but that could be a difficult concept to get across. And talking to people is hard. So she just looks down...oops, better adjust that grip...okay, better. Then she nods at Arty and continues trying to fly towards Jorian in these insane winds.

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