EltonJ |

Just to form a mutual admiration society, I really like the Phaeselis setting and am seriously considering using it as the basis for my next campaign. I will add some original stuff, I always do, but it is a neat idea and well executed.
Someday, it will be published. Right now it's my proof that I can write a campaign setting of my own, plus with the spin offs, I've written the whole thing with little help.

Mat_H |

I'm very interested in this setting as I have a lot of love for the mythology and history involved, and I'm quite impressed with the work you've done. I have a couple questions though. I like to play with characters that may be unusual or untrusted for the setting just for the interesting RP mechanics with NPCs. Would you be against that?
The things that stood out from reading the setting were:
The Occultist (which is a class I really enjoy), and the wiki states they are not seen as a danger and afforded leeway. That is a direction I wouldn't mind going.
The Oracle. I like the idea of a class that is normally NOT an adventuring class in the setting, and how it might be treated. This is the role I would most enjoy playing but there was one thing that I wanted to ask about: In the Medium section it states "they are considered dangerous, but not as dangerous as Oracles" ... but there is no mention of this in the Oracle section. Could you elaborate on the "danger" that might be perceived in this setting when playing an Oracle character?
Depending on how these two classes might interact with / be perceived by the prevailing culture, I'll roll one up (or potentially something completely different depending on the response)

EltonJ |

I'm very interested in this setting as I have a lot of love for the mythology and history involved, and I'm quite impressed with the work you've done. I have a couple questions though. I like to play with characters that may be unusual or untrusted for the setting just for the interesting RP mechanics with NPCs. Would you be against that?
The things that stood out from reading the setting were:
The Occultist (which is a class I really enjoy), and the wiki states they are not seen as a danger and afforded leeway. That is a direction I wouldn't mind going.
The Oracle. I like the idea of a class that is normally NOT an adventuring class in the setting, and how it might be treated. This is the role I would most enjoy playing but there was one thing that I wanted to ask about: In the Medium section it states "they are considered dangerous, but not as dangerous as Oracles" ... but there is no mention of this in the Oracle section. Could you elaborate on the "danger" that might be perceived in this setting when playing an Oracle character?
Depending on how these two classes might interact with / be perceived by the prevailing culture, I'll roll one up (or potentially something completely different depending on the response)
It's because of the overlap with the Seer psion. No one would be able to tell the difference except in the way that the psion gains his powers from the Mind while the Oracle gains his powers from a god.
To preserve psionic seers, oracles are typically banished from the city. It's either go to the oracle of Delphi or consult a psionic seer, which use the power of their mind. Most people consult psionic seers.
As for occultists, they aren't trusted by the people. The people believe that occultists gain their power from some primordial god (Cthulhu, Yog-sothoth) and that scares them. Occultists are never trained at the Academy of the Will and the Way, or the Academy of the Chakras.

Mat_H |

Knowing that, I think it might be quite fun to play an occultist. As long as we can keep trust inside the party I like the RP challenge of playing a class that isn't immediately trusted by the NPCs. (Note: I will definitely NOT be a candidate for the party face)
I'll work on a background and build a bit later and get it posted for your perusal.

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I'll create an alias if I'm accepted. Also will need to fill out my gear at that point.
Overview - Anueke is a protean Khemite member of The Minds Eye here to learn about, and protect, psionics.
Anueke is a good natured, playful, sensuous woman who, when reasonably convenient, likes to help others.
She is very intelligent although she often tries to hide that fact (men tend to react badly to intelligent women she finds).
She is fascinated by people and that is one of the reasons she has so many identities. How better to learn about people than to befriend them both as one of their own and as an outsider?
Anueke was born in Bubastis in the land of Khem and has always been a follower of Bastet. It wasn't until she hit puberty that she found out that she was, in fact, a Protean and not the human she imagined.
Also at puberty her psionic powers manifested.
She has come to Phaeselis both to study and improve upon her powers and to help the Minds Eye in its defense of Psionics
Anueke has several different identities although only the first 2 of them have any deep background. The others are ones that she occassionally appears as and that would be recognized in the right areas.
Anueke is who she really is and is the identity that the Minds Eye know her as. Note that even they do not know that she is a Protean, they think her a Khemite from Bubastis
The Minds Eye DOES know about her identity as Kahoda Jagatap
Kahoda Jagatap is a male Aryavartan student studying philosophy (by which I include Psionics) at The School of the Chakras.
Panagiotis is a greek male labourer (and occassional thug for hire)
Korina is a female phoenician street merchant who is a devotee of Artemis (the closest Greek equivalent to Bastet)
Meysam Bayat is a female Archemeniad prostitute/con artist who lives by her wits
Protean Psion (Mind bending telepath) 3
Medium shapechanger
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 20 (3d6+6)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 vs. mind effecing and poison
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Psionic Abilities(CL 3rd; concentration +8)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Power Points 18
Manifester Level 3 (2nd level Psion/Telepathy powers)
Feats Psicrystal Affinity, Access Psionic Talent, Expanded Knowledge (claws of the beast)
Traits student of philosophy, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Appraise +9, Autohypnosis +4, Bluff +13, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +6, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Linguistics +9, Perception +2, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Greek, Phoenician, Aryavataran, Archemeniad, Khemite, 2 more
SQ Psychic Familiar, Minor Shape Change
Other Gear sleeves of many garments[UE], disguise kit, masterwork tool, masterwork tool, masterwork tool, 2,600 gp
Special Abilities
Alertness - when near Psicrystal
Psicrystal Nearby You gain the Alertness feat while your psicrystal is within arm's reach.
Impose Will : with focus, 1 level higher with Charm and Compulsion. Mind Link with charmed or dominated creatures
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Hero Crystal : +2 to Fort saves from crystal
Telepathic Link with Psicrystal (Su)
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Share Spells with Psicrystal Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Conceal Thoughts
Create Sound
Detect Psionics
Far Hand
Telepathic Lash
Unearthly Terror
Sicken Body
Trick shot
--- L1 ---
Call to Mind
Claws of the Beast
Dissipating Touch
Empathic Connection
Entangling Debris
Extoplasmic Sheen
Metamorphosis (Lesser)
--- L2 ---
Compelling Voice
Psi Crystal Hero (+2 to Fort)

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:I like it, although I'm wondering. Did you pick up Races of Eberron?
Certainly not recently. I may have it upstairs in my D&D library :-)
Why? I don't recognize the connection
The proteans are based off of Changelings from Eberron. I was just wondering if you had used Races of Eberron with your character, that's all.

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pauljathome wrote:The proteans are based off of Changelings from Eberron. I was just wondering if you had used Races of Eberron with your character, that's all.EltonJ wrote:I like it, although I'm wondering. Did you pick up Races of Eberron?
Certainly not recently. I may have it upstairs in my D&D library :-)
Why? I don't recognize the connection
Nope, just your wiki

EltonJ |

EltonJ- I actually have begun a campaign set in Phaeselis. It is a pathfinder gestalt campaign starting at level one. My players like the setting as well.
My only difficulty is I have trouble finding things on the Wiki.
Each part of the wiki can be found easily. I made it so there are table of contents to the more useful information. The problem I see are the races, which aren't table of contented. To that end, I tried to make things easier with the spinoff wikis.
Send me a pm, and I'll work on making things easier.

Zoe the Summoner |

Well, Zoe does have an eidolon, and standard action summons, which helps somewhat mitigate the lack of a fighter, at least. If nothing else we’ll just have to be a more diplomatic party. Also, the wiki seems to be back up, at least for me.
As an additional note, I’ve made the final edits to this character, and it should be complete now. Are we limited to just two traits, or can we take a third with a drawback?

Helix Missionary |

Ahh, is this closed to all new potential characters, or are previous voices of interest allowed? I'd come up with a decent concept, I think, and it would even fill a role as a frontline combatant, I just hadn't gotten around to posting in with him. If you're willing to take a look, I can present what I have.

EltonJ |

Ahh, is this closed to all new potential characters, or are previous voices of interest allowed? I'd come up with a decent concept, I think, and it would even fill a role as a frontline combatant, I just hadn't gotten around to posting in with him. If you're willing to take a look, I can present what I have.
Okay, I'll take a look. What do you have?

Helix Missionary |

Well, so far, here's a fairly barebones profile for Niketas Auxentios (note the picture is a placeholder), a heroic athlete who makes his home in the Old City. My thinking so far is that he's not considered a particularly popular figure, mostly because of his hulking stature combined with his slightly misshapen appearance--there are rumors that his ancestry goes back to the cyclopean giants of Mycenae. Despite first appearances, though, Niketas is far more than a simple brute: he's an actively dedicated athlete who seeks to hone and understand the powers of arete, as well as something of a novice scholar. More recently, he's been leaning toward turning his skills toward adventuring, seeing that as a better way to challenge himself and further improve his excellence of spirit and body.

EltonJ |

Well, so far, here's a fairly barebones profile for Niketas Auxentios (note the picture is a placeholder), a heroic athlete who makes his home in the Old City. My thinking so far is that he's not considered a particularly popular figure, mostly because of his hulking stature combined with his slightly misshapen appearance--there are rumors that his ancestry goes back to the cyclopean giants of Mycenae. Despite first appearances, though, Niketas is far more than a simple brute: he's an actively dedicated athlete who seeks to hone and understand the powers of arete, as well as something of a novice scholar. More recently, he's been leaning toward turning his skills toward adventuring, seeing that as a better way to challenge himself and further improve his excellence of spirit and body.
He's likeable. Perhaps some rough and tumble clothes would suit him well. I imagine him in a rough, hardy, chiton.

Helix Missionary |

Helix Missionary wrote:Well, so far, here's a fairly barebones profile for Niketas Auxentios (note the picture is a placeholder), a heroic athlete who makes his home in the Old City. My thinking so far is that he's not considered a particularly popular figure, mostly because of his hulking stature combined with his slightly misshapen appearance--there are rumors that his ancestry goes back to the cyclopean giants of Mycenae. Despite first appearances, though, Niketas is far more than a simple brute: he's an actively dedicated athlete who seeks to hone and understand the powers of arete, as well as something of a novice scholar. More recently, he's been leaning toward turning his skills toward adventuring, seeing that as a better way to challenge himself and further improve his excellence of spirit and body.He's likeable. Perhaps some rough and tumble clothes would suit him well. I imagine him in a rough, hardy, chiton.
I'm glad you like him! I imagine the same: a very basic sort of outfit, probably a simple woolen cloth that doesn't need too much work or repair. Pair it with a plain belt and sandals for his general daily life, and he's set.
For other equipment, particularly magic items, would it be acceptable to reflavor appearances to fit better? I admit I'm not up to snuff on my ancient fashion knowledge, but there are definitely some items that are a bit more medieval-fantasy in their typical description, at least from my understanding.

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:Helix Missionary wrote:Well, so far, here's a fairly barebones profile for Niketas Auxentios (note the picture is a placeholder), a heroic athlete who makes his home in the Old City. My thinking so far is that he's not considered a particularly popular figure, mostly because of his hulking stature combined with his slightly misshapen appearance--there are rumors that his ancestry goes back to the cyclopean giants of Mycenae. Despite first appearances, though, Niketas is far more than a simple brute: he's an actively dedicated athlete who seeks to hone and understand the powers of arete, as well as something of a novice scholar. More recently, he's been leaning toward turning his skills toward adventuring, seeing that as a better way to challenge himself and further improve his excellence of spirit and body.He's likeable. Perhaps some rough and tumble clothes would suit him well. I imagine him in a rough, hardy, chiton.I'm glad you like him! I imagine the same: a very basic sort of outfit, probably a simple woolen cloth that doesn't need too much work or repair. Pair it with a plain belt and sandals for his general daily life, and he's set.
For other equipment, particularly magic items, would it be acceptable to reflavor appearances to fit better? I admit I'm not up to snuff on my ancient fashion knowledge, but there are definitely some items that are a bit more medieval-fantasy in their typical description, at least from my understanding.
Yes, you can reflavor appearances to fit the setting better.