Niketas Auxentios |

Thanks for the invite! Looking forward to this. I'll try and get the profile updated with a better pic and purchases as soon as I can, currently visiting family.

Niketas Auxentios |

I'm going to officially bow out of this game. I think it'll be a fun one, and I enjoyed reading through the setting material immensely, but I'm just not getting into it and don't want to linger on like that. Hope everyone has a great time!

Vianna of Crete |

[b]"You will be required to give testimony to the Assembly about the threat. The Worm that Walks was composed of those creatures. Although you'll find that the Assembly would like to have proof that he's back."
Elton J- We have been talking to this guy, the Strategos, for a long time, since 29/5.
He keeps just answering what we asked. If we were playing in person this would be fine. But this conversation has been going on for nearly a month real time.
I keep "fishing" for some guidance as to when we have to come back, if we do, and what we should do next. And not getting any.

Vianna of Crete |

It is one of the peculiarities of play by post roleplaying.
Around a table you can talk in the waffly way people do in real life mostly and it takes an extra 2 minutes. Do that in PbP and it takes an extra 2 months.... And PbP roleplaying is glacially slow at the best of times.
On a completely different topic I am running a tabletop campaign set in Phaeselis. It is going well and the PCs are 6th level, having started at first. And we started after this campaign did. Did I mention PbP is slow?